Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin
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Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 12 January 25 07:55
A happy new year to Dave and Barbara. Sorry for being missing in action. I will come back on here more often and catch up with your latest projects. Keep up the good work.
A book coming out in March may be of interest to you. Love and Fury: The Life, Death and Legacy of Joe Meek. Unfortunately the author Darryl W Bullock died suddenly before Christmas. He was a lovely man and a friend.
Anna K.
Monday 6 January 25 06:52
I've been listening to the sounds from the Arzachel and Egg albums again, I find your sound inspiring. I'd love to see a picture of how the L-122 you used on them looks like now. (I recently saw that you split it up for transport, was it like thiat when you recorded these two albums?) Greetings!!!
Mervyn Ward mward2k@btinternet.com
Monday 6 January 25 03:55
Happy surprise when my wife, reading the Rick Astley autobiography pointed to Rick's sister's following of a 'slightly more obscure band called Egg'. Nothing obscure, I still play and appreciate their music now, I even played it in assembly at school. Brilliant.
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 28 August 24 14:00
Time flies. Sorry for this much delayed response, nowadays I have little time for anything other than music-making! As ever, Barbara and I appreciate your nice comments and ongoing support.
Re. your questions:
Marco - Our 'A Golden String' EP is a special compilation created for our concertgoers. We sold it at our Tokyo and London gigs and never intended it for public release, but due to an innocent misunderstanding it did briefly appear in our Burning Shed store. There is no other version.
Geoff - Fender Rhodes Stage 73 Mk1.
John - I consider Egg to be an artistic success. "Too weird?" Depends what you mean by weird, but almost certainly too complex for some listeners :) I originally used the wah wah pedal on my guitar and continued using it when I switched to organ. I don't use the pedal now, I can get the same sound via built-in keyboard effects.
Chris - I don't remember that gig but I'm glad it made a positive impression! Thanks for updating Aymeric's list.
Jeff - Thanks, yes 'Underdub' is a scary prospect for a soloist. At the time I had zero experience playing over jazz-style changes but working with Phil (and later, Alan Gowen) broadened my harmonic horizons.
Alex - Sorry for your sad loss. I wish you all the best with your long piece, but Barb and I no longer make guest appearances, we're too busy working on new material.
Richard - Your 18-month-old daughter has excellent taste :)
Don - My L122 organ (which I still own) was split for portability, but the lower section is still cripplingly heavy.
Don bradshaw
Saturday 27 July 24 15:33
Hi Dave! In your Egg/Hatfield and the north/National Health days your L122 organ was moved as it is? or it was splited for portability??
Richard Foltz xoxydzuar@gmail.com
Tuesday 27 February 24 16:25
Hi Dave! My 18-month-old daughter just pulled my copy of The Civil Surface off the CD shelf and it reminded me of the time back in '78 or '79 when on a visit to London as a shamelessly ambitious young American bassist I got in touch with you. You proposed we might get together for a jam and I suggested we play 'Enneagram', the bass part for which I had proudly mastered. A few days later you begged off the meeting, but I nevertheless remember your kind encouragement despite my having sent you a cringeworthy tape of my thoroughly embarrassing "compositions". Ugh. Yes, at 62 I am blessed to have an 18-month-old daughter! That's me breathing down your neck, De Niro! All the best from La Malbaie, Québec. Richard Foltz.
Alexander Moss alexandercmoss@gmail.com
Tuesday 23 January 24 17:17
Hello! I'm currently composing a long piece inspired by the style of the Canterbury scene. The track is to honor the memory of a recently-deceased young man and dear friend who absolutely adored the music of both Hatfield and Health. While it may be a long shot, I wish to inquire with both Dave and Barbara about any chance of featuring them on the record. It would be absolutely awesome to include just a small snippet of input from the inspiration itself! All the best, Alex from America. :)
Stephen Z zim90@hotmail.com
Saturday 18 November 23 12:12
It would be great if you could convince Bruce Woolley to release Radio Science Orchestra's Memories Of The Future in some form so that we could hear Barbara's performance.
jeff chambers jeffchambers1@gmail.com
Tuesday 5 September 23 14:54
Hi Dave - I've just been looking at the Hatfields' Underdub chart and was wondering about your knowledge of harmony and improvising over changes at the time of recording. Taking a solo over those changes is quite frightening even now (I'm an old fan, now strangely 70) but your solo is really excellent. I know you wrote a theory book later on, but had you studied before? Jazz? There wasn't a lot of it (college courses etc) about at that time I don't think. Thanks, and THANKS. Jeff Chambers.
Hugo F hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Monday 28 August 23 16:23
Hi Dave and Barb, been a while! I've been relistening to old records as per usual and had a good listen for the 500th time to the debut Egg album today. It's probably been asked a lot, but why don't Dave, Barb and Mont get back together for a sort of continuance of The Civil Surface. I've guessed over time everyone seems more interested in different music since about the late 70s, but this stuff has never ever gotten old for me. It still sounds more futuristic than what we listen to today. Prog is relatively popular today and it seems to get more listens than ever due to the accessibility of streaming and youtube. I can hope and dream for an extremely avant-garde pushing the envelope drumless Egg + Northette album. Got your Star Clocks signed poster framed on my wall above my organ and moog model D combination, still pretty 70s down here in NZ.
Graham S
Tuesday 11 July 23 07:21
Hi D & B, very much looking forward to August 5th, not least because the last time I saw you on stage was with National Health, in Manchester (the Hollings building/toast rack and fried egg), at a gig so sparsely attended that it felt like a private performance! For which many thanks - I get the distinct impression that lesser bands wouldn't have bothered. I imagine you've tried hard to forget such a poor turn out but rest assured the music was appreciated (and still is).
Chris Mitchell mitchellc06@hotmail.com
Wednesday 21 June 23 15:16
Hi Dave, the Hatfield gig you played at Yeovil college was missing from Aymeric Leroy’s list until I told him I was there (and at the later gig at Johnson Hall). Don’t know if you have any memory of it? The amusing thing I remember is that at the end of the set I was waiting for an encore but most other people started filing out. Phil ran back on, looked out the door and said ‘wait there’s more!’ Felt really sorry for you as this concert was so influential on my musical tastes.
Saturday 6 May 23 09:23
In response to Egg breaking up question, whilst indeed Moving Gelatine Plates' reasons for breaking up were financial, Egg had more psychological reasons, but I'm sure financial problems could apply also. Mont Campbell appeared later on in Prog Britannia documentary, stating that he stopped "simply because of my dependent psychology. I needed praise, and I wasn't getting any. It's a bit like a child that dies age 3 of malnutrition." Mont was definitely unhappy with not having his talents recognised, represented, for instance by poor concert attendances. A common malaise for many musicians outside the mainstream, alas. And, given his subsequent full break with his rock past, he probably was already feeling alienated from the rock musician way of living.
I think the reason Civil Surface was recorded, was because Hatfield and the North's level of success relative to Dave Stewart's previous band may have allowed him to negotiate a release for an album made up of unreleased compositions (though padded with wind quartets composed by Mont).
Jeff Rougvie info@jeffrougvie.com
Thursday 20 April 23 11:47
Hi D&B, I worked at Rykodisc and am writing a book on it (see Rykobook.com) with the support of the label founders. Would you be interested in doing a quick interview for it? Thanks for the great music!
John musicalsound@yahoo.com
Friday 10 March 23 23:34
Hi Dave, I have written here before years ago, and you were very nice and helpful, and I feel compelled to write again! So thanks in advance for reading this. I'm going on 20 years of being aware of the Civil Surface, and it's very existence still perplexes me to this day. Do you consider Egg to be a success or failure? I'm struggling to understand how an album as wild as this never reached the heights of Yes, Floyd, the Nice, even PFM, Gong, and the like. Egg seems so obscure, on the level of the World of Genius Hans album. But Egg made records back then that far surpass in my mind a lot of these bands, although Yes is quite good. Was Egg just too weird? The World of Genius Hans album (by the Moving Gelatine Plates) is also another great one, but I think right after, the band had to split up and the drummer had to sell his drum kit due to being so broke. It seems Egg has the same problem...broke up, reformed for the last album, then broke up again. I just don't get it. Did you guys just get tired of it and wanted to do other things? I tell no lie when I say I think Egg is better than any ELP or Genesis record.
I now have a more technical question in mind. I noticed on the Civil Surface the Hammond spinet organ is going through a wah wah pedal. Wow, such a cool sound. Can you enlighten me as to how you came upon that idea? How did you take the line out of the organ? Could the wah be heard through the internal speaker, or did you hear the affected wah signal from an external speaker or studio monitor? Lastly, I have to ask, what Wah pedal was used, and do you miss that sound? Would you ever do that again? I just don't know too many people who have run a Hammond through a wah, and I must admit I've stolen this idea to use. Thanks for all of the interesting work you've contributed to mankind, and thanks for reading. John.
Geoff geoffprince@talktalk.net
Tuesday 1 November 22 10:05
Hi Dave,
Back in the day, what version of Rhodes piano did you own or prefer, MK1 / MK2?
Thank you for the great music!
Thursday 20 October 22 09:08
Hi Dave. Unable to purchase "A Golden String" at your recent gig (cash not accepted) I got it from Burning Shed and now notice several fade-outs leading into other DS songs (e.g. I'm in a Different World). When track 5 'Cathedral Walk' fades out you can just make out the start of 'Your Majesty is Like a Cream Donut'. Is this version available anywhere - or was it a limited edition for the Japanese market? Thanks, Marco
Matthew Luther luther.matthew@gmail.com
Monday 3 October 22 04:27
Hey Dave and Barb! My name is Matthew, age 32. I'm so grateful to have found this website so I can communicate to you. I listen to your tracks regularly here in Detroit Michigan when working at my job as a leather goods repairman. As someone who makes a hobby of making music I find your choices in instrumentation and sounds to be very inspiring and refreshing, even decades later. They make me think more about the ways music is created. Thank you for your work!
Dave Stewart
Saturday 24 September 22 12:46
Thanks to all for your nice post-concert messages, much appreciated. Sorry there wasn't time to meet up, people brought large quantities of album and CD sleeves for us to sign (one problem of having a 53-year recording career :), so it was hard to hang out with friends. Marco, as tickets originally went on sale in 2020 we anticipated there might be some confusion, so told the door staff to take a kindly view of those arriving with incorrect documentation!
John - making money out of music is harder than it's ever been, and many musicians supplement their income with supplementary work or a day job. There's no shame in that. The important thing is to work hard on developing your musical understanding (not just technique) be as creatively imaginative as possible and be true to the music that's in your heart. Oh, and NEVER SIGN AWAY THE RIGHTS to your music - you can license your recordings while still retaining ownership. Hammond setting: 888, add fourth drawbar and/or percussion to taste. Hugo, the only track to feature Mellotron (not Orchestron) is the elegantly-named 'Boilk'. The lead instrument on 'Long Piece no. 3' is fuzz organ.
Hugo Fanning hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Wednesday 21 September 22 16:04
Hi Dave and Barb, hope you are both well. I have a question for Dave. To what extend was the Orchestron used on The Polite Force? Was that what is used as a lead on the intro to Long Piece? Hope you can answer that, I'm a huge fan of Egg history as there was no better band ever. The work that was done in that three-piece could never be recreated. Regards! Hugo
Tuesday 6 September 22 19:34
Hi Dave! I really love your music and your style of playing, it has really inspired me. Is there any tips or advice you could give me as a young musician looking to hopefully make it my career?
Also do you have any Hammond drawbar settings you really like? Hope you are well, John
Monday 29 August 22 20:00
Thank you so VERY MUCH for the Live Concerts page! ♪
Sunday 17 July 22 08:31
This idiot printed out his 2018 Bush Hall e-ticket by mistake, but thankfully STILL managed to get in to Kings Place! Wonderful to see you do 'Grey Skies' (a personal favourite) with extended coda, and 'New Jerusalem' (mostly) live - thank you! On YouTube Dave, I'm pleased to see that you very recently ranked No.4 in The 10 Greatest PROG KEYBOARDISTS of All Time: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXYXkCFA5is Many of the comments below the video concur gratefully with your inclusion/high ranking.
David Reynolds rdreynolds1945@gmail.com
Monday 11 July 22 10:20
Hi Dave and Barb, Freda and I had a great evening on Saturday. We loved hearing you live again (for me, first time for Freda), and enjoying your great music. Barbara's voice is still outstandingly pure and beautiful, Beren's guitar is amazing and your arrangements are stunning. It brought back great memories of your QE Hall concert with Andy. I bought a copy of the Spin CD: wonderful stuff and great to hear Andy on so many tracks. We didn't wait to see you afterwards as we had a 2hr journey home. I told Andy all about it on the phone later. Hope to catch up with you some time. All good wishes, David Reynolds.
Les leswilson3@googlemail.com
Sunday 10 July 22 08:46
Dear Dave and Barbara, and Beren, Thanks so much for a terrific and wonderful show last night! It was especially good to hear Jerusalem and Grey Skies... and thanks so much for signing my copy of Afters afterwards! On the way home I realised I had blundered: Les Wilson did not give you organ lessons - you gave them to him! So sorry for that. Excuse? Dazed and happy after the concert. Thanks again and best wishes to you all.
Dave Stewart
Friday 1 July 22 22:22
Thank you Hugo. Geof, we considered filming the London gig but it was economically unviable. On a more positive note, a new album *is* in the works :)
Hugo Fanning hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Friday 1 July 22 01:09
Absolutely brilliant, Dave you are a wizard controlling that solo in the beginning, crafted perfectly like a true master in production. A guy who is serious about his tone!
Thursday 30 June 22 07:40
I just found your reply to my years ago suggestion on Jan. 12th 2018 of recording some of the Japanese shows live: on March 11th, you replied: "Thanks for the thought Geof, we'll certainly consider it!" I wonder why you're not considering it this time. Sorry to be frustrated; I've been a fan since the first Egg album, and never seen you live except the Bruford Goes to College DVD, and that's quite different from the Dave & Barb stuff... To end on a positive note, I hope a new album is in the works.
Thursday 30 June 22 07:23
I'm sorry to read your latest news e-mail stating the upcoming single show will not be filmed or streamed. A few years ago when you were planning some dates in Japan, I suggested it, and you seemed open to the idea. Considering how many of us live in other countries and there's no way we can afford to travel overseas to see one concert, I can't fathom why you're unwilling to film it so the rest of us who can't be there can finally see you performing live. It's not like you're going to be doing a world tour ... ever.
I would think you would WANT a video recording of the show for your own archives, in addition to making it available to the many fans who can't attend. You obviously have your reasons; I just wish you'd share them. You have to be aware this is going to disappoint fans who have no way to attend the show who live in other countries. You didn't mention ruling out at least perhaps an audio recording, so maybe at least that's a possibility. One can only hope...
Monday 20 June 22 17:13
Dave and Barb... so when you were planning some Japanese dates a number of years back - pre-Covid - I posted a suggestion/request/idea/plea: for those of us all around the world who don't live in Japan or as with this upcoming case, the UK, PLEASE consider videotaping - or at very least audio recording - the show(s) to be released so the rest of us can enjoy such a rare event. This would be the only chance most of your fans would ever have to see you performing live. I will now beg: PLEASE consider recording at least one (or more, so you have options if a song is better on a given night). Thank-you so much for all the music you've given us over the decades with Egg and Hatfield and the Dave/Barb catalog. And I do hope there is more new music to come ... on CD! Downloads are fine if some people want them, but many prefer a physical CD (or even vinyl). Bonus favor: please reissue 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted', either as a standalone CD single or on a compilation so we finally can have "Broken Heart" and especially "There Is No Reward" on CD. Thanks!
sergio amadori ama.sergio@gmail.com
Friday 13 May 21 15:07
welcome SONG TALK!!
Dave Stewart
Monday 2 May 22 13.26
Thanks Nate, you're welcome! Ben, the chord changes in SOS Part 2 happen on the final 8th note of each bar (1 and 2 and 3 and 4 *AND*), thereby anticipating the next downbeat. The bass part changes note on the downbeat, so its changes always follow the piano's by one 8th note. I think I created the arpeggios by recording them with the tape playing at half speed, which means they sound twice as fast and an octave higher than I actually played them :)
Ben P. Stein bpstein@gmail.com
Saturday 30 April 22 03:04
Could you help settle a debate among some musician friends? In Sahara of Snow Pt 2, does the change in bass note follow the chord changes by a sixteenth note (i.e. occur on the downbeat) or do they both occur at the same time? Also how did you create the nice arpeggio in the track? Sahara remains one of our favorite tracks of all time. Thank you?
Nate Marks natemarkshasa@gmail.com
Thursday 28 April 22 12:59
Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for inspiring me and so many others I've met online with your music, we all love the work you have done over the years, prog or pop :)
This year I've spent learning a bunch of basslines and drum parts from your time with Egg, maybe in the future when I get a kit I can do some covers like Cris G!
Dave Stewart
Sunday 2 April 22 10.20
Hi all :) Loren, there are a few tickets left for our July 9th 2022 London concert, you can buy them
here. Best to act quickly before they get snapped up! The new album is coming on well, planning to finish the guitar recording next week and then over to Barb for lead vocals. Jean-Christophe, I have thought about writing an autobiography but now's not the time... Thanks Hugo, we will reprint Copious Notes at some point, nothing scheduled yet. I'm regularly in touch with my old buddy Hugo Martin Mongomery-Campbell (to give him his proper name :) but a musical collaboration is very unlikely in the forseeable future. I'll take you up on the beer if our paths cross.
Jean-Christophe kitchymitchy@yahoo.fr
Friday 25 March 22 05:37
Dear Dave, following Bill Bruford's and (soon to be released) Steven Wilson's autobiographies, do you have any plan to write one? Please!
Loren Larson loren.larson@asml.com
Thursday 24 March 22 15:48
Dave/Barb, just saw that a concert is on in England July 9th. We'd be coming from the US. Are there a lot of seats left? Know that this is a follow-up concert after the cancelled concert from last year. Please let me know.
Hugo Fanning (again) hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Wednesday 2 March 22 23:30
Dave/Barb, I just purchased quite a few signed items from you both from your recent catalogue (Star Clocks) and wanted to buy some Egg stuff too (from Burning Shed). Where can I buy Copious Notes? It's out of stock and I would really love to purchase a copy of it.
I hope to make the journey from NZ to UK one day, when that day comes, I hope you let me buy you and Barbara a beer wherever you are! You guys are just legends to me. I have great respect for you both. For Dave it's Egg and Hatfield, for Barb it's Lobster in Cleavage Probe and Mumps. Lobster's vocal arrangement is just amazing. I must've repeated the first minute and a half of that song a thousand times in awe of the singing. Not to mention the 'Wring Out' passage that comes after. But I think Clive did the drums better on that bit.
Hugo Fanning hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Sunday 27 February 22 21:53
Hey Dave and Barbara, me again. Been a while.
I have a question for Dave. Would you ever consider pairing up with Mont Campbell again for some kind of collaboration. Would you be open to that? During COVID time many old bands have got back together to re-record music, or make new stuff together. I know I would definitely buy that album. Cheers!
Ross RossClement@gmail.com
Monday 21 February 22 08:01
More music coming in 2022. I remember the long dark tea time of Stewart/Gaskin music when I would visit this website and wonder when or if there would ever be new Dave 'n Barb music. Nowadays it happens that sometimes the answer is 'yes', and I'm left with anticipation of yet another helping. Looking forward to the album.
peter checksfield peterchecksfieldauthor@gmail.com
Tuesday 18 January 22 04:16
Hi Dave & Barbara, my name is Peter Checksfield, and I’m an author, best known for the book Top Of The Pops: The Lost Years Rediscovered 1964-1975.
I’m currently working on a follow-up, covering the years 1976-1985. As with the first book, I plan to include quotes from people who performed on the show, so if you’ve anything - memories, opinions, anecdotes, rare pics - then I’d love to hear from you.
Best wishes,
Peter Checksfield.
sergio amadori ama.sergio@gmail.com
Friday 15 October 21 00:12
happy happy 40th anniversary of 'It's My party'... it's been OUR party ever since... ciao!
Carl prometheustitanwarrior@gmail.com
Saturday 22 May 21 17:43
Hello! Tried getting message on for some time. Love every bit of music you were involved in, all Canterbury in general. Guitarist with Mini Moog clone. Bought guitar fx EH C9, gets very good Hammond sounds from guitar. Now trying to get L122 fuzz wah sound from it, it's a project. Cheers to all!
Nate natehasa@gmail.com
Friday 26 March 21 05:24
Rest in peace to Chick, I was only just getting into his music as he very sadly passed :(
I find that so many musicians from this scene had connections with other scenes and more famous artists; 'tis a small world.
My friend bought a wah and distortion pedal (not just for the showcase) not long ago, the wah is a legendary Vox Crybaby, but I haven't had a chance to use it yet due to the organ at my school only having an aux in (quarter jack), so I'll have to bring my cord converter to school on a day we can practice!
I can't wait, we've already got the whole opening section up until the vocal sections down pat, now we just need to polish it up and I'll start teaching a drummer here how to play it :D
I did 'I Will Be Absorbed' for a singing competition by the way, many people enjoyed it c:
I'll be sure to crank the distortion up all the way for the beginning! (Sorry for the long comment, I blab on too much :p)
Dave Stewart
Saturday 20 March 21 13:30
Hi Roberto & Nate, thanks for the kind remarks, I'm pleased you're enjoying the music. Roberto, Chick (R.I.P.) and I did speak at the Rainbow Theatre: we said "hi" to each other and smiled. A great meeting of minds :) Chick was a nice guy, I noticed how pleasantly and politely he spoke to his keyboard tech - "Would you change that cord* for me? Thank you, I appreciate it." (* Cord (US) = cable.) His band were scarily brilliant. As you say, Chick was an influence on myself and Alan Gowen round this time, but for my part that influence subsided in time and mainly affected my electric piano style in the mid-'70s. Alan's synth solos were reminiscent of Chick's: both had a precise pianistic technique and a clean sound.
So Nate, you like Egg's music and are learning to play it. That's great - it's not easy to play this stuff, I hope you find a drummer who can tackle it :) 'Newport Hospital' is one of my favourite Egg songs too, we played it live a lot and I can still remember most of it. The opening riff is supposed to sound like heavy metal, so crank up the distortion and volume! Good luck with the showcase. Best to you both, Dave.
Nate Marks natemarkshasa@gmail.com
Friday 19 March 21 18:26
I just wanted to stop by and give my many thanks and high appreciation for your music, Dave. I first heard your playing from a Spotify recommendation of the eponymous album Egg around three or four years ago, and you have forever changed my outlook on music; so much so that I've learn many of the Egg songs on my organ c: Such witty and lovely playing on essentially all the tracks I've heard you on, if only those Canterbury bands from the late '60s and '70s had been given more appreciation and air time!
Either way, I must say that 'A Visit to Newport Hospital' is easily my favourite song of all time, I plan on doing a cover of it at my school next year with my friend on bass (a prog lover like me), and a drummer that is yet to be found. I've been notating all the music for a few months now, and can't wait to play it for our school showcase!
Once again, I can't thank you enough for the impact you've had on my musical style when playing and composing, my tastes as a listener, and for opening my eyes to this lovely scene of music as a ripe 12 year old musician :D
Roberto Kriscak roberto.kriscak@fastwebnet.it
Monday 15 February 21 07:38
Hi Dave, you're a great and always admired your works; also sad for the death of Chick Corea, one of the best keyboard players ever - I know you and the Hatfields played with Return to Forever 15th March 1974 at the Rainbow Theatre - some journalists wrote about common relations - did you never talk with Chick? And maybe something in Alan Gowen's style was a little related to Chick's style? Alan, of course was another genius with his brilliant style, maybe something in his synth solos is close to CC... more than you (in National Health your solos were more frequently on Hammond and Alan's on synth) What do you think? Thanks a lot, and I enjoyed Stars Clocks (especially chords and pads in 'Time's Arrow')
Dave Stewart
Monday 15 February 21 11:45
Hi Havish, thanks for your birthday wishes - I don't feel a day older than 69 :) Re. your questions, 1. I usually develop melody lines by playing the underlying chord sequence slowly, deciding on a scale that fits each chord and devising mini-phrases based on the scale notes. The phrase fragements can then be joined up to form a longer melody line. Composing an interlocking or contrapuntal line follows the same logic, but then I'd be looking for moments where the new line could make a nice harmony with the main line, or perhaps occasionally burst out with its own mini-melody. This all involves a fair amount of trial and error, but I always know when it's right, and always keep in mind the vertical and harmonic relationship of the chords and melody line(s). 2. Soloing is also a question of working out which scale(s) best fit the chords, then playing them over and over till they're embedded. The objective is to be aware of any chord change 'hurdles' coming up, and being able to instantly switch scales while maintaining melodic fluency. Takes a lot of practice. 3. I PM'd you at the email address you used in your earlier posts. Regarding my scores, please see my January 18th answer below. Keep well! Best, Dave.
Friday 29 January 21 19:36
I would like to add that after the past few years of listening to and learning your music, I have improved as a musician far more than I ever would have, and it has been a joy going down the rabbit hole of your creative output, whether it be the moments of elation when I figure out the nonsensical modulations and time signatures, or the moments of defeat when things go over my head. In fact, I'm certain if you asked any of my friends who my favorite musician was, they'd respond, "Isn't it that Dave guy?". As a final request, do you happen to have any scores of any of your music on hand? Being able to look at any music throughout your career would be a great help. (Of course, don't worry about it if you have to go out of the way, I don't want to trouble you.)
Friday 29 January 21 19:11
Hi Dave, you may recall me messaging here what must have been a year ago. I still am immensely fascinated with your work, and have been enjoying your recent breakdowns of your songs. I had a few more questions for which I would be tremendously grateful if you could answer. Also, happy (very) belated birthday! I hope you and Barb have been doing well during the pandemic.
1. What is your personal creative process for developing interlocking and complex lines? For example, the 5 minute portion of Mumps starting at 3:44 and going to the organ solo has confused me. After transcribing it, it appears compositionally sound, and I can understand it, but I struggle to come up with anything with near the same depth.
2. How do you practice/work on soloing? I've worked out your solos, specifically on live recordings of tracks like Land Crabs and Lything and Gracing, and the notes are far too deliberate to be arbitrary flurries of notes, yet far too fast for me to fathom a (sane) human improvising it.
3. Just had some questions about copyright; I am currently recording an album which has some of your music (I believe it was actually written by Dirk, but I don't know how responsive he is so I am asking you as well), and I just wanted to know if there'd be any issues with this.
Dave Stewart
Monday 18 January 21 13:57
Thanks Martin, you're welcome :) Re. the scores, it's on my bucket list but right now I'm focused on creating new music.
Martin Wickers
Wednesday 13 January 21 04:15
Hello Dave.
Someone was asking on the National Health Facebook page if there were any transcriptions of your and Alan Gowen's keyboard parts. One response said that in the first edition of Introducing the Dots there are scores to Hell's Bells, Tenemos Roads, The Collapso and Borogroves Pt 1. I bought the revised editions 'Inside the Music' without these scores. Is it possible for you to upload these onto this site? Or make them available some other way? I'd pay for them! Cheers Martin.
Martin Wickers martingeneric2017@gmail.com
Tuesday 29 December 20 15:36
Getting in early to wish you a very happy 70th birthday, Dave. I was listening to Solar Music Suite from Fish Rising this afternoon, your organ solo is pure joy! Thank you for ALL the music. Cheers Martin
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 22 December 20 15:10
You can see this gentleman in action at 3.20 in our Star Clocks promo video. Chelsea beat his old team 3-0 yesterday!
Brian brianfsteffensen@yahoo.ca
Wednesday 9 December 20 11:58
Important information for all Chelsea Fans who want to be safe in his arms:
Dave Stewart
Friday 20 November 20 17:30
Hi Hugo, my favourite Egg pieces are 'A Visit to Newport Hospital' and 'Enneagram' (the version on The Metronomical Society CD). Egg 'Symphony No. 1' was never recorded, but Mont Campbell told me he remembers some of its music - quite a feat, since we last played it 52 years ago! No plans for further Egg archive releases at the moment :)
Hugo Fanning hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Thursday 19 November 20 10:06
I also want to say, the introduction to Egg Symphony No. 2 has been my ring tone for a few years. I love that intro, I've always tried to figure it out on my organ but it's a very difficult section in my opinion...
Any chance of any unreleased Egg recordings ever being released? Us fans are begging for me (I pray that Egg Symphony 1 exists!)
Hugo Fanning hugo.fanning@gmail.com
Wednesday 18 November 20 20:36
Hey Dave! Biggest fan. I want to ask, what's your favourite bit you did with Egg? I don't know if I can choose one. Symphony No. 2 and its mind-bending dissonance has always been my favourite, but very close is Newport. To date, every single person I have shown Newport Hospital has absolutely loved it. It's unlike anything they've ever heard. Thanks!
Monday 2 November 20 23:58
Dear Dave,
I was wondering if there is a complete score of your strings arrangement for No Man’s Truenorth available to purchase? In the full version there are some sections I would love to look at. It may interest you to know that I use this arrangement in my teaching work. where I teach the principals of counterpoint in contemporary styles. With best wishes,
Dave Stewart
Monday 2 November 20 11:51
Cheers Michael, I'd forgotten about that solo :) Josh, I recommend you learn piano - it's how I learned to play, and many of my band compositions were written on piano. The main sound I used with those bands was a Hammond L122 organ, which I used to amplify through an amp and two speaker cabinets. It would be difficult to replicate the equipment now, and if you tried, the chances are it wouldn't souind the same. An easier approach would be to use music software such as Logic Pro, buy a cheap MIDI keyboard and use a Hammond organ instrument plug-in - I believe there are some free ones (as opposed to hacks :) available on the internet. Good luck! Best, Dave.
Josh T.
Sunday 1 November 20 23:02
I wanted to stop by and say that Egg is absolutely incredible. Also a big fan of National Health and Arzachel. I don't play any instruments currently, but I would love to learn piano. Is there an easy way to replicate the sound of the organ / piano found in those three bands? I love it so much... You are a hero Dave. Your music means so much to me.
Michael G
Tuesday 13 October 20 12:29
Hi Dave - just a quickie to say that your solo at the end of Steve Hillage's "The Fire Inside" is one of my favourite bits of music ever, spoiled only when it starts to fade. It was definitely worth carrying on for another 8-10 mins!
Dave Stewart
Monday 14 September 20 15:00
Cheers Colin, I hope you nailed the lead line without mishap (I think I've strained my left index finger trying to play Beren's guitar voicings, dangerous instrument that). Hi Joe, thanks for your support as ever! Glad you guys are enjoying the deconstructions, it's been fun doing them. We haven't recorded gigs in the past because it was too complicated and expensive, but due to advances in technology things are a little easier now - so we'll definitely keep your suggestion in mind! Anthony, 'Blane' was a solo organ improv I used to perform regularly on Egg gigs - there's a good, clearly recorded example (entitled 'Blane Over Camden') on the retrospective Egg album
The Metronomical Society. It's quite simple really - I played my Hammond organ through a fuzz box and amplified it through a 100-watt stack, deafening hundreds of music fans in the process :)
Sunday 13 September 20 18:03
Hello Dave, thank you for your contributions to groups such as Egg, H&TN, and National Health. I have a question regarding your contributions during the Egg days: What was going on during your renditions of 'Blane' (particularly in a live setting)? This is something that is never talked about and it’s something I personally find interesting because I have never heard anything like it before. But because of the very few bootleg recordings that exist of the band at that time, it’s extremely difficult to tell what is actually happening. From my knowledge, you utilized a Hammond L122 w/ a fuzz box and an amp head. Was there anything else in particular you used or did to achieve that “ringy” feedback? Cheers!
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Friday 11 September 20 18:20
Dear Dave, although you do not expect to resume UK gigging until July 2021, please consider my earnest plea to record a live gig or two when the time does come (if at all a reasonable request) and offer for purchase as a CD and/or download. Maybe this is asking a bit too much, but please do consider if you will. I would LOVE to hear something as close to LIVE Dave 'n' Barb music as might be possible, and I cannot imagine I am alone in this regard! As with all of your music thus far, I'm sure it would be well worth the wait! Kind Regards!
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Friday 11 September 20 18:07
I second Colin's thanks for the recent return of 'Inside the Music'! Many thanks, and well wishes to you Dave 'n' Barb! :)
Colin Grose Colin.grose@yahoo.com
Thursday 6 August 20 15:37
No one seems to have written to appreciate your work on providing the latest series of 'Inside the Music'. I have always enjoyed these and am enjoying the current dissections. Please keep up this great series. Once I have recovered from blowing the dust of the power button on the synth, I shall attempt the lead line you provided! Many thanks.
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 7 July 20 10:03
A memorable gig, thanks for being there. Can't remember anything about the performance, but I do recall that when we asked the manager if there was a dressing room, he directed us to a fish and chip shop over the road - apparently it was common practice for bands to sit at a back table and change into their stage clothes :) I don't think Beyoncé would have stood for it. All being well, Barbara and I will resume UK gigging in July 2021, hope to see you then. Keep an eye on our
web page or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.
Kevin Smith kevws919@gmail.com
Wednesday 1 July 20 05:50
First saw Egg in 1970, 76 Club in a dump called Burton on Trent. We still talk about it Dave, honestly, many people were blown away by the sheer originality of the gig. I still think it's the best live music I've ever seen, alongside Caravan performing 'Nine Feet Underground' with Mr Sinclair. Can't wait to see you live again. Please try and play more frequently, even if it's only at a local pub with just you and Barbara.
Joe Field bridgeport156@yahoo.co.uk
Friday 5 June 20 01:15
Happy **th Barb! Best wishes to both of you.
Adam Denning adamdenning@hotmail.com
Thursday 28 May 20 03:16
Thanks for the response re. 'What Becomes of the Brokenhearted', Dave. I've actually found my plastic copy (along with 'It's My Party'!), but currently have no way to play it :-(
Dave Stewart
Friday 1 May 20 13:45
Thanks Graham, we're doing OK here, hope you too! The venue can't guarantee they'll be open this August, so unfortunately we've had to reschedule. As things are so uncertain at the moment, we felt it was sensible to push the event back to July 31st 2021 - you can use your existing tickets for that date at no extra cost, or ask for a full refund. (Burning Shed have sent a message to all ticket buyers explaining the options). All those who hold on to their current e-tickets will be guaranteed a seat - we're 100% committed to making this special anniversary concert go ahead :)
Graham L
Thursday 30 April 20 11:02
Hello Dave and Barbara. You must be in a quandary about the gig in August. I certainly am. I have two tickets. The hotel in London has offered me a refund, and I've yet to buy the rail fares. I imagine that not much will change as far as social distancing is concerned - we won't have a vaccine by August, so big gigs like yours will surely not be feasible. I was wondering whether you have set a deadline for the decision to go ahead or cancel. Stay safe you two.
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 1 April 20 12:16
That sounds pretty close - bright with plenty of key click. For an authentic Egg organ sound emulation, turn off the chorus / Leslie effect (we couldn't afford a Leslie cabinet :) Well done for copping the licks!
John A. Millar
Tuesday 31 March 20 10:06
Until I can track down a real L122 and work up the courage and lower back strength to get it upstairs, I'm using Arturia's B3-V, part of their brilliant V Collection. Although obviously designed as a B3 emulation it can be pushed in a L122 kind of direction with not-bad results! If you're interested, I quickly recorded a short demo of my attempt at recreating some of those older sounds, all out of the box with just a bit of EQ'ing to brighten it up a bit. It can be found at shorturl.at/aeo06
Dave Stewart
Sunday 29 March 20 23:14
Hi John, thanks for that very nice message. Good luck playing those parts, they're not too challenging technically but as you will have figured, there are a lot of metrical changes and the harmonies in some of Mont's pieces are not exactly standard progressions :) What L122 emulation are you using BTW? I've been on the lookout for a good one for a while. Hope to see you at a gig one day, we'd like to play outside London at some point!
John A. Millar johnmillar1311@outlook.com
Sunday 29 March 20 14:00
Hi, Dave! I just wanted to stop by to thank you for the overwhelming inspiration I've had from your playing, compositions and organ sounds/techniques since properly getting into Bruford's music last year (and subsequently Egg/Hatfield/NH). I've been a self-taught keyboardist/synth geek and big progressive rock fan since I was young (now 23), I've had Wakeman and Emerson as heroes, but it has been your music that has impacted me the most. It has not only made me love playing the keys more than I ever have before (particularly with my digital 'Civil Surface’ era L122 emulation - my new sound of choice), but also pushed me to learn more about harmony, composition and arrangements. The stuff you were involved in back then has to be some of the richest, sophisticated and musically interesting stuff ever played in a rock band setting and it never fails to inspire. With the help of both of your books, I’m finally starting to grasp the more formal, technical side of music that's behind it all, and this is in addition to my personal mission of learning all of those timeless keyboard parts (I've currently made a lot of progress on the wonderful 'Germ Patrol', wish me luck for eventually tackling the likes of 'Enneagram' or ‘Homerton’!).
At risk of writing a full-on essay, I'll wrap it up here and give my thanks once again for all of the music from back then, as well as all of the finely-crafted textures and harmonies both yourself and Barbara Gaskin have been releasing since. Long may it continue, and maybe one day there’ll be something close enough to a Scottish date that I can make it to! Cheers!
Dave Stewart
Friday 13 March 20 16:45
Hi Jean-Christophe, SW asked me to do some string arrangements but we were preparing for Japanese concerts at the time and unfortunately I couldn't fit it in. Maybe next time! Hi Adam, thanks for coming to our gigs. We don't sell the original version of 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted' (not a legal issue - I own the rights) but there's a 2010 remake of the track and its B-side, both with Barbara on vocals, on our As Far As Dreams Can Go (Special Edition) CD.
Jean-Christophe kitchymitchy@yahoo.fr
Friday 13 March 20 08:42
Hi Dave, the new Steven Wilson album is recorded. Did he had the chance to benefit again from your clever arrangements skills?
Adam Denning adamdenning@hotmail.com`
Saturday 7 March 20 02:58
Came to the gig at the Bush Theatre, coming to the August 1st gig this year. I'd love to hear 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted' again, but I can't find it online anywhere and therefore I suspect you won't play it live either. Is there some kind of rights issue? I used to own the actual plastic and I loved that version of the song.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 1 March 20 01:06
Hi Graham, you read our mind! We'll ask people to list their concert requests in next Friday's Stewart / Gaskin newsletter.
Graham L
Thursday 27 February 20 01:16
I was wondering whether you could devise some sort of online poll of Time's Arrow attendees to determine a "by popular demand" song from your catalogue to play at the concert.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 19 February 20 01:06
Hi John, the lyric is "It's what your right mind's for" :) We've played HOTTC live a few times, it's fun to perform. Paul, thanks for that, glad you enjoyed the songs and biographies! Martin Shaw was Mont's grandfather, a leading English composer of the day (he and Mont both!) and composer of the great hymn tune 'Hills of the North Rejoice'. Mont tells me his sister Isobel was instrumental in getting Shaw's work out on CD, thanks for mentioning it. Best, DS
John O'Hara
Thursday 13 February 20 00:57
I recently purchased The TLG Collection and was immediately bowled over by the track 'Hold On To The Chain'. You said in the sleeve notes that you might revisit it at some time and I really hope that you do! One thing’s been bugging me though. It’s the line “No need to explain, it what your [something]’s for”. I can’t quite make out what that [something] is. If you (or indeed anyone else) could enlighten me, it’d be much appreciated! Cheers, John
Saturday 25 January 20 10:54
Hi Dave and Barbara. I purchased As Far As Dreams Can Go, The Singles and Spin for Xmas. Really enjoyed reading the biographies. Have listened to them (together with other Xmas purchases) in the car, alphabetically (don't like to know what's coming next). I bought these albums originally back in the '90s but the clarity of the remixes and the new songs/versions I thought was very special. Incidentally, one of those purchases was a CD called The Airmen - songs of Martin Shaw, Mont Campbell's uncle I think. So your songs side by side Shaw's was particularly fun!! I am a retired music teacher but have written and performed serious pop music from the age of 10 (I'm now 62) - I would like to send you a song I recorded with a singer from the mid 1990s when we were going through our Canterbury period. Is there any way to safely send an mp3 to you? I think you would enjoy listening - don't worry I'll not bombard you - just the one track! All the best to both of you and do keep on doing what you do. You are beacons of light in a 'Grey Skies' world!!
Ben P. Stein bpstein@gmail.com
Friday 10 January 20 04:05
Dave, thank you for the good wishes and great advice! Tremendously appreciated! Ben
Dave Stewart
Thursday 9 January 20 10:30
Hi Ben, good luck with the performance. I don't recall what tone settings I used on the Yamaha CP-70B, but it was nothing extreme - maybe add some treble, and back off the bass a little if it sounds too boomy. On gigs I sometimes patched a fuzz pedal into the piano's jack inserts, you can hear it in the improv at the front of 'Sahara of Snow' on the Bruford Rock Goes To College DVD. On a musical note, this tune can get a bit hectic on stage - the band needs to concentrate on not speeding up, or else the feel will suffer ;) Cheers Richard, glad you enjoy 'Leipzig' and our other releases!
Richard Harrison
Monday 6 January 20 09:28
I booked a holiday to East Germany (incl. Leipzig) in the autumn of 1983, to go in August 1984. I first heard 'Leipzig' in March 1984. This wonderful track became the sound of my holiday. I bought the single three times due to heavy use! My all-time favourite song. Still enjoying it 35 years later. For some reason it has taken me till now to buy the back catalogue! Star Clocks is on order, but I am loving the other albums... I don't know why it has taken me so long to get them! However.. I am sure enjoying them now! Thanks Dave and Barbara for creating such fantastic music.
Ben P. Stein
Saturday 4 January 20 09:10
Happy New Year, Dave! In April I will be performing Sahara of Snow Parts 1 and 2 with some friends at a music festival in Tampa. I'm really excited and it's an honor to play your music. Do you have any tips or guidelines on the settings you used for the CP70/CP80 on those songs for Bruford? Thanks! Ben
Dave Stewart
Thursday 12 December 19 23:14
Thanks Nick & Louis, you're welcome! Plans are afoot for a London concert next year and we have several new songs in the pipeline, so we rock on :) Listeners like yourselves make it all worthwhile.
Saturday 19 October 19 08:07
I received my copy of Star Clocks a couple of days ago and have played it continuously on my daily walks. Awesome, just awesome. Dave's lyrics and music are fantastic and so is Barbara's immaculate voice - still to my mind one of the best female voices of her generation. Lots of highlights but my oh my, 'Everything Sings' is about as perfect as perfection can get. Amazing poetry, composition and performance. Thanks guys (from a fan of over 40 years and counting).
Nick Polak nickpolak944@gmail.com
Monday 16 September 19 11:29
Dear Dave and Barb,
I'm a fan since Egg and all the way through every appearance by either and both of you. I was traveling from the States and couldn't believe my luck that you would be performing - something I truly thought I would never live to see, as Dave chose not to participate in the last Hatfield reunion (R.I.P. Phil & Pip). This was, without a doubt, one of the most enjoyable evenings of music in a very long time, and I hope you will consider performing more frequently - maybe in the UK, where I am now resident! Thanks again for one of the most thrilling evenings of my life: a true dream come true.
Much love from this old fan, now in Liverpool.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 7 September 19 22:22
Hi John, glad you like the albums, thanks for your support! We don't use streaming services for our music, no plans to change that at the moment.
John O'Hara
Friday 6 September 19 07:35
Hi Dave and Barb,
I really liked your stuff with Hatfield and the North and National Health, but until very recently I never paid much attention to your later output. After listening to a couple of tunes while idling around on the interwebs, I realized my mistake and was instantly hooked and have since purchased Star Clocks and Green and Blue (both brilliant, by the way).
Something else I have recently done is take out a subscription on Spotify and was slightly disappointed to see than you don't seem to have anything published there. Do you have any plans at all to change this? Cheers,
Tuesday 13 August 19 19:01
Wow - I had heard the Squarer for Maud riff as G-Ab-C and B-D-F, don't know how I messed that one up. [ You got the second chord basically right - the sixth in the F minor is hard to hear in the mix, took me while to realise it was there! D.S. ] I completely understand about Brujo, that's something I can work on figuring out myself, and I wouldn't want to take any time out of your work unnecessarily. And yes, I have heard Jacob Collier's music. He has a way with harmony that I've never seen out of anyone else, and an almost equal ability to express what he does in a way that makes it understandable. I think most musicians would be lying if they said they weren't a bit jealous of him!
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 13 August 19 09:53
Hi Havish, I appreciate your kind words, it's great that you're exploring the intricacies of this music. Sorry I can't help you with 'Brujo', I'm fully preoccupied writing new Stewart / Gaskin material and preparing for our Japanese live shows later this year. In answer to your musical questions, 'Newport Hospital' is mainly my composition with lyrics by Mont Campbell - Mont also wrote the sections at 1.43 - 2.54, 5.31 - 5.41, 6.22 - 7.13 and 8.04 - 8.25 (and yes, that chord sequence of Mont's at 2.10 is great!) 'Squarer for Maud' is all John Greaves' work, I had a hand in the arrangement (which was largely worked out in the studio :) The piano riff Fmin9 chord contains a sixth (G-Ab-D) and I think the next chord is Ab-B-D-F over Db bass, with bass notes G, Bb & C leading back to the Fm. P.S. Are you familiar with Jacob Collier's work? He's unbelievable.
Friday 9 August 19 00:37
Hi Pete, I listened to some of Gilgamesh's music, and I really enjoyed it. No surprise as it comes from Alan Gowen! (R.I.P.)
pete fortune
Wednesday 7 August 19 13:38
Havish - astonishing you are only 14 years of age - the music I listened to at your age was... was... well, perhaps, slightly less sophisticated?
Have you checked out some Zappa? Not his bawdy stuff, though. I think you could immerse yourself in some of Frank's music, and of course, loads of other "Canterbury" music.
For sublime subtlety, listen to Gilgamesh, Another Fine Tune... or slightly (?) more hedonistic, Kevin Ayers.
Havish Shirumalla hshirum37@yahoo.com
Wednesday 7 August 19 01:57
Pete - thanks for the kind words; we can only hope!
I’d like to list some of my favorite harmonic moments in your works, some of which I have been able to figure out, and all of which I have made some attempt to incorporate into my playing.
1. 'A Visit to Newport Hospital' (I don’t know if you or Mont Campbell wrote this part) - I’ve heard whole-step descending major sevenths in Emerson’s music, but in the 9/8 figure at 1:19 works so well with it. The chords at 2:10 remain my favorite ever use of a tritone substitution.
2. 'Squarer for Maud' (John Greaves has writing credits but I’d imagine you wrote the piano part) - At 6:14, the piano riff going from Fmin9 to Bdim (?) is one of the coolest lines I’ve heard a solo over.
3. 'Tenemos Roads' - The hook is so catchy, and the modulation to the parallel minor is wonderful.
4. Going Up To People And Tinkling - Phil Miller sounds very John McLaughlin-esque in this one, and the band sounds both tight and loose at the same time, both good things.
5. Son of ‘There’s No Place Like Homerton’ - I haven’t been able to work this piece out either (a true shame I don’t have ear training), but it stands as one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.
I made this list because the technical beauty of your work is nearly unparalleled, and I wanted to share some of that knowledge with others who would happen to chance this thread. If only I was alive to read your Keyboard Mag articles. ;)
Also, if you don’t mind, could I ask for a favor in figuring out the notes to 'Brujo'? I am working on arranging it for an indoor percussion show (Google it if you are unfamiliar), and I can only figure out bits and pieces. I know releasing sheet music wouldn’t be in your best interests, but any help towards the notes or chords, specifically the part where Amanda Parsons enters at around 8:30, would be great. I don’t know how much of it you have, as Alan Gowen wrote this track, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
pete fortune
Wednesday 7 August 19 00:01
Havish - if Mr. Stewart is your musical role model you may be destined for great things.
Havish Shirumalla hshirum37@yahoo.com
Tuesday 6 August 19 21:13
Hello Mr. Stewart, somewhat echoing Ryan’s words here; I’ve followed all of your career’s work, with Egg, Hatfield & the North, National Health, Bruford, etc. Your compositions are incredible, and upon the fourth or fifth listen, still remain fresh and give something to look out for. As a young aspiring composer/keyboardist for progressive music (I’m 14, so a long ways to go in terms of maturation), I constantly find myself closely analyzing your music, whether it be your smooth modulations or contrapuntal keyboard lines. The intricacies in the rhythm and harmony in some of your pieces has opened up many new ideas to me. Your work along with the many greats you have worked with has been a true inspiration for many aspiring music writers like myself.
When I found out that you were still making music, I was delighted to find that it still had that captivating quality that I came to associate with you. Thanks for creating the music that you do, as your music has indirectly changed my life.
Dave Stewart
Monday 20 May 19 13:50
Bjørn, that's very nice, thank you. Ryan, good to know young people are tuning in :) Coincidentally, Barbara mentioned to me recently that we wouldn't need work permits to play in Canada (by contrast, a colleague of ours is currently arranging US work permits for his band at a cost of $6,000!) Unfortunately though, Canadian gigs aren't likely given the cost of air fares etc. Perhaps you could come and see us play in London some time instead? You can keep abreast of our 2019-2020 concert plans by subscribing to our newsletter. Hey Greg, it's not me, I have nothing to do with that band. The writer is Dave *Stuart* (not Stewart) and the Discogs link is wrong.
Greg Watt wattfour@hotmail.com
Friday 17 May 19 22:11
Hi Dave, I've just bought a copy of 'The Tickle - Rare and Unreleased' record store day 10". After doing a bit of research on Discogs your name comes up as co-writer on all the tracks, albeit under a different name. You're also listed as a member of the band that preceded them - Bunch Of Fives.
Is this actually the case as your bio doesn't mention them at all?
Cheers from Australia, Greg.
Ryan Christie ryan_christie@live.com
Sunday 21 April 19 00:01
Dave, had I known that you were even remotely possible to reach, I would've made an attempt to reach you sooner. I must say - you were literally the reason I purchased and restored my own Hammond. It might sound ridiculous to you, but you've played a larger role in the universe than I think you might realize. Know there are folks in their early 20's like myself, a new generation of weirdo counter-culture millennials who you continue to influence.
You touch everything you're a part of, and I know none of it would be as profound as it is without you. From your origins with Uriel, Egg, working with Steve on Space Shanty, Hatfield, National Health and onward, these are some of my favourite compositions and recordings ever. Not to focus on your past either, you and Barbara are also phenomenal together. Please, one day, come play here in Toronto. Hell, I'd really do anything for an autograph, let alone the opportunity to see you perform.
Tuesday 19 March 19 17:21
Thank you for your music!! It's golden, classic pop that keeps on giving. I wish I knew about you from the 80's. My entry now was listening to Canterbury prog and intricate song arrangements (like 'Mumps'). And Barbara's singing is just lovely, I don't know how to express it, it's sweet and true. Wishing the very best to you both!
Dave Stewart
Friday 15 March 19 11:35
Cheers Pete! Les and Alistair, thanks for your nice comments, glad you're enjoying our songs. More are on the way. Thanks Ian, good to know Pip's kit is reassembled and being played, he'd have approved :) Jeff, that gig was Saturday Nov 27th 1971.
Jeff jeffreycraddock@hotmail.com
Thursday 7 March 19 15:08
I was clearing out my loft yesterday when I found an Egg poster that I think I must have bought when I saw the band supporting the Groundhogs at Birmingham Town Hall in 1971 (?). It prompted me to re-visit Newport Hospital. I love that song just as much as I ever did.
Alistair alistairmeister@gmail.com
Friday 22 February 19 09:41
Dear Dave and Barbara (and musicians),
I reconnected with your music after hearing your 1985 'Henry & James' release. I bought the Keyboard Magazine because of the sellotaped floppy. I have never heard anything as mysterious and magical before or since.
Several times last year, I watched some early Allan Holdsworth in which you were playing keys (with Jeff Berlin and Bill Bruford) most likely at some uni gig. And that led me to "search-out" your music. I recently bought Star Clocks and love this CD. Today I have ordered three other CD's.
In closing, as a trained musician, I wish to convey my deep appreciation, and how, in my opinion, your music has all the earmarks of divine "participation" (to use a common phrase in Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 A.D.). Blessings upon you both in every aspect.
Alistair McPherson PhD candidate (Theology & Apologetics - Biblical Studies/Cognates), Adjunct Professor/Online Instructor.
Les Wilson leswilson3@googlemail.com
Tuesday 22 January 19 11:53
My copy of Star Clocks arrived today and I am very happy. It's beautiful and on repeat. The subtlety and poignancy of the music still grows and progresses - 'Heavy Heart' and 'Afraid of Clowns' resonate with me very deeply, and it is still early listening days! Thank you and best wishes!
pete fortune golferfortune@hotmail.com
Monday 14 January 19 13:47
E2 E4 - Full Suite - check this out after a wee smoke - discovered it in my (now adult) son's vinyl collection.
pete fortune
Sunday 30 December 18 03:24
happy burpday mr stewart - they arrive with increasing rapidity, don't they?
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Tuesday 25 December 18 11:52
Forgot to tell you that Pip's cymbals were reunited with the rest of his drumkit in Margate chez Mark Hewins earlier this year where they will be bashed to death by visiting drummers.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 20 December 18 22:22
Thanks guys, we enjoyed playing 'The Cloths of Heaven' this year and hope to do so again in 2019. At our recent gigs we performed several of the Star Clocks songs along with a selection of older tunes... it was great to get out on stage again, the audiences were fantastically supportive. Phil, I began writing string arrangements in 2006 after our friend Gavin Harrison joined Porcupine Tree and recommended me as an arranger. This led to me creating string and choir arrangements for Steve Wilson's solo albums, as well as a number of string arranging jobs for other acts. The artist usually sends me demos of the songs along with their ideas for string / choir arrangements, then I orchestrate their sketches for live players, tweaking the chord voicings and throwing in some ideas of my own. I work with an excellent group of players called the London Session Orchestra, the players play to a click so there's need for a conductor! It's always a pleasure to work with this team, they have an amazing collective feel and their first takes often sound like they've been playing the song for years :)
phil negrin negrin.philippe@orange.fr
Wednesday 19 December 18 06:11
Hi Dave !
Thanks for all the great music! Outside of your old bands and more recent solo albums, I also own a couple of Steven Wilson albums for which you contributed orchestral and choir arrangements... would you like to tell us more about these sessions?
Thanks again.
Joseph J Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Friday 9 November 18 19:07
Ah, 'The Cloths of Heaven'... How I would love to hear this beautiful piece performed live! Live CD release perhaps? ô
Joerg Kallmeyer joergkallmeyer55@gmail.com
Wednesday 31 October 18 08:56
Dave Stewart
Saturday 27 October 18 12:20
Michael, Pietro, Ricardo, Sanford, Sergio, Brian - thanks for your kind comments, we appreciate your deep and continuing engagement with our music! We have more songs in the pipeline and will release them as soon as the heavenly ticking Star Clocks permit. Q&As: Yes, it's Ludek Miklosko - for the record, I'm a Chelsea fan, but 'Cudicini' didn't fit! COYB. Re. the mysterious gentlemen Henry, James and Leonard - good question, see our Stewart / Gaskin newsletter
next week for some clues. Historic questions dept: scroll down to Saturday 6 April 2013 for fuzz / distortion box info... sorry Joerg, we can't supply a complete version of 'Halfway...', I don't even have one myself! Best wishes, Dave.
Brian brianfsteffensen@yahoo.ca
Tuesday 23 October 18 23:16
Totally in love with the wonderful new album. Brings me to tears. But one thing still drives me crazy! Who in blue blazes are Henry, James and Leonard! As they once again make their highly creative appearance, I am left paradoxically between frustration and admiration every time they are referred to. Dave, please help. Oh, and while we're at it (and as a long suffering "Hammers" fan), could it possibly be that Miklosko referred to (in what is possibly the best track) is the wonderful West Ham United goalkeeper of the '90s. COYI Dave and Barb!
Sergio sergio_m_b@hotmail.com
Friday 19 October 18 18:50
Dear Dave. Thank you for the new music, the back catalogue and your publications, all great source of joy and inspiration. I don’t know if this has been asked on the guest book already but could you please share what type of fuzz/distortion box you used on some of your organ sounds (or other pedals/effects to modify its sound)?
Wishing you and Barbara further success and hoping for shows outside the UK.
Best regards, Sergio. Austin TX
Sanford Felton safelton11@gmail.com
Wednesday 17 October 18 16:26
Hello Dave and Barb: I have listened to "Star Clocks" maybe four times all the way through, and I really like it. If you want me to post something on your Facebook page, I will. I haven't sat down with the lyrics to see what the songs mean, but I will at some point. It's totally different from the great Green And Blue. It rocks and it has slower songs. One of the songs reminds me of Hatfield and the North. I really like Summer in the City - I really like the way you do the '60's songs. I just listened to The Sixties Never Die, and you do that yourselves. I also listened to Shining Water (National Health) recently, and the first song on that album, also a very special record. I am so happy to also have your autographs. Best Regards.
Joerg Kallmeyer joergkallmeyer55@gmail.com
Wednesday 17 October 18 05:37
Dear Ms Gaskin, dear Mr Stewart, I've just ordered Star Clocks through Burning Shed and I'm really looking forward to listening to it.
Reviews I've heard and read are very promising. I'm a true Hatfield and the North fan and there's one thing that's been nagging at me for more than four decades now (gosh, is it really that long ago that I watched Hatfield perform in Hamburg's 'Fabrik' in I think 1975, turning me into a fan instantly?) Anyway, also in '75 (I think) Over the Rainbow came out. Apparently it was one of, or even the last, pieces of live coverage from the Rainbow Theatre. Among the artists were Hatfield and the North with 'Halfway Between Heaven and Earth'. I still vividly remember the enormous shock I felt when on the first listening I noticed that the song faded in the middle of your solo. When I came round again (about a week later) I tried to contact Chrysalis (I think it was) to find out who was responsible for that decision - well, to no avail.
Later, when the Afters compilation came out with the same version I contacted Al Clark at Virgin, but he couldn't help me either. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I stumbled on a YouTube video which starts at the beginning of your solo, thus giving me the pleasure of hearing the complete solo for the first time (it was worth waiting for), but - alas - missing completely the first half of 'Halfway...' (Richard's beautiful singing).
Last month I got hold of The Rotters' Club from China (or South Korea or the Philippines, wherever) with "bonus material". It credited 'Halfway..' as the *full version*!!! Needless to say it turned out to be the same old thing, digitally remastered but still fading out during your solo. Don't ask what it cost me. Do you know of a COMPLETE VERSION of 'Halfway Between Heaven and Earth' to be had, or could you provide one???
With desperate regards, Joerg.
Ricardo Odriozola odrioper@online.no
Monday 8 October 18 04:07
Dear Barbara and Dave - Thank you for Star Clocks. What a delight! I have listened through twice and I am in love. I was able to absorb the loud bits better the second time. I still consider your mellow songs among the loveliest anywhere. And I concur with a previous commentator in that Barbara is sounding better than ever. Like good wine, your voice gets better with time. Nice reference to 'Henry and James' at around 4:10 in the first track. The end of the album sounds like a prolonged upbeat... to the next album, I hope, which we all await with love and patience. Thank you for your wonderful music!
Pietro kramps@allmail.net
Wednesday 3 October 18 01:33
Dave, Barbara,
I received yesterday your Star Clocks CD and I'm already at the third listen. What I can say? As always it's a GEM!!!
On every Stewart/Gaskin release I become impatient in waiting for so much time, but after all I must admin that it was worth it... your keyboard sounds/textures/compositions continue to surprise me and Barbara continues her way to become an Angel...
michael jmosterhoudt5@gmail.com
Sunday 30 September 18 09:34
Cheers & thanks Dave & Barbara!! I put on the "Star Clocks" as soon as I received it and love the new songs & lyrics!! VERY inspiring!! Excellent mix & recording (as always)... love the great keyboard patches (and performances) & Barbara sounds better than ever!! Gavin Harrison is fantastic (as always) and the guitar parts fit right in and are very complimentary as well. Congratulations on another musical success! Wishing both of you the best - keep up the great work & play on & sing on..."The magic remains".
Dave Stewart
Thursday 27 September 18 13:32
Thanks Stephen! It was good to see you at Bush Hall. Matthew, no need to apologise - you're quite right, Star Clocks is currently only available on CD.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Wednesday 26 September 18 08:28
I am doing something I haven't done for awhile. Sitting in a room with the volume on the stereo cranked up to 11 listening to a CD that only arrived in the last few hours. The house is shaking with the thunderous sounds of Star Clocks. How does Dave manage to create such sounds from just a handful of keyboards? Why is Barbara not lauded far and wide as one of the UK's great vocalists? A resounding musical success... again.
Play on repeat.
Matthew wangsungi@gmail.com
Wednesday 12 September 18 09:25
Hi Dave, apologies if I am being stupid but it seems like your latest recording is only available on CD. Is that true? I don't have a CD player... apologies, once again, if I am being thick. All the best, Matthew
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 29 Aug 18 13:50
Hi all, thanks for being such an incredible audience on Friday. The fantastic reaction was touching, and has inspired us to do more live gigs. Jones, sorry you had to leave - the high ceiling and flat plaster walls of that room make live drums hard to control - most of the time our sound guy Ted had Gavin's mics turned off, what you were hearing was unamplified drum kit. The 'son' was operating the lights BTW :)
Steve Pearce stevepearcetadley@gmail.com
Tuesday 28 August 18 05:06
Really enjoyed the gig on Friday, the new songs sound excellent. Any chance of a setlist, I meant to write it down but got engrossed in the music.
Sunday 26 August 18 04:38
Very much enjoyed Friday’s gig – thank you! Whilst Gavin Harrison’s insistently fortissimo kick-drum may have brutally intruded upon Barbara’s vocals on quiet numbers such as 'Let Me Sleep Tonight' and 'The Cloths of Heaven' that didn’t spoil what was for me a very special evening. Very much looking forward to Star Clocks.
Jeff Craddock jeffreycraddock@hotmail.com
Sunday 26 August 18 02:49
What a heart-warming concert on Friday night. I loved the new songs (can't wait to get the CD), and Dave's 'banter'. To top it all off, I got to meet Dave Gregory! Hope the concerts go well in Japan - and I'd like to think that's not the last time I'll get to hear you play.
Ewan rigsby78@hotmail.co.uk
Saturday 25 August 18 16:06
Hi Dave and Barbara.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Bush Hall gig on Friday night.
It was mesmerising watching Dave's keyboard wizardry and Barbara - your voice hasn't changed since the 80's, sounding as beautiful as ever. Cracking guitarist and drummer too.
I guess I might never hear you perform 'Johnny Rocco' live (though I live in hope), but 'I'm in a Different World' was a hairs on the back of my neck moment!
Take care, and I hope to see you in concert again some day.
Jones The Bass
Friday 24 August 18 22:59
Dave, Barb, et al. Thank you for playing last night and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have seen you for the first time in many years but unfortunately I simply had to leave at the end of your first set. The sound was so bad out front that it ruined the entire experience for me and sadly made my 9000 mile round trip from beyond Seattle something of a damp squib. Barb was virtually inaudible, Beren muddied, your keyboards barely distinguishable in the mix and Mr Harrison a dominating undamped force. Before the drums kicked in, we could get a glimpse of the beauty of the new songs but once he started playing all semblance of harmonic content evaporated into the increasingly fuggy air. This is no criticism of the players on stage but more a suggestion that perhaps your 'son' should have been doing 'lumiere' and vice versa. Had I known that the sound was going to be so bad I doubt I would have spent thousands dollars and hours of traveling and simply waited for the delivery of the new album instead. Rest assured that I will be buying the new CD and will continue to put diamond onto vinyl and bounce laser off substrate of the existing catalog but the event was a disappointment and will probably be the last time I ever see you guys again (given your frequency of live performance). I just wish it could have been more memorable in a positive way. Jones
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 20 August 18 06:38
Looking forward to the gig on Friday, meeting the musicians and their highly intelligent fans! Trains and hotel are booked - pity that Euston is closed over the weekend thus doubling my journey time back home on Saturday.
I'm sure we will be trying out the local hostelries beforehand. The nearby Defectors Weld or The Green next door look like good places to start.
Pietro kramps@allmail.net
Wednesday 8 August 18 02:52
Dave, Barbara I strongly hope that you've planned some live video takes of your London Concert or even a DVD Production of the concert It would be nice...I that case I immediately would buy CD + Live Concert-DVD...both signed!!!
Sunday 22 July 18 05:44
Having pre-ordered Star Clocks I noticed that as yet there is no track listing at Burnig Shed for the new album. Will there be one published before the release? In any event it'll hopefully be sent out a week before Bush Hall - giving (some of) us one week to assimilate the studio versions before hearing the live renditions!!
Dave Stewart
Friday 20 July 18 13:50
Geof, actually Burning Shed don't charge VAT to non-EU customers. They explain, "People sometimes get confused in that the website will show prices inclusive of VAT until you login and tell it which country you are in. At that point the VAT is deducted from visible prices if you are not in the EU." HTH! Burning Shed are the most ethical and fair-minded company we have encountered in 50 years in the music business, for which reason we prefer to do our business with them rather than with the tech giants :) Best, Dave.
Thursday 19 July 18 11:12
Can't wait to hear the new release, but will it be eventually available through other outlets? I have an ethical problem with Burning Shed charging VAT to customers who live outside of the UK. Amazon.uk deducts it if you don't live there. I hope you're still considering my earlier request to record some of the upcoming live performances - on video! - for those of us worldwide who can't make the shows.
andy andybeck_phs@hotmail.com
Saturday 14 July 18 05:00
I'm trying to briefly contact Barbara G, as I'm writing an obituary for Martin Cockerham ex-Spirogyra. Can't find another way to get in touch, apols.
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 19 June 18 07:21
Hi Cliff, glad the book was helpful! Best not to to think too hard about hemidemisemiquavers, that way madness lies. Thanks for nice comments about Barbara's vocals James - unfortunately the cost of vinyl record manufacture has risen steeply since Brexit, so though it would be nice to see our albums released in that format, it's unlikely to happen any time soon. Joerg, yes, Richard Sinclair is a great musician with a fabulous voice. Good to see him looking healthy and happy on Facebook recently on his 70th birthday! We had a good and enjoyable musical relationship in Hatfield (his song 'Let's Eat' is one of my favourites). After that Richard guested with National Health a few times live and on radio sessions. He also sung on Phil Miller's 'Dada Soul', which I produced - Barbara does the backing vocals on that track. (BTW that's Amanda Parsons, not Barb on 'Clocks and Clouds' :) Since those days Richard and I have gone down different musical paths, we stay in touch but no collaborations planned at the moment.
Joerg Kallmeyer joergkallmeyer55@gmail.com
Wednesday 13 June 18 04:49
Dear Mr. Stewart, in reference to my first message let me apologize first to Ms. Gaskin if my words about Richard Sinclair gave way to the impression that I didn't find her singing absolutely superb (which I do). I absolutely adore 'Clocks and Clouds' to name just one song. Apart from that I rechecked my record collection and found Mr. Sinclair singing on DS Al Coda`s "Black Hat". Still... I wish there was more.....
Joerg Kallmeyer JoergKallmeyer@kabelmail.de
Wednesday 6 June 18 07:38
Dear Mr. Stewart, with a more than 20 years delay I recently got hold of National Health's 'Missing Pieces'. Needless to say that as one of the biggest National Health - as well as Hatfield and the North - fans I liked it instantly.
And it reminded me of something I've always wanted to know and have now finally summoned up the courage to ask: whenever I listen to National Health I miss Richard Sinclair's singing deeply. Whenever I listen to "later" Hatfield gigs (somewhat in the nineties) I miss your keyboarding deeply. To my knowledge the two of you have never played / performed together since the Hatfield days. I've always wondered why as in my ears you were a perfect match (musically speaking).
Hoping to hear from you with kind regards.
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Tuesday 22 May 18 05:17
Admire your drive and motivation Dave... T.T. Week here soon, which always manages to tempt out local "Musicians"? Sex, Drugs and extortionately priced Sausage Rolls!
James B. Patrick
Wednesday 16 May 18 16:49
I've been a fan of Mr. Stewart since the early seventies and of Ms. Gaskin since the early eighties. I listen to your music a lot still. I think Ms. Gaskin is possessed with a truly beautiful, clarion like voice; what an instrument! Thanks for all the great sounds.
I'd love to see The Big Idea come out on vinyl!
Wednesday 16 May 18 04:54
I acquired your book 'Introducing the Dots' way back in the early 1980s as a high school freshman (yes, I’m dating myself) and had it by my side as I went to college for music performance.
Well, fast forward 25 years… I don’t get to pick up the bass as much as I’d like, and by far my biggest change is taking in my 10 year old niece. What a lifestyle change!!!
She’s been playing violin for the last 8 months, and recently started playing piano. I was trying to explain key signatures to her (I wasn’t doing a very good job), and then I remembered exactly where your book was.
She looked at it, and it clicked instantly!!! Now she’s practicing her scales in all keys. I think she’s still trying to wrap her head around the word “hemidemisemiquaver” though!!!
I thought you might like to know how much your book has helped us.
Dave Stewart
Friday 27 April 18 11:41
Hey Brian, thanks for the kind words. We're working on a new album for release later this year and intend to keep on rockin' thereafter... retirement is definitely not on the agenda!
Brian brianfsteffensen@yahoo.ca
Tuesday 17 April 18 16:49
Getting on and long in the tooth. To keep fit I go on long walks around Victoria BC (beautiful place). As I potter around the countryside I have my trusty Beats headphones on and (get to the point Brian) well, I've been listening a lot to Spin, The Big Idea and especially Green and Blue. Listening to them again, I'm just left in awe and close to tears (which causes me to get some pretty odd looks). Just had to dig out the beautiful CD booklet of Green and Blue to bathe in the glory of those wonderful lyrics. I got to thinking whether the words 'in it for the long haul' are still holding true. Liner notes say that G & B was 'by no means the last' so I live in hope. Are you considering the whole 'crowd funding' direction like David Sinclair has just successfully done? You can have my money now!! Can I hope that the coming concerts in London and Tokyo are the sign that S&G are ready to stun the music world again with some new material? Well, until Ed Thurman's wife drops round for tea, I will keep hoping!
Dave Stewart
Monday 16 April 18 22:32
Thanks Stephen. Yesterday Barbara spoke to Martin's family, who confirmed the cremation arrangements. A sad, unexpected arising, but it was good that Martin got to see his old Canterbury pals at the recent get-together. Very sad too about Anna Campbell, a brave and principled person who was prepared to risk her life to help others.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 15 April 18 15:09
Sad to say the story below is true. Arrangements are being made for Martin to be cremated in Thailand and for his ashes to be taken to India to be scattered in the Ganges. It is hoped a celebration will be organised by his friends in Glastonbury at a later date.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Thursday 5 April 18 02:29
I am seeing reports on Facebook that Martin Cockerham of Spirogyra has passed away while on a trip to Thailand. I am still trying to get confirmation of this - I live in Bolton so will also try and get in contact with his family. I have met his mother a couple of times in the past.
He last posted on his personal Facebook page on March 27 with some photos from a St Radigunds reunion of Spirogyra - minus Barbara - plus Steve Hillage & Max Hole.
pete fortune golferfortune@hotmail.com
Monday 2 April 18 07:35
ANNA CAMPBELL - one very brave, inspiring young woman.
A sad loss for Dirk.
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 21 March 18 11:45
John, we weren't intentionally trying to make weird music, nor were drugs involved in the compositional process :) What you're hearing on 'Prelude' and 'Germ Patrol' is the mind of an extraordinary young composer (Mont Campbell) who was determined to write music that didn't sound like anyone else. Originality was the key: though he admired Soft Machine early on, Mont more or less ignored what other bands were doing - he listened to classical music, and some of his Civil Surface-era compositions show a strong Stravinsky influence. This rubbed off on me, and my Egg contributions (which include some sections of 'Germ Patrol' and 'Enneagram') reflect the same desire to find unusual and interesting harmonies and rhythms. It's a path I've followed ever since, but it was Mont who showed us the way. BTW there's an excellent article on Egg in the March 2018 issue of Record Collector, tells the whole story very nicely.
John musicalsound@yahoo.com
Tuesday 20 March 18 13:38
Thanks for the kind response Dave. I'm sensitive to the fact that '70s talk might get a little old for someone in your position, but I wish to relate a certain timelessness in The Civil Surface that takes me someplace different in my head. I recall hearing it in high school for the first time, and the album puts me in the same mood now as it did then. In those days as an aspiring music writer I was absolutely convinced you must have taken LSD to write 'Prelude' and 'Germ Patrol'. Now at age 31 I wouldn't be surprised to hear you were perfectly sober, not that it's really any of my business. But this is how curious my mind became. I truly couldn't fathom how you'd arrive at such psychedelic melodies (along with Mont/Clive on their offerings too). I think the only thing missing from Civil Surface is a written disclaimer explaining to the listener why the music is so weird? Because the music alone leaves so many questions. For example; were you intentionally trying to make weird music, or did you just happen to be in a weird mood at that point in time? I'm sorry to intrude. But it's guys like you that inspired me to build up an all '70s analog studio and restore L100 and M100 series organs. The T series was the last of the tone wheels (though was solid state) and ran from '68 to '75 probably. Tony Banks of Genesis used the T102 on the "Selling England by the Pound" album and onward. Thanks again for your time, very best regards.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 13 January 18 12:35
Thanks for messages. Glad you enjoy the 'Hope' piece Marco - Bill Bruford wrote that tune (originally called 'Adagio'), though I guess I'm responsible for the chord voicings. It would have been nice to hear Allan Holdsworth on that one, but alas he had left the band by the time we made the demo! John, my Hammond L122 has been with me since 1969, still works fine and occupies pride of place in our living room. I chose that model because it was the most affordable in the Hammond range at the time, and because Keith Emerson (huge influence) played an L. It has a nice, pure sound, subtly different from the M series, which was also popular with bands of this era. I don't recall anyone using a T.
John musicalsound@yahoo.com
Tuesday 6 March 18 15:07
I just had to ask Mr. Stewart, when I listen to the Egg albums, especially Civil Surface, it sounds as though you have a very intimate relationship to the Hammond L series. Is there some reason you preferred the L series over the M101, M3, T series, etc etc? It seems that weird "chirpy" sound you make so famous is largely a product of the L circuitry. Thanks, and thanks for all the Egg albums and the second Hatfield and the North record. I've never heard music so psychedelic AND progressive at the same time.
Tuesday 6 March 18 11:54
Hi Dave - now investigating the 4th Bruford album rehearsal music (first of the discs to have its cellophane removed!). Some really lovely stuff there - but your track HOPE is really beautiful, those unimistakable harmonies & dissonances just give me goosebumps. If your next album is in its early stages, would be wonderful if this track could be squeezed in - and plenty of scope for Barb's ethereal vocals underneath : )
Dave Stewart
Sunday 11 March 18 09:47
Hi all, thanks for your seasonal and birthday greetings! We couldn't find a suitable seated venue on the chosen date. There will be a row of seats along both sides of the hall so people can rest legs or aching backs if required (so Mike, you could take a breather between bouts of idiot dancing!) Bush Hall has level access from the street entrance to the performance hall and main bar. For wheelchair users and those with disabilities, the venue can set up a seated viewing area to the side of the stage upon request (call the office line 0208 222 6955, or email notes@bushhallmusic.co.uk). All personal assistants / companions accompanying those with disabilities for any gig or event will be admitted free of charge. More info here. Thanks for the thought Geof, we'll certainly consider it!
Friday 12 January 18 08:56
Given how rare a live performance is, and that you have fans worldwide who don't live in either the UK or Japan, how about considering recording at least one of these shows so the rest of us can see it? We fans are extremely patient, waiting years and years between releases, but we aren't getting any younger! It would be nice to see one of these live shows that only a handful of fortunate fans will actually be able to attend in person. Please consider it...
Graham L
Friday 12 January 18 06:40
As others have observed, it's a pity you couldn't find a seated auditorium.
Mike Wilkinson mike@wilkofife.com
Thursday 11 January 18 23:19
Hi Dave and Barbara - great to hear about the forthcoming gig. It may have been a chance for me to finally dispel the pervasive notion, fostered over all these years, that you two are in a fact a beautifully crafted CGI illusion! However, I fear that you may have forgotten (and I cannot blame you for wanting to forget...) just how ancient some of your devotees may be ?
The trauma of a visit to the Great Wen is daunting enough, but I'm afraid the chances of this old frame remaining vertical for any length of time are remote indeed.
So have fun, a great gig, and maybe if you come up this way... all the best, the Patient Scot.
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Saturday 30 December 17 03:08
Happy birthday, Dave! I've just about given up hope of ever seeing you play live, but I would like to meet you and shake your hand, maybe have a pint, if the two of us ever find ourselves on the same continent.
Monday 25 December 17 16:52
Happy Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Dave.
2018 the year of Zombie awakening... beauty of Music.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 24 December 17 12:26
Cheers Pietro, thanks everyone for your messages and kind words about Phil M. Barbara and I wish you all a Happy Christmas and an equally happy New Year. We'll be making an announcement about our 2018 plans in January - to be sure of receiving this news and subsequent updates, please
join our mailing list, operated by our colleagues Burning Shed.
Pietro kramps@allmail.net
Thursday 14 December 17 02:28
Dave, Barbara, this morning, among many musicians followed I discovered this beautiful song from Tine Thing Helseth, a very good Norwegian trumpet soloist: 'Never Going Back'. The melody and the harmonies seem to me very close to Stewart/Gaskin production. Of course Barbara's voice continues to be uncomparable, like an Angel.. See you on 24 Aug 2018, waiting to know the place...
Monday 13 November 17 06:04
Lovely tribute to Phil Miller - thanks! Hope there might still be one to Allan Holdsworth (my Bruford boxed set is coming in January but that booklet's penned by Sid Smith). Dada Soul is indeed a great track - one of the three tracks on that Split Seconds LP which I almost spun to death (the others being the riveting Double Talk and the goose-bump inducing I Remain).
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Sunday 12 November 17 17:24
Dear Dave, your 'Memories of Phil Miller' is a beautiful bit of reflection. Thank you so much for sharing! ♫
Ray Coyle
Sunday 12 November 17 14:58
Well said, what a lovely tribute, very moving. Thanks.
Peter Hansen
Sunday 12 November 17 07:00
An excellent Eulogy Dave!
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Saturday 11 November 17 11:14
Pip once told me that it was a pity that no tapes of Hatfield rows existed as they would have beaten the notorious Troggs Tapes hands down.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 11 November 17 15:46
Hi all. I just posted my memories of Phil, and added my 2006
tribute to Pip.
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 19 October 17 16:49
Phil was another one of those extraordinary players who was, within four bars, recognisable. His vast output of recordings and collaborations were priceless.
Ricardo Odriozola odrioper@online.no
Thursday 19 October 17 07:17
Dear Dave and Barbara - I'm very sad to learn of the passing of Phil Miller. It is hard to exaggerate how much joy his music and playing has given me for nearly 40 years. I extend here a big thank you to Phil and Pip, to both of you and to Richard Sinclair and the big extended Canterbury family, who have made my life so much richer with your wonderful music. My condolences and, again, Thank You. xx
Pete Fortune golferfortune@hotmail.com
Wednesday 13 September 17 13:35
Appreciate that Dave, thank you.
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 13 September 17 09:46
No worries Pete, I understand. We don't post news here, it's just a message board with a bit of chat :) Mont's song 'I Will Be Absorbed' opened up musical avenues for Clive and me too, the metres and chords were a real eye- (and ear) opener!
pete fortune dumfries golferfortune@hotmail.com
Tuesday 12 September 17 10:38
Thanks - and sorry - Dave. Clive Brooks - Where does all the time go? Bruce's Record shop Glasgow, circa 1971, headphones on listening to 'I Will Be Absorbed' - first time I had heard Egg. Prior to that it was mainly Sabbath, et al, other than Whole World at Carlisle Art college gig (I didn't really "get them" at the time). That Egg album (which I still listen to) opened up so many other musical avenues for me. I don't go into FB Dave, and wondered why there was no mention of Clive's passing on this forum. Forgive my clumsiness, in fact, insensitivity.
Dave Stewart
Friday 8 September 17 10:28
Thanks Pete. Extremely sad, please see our May 3rd Facebook post. Stuart, I PM'd you - beware, it could be a forgery!
pete fortune golferfortune@hotmail.com
Wednesday 6 September 17 13:47
Just heard about Clive Brooks - sad news. RIP. Dave? Pete Fortune
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Monday 28 August 17 15:38
Value can not be calculated in coin. This music,whether Hatfields, Egg, National Health...is priceless.
Stuart Stuartburford74@gmail.com
Wednesday 23 August 17 03:55
Hi Dave, not sure you can help but hoping someone sees this post and is able to give me some info! Sometime around I'd say 2007 on my lunch break in a record shop in Soho was closing down or relocating not sure but they were having a 50% sale on all vinyl and I stumbled across a 2 x1 sided test pressing of what I thought at the time was Egg Polite Force but however discovered it was a copy of the debut album in a Polite Force sleeve! Originally priced at 130 quid but reduced to 65 I had a good think and thought sod it why not seems like a good deal I'll take it! Crazy as it seems I'd never even heard of the band but just had a feeling it was worth it! After finishing work I rushed home to play this unknown record to see what it was, put it on my turntable and was blown away and to this day it is still one of my favourite albums of all time! Of course as a collector of vinyl but clearly not a well educated one ever since owning it I've been trying to put some sort of value on it but have found it hard to find much info until reading a few comments today regarding the re-issues etc! So hoping someone out there is able to help or provide as much info as possible! Thanks Stuart
Dave Stewart
Saturday 3 August 17 16:02
Sid Smith wrote the sleeve notes based on conversations with Bill, Jeff, John and myself - I reminisced at great length :) The box set is available worldwide from Burning Shed.
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 17 August 17 09:40
Thursday 17 August 17 06:04
Teamrock.com have just put out news of the forthcoming BRUFORD BAND boxed set. It features "8 discs of previously unreleased, remixed and remastered material" ...yikes, this is really exciting stuff! I'm hoping for masses of written commentary from the musicians too!
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 17 August 17 14:12
Or 'Legends in their own Lunchtime' or ' a visit to Hatfield Hospital '... etc., etc.
Tuesday 15 August 17 16:52
Never mind Harry – perhaps you could do an album's worth of remixes/mash-ups (using digital software) of these great bands' music? Maybe call it something catchy like Rapid Egg Movements, or Borrow Grooves? Sorry, I'd better stop right there :(
HARRY Howell harjazz@manx.net
Wednesday 9 August 17 15:50
What an eternal pity that more Egg, Hatfield and the North, National Health and Rapid Eye Movement have never surfaced.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 3 August 17 16:02
Hi Phil, thanks for that. There were / are indeed demos recorded at rehearsals for a putative fourth Bruford studio album. Please check Bill's FB page for details of the forthcoming Bruford box set, I imagine there'll be an announcement this month :)
phil negrin.philippe@orange.fr
Wednesday 2 August 17 07:00
Hello Dave. It was recently announced that there would be a boxset of the band Bruford. Bill B. also said that there were demos for a 4th Bruford studio album but that you were sorting through the tapes to see if there was anything salvagable. So, will any of that music also be released on the forthcoming boxset? Thanks for the million hours of listening to you and your wonderful music...
HARRY HOWELL harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 27 July 17 03:43
Re. The Enneagram....Forward to 21 mins. 36 secs. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWUQJ_iWHdU
Dave Stewart
Friday 21 July 17 09:50
That's a new one on me, Marco - I'll ask Mont when I see him!
Saturday 15 July 17 09:12
Further to mentionings of 'Enneagram' just below, am wondering if Mont's title implies the track is some sort of musical representation of the eneagram: which according to Wikipedia is "a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types"? Thanks.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 2 July 17 13:04
Hi Ivan, thanks for that! Much of Egg's 'Enneagram' is based on the alternating semitone / tone scale, for example D, Eb, F, F#, G#, A, B & C. Using that scale, you can play the chords of D7, F7, F#7 and A7. Main composer Mont Campbell used rapid alternations between pairs of these chords (such as D7 and F7, voiced C-D-F#-A and C-Eb-F-A) in some passages, while in other places he uses a straight major scale. The sections I wrote also use conventional scales, such as the 'Dorian mode' minor scale of D, E, F, G, A, B & C. HTH!
Iván ivanhbonetti@yahoo.com
Tuesday 30 May 17 16:36
What about Mr. Stewart - I'm going to thank you for his life and all his musical work that left inspirational traces in me, from Uriel, Egg, Khan and all his other works and bands. I also wanted to ask you the favour of telling me what the notes and scales are used for the song 'Enneagram' from The Civil Surface? Many thanks for you and for your time, greetings from Argentina.
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Saturday 20 May 17 07:12
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Saturday 20 May 17 05:53
Had a lovely mail from another unique musical personality... Annette Peacock, in which she described Allan as "the last of the true guitar heroes". Guitarists and musicians of all instruments, cannot fail to be affected by his tone, musicality, fluid legato style and unique compositional ability. As Allan said, "follow nobody and create your own path and voice".
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 26 April February 17 23:45
Yes, a great shame about Allan Holdsworth's departure. As has often been said, he was specially gifted, I'm very glad to have had the chance to work with him. I'll write a few words about our all-too-brief artistic liaison on our website at some point! Marco II, thanks for that - I think the Hatfield gig you're referring to must have been March 24th 2006 at Stazione Bira, Rome, during the time when the band reformed with Alex Maguire on keyboards.
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Saturday 22 April 17 12:56
In complete and absolute agreement Marco. A gifted musician and humble being, the likes of which may not be seen or heard for a long time. Everything he appeared on seemed to be illuminated and his touch, tone and presence where uniquely and immediately recognisable. R.I.P. Allan... a true musical genius.
Marco S.
Sunday 16 April 17 14:44
Very, very sad news that today (April 16th) the great composer and guitarist Allan Holdsworth died at just 70 - perhaps the finest English guitarist of them all, and I mean that in terms of originality and artistic finesse, not virtuosity. I discovered him (along with Dave Stewart and Annette Peacock) as a tender 16-year old on the incredible Bruford album Feels Good to Me making that album probably the most life-changing piece of vinyl for me ever! Privileged to twice witness Holdsworth playing in London (also separately D. Stewart and Peacock once each in London doing their own gigs). RIP Mr. Holdsworth, surely Bradford’s greatest gift to the world of the arts?
Marco mamuze@alice.it
Friday 10 March 17 15:45
Just to say Hello and praise your beautiful playing through decades.... I had only one chance to see Hatfield and the North in Rome with original line-up (maybe late '80s / early '90s) but still enjoy that music as the music of Khan, Egg etc...... with you Leo the best... Marco.
Tuesday 21 February 17 08:32
Dave sir. My friend Sean recorded this interpretation of Beatles tune like Pip. Hope 'Floats your Boat'!
Dave Stewart
Friday 17 February 17 12:20
Stephen - brilliant version of IMP, enhanced by tasteful cover art. Cheers Harry, Marco & Rich, Ars Longa Vita Brevis and all that, thankfully my 'ars' is still in reasonable shape :) Thanks for the alert Frank - Timepieces and Tufted Altocumuli maybe? Nick, I can't circulate Phil Miller's music but I'd be willing to look over your transcription - see my PM.
Frank Cairns frankcairns01@btinternet.com
Tuesday 14 February 17 07:23
Has DS heard this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AtLOG_1Ojk - Chronometers & Cumulus?
Tuesday 14 February 17 03:04
Have to tell and show Wayne Rooney!! :)
Nick Sheridan
Monday 13 February 17 09:39
I think I got it. Hair slowly growing back.
Nick Sheridan newgardenguitar@yahoo.com
Saturday 11 February 17 06:01
Hello - I am pulling my hair out. I am having trouble with the exact melody of a small part of Calyx from the North's first album and was hoping I could obtain a lead sheet somewhere. Thanks for your time.
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Thursday 29 December 16 15:09
Wishing you a very happy and healthy birthday, Dave
Thursday 29 December 16 03:34
Sincere best wishes Dave for tomorrow (30th). Few Brits in shark-infested waters of music have reached heights Dave has. In a world of mutilated crotchets on Staves, Dave has left some gems amongst the dirt to seek out... Happy Birthday.
Sunday 4 December 16 11:39
Remember in 70's, being introduced to Hallmark 'Top Of The Pops'recordings as introduction to business of Music.
Like having fast food in place of real food.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Thursday 1 December 16 15:02
I picked up a copy of a Top Of The Pops cover version LP in a charity shop today because it had a copy of Dave & Barbara's 'It's My Party'. What do you think?
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Monday 21 November 16 14:55
And... Bruford's "Tornado" cut... 'Palewell Park'. Then Q.E.D... BLISS.
Saturday 5 November 16 04:17
Harry et al, don't forget Dave and Barbara's appearances on three tracks from Phil Miller's follow-up album SPLIT SECONDS from 1988. There's a real kitchen sink drama called Double Talk, displaying some impressive drum programming by Dave - a rare case in fusion music where the drum programming sounds almost human rather than drum machine ... kick-snare-kick-snare it ain't! I can imagine Dave being relieved when that beast was done and dusted!
Friday 4 November 16 05:32
Barbara and Dave on Phil Miller's CD Cutting Both Ways... sublime.
Dave Stewart
Friday 4 November 16 00:20
It was piece of nonsense made up by Pip's daughter Alice when she was very young - for some reason a propos of nothing, she shouted what sounded like 'Fitter Stoke has a bath, and washes his hair!", to the great amusement of her father and myself.
Wednesday 2 November 16 01:04
I figure there is not a more suitable place on the Internet to ask this question than here: Who is Fitter Stoke, and why does he take a bath?
Tuesday 25 October 16 14:25
Some wonderful photo souvenirs...
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 25 October 16 16:20
Thanks all. As Harry says, Barbara and I did a version of Strawberry Fields Forever (probably my favourite song ever) on Pip Pyle's solo album Seven Year Itch. Pip arranged the brass-band-like horns on the choruses. Aage, I developed my arranging skills largely by trial and error (lots of the latter :) Early examples were the woodwinds on Hatfield and National Health albums, turned my hand to string arranging in 2006. I was first introduced to sophisticated harmonies by Mont Campbell (bassist and main composer of Egg) and never looked back! Due to internet piracy, I have no incentive to release my charts for purchase at the moment, hope you understand. I am proud of Egg's music, 'Enneagram' and 'A Visit To Newport Hopital' are two of my favourite pieces... my last public performance of an Egg song would have been at Egg's last gig, July 9th 1972 at The Roundhouse, Chalk Farm, London. Sorry I can only give short potted answers here, there's a lot more info and detail about my old bands in the Egg / Uriel and Hatfield archive CD sleeve notes and booklet, available from Burning Shed UK.
Sunday 23 October 16 16:29
Exquisite version of 'Strawberry Fields' on dear Pip Pyle's solo
project Seven Year Itch.
Friday 21 October 16 05:22
Thanks for the YouTube link, very interesting in spite (?) of being almost 30 years old.
Wanted to add that although my main focus of interest is Dave's old prog bands, I am currently exploring the Stewart/Gaskin stuff. Nothing wrong with good pop, especially when it has nifty chord progressions. I heard Dave's arrangement of 'Strawberry Fields Forever' some years back (I forget where) and I was flat out amazed by how fresh he managed to make that song sound. Dave - let me know if you ever decide to publish that arrangement!
Monday 17 October 16 06:46
Excellent and interesting insight friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ2Xy_OL7vA
Thursday 13 October 16 03:51
Hello Dave, great to see that you are interacting with fans, hope you can answer a few questions I have. How did you develop your arrangement skills, what would you say were your inspirations for the sophisticated harmonies of H&TN and National Health? Any chance your charts could be made available for purchase? I just found out that the first EGG album was reissued with the missing Stravinsky riff from Rite of Spring, how do you feel today about this music (the 3 EGG albums), and when was the last time you performed an EGG song in public?
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Wednesday 5 October 16 05:10
Cheers Stephen.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 2 October 16 08:07
This video clip has recently been posted on YouTube. It's My Party performed for TopPop of Holland - better picture quality than Top Of The Pops. https://youtu.be/FJCUIWrVPkw
Tuesday 27 September 16 12:54
Profound apologies...KHAN 'Space Shanty' close...forgive linguistic interpretation, 'just pipped at post' by Hatfield's.
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Wednesday 14 September 16 10:50
After serious contemplation and consideration, my 'Desert Isle of Man Disc' (singular), could only be the outstandingly wonderful 'The Rotters' Club' by Hatfield and the North.....no competition.
Falk falconi@falconi.de
Tuesday 6 September 16 13:00
Thank you, keep rockin'!
Best regards from Berlin, Falk.
Dave Stewart
Monday 2 September 16 19:41
Cheers David. Most of our 20th-century recordings feature three hardware reverb units: A.M.S. RMX16, Lexicon PCM70 and Yamaha REV 7. We use the A.M.S. hall sound on Barbara's lead vocals, sometimes in tandem with a stereo DDL effect. Nowadays I use Logic Sound Designer for the same purpose, but I'm also checking out other plug-ins - the Bricasti unit sounds pretty good, but it's not quite the effect I'm looking for! We usually use stereo widening on Barb's BV's.
Other questions: Alan Gowen never discussed Sunship in any depth, but he and his wife Celia always spoke affectionately of Jamie Muir. Re. John Clark, like many guitarists, he was an admirer of Allan Holdsworth and was clearly influenced by him - however, I don't think he made a conscious decision to emulate Allan, he had his own approach to soloing and didn't set out to copy a particular guitar sound.
Re. more recent posts, great work Falk, we enjoyed your imaginative arrangements of 'It's My Party'! Cool idea doing the chorus in a minor key. The new album is coming on very well, thanks for the encouragement... just listened to 'Age of Information' for the first time in many moons, I enjoyed John's rhythm playing and the playout sequence.
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 1 September 16 15:04
Not Streisand "Age Of Constipation"? :)
Wednesday 31 August 16 07:25
Hope progress on the new album is going well (and it might include 'Waking Up is Hard to Do'!). A couple of mornings ago, in fact just before waking up, in my dream I was hearing 'Age of Information' - from the excellent Bruford album Gradually Going Tornado. But blow me, it was Barbara doing the vocals rather than Jeff Berlin. So it got me thinking, what a great cover version that would make, of a song half-penned by Dave anyway.
HARRY harjazz@manx.net
Wednesday 24 August 16 15:06
Sincerely recommended for guaranteed audio orgasm... box set called 'The Complete National Health'.
Falk falconi@falconi.de
Tuesday 16 August 16 15:02
Dear Barbara,
dear Dave,
tonight, I finished a little re-recording of "It's My Party", simply called "My Party".
I have borrowed many details from your hit record, and I hope that you'll like it.
http://www.myparty.dance/ If you will ever be playing "outside of Japan", please don't hesitate to give me a visit at my home studio in Berlin.
best regards from here,
David Kear admin@cabotmusic.co.uk
Friday 12 August 16 02:54
Hi Dave. I bought your book Introducing The Dots many years ago and recently downloaded the Inside The Music articles. The latter were particularly interesting to me as I have a good ear and can transcribe music accurately, but haven't got the creative ability that you obviously possess in spades.
Your recordings have a great clarity and "openness" to them, particularly in the use of reverb and effects. I was just wondering if you could explain how you use effects, particularly on vocals, and which hardware/software effects you use. I have several older harware units by Roland, Yamaha, TC Electronic and Lexicon. I recently listened to some online demos of the Bricasti M7, which sounded great, but this unit costs around £3000!
Looking forward to yours and Barbara's next release. All the best!
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Wednesday 10 August 16 17:20
'I'm Losing You' is sublime.
Not quite possessing the X Factor yet!!
Tuesday 26 July 16 05:10
Touché, in full agreement.
Dave's contribution to pushing musical boundaries has no linguistic description available (Unless fluent in Sanskrit!)
Monday 25 July 16 14:20
Harry, I don’t want to use this hallowed Visitors’ Book for a musical debate (!!) so this is my only further post on the subject. Your Messiaen quartet link hardly illuminates the Messiaen period I had in mind for sounding similar to Mr. Holdsworth. I was thinking of his dreamier 1930s stuff, specifically the
4th movement of L’Ascension, with its seemingly gravity-free floating harmonies and 2nd / 3rd inversion seventh chords making for spine-tingling passing minor 9th dissonances. AH has repeatedly explored this terrain in his dreamier Synthaxe excursions. Anyway, enough of that... only Stewart/Gaskin music should be dissected here!
Monday 25 July 16 11:23
Monday 25 July 16 02:43
I agree with Dave (below) that it’s a shame Allan Holdsworth didn’t remain with Bruford for their third album… but the “Unknown” John Clarke put in a good show. I’ve always wondered though, was that Clarke’s real sound, or was he consciously emulating the stellar Mr. Holdsworth in moments like, e.g., the fast guitar solo of ‘Sliding Floor’? It was hearing those Bruford albums as a teenager (thank you Harrow Music Library!) that led me to follow the careers of all the personnel involved, including Annette Peacock’s! Anyone wanting to hear Holdsworth’s latest project should go over to www.pledgemusic.com/projects/allanholdsworth. His harmonic palette is so distinctive and chromatically sophisticated there is much common ground with the 20th century French classical composer Olivier Messiaen.
HARRY Howell harjazz@manx.net
Tuesday 19 July 16 07:14
Thanks for response Dave, Allan not well health-wise, sadly.
Temperatures soaring here too and ice cream sales and Manx kippers booming! Found a wonderful recording of Rapid Eye Movement before... wonderful stuff. Wondered, did dear Alan Gowen ever discuss 'Sunship' from '72?
Cheers my friend and back to a tinnie or six!
Dave Stewart
Sunday 17 July 16 15:02
Summer's here! Rare sighting of shorts in the Stewart / Gaskin household, the yellow jump suit however is nowhere to be seen. Cheers Dave, yes, May 1980 - the gig is noted in my diary as probably the most appalling room acoustic I've ever played in (apologies if it turns out you're the architect). Harry, Allan Holdsworth is certainly a unique, genius musician, a wonderful player with an amazing sense of hamony - one of the few 'real guys' in my book. Working with him was great and I enjoyed his company, it's a shame he didn't stay in the Bruford band longer. C'est la vie! Gary, sorry that track's not available at the moment.
Gary Crane gary.crane@bcs.org
Saturday 16 July 16 12:36
Not sure if this has been asked before, but trying to get a digital copy of 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted" your original version with Colin Blunstone, but don't seem to be available anywhere. Is it ever likely to be released digitally? Thanks.
Dave Milnes photodm2015@gmail.com
Friday 15 July 16 09:28
Fond memories of seeing Bruford playing Sheffield Poly circa 1980, supporting some band called Brand X. I remember DS shushing some noisy people at the bar during Palewell Park. Now that's rock'n'roll for ya. Still waiting to see that yellow jumpsuit on eBay.
HARRY Howell harjazz@manx.net
Monday 11 July 16 16:55
Highly recommended music lovers...'B' sides of early Broken Records singles releases... 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted' etc.
Pretty demanding of the listener's attention.... like GaGa.
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Saturday 18 June 16 16:33
Forgot to mention Dave... wish you had become acquainted with Holdsworth earlier... unique musician?
HARRY (ISLE OF MAN) harjazz@manx.net
Saturday 18 June 16 04:59
In former lifetime, tried to get NH over here.You may recall offered all the ale you could sup on ferry crossing and pay to learn 'The Collapso' after show....needless to say, bait was not tempting enough!!
You graciously mailed me a cassette of Radio 1 material (which I cherish to this day)
with Modern 'path' "music"? has taken... Egg, Hatfields and Health still are and remain, priceless antidote...you truly stole my heart aged 11 with The Polite Force. CHEERS.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 11 June 16 11:45
Hi all, good to hear from you. We're still working on the new album, release dates and live dates as yet unconfirmed. Sorry for delay, please bear with us! Thanks for the TOTP shout-out Stephen G and Stephen W! Nicholas, sorry the music you asked for is not available. In the old days I would have considered publishing a book of my music scores, but I'm afraid that internet piracy has now made that unviable. François - whatever the missing text in your message was, the answer is, "Maybe some time, not at the moment." :) Barbara has spoken to Hannah about Owen Morris photos, should be an interesting documentary (especially Owen's bit, some good stories there).
Leslie, Michael and Janey leslieandmichael2004@yahoo.com
Friday 10 June 16 05:54
Hi Barbara!
We are passing through England on our way back from India and sitting around with Janey MacDougall (and Derrick Girling, her husband - don't know if you know him) out in Doynton and we all thought of you! And looked you up to see you are still singing, lovely. This is just a shout out, to say Namaste and send our best. xxx
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 23 May 16 00:53
Oh yes! The appearance on Top Of The Pops on BBC4 means it was exactly 35 years ago when you first went to number 1. The Friday show is repeated next Thursday. Don't worry if you missed it as the record was at the top of the charts for 4 weeks.
People I know keep tweeting me about it so I direct them to this website for more info on what you are doing now. Any new music soon or live date?
Stephen Woodward
Friday 20 May 16 12:02
Just seen you on 80's Top Of Yhe Pops, you look amazing, reading through your career you've had a blast. The years are catching us both up. I bet you still look amazing, and sound just as good, if not better.
Nicholas Decker captgouda24@gmail.com
Wednesday 18 May 16 13:51
Would it be possible to acquire the sheet music to Tenemos Roads? I am trying to write an adaptation for my schools string orchestra. Thank you.
Tuesday 3 May 16 07:38
Dear Dave, after the great collectors edition of EGG and URIEL/ARZACHEL, I can only hope you'll finally relea
Hannah Green hannah.oasisfilm@gmail.com
Thursday 31 March 16 08:02
Hi Barbara, I'm working on the official authorised Oasis documentary. We're on the hunt for early pictures of Owen Morris to properly illustrate his time with the band. We've come across some very early ones of Owen in the first studio he worked at, which Owen himself said were probably taken by yourself. Is this right? If so, we would need to get proper formal permission from you for us to use these snaps in the film - ideally, we'd also get larger, higher resolution versions of the photos as well. Would you be able to get in touch so we can talk a bit more about this? Many thanks! Hannah. (hannah.oasisfilm@gmail.com)
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 29 March 16 17:03
Matthew, sorry to hear your strategy didn't work out. The Rotters' Club is not known for its aphrodisiac qualities, perhaps you should have tried a Uriah Heep album?
>maybe it would've worked after all if she'd played it?
We'll never know, but if she had, 'Mumps' would probably have put the kibosh on it. :) Hi Sandy, thanks for your appreciation of Bruford. The 'Seems Like a Lifetime Ago' passage you mention features Kenny Wheeler's tasteful flugelhorn solo, the Q.E.D. section is an example of me playing a Canterbury-style fuzz organ improv. Some good stuff in there, it was nice to hear the tracks again!
Mr. Sandy Felton safelton_11@yahoo.com
Friday 25 March 16 19:43
Hi Dave. Thanks for responding below. Too bad so many great musicians have passed away in the last year or so. I don’t hear much mention on this site of the (beyond) great albums you did with Bruford. I know rock music well, and that was a super group if there ever was one. I was just listening to that unbelievable part on the first album, where A. Peacock sings, “It seems like a lifetime ago", followed by an amazing, transcendent burst of incredible music, and it easily stands the test of time, 38+ years later. Another song you all did that is transcendent was the square root of QED. I know you know that part at (I forget) that starts about 3:30, that is beyond words out there!
Matthew Parker matthew@ii.uib.no
Tuesday 22 March 16 15:05
Hi Dave. Here is a true story: when I was 17 (1977) I fell in love with this gorgeous girl (who also happened to be a brilliant classical flautist and piano player). But how to get her? My strategy was to hide at Chester bus station and "just happen" to bump into her and lend her my copy of "The Rotters Club". I figured, quite reasonably I thought, that as soon as she listened to Mumps then she would realise how much I loved her and that would be that... well... I waited... and... um... waited... eventually she gave me the LP back with a smile and a very polite thank-you but... that was it.... I couldn't understand where I had gone wrong.... OK, with many years hindsight I can now see that this was perhaps not the best strategy ..... but very very recently I was chatting to her ... and it turned out she never even played it .... so maybe it would've worked after all if she'd played it?!.... or... um.... maybe not....
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 15 March 16 10:58
I think he knew who I was and recognised me as a fellow keyboardist, but just needed a reminder of some of the bands I'd previously played with - none of them were exactly household names! :) In the same way, I would have needed reminding that Keith used to play with (for example) Gary Farr and The T-Bones. He was very polite and seemed genuinely interested, not a hint of superiority or arrogance.
(Mr.) Sandy Fetton safelton_11@yahoo.com
Monday 14 March 16 02:51
Dave: are you telling me that Emerson didn't know who you are/were when you met in 1991? That's ridiculous! You made so much groundbreaking music: Egg, Gong, Hatfield.... How could he not know who you were? You are to me the most underrated keyboardist in rock music. I could go on and on, but your musical legacy speaks for itself, far better than I can write about it!
Dave Stewart
Saturday 13 February 16 00:45
Greetings pop-pickers! Ronan, I PM'd you. Still working on possible gigs, we enjoyed that QEH one... the two extra TOTP musicians are our friends Amanda Parsons and Jakko Jakszyk, the Public Image Ltd. teeshirt was sort of symbolic of my break with prog. I was proud of that triplet drum break, arguably the high point of my brief career as an electronic percussionist :)
Friday 12 February 16 04:15
Dave - great to see you doing 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted' on BBC Four's Top of the Pops this week, missed it first time around in 1981. Other than Mr. Blunstone (obviously) who were the lady and chap with you on stage? It didn't look like Barbara ... were they session people supplied by the record label? Although you guys had to mime, I enjoyed watching your faithful playing and knob twiddling! Shocked by the 'PiL' T-shirt! (Regarding the earlier 'It's My Party' ToTP appearance, it's a shame your Simmons Drums 'solo' was out of camera shot!!!)
Ronan Glynn ronanglynn.gti@gmail.com
Saturday 30 January 16 09:53
Hi Dave, I'm a huge fan of your work and would love to ask you a couple of questions related to my Masters research project if possible. My project is entitled 'The History and Development of The Synthesizer Market' and it would be great to know about a bit about your life as a performer in relation to the technologies you have worked with through the years. For example, the logistics of transporting a Minimoog, Prophet 5, Yamaha CP70 and an organ to gigs etc.! It would also be great to find out your opinions on some of the newer synthesiser technology available today. Please get in touch via my email if it would be okay to send you a few questions. Best regards, Ronan Glynn.
Saturday 9 January 16 03:34
Happy new year to Dave & Barb. Just ordered my 2-CD set of National Health Complete - the LPs are getting rather crackly, and I also need to introduce this music to younger relatives. I do hope the next album is progressing well, and hopefully contains the track 'Waking Up Is Hard To Do' (as per Dave's post on 30-Sep 2013)!!!
Paul J02 paul.jefferson02@gmail.com
Friday 8 January 16 06:54
Having first heard your music when you were in Egg and Spyrogyra respectively and followed through Hatfield and the North to National Health and finally the duo, I managed to attend your QEH gig which was great fun. How about another gig - it is nearly 20 years... By the way you might enjoy Aranis - Belgian Chamber Rock. And have you read the book The Rotters' Club by Jonathan Coe who makes some pertinent comments about both H&N and NH in a fictional setting. Regards, Paul.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 2 January 16 11:40
Cheers Graham, Sandy - glad our music still holds some secrets, there are certainly quite a few overdubs in there! Re. the ticking clock, they say 65 is the new 64... In any case, I have no plans for retirement, I love music too much to even consider it. Happy New Year to all, Dave & Barbara.
Tuesday 29 December 15 22:42
Happy Birthday Dave!! Now officially a Senior!
Sandy Stewart
Saturday 19 December 15 19:49
Hi Dave & Barb, Happy Christmas and Merry New Year from Maryland, U.S. I have loved your music since about 1980, and here it is 35 years later. Where'd the bloody time go? Oh, that's right. Listening to your music. And I still pick up nifty musical, rhythmic bits I'd not noticed before. When music still thrills after so many listenings, there's gotta be something special about it. Gotta go, take care, peace, and all that stuff.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 17 December 15 15:09
Hi Jacques, interesting question. I always had a strong response to music which developed into an urge to play and compose, and the creative atmosphere and cultural conditions of the sixties were definitely a conducive factor. It's hard to say whether things would have been different had I grown up thirty years later, but when I began playing in bands the general receptiveness of listeners and experimentalism of the music scene was highly encouraging. Originality was prized; doing something unusual was not frowned upon! Growing up, I never practised piano for more than an hour a day, and when I graduated to organ I ended up spending far more time developing compositions than I did honing my playing skills - I was always more interested in ideas than technique, so my practising is usually directed at learning to play a particular passage rather than improving my finger performance. I do a lot of improvising however, which is how I derive most of my ideas. BTW you have not started too late, 17 is a great age to develop one's musical ability. Just enjoy your music-making, work hard at it, and the choice of music direction (etc.) can come later. Glad you like 'The Locomotion'!
Jacques Sullivan
Wednesday 16 December 15 19:56
Hey Dave! Growing up, how often did you practice on the piano? Were you always naturally gifted or did the 60's environment contribute to a lot of interesting influences/ideas? I'm 17 myself, but I often feel as if I've started too late on the whole musical direction thing. Whether I'm listening to Egg or your work with Barbara Gaskin, I find it all to be very enjoyable - 'The Locomotion' has fastened itself to my mind these past few days.
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 16 December 15 12:06
Hi Ian, two new facts in a day can be damaging to health, best to have a lie down and avoid any new knowledge for a few days! Here's some you can digest later: I only contributed lyrics to the third verse of 'Let's Eat', the rest of the words were written by Pip Pyle. All the music was written by Richard Sinclair with some additional improvised instrumental top lines by Phil Miller and myself. It's one of my favourite Hatfield songs.
Ian Chippett
Tuesday 15 December 15 05:45
I just learned that you wrote the words of the final verse of 'Let's Eat (Real Soon)'. I also learned that the title came from an R. Crumb cartoon. Two new facts to absorb in the same day. At my age. Did you write the music as well for the final bit or just add the words?
Dave Stewart
Sunday 13 December 15 00:30
Cheers Stephen, Brian, Claudio, Les, thanks for your heartwarming support - definitely good for morale! On the equipment front, I still mainly play Korg keyboards but also have a Roland Fantom G6. Currently delving into the gobsmacking intricacies of the Korg Kronos' nine synth engines :) Brian, I have a copy of Soniccouture's sampled Ondes Martenot and am keeping it in mind as a possible sound source. Claudio, yes I played Prophet 5 and Hammond organ on the Bruford albums and on National Health's D.S. Al Coda. When I was with Bill I also played a Yamaha CP70 electric grand on stage, but with National Health I played a Fender Rhodes. I haven't tried the Prophet 6 yet - the specs and sound are good, I was disappointed by the short 4-octave keyboard but now they released a desktop module I'm interested again!
Les Wilson leswilson3@googlemail.com
Saturday 12 December 15 02:14
Dear Dave and Barbara,
I've been meaning to write this for ages now... I just want to say thank you for being so bloody excellent! I was driving home from a gig and listening to Green and Blue and just smiling happily to myself... 'Sweetwater Sea' is so splendid....and 'Ads Infinitum'... I love it all so much, I would like to give you both a great big hug! Best wishes and thanks again :))) You are a couple of bloody geniuses!
Claudio claudio.barbaranelli@uniroma1.it
Saturday 12 December 15 01:54
Hi Barbara & Dave,
you are just great.
I've just purchased on Amazon the two CDs of Bruford band (I own the vinyl
but they are almost disintegrated)... great work... Dave is amazing on those records -
great sounds (same gear as on D.S. Al Coda?)
Dave, are you playing a Prophet 5 on there? What do you think of the new Prophet 6? Love and hope to see (and purchase of course!) your new CD. Ciao from Rome!
brian catanzaro brian.cat1@netzero.net
Monday 30 November 15 05:56
Equipment Chat:
I am a Roland and Yamaha fan, in that order, but if I was to get the best, it would be Nord.
Ondes Martenot update:
Last I heard, L'Ondea is the recreation of this instrument and is painstakingly made to order in France. The price is approximately 25-30,000 dollars. Google 'L'Ondea' to see if it is still available.
The virtual Ondes Martentot (a dream come true) is now available from Native Instruments for under 200. It is called "Ondes" and can run on newer operating systems. It uses the Kontakt Player, which is a free Native Instruments program. NI also has other great libraries. Run with it, Dave!
That Leipzig extended mix is too much fun. I'm a big fan of Dolby and 80's British Rock.
brian catanzaro catanzarob1@yahoo.com
Wednesday 4 November 15 16:49
Dave and Barb,
I've been listening to Broken Records - The Singles, recently purchased. It sounds like the second half of Up From The Dark, which is fine by me. The remastering is a little less cloudy than my Ryko disc, and has more level. Your productions are indeed world class.
Thanks for making an extension of 'Different World'. Both versions are just ethereal. Gorgeous. I tried writing a song to that progression but there's something magical about that song that can not be duplicated, and that can be said about much of American R&B. Most Aeolian rock progressions start on the tonic minor and descend and then ascend i-bVII-bVI and then back up, this one starts on the bVI and goes up, which is just so brilliant. The drums on 'Different World' are impeccable. I know you did them and you did them for good. Also beautiful is the fretless bass. I was playing in a club in the '90 with my girlfriend singer and they had your CD on the stereo playing 'Different World'. I just got chills and was lucky to find out quickly what this incredible pop experience was all about.
It is impossible to pick a favourite S&G track. Nobody knows about you over here, but I hope someday some kind of amazing humanitarian thing happens because of your music. Bless you both.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Wednesday 4 November 15 08:26
There are a couple of photos of Dave & Barbara in Spaceward Studios on this site: www.spaceward.co.uk/spaceward-studios/
Dave Stewart
Sunday 1 November 15 22:30
Chris, I already responded to this topic: as you said yourself on Feb. 19th '15, "I guess it's just a case of how your musical preferences develop over the years". Re. Hatfield, the rights to the two albums are now owned by Universal, who may or may not reissue them on vinyl as they see fit - we musicians have no say in such matters. I can't think of any logical reason why the Hatfield master tapes should be in Russia!
Chris Mitchell mitchelc101@hotmail.com
Saturday 24 October 15 17:35
Hi Dave, listening to Rotters' Club tonight and I have to admit I don't get it. This and the first Hatfield album are probably the greatest albums ever made and yet for the last 35 years (!) you've turned your back on this music in favour of pop music. Has one No 1 hit gone to your head? I can assure you that this music is what you will be remembered by in years to come, not the pop stuff. So come on Dave, please wake up and start producing proper music again! OK, rant over I'm drunk. I emailed Richard some while ago about the possibility of having the Hatfield albums remastered on 180 gram vinyl (I'm a hi-fi enthusiast) and his wife said the master tapes were in Russia! How can this be?? Considering the prices these albums now fetch on the second hand market I think this would be a worthwhile venture. What do you think?
Dave Stewart
Saturday 17 October 15 17:00
Hi Brian & Andy, good to hear from you - thanks for the kind words and reminiscences!
Andy Reynolds Laplayastudio@aim.com
Monday 12 October 15 02:18
Hi Dave & Barb. 25 year anniversary of our USA tour! Wow! Good times. This day 25 years ago we were in Bearsville, Woodstock NY.
brian catanzaro catanzarob1@yahoo.com
Sunday 11 October 15 19:32
Hello Dave and Barb. In the late 90's The Big Idea got me through rough times. I've been exploring Jazz and Modern orchestral music and not listening to my rock library much, but I wanted something fresh. So I put on The Big Idea after maybe 10 years. I just wept through it. It's so beautiful. Thank you is all I can say. Hope to catch up on those rarity CDs soon. Your extended mixes always satisfy.
pete fortune golferfortune@hotmail.com
Saturday 3 October 15 04:07
You sound like one waiting to happen, John!
Dave Stewart
Monday 28 September 15 18:24
Thanks all for recent messages and links. Hi John - we no longer live in London, so I'm afraid meeting would be difficult. Yes, Pip was rather accident-prone :)
John Woodruff editserve@blueyonder.co.uk
Monday 21 September 15 16:38
Hi Dave, As an old fan since the Egg days I would appreciate the chance to meet up some time for a chat. I live in Carshalton and I'm guessing you still live in the Wimbledon area? I once encountered Pip Pyle in the A&E department at St. James Hospital... Cheers, John.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Saturday 29 August 15 18:19
Dave Sinclair's Stream album was released in 2011. It is now available for the first time outside Japan. The album features a stunning guest list, including our beloved Dave Stewart and Barbara Gaskin (amongst many others).
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Tuesday 19 May 15 09:44
An interview with Dave Stewart (formerly of Bruford, Uriel, Egg, Khan, Hatfield and the North, National Health) and Barbara Gaskin (formerly of Spirogyra and Hatfield and the North) by Osamu Masui of Rockin' On magazine. The interview was done on Mar. 4, 1987. Steve Harris interpreted.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Friday 13 March 15 05:06
Sad to read the news today about Daevid Allen. There is a video clip of him on the Gong website reading this poetry on 27th Feb.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
And what is it to cease breathing but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountaintop, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 10 March 15 11:06
The only gig of that sort I can recall was University College London, October 17th 1980. I have it noted as 'Capital Benefit'... Aswad were also on the bill, Ian Dury compered. I don't remember a Polish connection, nor the artists you mentioned. I have no record of a Borehamwood gig, but we did play in Bishops Stortford on September 28th 1980. Chris, I haven't heard the band you mentioned (I don't have time to check out new music at the moment :) and yes, the Uriel CD will be back in print at some point.
david dh62@hotmail.co.uk
Monday 9 March 15 02:48
Correction... I said in my last post that we'd recently been to an REM gig in Bishops Stortford. Actually it was in Boreham Wood.
david dh62@hotmail.co.uk
Thursday 5 March 15 12:12
Regarding the exact year of the REM gig, I can't help you I'm afraid. I was hoping you'd refresh my memory. I reckon it was circa 1980, somewhere in London. Steve Hackett and Judie Tzuke were also on the bill. And I think it was in aid of Poland and possibly organised by Rula Lenska. Based on Jakko's Polish-sounding surname I always thought he'd got you involved in the gig. Also, I remember we'd recently seen an REM gig in Bishops Stortford. Sorry I can't be more specific.
Chris Mitchell mitchelc101@hotmail.com
Thursday 19 February 15 05:57
Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. I guess it's just a case of how your musical preferences develop over the years. Out of interest, are you familiar with the work of A Triggering Myth? Much of the keyboard work reminded me of you and when I contacted Tim Drumheller he confirmed that you were indeed one of their influences! Also, will the Uriel CD be available again?
All the best.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 19 February 15 08:30
Hi Chris, thanks for your kind words. This historic topic is addressed in our FAQ. I don't mind that you prefer the old stuff, but it's not accurate to say I have had little or no interest in it - I was the prime mover behind National Health's Complete and Missing Pieces, the 21st. century Hatfleld, Egg and Uriel archive CD releases and the Copious Notes booklet, which took a great deal of time and effort. I still like this music, but haven't wanted to compose in that style for a very long time!
Chris Mitchell mitchelc101@hotmail.com
Tuesday 17 February 15 17:13
Dave, something has been nagging at me for many years and you'll no doubt yawn when you read it. You are my all time favourite keyboard player and the Hatfield and NH albums in particular will go down in musical history as some of the finest recordings ever made. However, for the last 35 years(!) you seem to have had little or no interest in this amazing music. What's going on? Did you get bored with it? The Stewart/Gaskin stuff is good and I have most of it but it doesn't really compare (sorry).
pete fortune
Monday 9 February 15 13:50
"Daevid's vocal performance, fusing English music hall with a tongue-in cheek, quasi-religious, stentorian hymnal bellowing and flights of mad improvisation..."
So wonderfully and eloquently put Mr Stewart! Daevid Allen not only sings a song, he smiles it.
Be glad, for the song has no ending...
Dave Stewart
Monday 9 February September 15 23:51
Thanks all for messages. Barbara and I are very sorry to hear of Daevid Allen's condition, he's a wonderful creative, left-field musician with a warm personality and a great sense of humour. I have happy memories of Hatfield and Gong on stage together jamming for ages on 'I've Bin Stone Before' - Daevid's vocal performance, fusing English music hall with a tongue-in cheek, quasi-religious, stentorian hymnal bellowing and flights of mad improvisation, had to be heard to be believed. Yes, I remember Lol's alternative title for Tubular Bells! David, sorry to hear of your friend's death, glad to hear you used 'The Collapso' as a send-off, very sensible to edit it as otherwise the church might have emptied. In a similar vein, we played The Bonzos' 'In The Canyons of Your Mind' at Pip Pyle's funeral, the guitar solo a ray of light on a sad day. Please remind me where the R.E.M. gig was? (P.S. Mrs. Trellis, they're in the post.)
pete fortune
Sunday 8 February 15 13:08
Some rather unhappy news has emerged regarding our Divided Alien: 'Gong icon Daevid Allen has been told he has six months to live as a result of inoperable cancer - and he’s told fans he’s not going to fight the disease any longer. The 77-year-old Australian, a founding member of Soft Machine, has asked his followers to begin letting him go. He’d previously undergone surgery to address his illness'.
Allen says in a statement: “It is now confirmed that the invading cancer has returned to successfully established dominant residency in my neck. The original surgery took much of it out, but the cancer has recreated itself with renewed vigour, while also spreading to my lung. I have now been given approximately six months to live. My view has changed. I am not interested in endless operations. In fact is has come as a relief to know that the end is in sight. I am a great believer in ‘The Will of the Way Things Are’ and I also believe that the time has come to stop resisting and denying and to surrender to the way it is. I can only hope that, during this journey, I have somehow contributed to the happiness in the lives of a few other fellow humans. I believe I have done my best to heal, dear friends; and that you have been enormously helpful in supporting me through this time. So, thank you for being there with me. And now, importantly, thank you for starting the process of letting go of me - of mourning then transforming and celebrating this death coming up. This is how you can contribute. This would be a great gift from those emotionally and spiritually involved with me. I love you and will be with you always.”
'Allen moved from Australia to Paris in 1960 and became involved with the beat generation movement. After moving to the UK and forming the Daevid Allen Trio, he co-founded prog pioneers Soft Machine in 1966. He began working under the Gong title three years later.
His recent work includes solo performances, appearances with the Invisible Opera Company Of Tibet and contributions to Andy Bole’s 2014 album Of Blue Splendour.' (Courtesy of Classic Rock.)
I have Gong playing as I type - Isle of 'Everywhere'. Gong made some marvellous music, though this is perhaps concealed at times, by what some might perceive as their "silliness."
Daevid Allen, I admire your stoicism and thank you thank you for the music. Pete Fortune, Dumfries, Scotland.
David dh62@hotmail.co.uk
Sunday 8 February 15 07:39
A big HI to Dave Stewart. I thought you'd be interested in this... My best friend was a big fan of yours since the EGG days (as have I). Tragically he died two months ago and his wife told me he always said he'd like 'The Collapso' played at his funeral. Due to time restrictions I edited it down to 3 mins, 30 secs, and it was played as his coffin was carried into the service. There were some baffled looks on some people's faces when they heard the music, which tickled me.
You actually met him once, but it's a distant memory. It was years ago somewhere in London when we were lost. We saw you across the road and asked directions, and we walked with you to the event where you were playing with, correct me if I'm wrong... Rapid Eye Movement (in aid of Poland, also with Steve Hackett, Judie Tzuke, Osibisa, and organised by Rula Lenska). I guess you remember the event but not meeting us.
Anyway, I just wondered if you know of any other songs of yours being played at funerals. Best wishes, David.
Mrs. Trellis zen203491@zen.co.uk
Saturday 17 January 15 07:28
Where's me knickers then?
pete fortune
Monday 5 January 15 14:05
Happy birthday Mr. Stewart - and all good wishes for 2015.
I'm listening to God Song as I type - L. Coxhill, R. Sinclair et al.
I remember speaking to Lol around the time of Tubular Bells - he was doing a gig in Carlisle (with Kevin Ayers if memory serves?). Lol was pissed off at the endless studio time being afforded to the young Oldfield, and was considering the title "Tubercular Balls" for his next solo offering!
Dave Stewart
Thursday 1 January 15 00:33
I'm pleased to report I've been 64 for 24 hours now, and it feels OK... thanks for your nice messages, much appreciated! Happy New Year to one and all from both of us. Dave & Barbara.
Wednesday 31 December 14 03:41
"Will you still need me, when I'm sixty-four?" Yes, the world definitely still needs Dave's music!
Rick Dodderidge rdodderidge@kc.rr.com
Tuesday 23 December 14 05:21
I have been anxious for decades now to see a collection of all of your promotional videos. How about releasing a dvd of those, maybe including the Top Of The Pops clip of Hole In My Shoe with Neil!
Thanks ever so much!! Love You! Love You! Love You!!! Merry Christmas! - Rick.
Dave Stewart
Monday 29 September 14 23:51
Cheers all. Hey Geoff, I'm not the retiring type! Marc, I've PM'd you. Mychael, Alan was a great guy and a close friend, our collaboration in National Health was very positive and enjoyable despite the difficulties we faced in keeping the group together (on which note, thanks Marc for the Oxford bookings!) Alan was very funny, had a keen sense of humour (he loved The Goon Show, a mad 1950s British radio show which was like a precursor of Monty Python-style surreal humour), and of course he was an excellent keyboard player with a good ear for sound, and had great synth programming chops. He also wrote some beautiful, unique pieces of music. We all miss him.
Marc Hadley marchadley2@gmail.com
Monday 29 September 14 06:34
Hi Dave. I'm a friend of Phil (Miller) via his childhood friend and Delivery accomplice Jack + also Henk in Holland.Way back, I used to book National Health to play in Oxford- once for "Mayfly" benefit at Clarendon Press hall, and when you guys did a benefit gig at Oxford Poly for Lol Coxhill's teeth! I'm partly a music academic these days & I'm researching HatN and early 1970's 'Art Rock' in general towards a hopeful book project. I've already talked to Phil and Rich quite a lot but it would be incredibly helpful if at some point you could answer various questions I have about the musical origins of some of the HatN pieces & songs + some detail about the album recording sessions. I live in Cornwall. All the best, Marc.
Mychael Pollard mykep15@gmail.com
Tuesday 26 August 14 00:47
Hey Dave! What was it like to work with Alan Gowen and how was he as a person? Thanks, Mychael Pollard.
Geoff geoffprince@talktalk.net
Thursday 21 August 14 03:51
Dave, many thanks for your reply. So maybe when you 'retire' then? :)
Dave Stewart
Friday 08 August 14 00:50
Yes, Walnut Tree Walk has fond memories for me... the principal one being our Waterloo cubs football team playing some local rivals in the WTW school playground circa 1960 and winning by a large margin - I think even I scored that day. Thanks for your kind words on the song Marco. Frank, the music on the Hatfield CD reissues has not been remixed, merely remastered from the original (I assume) stereo master tapes. IMO the albums sounded OK on vinyl back in the day and they sound OK on CD now! Our recording royalty on the Virgin Records albums is a pittance, in keeping with the exploitative deals of the era; however, Virgin Music do pay the composers the statutory minimum 50% share of publishing revenue, enabling us to buy the odd curry or pair of trainers twice a year. Given the financial circumstances, we ex-Hatfield musicians prefer nowadays to concentrate our energies on our own archive releases, for which we receive (for the first time in 40 years) sensible and fair renumeration. P.S. It was bar skittles, not darts :)
Frank Cairns
Thursday 7 August 14 08:42
Does Dave (or anyone) have an opinion on the remastered HatN CDs? Is the sound/mix noticeably better? Also, does Dave get any payment from these given the story of losing all the HatN publishing rights to Br*n$t!n in a darts match?
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Wednesday 30 July 14 01:50
Testing, testing. I have tried posting this before with no success: www.youtube.com/watch?v=anXwBvsFVa4 "This performance recorded around February of 1982 on Spanish TV show Aplauso was broadcast the 13th of March of that year. Hosted by Adriana Ozores, the British duo also mimed that day the B side of their successful single, "Waiting on the wings". It was the only time they do that ever for a TV show." (N.B. 'Waiting In The Wings' is not shown in the clip - DS.)
Friday 25 July 14 14:53
Just found out that Walnut Tree Walk is a REAL place in South London (near where Dave was born in Waterloo) ... well, well, fond memories I guess? I revisit Green and Blue mainly for that unassuming gem. The syncopated piano ostinato (and the way the bass line falls only momentarily to the major third) is utter bliss! Also, the beginning of the keyboard solo [at 3:54] links from the vocal bridge so poignantly, with an effortless-sounding finesse I normally associate with Allan Holdsworth!
Dave Stewart
Thursday 22 July 14 16:40
Thanks Geoff. You can keep the compliments coming, they make a welcome change from electricity bills and tax demands! I share your regard for the music of Egg, Hatfield etc. I've been asked *many* times if I can provide scores... the fact is, for the most part scores don't exist in any reproducible, single form - the music is hand-written on dozens of pieces of paper, often fragmentary, single instrument parts with bits missing which I would have to reconstruct. This being complex music, at the moment I can't justify the time it would take me to piece together a complete score even for one song, but it is something I would like to do at some stage. I think it is important that a written archive of this stuff survives, but I have to balance that with the need to write and promote new music. BTW 'Newport Hospital' is a favourite of mine (and given your address, I can see why it might strike a chord with you too :) Nice to know that Steve Wilson played it, he has good taste!
Geoff geoffprince@talktalk.net
Wednesday 23 July 14 08:32
Sorry for the previous outburst of emotion but hearing Egg on the radio was a pretty momentous occasion. I’ve now had a good lay down and my heart rate has finally returned to normal. Now Dave, listen up please. I appreciate you’ve little time to spare what with the new album and all that but this needs to be said: there are a legion of fans out there from the EggHats and Nats days who would sell their souls to be able to play a few notes and chords of yours from that wonderfully inventive period. As a 59 year old (very) amateur keyboard player I would love to be able to play some of the simpler ditties that you have composed but trying to transcribe them is, for me, pretty near impossible.
Therefore, on behalf of those like myself, please might you consider making one of your ‘Inside the Music’ series a piece from this era? I can appreciate that you may prefer to look forward rather than back, but you were responsible for some incredible music that has stood the test of time. When Stephen Wilson plays it on the radio then its testament to its importance and longevity. Dave, please please consider this, it would be such a shame if others were denied the chance to play something very special. (Let me know if I’ve overdone the complements.) Geoff Prince, Isle of Wight.
Geoff geoffprince@talktalk.net
Sunday 20 July 14 12:23
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!! They have just played Egg's 'Visit To Newport Hospital' on Team Rock Radio! How absolutely, wonderfully, magically, brilliantly AWESOME! (I have tears in my eyes . . .)
Dave Stewart
Monday 2 June 14 18:40
Hi Christian, thanks for that. When I began playing keyboards I was influenced by Bach and Stravinsky, having been introduced to the latter's music by my Egg bandmate Mont Campbell. Later, I drew inspiration from jazz-based musicians such as Joe Zawinul and Chick Corea, but much as I admire the amazing musicianship of jazz, I'm more interested in composition, and have probably been more deeply influenced by Jimi Hendrix than by Keith Jarrett!
Christian Cail
Monday 2 June 14 07:44
Mr. Stewart, I am a jazz guitarist from North Carolina, and I just wanted to say that your work with Egg and National Health have helped shape the way look at music. I attend the North Carolina School of the Arts in the Classical Guitar program. How much were you influenced by Jazz and Classical music and by whom were you influenced by the most?
Kevin Smith kev.ws@virgin.net
Sunday 5 January 14 08:48
Hi Dave, I booked Egg at the 76 Club in Burton on Trent many moons ago. The band were astonishing... Never managed to see you since... any upcoming gigs... anywhere? I'm a film Director and would love to shoot a gig for you as well. P.S. recently stayed at the Ryde Castle Hotel... saw no skinheads thank God!
Pete Fortune
Thursday 2 January 14 13:19
(Slightly red-faced) SORRY! However, notwithstanding the indulgence, I retract nothing from my post.
Pete Fortune
Tuesday 31 December 13 13:50
Kurt Vonnegut . . . the Hatfields . . . Zappa . . . Egg . . . Kevin Ayers . . . Gilgamesh . . . National Health . . . Alasdair Gray . . . Phillip Larkin . . . Norman McCaig . . . Ray Carver . . . my wife, my weans . . . my social work job and my punters . . . baccy and occasional booze and other smoke . . . have kept me going thus far . . . and tonight too much whusky!! ***HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL GOOD FOLKS*** But listen . . . the world is fucked up - we need a global humanitarian socialism. Dave Stewart - musically, you have been a constant in my life since I was 17 - thank you for your creativity. This post - please excuse my slightly pissed indulgence!
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Sunday 29 December 13 19:09
Happy birthday, Dave. And a very happy new year to you and Barb.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 1 December 13 13:16
Thanks Marco. I improvised the chord sequence in one pass (played slowly so I could figure out what shape to play next), but had no idea how the rhythm would pan out till I played it back. I guess I got lucky!
Friday 29 November 13 10:57
Thanks for the new Henry and James deconstruction. Was amazed to read that for the 'middle 8' MSQ-700 step sequence Dave "didn't work anything out ... but simply played a sequence of chords and threw in a few semi-random ties here and there." That passage has always intrigued me with its quirky rhythms and lovely fleeting dissonances. I still don't think another keyboardist could have come up with it - as a rule, subtlety isn't in most keyboardists' dictionaries!
Dave Stewart
Monday 11 November 13 11:15
You're welcome George, glad the books were helpful. Thanks for the play Stephen, good choice! @Marco >he did not sing "like Joe Meek": *No-one* sang like Joe Meek - 'Telstar' deconstructed, 1.10. :)
George marlandpictures@aol.com
Sunday 10 November 13 15:30
Dave, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your books on music. I bought all three and finally started to understand things that I've struggled with for forty years! Stuff that was impossible for me to grasp is now opening up and making me want to learn more. No end of books and supposedly knowledgeable people could not open those doors for me but you have and I will be eternally grateful to you. My weapon of choosing has always been bass guitar but I'm determined to learn piano now, thanks to you. Kindest regards, George.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 14 October 13 11:47
How did I miss
this anniversary? I am preparing for a radio show at the weekend (Manchester All FM if anyone is interested) and I spotted this quote in your sleeve notes: "On October 13th 1981 I got the fateful call: "Dave, it's number one." With those words, our lives changed." Whenever I got the chance to play the single on a juke box I always put on the B-side, 'Waiting In The Wings', to make people sit up and listen to something new. That's the track I have selected for Sunday.
Wednesday 9 October 13 10:19
More "Ian Chippett post" feedback about Delius... he did not sing "like Joe Meek". You only believe that if you swallow too literally Ken Russell's 1968 Delius film. And I'm not sure Dave's chords are more complex these days than before, though perhaps the harmonic nuances and subtleties come through much clearer in the mix in these days of digital clarity, as will many notes' overtones!
Ricardo odrioper@online.no
Tuesday 8 October 13 10:08
Hi - regarding the recent post from Ian Chippett, the name of the guy who helped Delius in his final years was Eric Fenby. His book 'Delius As I Knew Him', on which Ken Russell's amazing film 'Song of Summer' is based, is highly recommended reading for anybody, especially musicians who imagine they are having a rough time with their careers. You can get it here:
www.amazon.com/Delius-As-I-Knew-Him/dp/1175861537. I have a good friend who met Fenby and played Delius' cello sonata for him. His final words to my friend were, "My boy, every morning when you take up your instrument, start playing with a feeling of love". Looking forward to whatever Dave and Barbara may come up with next. I'm sure there will be much love spent on it, as evidenced on past material. Best regards! Ricardo.
Dave Stewart
Monday 30 September 13 09:55
Hey all, thanks for your kind comments and insights, writing the articles is a pleasure. I can sympathise with Delius... often when I try to sing a part to Barbara, my tuneless monotone is met with incomprehension! Re. Pip's advice about counting irregular time signatures, I find that in the end you have to get beyond counting and try to feel the outline of the rhythm - for example, an 11/8 bar sub-divided 3+3+2+3 can be 'felt' as an irregular four-beat pulse (>.. >.. >. >..) The trick is to get used to the '2' coming in a weird place and disturbing the flow: if you start off slowly and repeat it enough times, it starts to feel natural. Marco, I know the riff you mean, it's on the production line! And yes, that Forbidden Planet soundtrack was definitely ahead of its time.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Sunday 29 September 13 19:01
Thank you so much for 'Your Lucky Star' decontruction. Wow. SPIN has been your most spun CD in my disc player since its initial release. So filled to the brim with drop dead gorgeous harmonic, melodic pieces I have come back to time and time again, and each time with my being just as moved as I was upon first having heard them! Much appreciated!
Sunday 29 September 13 09:16
Your September newsletter gave me that seemingly once-in-a-decade buzz of learning that the Stewart/Gaskin duo are in the studio (or perhaps a more domestic location) recording new songs. With that in mind, can I cheekily make a request? A wonderful song from the DS archives is (I think) called 'Waking Up Is Hard To Do'. It contains a riff that was very hard to dislodge from my frontal lobe when initially assimilated...
...and there's a very slick and tense electric piano ostinato in the middle where a minor chord, stacked with maj 7th and 9th, alternates with the 9th rising a semitone to the minor 10th. I've always considered this song worthy of a commercial release, and hope it may finally "see the light of day" on a future album.
Shep T shept@toad.net
Wednesday 25 September 13 09:07
Dave: Thanks for posting - 'Your Lucky Star' is one of my all time faves! Shep.
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Monday 23 September 13 05:44
Thanks a million for another great article. Just two comments: I have spoken to people who say "Yes, his pop stuff is OK but I prefer the progressive stuff." This never ceases to amaze me as having seen the scores from the first Hatfield album (they fell off the back of a lorry), they contain chords like E and A which even I can play. Of course I can't play them very well because of the strange time signatures. (I once asked Pip how to cope with this. He said don't count one-two-three, one-two, just count one each time.) The chords on the more recent stuff are far more "progressive!" Why does progressive music never progress? Second thing: I was reminded of Delius who was both blind and paralysed and had to dictate his scores to Eric Newby. Unfortunately, he sang like Joe Meek and hit the roof every time when Newby asked him to repeat the roar he'd just heard. You can hear all this dictated music on "A Song Of Summer." Not pop or progressive just nice.
Marco S worried-about@spam.com
Sunday 22 September 13 12:23
Dave, thanks for another great Inside the Music instalment – and the 'Telstar Deconstructed' was a wonderful and intriguing bonus. Got me thinking, given your interest in Meek’s pioneering sound effects ("noises from another world") and previously 'Mr. Theremin', thought I’d mention that yesterday (21st September), Radio 3 broadcast a 25-minute programme called 'Return of the Monster from the Id' about how the amazing electronic score to the 1956 film Forbidden Planet was created - the first entirely electronic film soundtrack! There is archive commentary on the hit-and-miss production techniques from the two composers (a married couple) who created those eerie analogue sounds, and subsequently got blacklisted for doing an MGM score that otherwise would have given work to orchestral musicians! It should be available on
Listen Again for at least a week.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 21 September 13 16:00
Thanks Graham, good question. When we originally released Spin in 1990 we were persuaded to add bonus tracks by our overseas licencees - we never felt those three tracks were an integral part of the album. Consequently, we decided to include them on our rarities album The TLG Collection, rather than on Spin Special Edition. We considered including Curve on Spin SE but decided against because we prefer not to have duplicate versions of tracks on multiple albums. Coincidentally, I was thinking about the piece last night as I mused on which piece to feature in my next Inside The Music article!
Saturday 21 September 13 06:05
I was looking at the DS/BG CDs available at Burning Shed and noticed the track listing for the Spin Special Edition. There is a Randy Newman song as a bonus track. But when I look at my copy of Spin (bought back in the '90s) I notice that it had no less than 3 bonus tracks! These were 'Fear Is The Thief', 'McGroggan', and the marvellous instrumental 'The Curve of the Earth' (which should have ideally been spliced into the front of 'Eight Miles High'). I can understand Fear and McGroggan being left out, as they don't really stylistically gel with the other CD tracks, but I'm curious about the decision to leave out a standout track like The Curve from the Special Edition.
Dave Stewart
Friday 20 September 13 19:30
Hi Frank, Phil's fine as far as I know, probably just hasn't got round to updating his site (I know the feeling). Þorgeir, when The Ottawa Company performed back in the early '70s we used to have a raffle during the show. Our friend William Phillips used to come on stage and conduct it, and for a laugh he used to hector the audience in the style of Adolf Hitler. (The audience understood he wasn't serious - or at least, I hope they did.) Hence, the raffle came to be known as the Nuremberg Raffle, named after the infamous Nuremberg Rally.
Friday 20 September 13 08:49
Dave, whither Phil Miller? His website has been static for ages. Do you know if he's ok and making music? His last record was a corker (as was Green and Blue incidentally).
Friday 20 September 13 04:35
What is "Nuremberg Raffle" referred to in Copious Notes and what was it infamous for?
Broken Records Webmaster
Thursday 19 September 13 14:27
Apologies for the recent outage - the Visitors Book is now working again.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 8 September 13 17:55
Thanks Joe, you're welcome. I enjoy creating the 'Inside The Music' pieces, in fact I'm working on a new one right now - should be online by next weekend.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Saturday 7 September 13 21:43
Wow. That last "mystery post" (The Marriage of Figaro?) was most unfortunate. Now back to our regularly scheduled program of (real?) communications, one can only hope! Dave, thank you so much for the "Inside The Music" bits. They are greatly appreciated! LOVE the music. And to get the "inside scoop" is enlightening, intriguing, and so much fun ♫☮!
marcello mcmon@me.com
Monday 5 August 13 10:39
Hi again! You have probably noticed that I'm pretty obsessive, but nonetheless I recorded another National Health cover, this time of Brujo. The drums sound sloppy during the solo section but I may attempt to fix them later. https://soundcloud.com/marcello-cirelli/brujo-with-software-drums. Thanks! Marcello.
Denis Harrison harrison888@btinternet.com
Saturday 27 July 13 04:37
Dear Dave and Barbara, hi - the signed CD landed and is now almost worn out. Long time since I so eagerly awaited the post - and not disappointed when it landed! Great album, thanks. I used to think that come the day of reckoning I would hear Mozart's 'Ave Verum Corpus' sung by Andrea Bocelli (the word of God, written by the Hand of God, sung by the voice of God, I always thought) but now it may just have slipped down the listing and been replaced by BG's ethereal 'I'm In A Different World'. Well well done Barbara - stiff competition indeed! Even Mrs H. is a fan now. Kind regards, Denis. (Will stop emailing now I've got the CD haha.)
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 24 July 13 18:30
No problem, our signatures will be on the CD! Barbara reads these messages too, we appreciate your kind words.
Denis Harrison harrison888@btinternet.com
Wednesday 24 July 13 10:07
Thanks for your reply Dave. I do travel some but Tokyo is off my itinerary for now! (Ottawa? Jersey? Geneva?) Good to hear though that you're still on the music scene. All I ask politely, is that you sign the CD I've just bought through Burning Shed if poss.! Best regards to Miss Gaskin - so nice that you're together. Thanks again - class acts and good music never go away. DH
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 24 July 13 17:59
Thanks Denis, no gigs in the book at the moment but we are considering some Tokyo (and maybe elsewhere) shows in spring / early summer 2014.
Denis Harrison harrison888@btinternet.com
Wednesday 24 July 13 08:13
Hi, thanks for some of the most memorable sounds that have travelled with me through time - they own that majesty of quality which has the power to take me back through time! I carry some similar sentiments for Johnny Hates Jazz - class music, paired with (I think) creamy voices. They've re-formed I gather - so are you likely to appear anywhere in concert, or am I out of touch! Just wish I could get hold of more of your stuff, Thanks - your music lives on, well done! Kind regards, DH. (P.S. Just ordered a signed CD now.)
Dave Stewart
Saturday 20 July 13 13:35
Ed, in a nutshell (and bearing in mind we're going back 37 years), my recollections of John are that he was a very good musician, an excellent reader and a nice person. He did a great job filling in for Bill but ultimately I wanted a more rock-based drummer for National Health - though John was a fine kit player (one of the few that could play our music correctly, in fact) and had good time, his approach and touch struck me as a little jazzy. (Purely a question of personal taste, no musical criticism implied.) Re. 'Zabaglione', it was mainly the ever-shifting metres which made it so hard to play. Mont liked to wrong-foot the audience in some of his compositions, and that meant occasionally the band were also in danger of ending up with tangled feet.
Ed edmundhobe@gmail.com
Thursday 11 July 13 14:44
Hi Dave, what are your recollections of John Mitchell? Very little is known about him, except that he filled in for Bill Bruford in National Health in 1976 and he ended up guesting as a percussionist on NH's self-titled LP. You've cited Mont's 'Zabaglione' for National Health as the hardest piece you've ever played live. What factors made the piece particularly hard to perform? Of course it's evident that the piece emits Zappa-like complexity (think Roxy & Elsewhere), but then again, so does much of other NH oeuvre, so the question is: how did 'Zabaglione' stand out?
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 9 July 13 09:25
Yes, farewell Roger LaVern. We had a nice chat on the phone a few years ago, comparing notes on the perils of playing a Vox Continental organ on stage! Roger was a member of The Tornados, who performed the wonderful 'Telstar' in 1962. One of the the original generation of touring rock musicians, pioneers in many ways, who are now sadly leaving us.
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Wednesday 3 July 13 04:16
R.I.P. One of Dave's inspirations, I believe www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/roger-lavern-keyboard-player-with-the-tornados-8682290.html.
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 25 June 13 00:02
Don't forget my commission! Pip used a mixture of electric (Simmons SDSV) and acoustic drums & cymbals on 'Leipzig'. His performance is entirely live and undoctored, but I subsequently 'span in' some of his fills so that they appear in more than one place in the song. That would take no time at all with hard disk recording, but back then we had to do it by laboriously copying the fill onto 1/4" tape and re-recording it on the master tape - it usually took a lot of tries to get the timing right between the two tape machines.
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Sunday 23 June 13 23:46
Thanks for the quick reply. I can now earn myself 1,000,000€. I know that Pip drummed on Leipzig but was he actually playing real drums or using some kind of software? There's a roll just before Barbara sings the second part of the chorus which I adore but it suspiciously the same every time.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 23 June 13 14:45
Thanks Ian. No, Pip didn't play on 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted'. He didn't play on 'It's My Party' either, but we used to invite him to mime to both those records on TV shows for a laugh!
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Sunday 23 June 13 01:42
I was watching the TOTP Xmas show with Colin Blunstone and mentioned to a Facebook friend that Pip Pyle didn't play on the original recording but my FB friend insists that he did. Before I bet him 1,000,000€ that he's wrong, could you confirm? Great record BTW.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 16 June 13 18:03
Hi Eric - I haven't retired. I don't own any of those keyboards, so can't comment on the KARMA system. However, Korg's pro keyboards are usually excellent.
Eric ericv8@cox.net
Sunday 16 June 13 06:05
After just reading your Bruford review, I actually pondered why YOU had retired. We don't get much in the US. 'cross the pond you have the Flower Kings and their ilk. I am going to move. ...I was wondering what you thought about Stephen Kay's KARMA system. It's in the Korg KARMA, Korg M3, and Korg Kronos. Dying to know your opinion of them. Best,
Dave Stewart
Monday 20 May 13 19:10
Hi Steve, I didn't buy Spaceward's desk (though as you say, it was unique). Apart from a couple of trigger boxes built for me by Mike Kemp, the only bit of Spaceward kit I can recall buying was their Yamaha CP70-B electric grand piano, which became surplus to requirements after they bought a 7-foot Yamaha concert grand.
SteveH steveherbert12@gmail.com
Monday 20 May 13 05:55
Hi Dave - I was just wondering if you still have any of the old Spaceward hardware. I seem to recall that you bought that unique desk and a few other choice bits and bobs.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 29 April 13 16:02
Any more news on the idea of touring the British Isles? I was over in the Hebden Bridge Trades Cub the other week and mentioned to the concert booker about your thoughts on the subject. He would relish the chance to book you if the opportunity arose. I will be there again on Saturday to see the return of Stackridge and The Buzzcocks play there in August. Promises to be a sweaty night as it only holds 200!
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 10 April 13 00:30
If you turn off a Hammond organ while holding a note, the pitch bends down as the power dies... and bends up again if you quickly turn it back on. (I learned the trick watching Keith Emerson and The Nice.)
Ed edmundhobe@gmail.com
Tuesday 9 April 13 13:40
Thanks for revealing your organ setup, however I also wonder about the bending notes aspect of some of your wildest solos. As early as on the Holst cover on the Arzachel-Uriel album (that track being recorded before Steve quit Uriel) you wrought out some genuinely astral noises from your organ, how come?
Dave Stewart
Saturday 6 April 13 14:20
Hi Stewart: Hammond L122 organ, Rose-Morris Duofuzz fuzz box, Hiwatt 100-watt amp, 2 WEM 4x12 speaker cabs, occasional WEM Copycat echo unit. No percussion used on fuzz solos. Let me know if you find a working Duofuzz!
Stewart H. stewarthastings7@gmail.com
Thursday 4 April 13 17:54
Hi Dave! I was just wondering about a few things regarding your organ. During your Egg, Hatfield, and National Health days, what organ did you use, what settings did you use on it in terms of drawbars and percussion, and what fuzz box did you use for it on solos and songs like 'The Yes/No Interlude' and 'The Bryden 2-Step'? I've always wanted to recreate those sounds I grew up loving. P.S. to Marcello, I listened to your cover, and I have to say that is one of the most impressive things I've ever heard, and only 16... Wow! I would also love to check out the 'Dreams Wide Awake' transcription you are doing.
Stewart Hastings.
Jonathon Valentine Systematicallydumb@hotmail.com
Saturday 30 March 13 13:59
Greetings from Alaska, Dave and Barbara! I'm glad to see both of you are are doing well. I'm honored to be able to talk to you both, and I just wanted to say your music has been the biggest inspiration for me and my musical friends! Please email me sometime! I'd love to chat for a minute. Sincerely, Jonathon Valentine.
Dave Stewart
Friday 22 March 13 10:01
Mont playing Fender Rhodes, a rare sight. We saw him a couple of weeks ago, he's in good shape and keeping busy. Edmund, Thanks for your kind wishes for a long life! We're working on it.
Edmund stereom@gmail.com
Tuesday 5 March 13 11:04
Indeed. I actually got a reply from the musician in question himself and he confirmed that Andy Saunders, the founder of Pimmel, had indeed managed to rope him into performing at that gig. Now Dave, how often do you stay in touch with Mont anyway? Do you visit him in Lewes? I'm thinking of traveling there myself one day. I suppose you have heard the sad news of Adrienne Campbell having passed away last October. It was really sad. I certainly do wish you and Barbara will stay strong well into your nineties (and even beyond). Here's a loving tribute Mont wrote for Adrienne. And there's a song Mont wrote for her last birthday, sort of a Brit folk canon thing.
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Monday 4 March 13 02:53
www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmho-fc54YQ - That looks like an old friend of yours (and ours) at 1:20...
Marcello mcmon@me.com
Saturday 23 February 13 07:08
Haha sorry that link was broken, I have finished it now; what I meant by my dad playing chords was that I layered him in that section playing Bb, Db, F# and Ab whole notes in a crescendo, so it sounded like multiple trombonists creating a chord swell. The solos still need a re-recording, I just mostly noodled around so it wouldn't sound empty. Here's the final link:
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 19 February 13 10:10
Hey all. It's a good job Keith wasn't tongue-tied too, otherwise it would have been a somewhat Pinteresque conversation... the keyboard on 'Stranded' is a Wurlitzer electric piano with added echo and wah-wah. I don't own a Wurli, so we either hired it in for the session or they had one lying around at the studio. Yes, good album, owes much to Neil Slaven's careful production and Steve's compositional powers. I never studied marimba, but since it uses a piano keyboard layout, I can bang out a tune on one! Re. the 'Clocks & Clouds' quote in 'Towplane', I think Alan and I collaborated on the intro, much as we did when we co-wrote 'Elephants'. Marcello: handy to have a trombone-playing dad, where did you find him? Wonderful that he owns a trombone that can play chords... (just joking).
Hi Eliot, yes we would like to play a UK gig later this year (hopefully December), but I can't commit at the moment. Good to hear that you're an 'ear keyboard player', I prefer fingers myself but each to his own. (---Insert canned laughter here---). I don't have time to check out your band, but good luck with finding a singer. Thanks also Max, Ricardo: regarding requests for discussion / scores of old music, your interest much appreciated as always, but my current work has to take priority. Without new stuff, there wouldn't be any old stuff :) I should explain that most of my old scores (all handwritten) are incomplete, and would require much time-consuming reconstructive work prior to digitising. This isn't something I can delegate to someone else, as it involves a massive paper archive. Sorry, I don't have MIDI files of my old compositions.
Edmund stereom@gmail.com
Monday 18 February 13 13:03
An observation: 'The Towplane & The Glider' on Missing Pieces features at (0.22-0.46) similar chords to what are being utilised on 'Clocks and Clouds', in particular the chorus and then the more chromatic chords before the verse "Past the northern lights" re-enters. Just as Mont allowed you to crowbar your ideas into his pieces, it may be one case when Alan allowed this as well.
Eliot Minn eliot.minn7@ntlworld.com
Sunday 17 February 13 10:28
Dave, first of all I have to say I love your joint stuff with Barbara, the National Health collection (especially 'Tenemos Roads' and 'Clocks and Clouds') and of course the Bruford albums. I have three questions for you which I would be eternally grateful for any answers:
1) Are you intending to do any gigs in England at all this year - Seeing Eddie Jobson with UK in London last year was one of the high points for me.
2) Do you have any MIDI files of the keyboard parts you play (particularly 'Tenemos Roads') - being an ear keyboard player, a score is nigh on useless unfortunately and would love to understand some of 'those chords'.
3) Finally and possibly a little bit of a cheeky request, but wondered if you knew any male or female vocalists who would be interested in joining our originals fundamentally progressive/fusion band - material at http://thefarmeadow.bandcamp.com - we need someone more than a little quirky who likes what we do.
Look forward to any responses and help and seeing you play a gig soon.
Ricardo odrioper@online.no
Friday 15 February 13 02:49
Hello Dave -
I would like to make a serious musical proposition to you. Whenever you have the time, please send me an email to the given address. Best regards, Ricardo (violinist/composer from Norway).
Marco none@none.co.uk
Friday 8 February 13 02:26
Regarding Dave's characteristically humble message (28 Jan)...I think that when Dave met Keith Emerson, it was KE who should have been tongue-tied, at least if aware of the Egg, Hatfield, NH and Bruford work. And by the way, I always saw the Bruford band as Britain's answer to Weather Report!
Marcello Cirelli mcmon@me.com
Saturday 2 February 13 18:39
Hi again Dave! No long message this time. I just wanted to share with you and everyone else my incomplete cover of 'Squarer For Maude' (featuring my father on an F# major 7th trombone swell in 5/4). At the part in 25/4 (or 15/4 then 10/4) I was feeling a little whimsical :). https://soundcloud.com/marcello-cirelli/squarer-for-maude-halfway. Thank you for inspiring! Marcello
Edmund stereom@gmail.com
Tuesday 29 January 13 14:36
Been listening to Khan's Space Shanty. A very good record, it is Dave's participation that really makes it stand out amongst other rock records of the era. A good blend of both so-called Canterbury organ as well as the more Jon Lord type organ, plus some lovely tinkling Pianet (that's certainly not the acoustic piano on the cascading part that introduces the verses, is it?) on 'Stranded', that towards the end is used very well to create 'In a Silent Way' type atmospheres. But there's also quite a good marimba bit at the beginning of 'Stargazers', surprisingly well played, really predates the mallet percussion mania of classic Gong. What was your previous experience on the marimba? Any lessons taken beforehand?
Max Engleman tengent98@gmail.com
Monday 28 January 13 21:17
Greetings! Dave, I was wondering if you could discuss any sort of the music theory/compositional technique behind Egg's 'Prelude'? You are not the composer, but you did perform it in the studio. I was curious to see if you could make a comment about the harmonies, and then maybe about how a young composer such as myself might .. go about writing such music. I swear to goodness it is one of the most enchanting pieces of music I've ever heard, and it's such a shame I can't go out and purchase a pocket score like I can with Stravinsky's works. Thanks for all the great tunes!
Dave Stewart
Monday 28 January 13 11:00
Hi there Mr. Willmott, you're welcome! Bill was a good fit for our band, one of the few drummers who could negotiate the charts and supply a suitable (not to mention, exceedingly strong) drum part. Sorry you declined Bill's offer of a curry, I know the feeling - I was tongue-tied when I met Joe Zawinul and Keith Emerson (thankfully not at the same time, otherwise I may never have recovered). Glad my music has been an inspiration! Marcello's request is a
FAQ (more details in my post here of March 23 2012) which I'm afraid I can't help with at the moment, being fully absorbed in composing new material.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Sunday 27 January 13 18:27
Dave Willmott - Just visiting the site (as I do now and then, to see "what's up" with the Dave 'n' Barb), and I want to thank you for the YouTube post of 'As if..' by Full Circle. If this is your work, please keep it up! Very nice, indeed!
dave daveW@acuteconcepts.co.uk
Monday 21 January 13 11:21
Hi Dave, just wanted to say a big "thank you" for compiling the National Health 'Missing Pieces'. It's fantastic. Never thought I'd hear Mr. Bruford doing NH stuff - always thought that was something I'd never hear. Met you several times during the late '70s. Recall buying many a Special Brew. Particularly recall Bruford inviting me to join you and his band for a curry (at Nottingham), but (being an idiot and feeling totally out of my depth) refused. Still listening to Egg and the fantastic Hatfield albums. (Sad but true and still amazing - yes, I know, I should "get a life"). Your music has inspired me - thank you. You are indirectly responsible for this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp7bdCDybc8. Hope you are well and still musicing. Dave Willmott.
Marcello Cirelli mcmon@me.com
Monday 21 January 13 09:49
Hello Dave & Barbara! My name is Marcello, I'm 16 and a huge fan of all of your music. I myself play have played keyboards and various other instruments since I was 4 and love playing along to your tunes, odd time signatures and strange chords are my favorite things. ('Mumps' from The Rotters' Club and 'Tenemos Roads' from National Health being my two favourite pieces). Soon I'll be applying to music schools for college, and I was wondering if you have any transcriptions available from your time with Hatfield and the North, National Health, and even Bruford, specifically If You Can't Stand The Heat. I was planning on recording a cover to send to the colleges, and for me to play with my other musical friends (I've turned many of them on to Canterbury/Progressive/Fusion stuff) and I could even send them back to you in digital form if you want. Anything is appreciated. Hope you had a happy holiday/birthday! Marcello.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 19 January 13 11:00
Thanks for birthday greetings. Being born on Dec 30th, the anniversary tends to get overshadowed by Christmas / New Year celebrations, so it's nice you guys remembered it! Re. Geir & Edmund's comments on the 'Wring Out' keyboard solo, I used to enjoy playing over this sequence in Egg, so borrowed it for my tune 'Landcrabs' when I joined Hatfield. The 'Lobster' / 'Enneagram' quote is the other way round; I originally wrote 'Lobster In Cleavage Probe' for The Ottawa Company (Egg never performed it), and later quoted the Lobster 11/8 bass line during my keyboard improvisation in Mont's piece 'Enneagram'. On 'Elephants', Alan wrote the main riff (1.37), I wrote the 25/8 keyboard arpeggio and ensuing sections (3.51 - 7.39). After that we quote various other National Health compositions, inc. 'Tenemos Roads' and Mont's 'Agrippa': 'Elephants' was designed to be played at the end of our set, so these quotes are a "You have been listening to..."-style medley, which I arranged. As far as I recall, the beautiful playout (11.42) was written by Alan - certainly not by me, anyway! HTH.
Edmund stereom@gmail.com
Friday 11 January 13 04:13
Ha, I'm sure the 'Wring Out'/'Takeover' question has been frequently asked from Dave, but for now, I think it is good to know that 'Wring Out' was played live by Egg in 1972, so it was well before Hatfield's formation. Similarly, a portion of 'Enneagram' also found its way on 'Lobster in Cleavage Probe'. A more interesting question: how did the collaborative process take place with 'Elephants' between you and Alan? Who wrote what? Any more substantial Dave bits than just 'Tenemos' reprise? And how did it happen that excerpts from Mont's compositions wound up in the score?
Geir j geirjuveng@yahoo.no
Tuesday 8 January 13 05:26
Hi Dave, I recently discovered you playing the same keyboard part in the Egg track 'Wring Out The Ground' (on The Civil Surface album) from 2:50 minutes in the track - this is the same part in Hatfield and the North's track 'Gigantic Landcrabs in Earth Takeover Bid' (from 1:30 mins). What's the story behind this? Excellent tracks both anyway.
Edmund stereom@gmail.com
Sunday 30 December 12 09:20
Happy birthday Dave Stewart! Send my regards to Mont as well, I've been communicating to him via e-mail, he's a real great guy in addition to being, as you say, a genius! Here's to both of you, cheerio!
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Saturday 29 December 12 16:56
Happy Birthday, Dave!!
Dave Stewart
Monday 24 December 12 16:00
Hey Brian, good to hear from you - I remember your great song 'Baby Said Goodbye'! Andrew, my favourite synths are: (analogue) Prophet V and Minimoog, (digital) Korg T3 and Korg Trinity, (software) Spectrasonics Omnisphere. Thanks Ross, you're welcome - there's more of the same on our Facebook page. Barbara and I would like to thank everyone for their support and kind words, and wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year.
Andrew Brown brown_a_r@yahoo.co.uk
Sunday 23 December 12 13:08
Hi Dave, many thanks for getting back with your reply, I have only just gone back on to read it! What are your favourite all time synths and do you still own some cool vintage gear? What newish synths do you rate? Cheers, Andrew.
brian catanzaro brian@catrecords.us
Friday 14 December 12 15:56
Hello, Brian from New Jersey here. S&G got me through a very difficult summer back in '93. Wrote you some fan mail and you actually answered it and really gave me a boost. Happy to finally get some of your rare MP3 tracks. All the best and happiness in the New Year.
Ross RossClement@gmail.com
Saturday 1 December 12 04:16
I just want to send mucho thanks to Dave for responding to posts on this visitors' book. I don't have an earthshaking question of my own to ask right now, but I really appreciated reading other people's questions and Dave's answers.
Joe Biela joe.biela@woway.com
Saturday 3 November 12 21:50
Stephen, I believe 'Island' is available on the Japanese-only issue of Dave Sinclair's 'Stream' CD. What a beautiful CD it appears to be! Check out 'Distant Star' also from same CD. Let's hope this release becomes available to US/UK REAL SOON, as it appears to be a real gem!
Dave Stewart
Saturday 3 November 12 19:50
Peter Wade - ex-Hatfeld and the North road manager extraordinaire, very nice man. Here's to you too, old chap! Thanks for the link Stephen, I'll try to find out where one can buy that track. Andrew, if you mean 'Hatwise Choice' and 'Hattitude' (official archive CDs released by the band), they're both available from Burning Shed's online Hatfield store. The main synth on GGT is a Sequential Circuits Prophet V, which is an analogue instrument. Thanks for your kind words!
Andrew Brown brown_a_r@yahoo.co.uk
Saturday 3 November 12 08:25
Dear Dave, I just wanted to say how much I've loved your music over the years, especially with Bruford and Hatfield and the North, I wanted to ask you where if possible is it possible to get the Hatwise CDs, they seem to be out of print! Also can you tell me what keyboard you used on Gradually Going Tornado, I'm assuming its an early digital synth, it sounds great, such a clean sound. Love your playing, I'm going to listen to your newer stuff right now! Cheers, Andrew.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Tuesday 30 October 12 16:51
I have just listened to the most beautiful piece of music I have heard in many years. I have played it three times tonight. I have to thank the NME and YouTube for bringing it to my attention. Of course I only found it because of the link to Dave and Barbara. I want to buy it now but according to the NME it is not available in the UK. Now that IS a shame. Anyone have any more information about the recording? The track is 'Island' by Dave Sinclair (and friends) www.nme.com/nme-video/youtube/id/5r1ObdAsa7w.
peter wade cpeterwade@gmail.com
Saturday 13 October 12 21:22
Hello Dave, here's an old partner in crime, hope yer doin' well old matey, all the best, Peter.
Ignacio Igi.dude@gmail.com
Wednesday 10 October 12 20:12
Thank you for the response!! I hope we meet someday (and I hope to speak English in that moment, jajaja). I hope to be part of a special time like that, where creativity, imagination and inspiration can flow. If by chance it happens here, I'll tell you. Thank you!
Dave Stewart
Monday 9 October 12 13:14
Thanks Ignacio - it's interesting to hear about those bands from Chile and Argentina. Rock went through a creative mutation in the late '60s and '70s and though all eras have their musical high points, many people (myself included) think that was a special time. I'll leave it to sociologists to suggest the wider causes, but in my peer group it was definitely a time when creativity was praised above all else, and commerciality for its own sake was despised. Yeah Stephen, 'National Healther' is a bit off the mark since I left the band 35 years ago! Which leads me to wonder, if I was 37 years old now, would the caption have read 'Toddler Dave Stewart'? Hey Jerome, thanks for your nice comments about 'Lepizig'.
Ignacio igi.dude@gmail.com
Thursday 4 October 12 20:57
Hi Dave, I'm sending thanks from Chile. Your music to me is like a fountain of knowledge (respect to the 'Canterbury bands'). Very "cabezona" (mmm, a big head.. musically very interesting and complicated), I don't understand how this music happened, why in the '70s rock changed and grew. And it's a fact that grew in many countries (here: La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros, Serú Girán, Spinetta, Los Jaivas, Los Blops, etc.). Thank you very much for your influence. For me is a pleasure to transcribe chords and musical passages played for you and learn with it. I would have been lived that moment, but I'm a teenager still and in the future I will create music that contains that influence. Thank you very much really. (Sorry for my "Spanglish".)
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Thursday 27 September 12 02:39
Since the demise of the magazine The Word I have subscribed to Prog magazine and am heartened by the many mentions of Dave's current work projects with other musicians. In the latest issue it refers to his work on the Kompendium project. However I am peeved that underneath a photograph it calls him "National Healther Dave Stewart". Lazy journalism. Give them a kick up the backside for ignoring your fine body of work with Barbara over many years since your time in National Health, etc. While you are at it educate them with your extensive D&B catalogue for a much deserved feature in a future issue. How about a track on their free CD to boost your sales?
Jerome Simpson JSimpson@rec.org
Tuesday 31 July 12 14:43
In 1981 I bought your No.1 single. In 1983, Dave and Barbara, you recorded 'Leipzig.' In 2012, I led a historical tour of that same city, the birthplace of my grandmother, for the guests of my wedding, dressed as her father! The occasion was captured on video and from today is available on YouTube here: http://youtu.be/TbpYhJFVRLM. It is set to your wonderful tune! I guess it might be considered the first ever music video for the song and I do hope you both don't object but only generates further interest in you both! Thank you for this great track. More info about me is available at: http://www.wandervogel.org. Happy holidays to all this page's visitors! Jerome.
JoE qrmproductions@gmail.com
Monday 30 July 12 08:22
Dave - Am putting together a book on the history of the Minimoog for Moog Music and just came across some old Rock Goes To College footage of you playing one. Was wondering if you'd be up for a quick chat about your experiences with the instrument. All the best...JoE
Dave Stewart
Thursday 5 July 12 13:00
Hi Andrew, good to hear from you. It was a pleasure knowing David and John, both of whom were very helpful - David in particular worked hard helping us set up the original Broken Records mailing list, handling correspondence etc., and also contributed some tasty programming to a re-worked National Health piece that appeared on 'National Health - Complete'. He was a very musical guy, and his dad was a kind man. Both sadly missed... I hope you're keeping well and things are going OK for you.
Nice message Kyle, thank you. I've replied via PM... Chris, I thought I'd seen the last of the SDSV trigger box! It acted as an interface between my LMI Linn drum machine and the SDSV sound module - I'd program a part on the Linn using (say) a clave sound and send the audio from that into Mike's box, which would then send the right kind of audio 'spike' to trigger the SDSV. (It had to be a particular kind of signal, otherwise the SDSV wouldn't sound right.) By this means I automated the electric drum parts on our early '80s recordings, a big improvement on playing them live via pads (as I'd done on 'It's My Party'). If I recall, the last track I played live el. drums on was 'Do We See The Light of Day' (1982), after that everything was programmed. Thanks for the offer but I don't need to see a photo of the box - I remember it all too vividly!
andrew reed andrew.reed67@yahoo.co.uk
Monday 2 July 12 07:52
Hello Dave and Barbara, it's Andrew, cousin of David. I was just thinking about David and John and thought I'd say hello to you and thank you for your help and friendship with David, I hope you're both well, best wishes, Andrew.
Chris Jenkins jenkinsc01@aol.com
Thursday 28 June 12 09:44
Hi Dave, I recently rediscovered a piece of equipment I had stored away, and it turns out it's a Simmons SDSV trigger interface built for you by Mike Kemp at Spaceward. I bought it years ago with an SDSV brain, but I've never needed to use the interface. Now Mike has explained to me what it does, I intend to power it up and see if it still works! Do you remember anything about what sessions it was used on? Are you interested in me sending you a photo of it...? Regards, Chris Jenkins.
Kyle Miller km@navigamus.net
Monday 25 June 12 16:09
Dear Barbara and Dave, I'm a younger fan (25) who discovered your music in Grade 6 in east-coast Canada. Our music/history/English teacher, a wise fellow with slightly subversive tendencies, spent the year covering Shakespeare and then the 20th century (I learned more that year than in any other of my educational career). At some point after our unit on Macbeth, he delved in detail into Bob Dylan's 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' and all of its many metaphors; it also served as a relevant 1960s history lesson. To open up our musical horizons a bit, he played us your cover of the tune, which I believe he'd received on a magazine sampler CD.
Twelve-year-old me mostly thought the deep-voiced interjections were funny (is that you, Dave?), but something more must have appealed to me, because several years later I sought out The Big Idea and loved every single track. I've since collected several other of your albums (including some signed copies!), and intend to buy them all eventually. I'm writing to thank you two for the music you've made and the great feelings I always get when I listen to your albums. Your musicianship and virtuosity have made those albums some of my most listened-to, and my wife is now a fan as well. We lived in the UK for a couple of years and found particular meaning in 'New Jerusalem', which I think is a very, very good track! I wish you all the best, and thanks again. Kyle Miller, Toronto.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 7 June 12 18:35
Hi stereophil, Jose, Edmund, thanks for your nice comments - a pleasure to meet (chordally speaking) a fellow balancing-donut-hater! There's a picture of my old Hammond organ over on our
Facebook page. Regarding Egg's 'Newport Hospital', I wrote the main part of the song, the heavy riff at the top and a few other passages, Mont re-wrote my original (not very good) lyrics and added some musical sections. The full story is told in our book
Copious Notes. There's no version on Metronomical Society because the live recordings we have of it aren't too good.
Tuesday 5 June 12 11:38
Hi Dave, got a couple of questions about 'A Visit to Newport Hospital'. It's a true masterpiece I say! It is said it's a collaboration between you and Mont as far as song-writing goes. What did Mont contribute? Just lyrics (which are brill, esp. "skinheads and the law" line) or some musical elements too? Also, is there a reason a live version of this tune is absent from The Metronomical Society CD?
Jose G. Rangel goyorangel@gmail.com
Wednesday 28 March 12 20:36
Just an old reader dropping by approx. 25 years later to say thanks for your articles in Keyboard Magazine and especially your books. Jose G. (Keyboardist & anti-balancing-donut activist, Caracas, Venezuela.)
stereophil fareal@free.fr
Saturday 24 March 12 11:04
Hello Dave! I'm actually listening to my favorite of yours 'Long Piece No. 3' and it's always a new discovery since I met your music way back in 1978. How can I say? Perhaps this special organ sound never heard before. Even when you moved to "Pop music for growing-up" you've always kept your so clever sense of melody. Your fan forever.
Dave Stewart
Friday 23 March 12 23:55
Thanks for your questions. Barbara remembered that the sax player's name was Jon Gifford, who played a few gigs in the last line-up of Spirogyra with her, Martin Cockerham and Rick Biddulph. Graham and Erik, I've been asked for scores to my '70s music many times over the years, and I do realise that the pieces mean a lot to people, as they do to me. What stops me doing it, now as then, is simply lack of time - it would take weeks of unpaid work turning my handwritten scores, parts and jottings into accurate digital scores and at the moment I'd rather spend that time writing new music. Having said that, I think it falls on me (the scribe / paper hoarder) to preserve this stuff for posterity, so I will eventually look for an opportunity to do it. Eric, my initial reaction when Mont changed his name to Dirk was "Here we go again" - he'd already changed it to Muchsin (not a typo) some time previously, so it wasn't a surprise. It took years to get used to calling him Dirk, and just when Barb and I had got into the habit, he announced he wanted us to call him Mont again - which suits me, since he will always be good old Mont in my book. Moral of story: don't change your name, it will only confuse everyone. Yes, that Hatfield solo is very Mike-Ratledge-inspired; his brilliant keyboard playing was a big influence on me at the time, and also I believe the composition (written by Phil Miller) may be partly influenced by Soft Machine - the 12/8 section certainly has a Robert Wyatt-esque feel. But no, I didn't consciously decide to play the solo in any particular style; I just played some fast lines over Phil's chords, and that's how it came out!
Erik erikjmatson@gmail.com
Tuesday 13 March 12 20:09
Hello Dave, it's me again. I was just listening to 'Writhing and Grimacing' on the Hatwise Choice album, and I must say that starting halfway through the song, if I didn't know what I was listening to (and if it weren't for the Hammond as opposed to a Lowrey) I would have said it was a Soft Machine song. Specifically I think it sounds very much like the second half of the SF song 'Moon in June', starting at about 10:10. It's almost creepy how much your organ solo during that song was in Mike Ratledge's style. Did you decide to release your inner Ratledge or are the similarites simply coincidences?
Robin robininripon@googlemail.com
Saturday 25 February 12 16:56
Hey Barbara, just ruminating about the past and remembering the basement flat in Hammersmith where we tried to do some recording. Interesting times. There was you and Martin and Rick, but I cannot remember the name of the blonde sax player. Love your career so far. Take care. Regards Robin.
Eric stereom@gmail.com
Wednesday 22 February 12 09:58
Hi Dave, question about Mr. Campbell: when he changed his name to Dirk presumably some time in late 1970s, what was your initial reaction? If at first you didn't understand, how long did it take you to get used to Mont's, uhh, new identity? I do agree with his point about the name change, that it can be seen as a good way to change your own fate and if you're not comfortable with your original name at all, no reason why one should not change it. If he's happier being Dirk than Mont or Martin, then it's alright by me. :) Mr. Campbell definitely seems like a very special person and I think my fate might be mirroring his: I too have struggled with lack of success with some kind of experimental rock music, I too think of changing my name and I might be drifting into folk music direction, and I would like to write music for films and plays as well.
Graham L nospam@thanks
Tuesday 21 February 12 00:47
I'm another potential customer for those dots. If you are lucky enough to own an early edition of Introducing The Dots there is a collection of scores in the appendix ('Hell's Bells', 'The Collapso', 'Waiting In The Wings', 'Borogoves', 'Tenemos Roads', 'Sample & Hold', 'There Is No Reward'). These are all great examples for study, and it's an excellent and entertaining book. (So is Inside The Music by the way - highly recommended). But 'The Bryden 2-Step' is a major omission, and I'd really like to look at that one. And those chords that accompany the guitar solo in 'Squarer For Maud'. Plus of course the great Hatfield tunes like 'Mumps'/'Prenut'. Dave, I think you might be surprised at the esteem and affection with which these pieces are still held by many people. Me included. Best Regards, Graham L.
Erik erikjmatson@gmail.com
Monday 20 February 12 00:04
Thanks for the response Dave! I hope that someday (maybe soon?) those scores see the light of day. I would certainly pay whatever price to get my hands on them! Best of luck in your music career!
Dave Stewart
Sunday 19 February 12 13:10
Hi all. Oh yes, *that* 'Peanuts'! The cartoon strip ran for years in a UK national newspaper when I was a kid and my family used to enjoy it, thanks for the reminder Bob. Cheers DL, your brother (as always) did us proud (along with Alex van Ingen) when we mastered The Big Idea and Spin special editions at his place back in December. NOSTALGIA CORNER: On the Egg albums I used a Hammond L122 organ and got the heavily distorted sound by running it through a fuzzbox. The 'tone generator' was a simple variable-pitch oscillator (like a crude monophonic synth, minus the keyboard) built by a friend of mine. Thanks for your nice comments Erik, please see our FAQ page for an answer to your query about Egg scores. Stephen - don't worry, it's not loaded. There are no plans for any kind of band reunion, but I do appreciate people remembering our 1970s music after all these years. On that topic, well done Peter for braving the National Health drummer-audition metric assault course, that really was a roasting!
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Friday 10 February 12 06:27
Please don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger. There is a debate starting on The Word music magazine blog about the wish for a Hatfield And The North/National Health reunion. For anyone interested in the music I will post a link to Dave & Barbara's website to promote the latest releases. What are the chances of that, given the success of other reunions e.g. Caravan, Stackridge, etc. http://www.wordmagazine.co.uk/content/hatfield-health-or-national-north.
Erik erikjmatson@gmail.com
Tuesday 7 February 12 15:23
Hello Mr. Dave Stewart! First, let me say I'm so glad you have this feature on your website. I'm a huge fan of Egg, Hatfield, and National Health (as well as your work on the Space Shanty album), and you are one of my favorite keyboardists, so I'm very glad to be able to talk to you (even if it's through the internet). Anyway, I have a question or two (or three) regarding Egg. First off, what sort of Hammond organ did you use on the three albums, and what method did you use to get the heavily distorted organ sound (as in the solos in 'A Visit to Newport Hospital', or the opening of 'Long Piece No. 3')? What exactly was the 'tone generator' used in 'They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano', and is that generator what you used in 'Symphony 2: Blane' (or did you use your organ for that)? Now, one more question! I emailed Mont and asked if any Egg sheet music had ever been released. He believes you made a transcription of Enneagram and maybe some others. Are you ever planning to release any of your transcriptions? I would certainly love to learn some Egg pieces, but I'm not too good at transcribing music. Well that's all, I think. Thanks for making such great music Dave!
Peter Fallowell peterfallowell@btinternet.com
Wednesday 25 January 12 12:53
Hi Dave. Just thought I would say hello after about 38 years. I auditioned for NH when Bill had just departed but I had only been drumming a few months (nearly got the job though!) Since then spent my life studying instruments and orchestration and teaching and now at tender age of 57 I am just starting to release my own music - originally 'Prog' but more rocky at the moment. Out of the blue we are invited to go to Canterbury and jam with Caravan. My brother is in contact with German band Can (he writes their lyrics), been in contact with Bill Band, Rick W. and things are happening a little while I am in a small studio in a small village in the south of France. Our paths may cross again.... Good luck with your projects - I would love to crack China. Imagine 500 million ringtones of your music for 10p each!!! Regards to you and Barbara. Peter Fallowell. peterfallowell@btinternet.com / www.Multifuse.eu
David Long mail@davidlong.info
Tuesday 24 January 12 05:28
Just received (via my brother at Floating Earth) the two new CDs for which many thanks. I look forward to roadtesting them later, and I hope this finds you both well. DL
Ricardo odrioper@online.no
Friday 20 January 12 06:14
Hello again! Yes, I don't know where I got 'Telstar' in relation to Mont Campbell. I listened to Music from a Walled Garden the other day and realized I got it wrong. So, where did I get it from, I wonder...? Keep altering chords and multi-tracking vocals!
Bob McKeown rmck100@hotmail.
Friday 20 January 12 01:40
Heh. According to Wikipedia, the tune below is officially called 'Linus and Lucy' and is in the key of Ab major - not C.
Bob McKeown rmck100@hotmail.com
Friday 20 January 12 01:05
Dave: Peanuts specials! Goodness! 'Peanuts' were, from the late 50s until about the late 70s, a beloved and ubiquitous American comic strip that generated a number of TV specials, the most famous being 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'. The Vince Gauraldi Trio (he of 'Cast Your Fate to the Wind') did the original music (including a lovely full-choral carol, or at least the first verse of one, with shimmery jazz chords). The piece of music Americans instantly identify with these TV shows, perhaps known colloquially as 'The Charlie Brown Theme', became, I'd venture to say, an important milepost for the young ears that shortly grew up and into the progrock of a (e.g.) Dave Stewart and his confreres. Simplicity itself, the melody, C-D-E / E-D-C / D-C / C-D-E-E (over an infectious C-G-C / C-G-A eighth-note syncopation in the left hand) becomes ... mysterious ... by the second phrase ending's C-D-D. Is the bass Ab? Is it Eb? I never quite figured it out. The implication is a minor bass movement superimposed - poignantly - under the majorest of melodies. Guaraldi doubtless didn't know at the time he was composing progrock ...
Dave Stewart
Thursday 12 January 12 11:40
>a chord of E major with a G natural bass
Not the sort of thing one encounters on the X Factor! Randy Newman is a great songwriter. Zappa was a great composer and was an influence on me and my colleagues; if he's somewhat overlooked nowadays it's probably because he did so many different things and was therefore hard to pigeonhole. Bob, the keyboards I played on 'I'm In A Different World' are Prophet V (high flute line, strings pad, marimba alternating with Vox Continental-style organ in the middle 8), Minimoog (bass, sometimes doubled by Proph 5), Yamaha DX7 (harp sound), Emulator (tuned perc, Barb intro 'aah' samples) and CP70 electric grand piano. The brass parts are played on Prophet & Emulator and the solo is played on a distorted Prophet lead patch combined with a DX7 guitar sound. Hey Ricardo, we appreciate your comments, very nice. We all grew up loving Telstar (played extensively on the radio in the UK when we were young). Actually I think Mont's bonus track is the Star Trek theme, but he likes Telstar too... thanks to all for your messages.
Ricardo ricardo.odriozola@grieg.uib.no
Friday 6 January 12 07:34
Dear Dave Stewart and Barbara Gaskin - just finished listening to the three CDs I recently ordered, As Far As Dreams Can Go, The Big Idea and Spin, and have found them to be absolutely delightful. Being a dedicated lover of the music of Hatfield and the North and National Health, it has been interesting, these past couple of years, to become acquainted with the music you have made together from 1981 to the present. That the singing and playing are wonderful goes without saying. As a musician I also greatly appreciate the fastidious attention you obviously pay to the minutest detail. The melodies are lovely, the harmonies delicious and the arrangements spectacular! I am also very happy that you have, through the years, taken pains to document the story of all your musical endeavors. (What is it with 'Telstar'? Mont Campbell also included it as a "bonus track" on his latest album. Some kind of secret pleasure shared by Canterbury veterans? :-) Thank you both for making this music and may you continue making more of it for many joyful years to come! Ricardo.
Pete Fortune petemo@fsmail.net
Sunday 1 January 12 10:20
Happy new year everyone. DAVE - I've been playing a lot of Zappa stuff lately - it's been ignored for decades I have to say. I'm curious as to your opinion anent his "serious" material - I hear Hatfields and National Health similarities at times.
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Thursday 29 December 11 20:43
Happy Birthday, Dave! Have a happy, healthy and fulfilling new year.
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Tuesday 20 December 11 09:36
I didn't think there were any steps left for you to rise in my estimation but then I learn that you recorded a Randy Newman song, namely 'I've Been Wrong Before' and suddenly you've risen them! This song appeared in one of his songbooks which I took with me when he did a show in Paris. When he appeared to mingle with the fans after the show I showed him the book, of which he had never heard (and thus had probably never got any money for.) He offered to autograph it but I asked him just to write down the final chord of 'Old Man', something I've never come across even in serial music. He kindly did so saying it was a thing he was rather proud of. It was E/G natural (no B), i.e. a chord of E major with a G natural bass. I lent Pip a couple of RN CDs just before he died and will probably never see them again. Or Pip for that matter but I'd be quite happy to see him instead if I had to choose...
Bob noneedforgreed@relentless.net
Saturday 17 December 11 13:39
Hi Dave & Barb, thanks for making wonderful music and also for taking your time to communicate with your fans! I've loved Barbara's work ever since wonderful Spirogyra, but your duo albums rock too, and this post is actually about satistfying my curiosity on your wonderful, classic tune 'In A Different World' – exactly what synthesizers were used on it, really, and which parts did they play each? Prophet 5? Oberheims? Keep the music flowing! Merry Xmas Greets & Happy New Year from Sweden, Bob.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Saturday 17 December 11 09:32
Star Blind = beautiful; one of my favs. Thank you soooo much for the 'deconstruction' ♫☮!
Dave Stewart
Saturday 17 December 11 13:34
Thanks for spotting the typo Ricardo, we fixed it! Thanks also for your appreciation of 'Star Blind' (one of my favourites too). Jordan and Peter, I appreciate your kind comments about my book and online music articles - I just posted a new one here if you fancy giving your fingers a stretch. Hey Tim, glad you liked our version of 'Cast Your Fate To The Wind', we talk about that song at some length in the sleeve notes to our new CD Spin (Special Edition). BTW what were the 'Peanuts specials'? :) Ian, regarding 'Broken Hearted', when Barb and I did a whistlestop tour of US radio stations in 1981 promoting 'It's My Party' we thought they might be impressed that it had been a number one hit in the UK, but a lot of the DJ's and producers knew nothing about it. That kind of ties in with my experience of chatting to people in America and being asked, "Hey, I like your accent - where are you from, South Africa?"
Ricardo odrioper@online.no
Saturday 17 December 11 04:03
Hello Mr. Stewart - I just read the article on 'Star Blind' and noticed that the first note on bar 3 of example three (RH) is notated as D flat but you play E flat. What a delightful song! Looking forward to the two latest CDs :-) Warm regards from one who has been a fan since 1980, or thereabouts. Ricardo.
ian chippett ichippett@aol.com
Tuesday 29 November 11 09:24
Just been watching an interesting DVD called 'Motown' about the great in-house session band the Funk Brothers. At one point, one of them says while discussing 'What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted' something to the effect that "This could be a hit all over again!" Nobody told them?
Peter Bryenton peter_bryenton@yahoo.com
Thursday 24 November 11 01:56
Thank you for writing Introducing The Dots. I've just started piano lessons at age 59. Your book is really helping me understand the music "theory". Your sense of humour is an added bonus {:<)
Marcus O'Mahony marcusomahony@hotmail.co.uk
Saturday 19 November 11 10:19
Barbara, what month were you born in? I know the year.
Jordan Jordan.heal1@btinternet.com
Sunday 13 November 11 17:11
here's a link to an article about how 10cc used that similar technique of voice loops that you were talking about that was used on 'As far as Dreams...'
Jordan Jordan.heal1@btinternet.com
Saturday 12 November 11 14:22
Hello Dave, I recently found your follow-up book Inside The Music and am currently looking at chord voicing with this and the help of Duane at 'playpiano.com'. I have always dabbled with keyboards but have never been really sure of what actual chords I've been playing - despite having read your first book! Now with the help of both Inside The Music and the piano site it's all starting to come together... when I dialled up your site I landed on the page where you describe the composition and show the notation and demo clips for 'As Far As Dreams Can Go'. I am so impressed with that bridge section I'm just pressing the replay button over and over... I don't want it to stop, it's given me the incentive I need to keep working on those intervals and voicings. Thanks! I mostly play on a Roland F30e piano at home, as the piano is great, but I can also plug in a couple of rack mount versions of the EMU vintage keys, and a Wavestation SR for some lovely sounds. I recently found a free soft synth version of the Minimoog (called a Minimogue) which is fun to tweak - best fun I've had for free in ages!
Jan talsbak@yahoo.com
Saturday 5 November 11 10:28
Hi, can you make 'The Locomotion' Extended + Derailed version also available thru your online shop (mp3) please? Thanks!
Eric stereom@gmail.com
Tuesday 25 October 11 10:43
Ah yes, Mont really got you into Stravinsky didn't he? Another weird and wonderful bass guitarist with quirky musical sensibilities you've worked with is the late Hugh Hopper. He praised your conscientiousness in one of his interviews. He was apparently pleased with how you got his sheet music for the 'Hopper Tunity Box' album tracks, learnt them and delivered him exactly what he had in mind. What determines one's ability to understand what a composer wants? Is it the ability to read music or other technical know-how or perhaps you'd also need to be on the similar wavelength? I understand that both of you had a) loads of quirks and weirdness and b) that wonderful "failed guitarist" slant on your instruments. It's quite remarkable how you were able to coax heavy rock textures without using six string guitars!
Interesting that I've read about Hugh Hopper being considered for Mont's replacement before breaking up Egg for good. Apparently you must've met already in the early 70s. He might've been an interesting replacement for Mont in National Health though, he certainly would've met Alan Gowen, his musical soul-mate for the late 70s, a bit sooner. He also probably knew some interesting drummers, though I'm not sure if any of his recommendations would've proved right for the band. That Pip Pyle ended up as NH's drummer is a testament to how the late great Man of Zinc was pretty much peerless during the era!
Tim Szeliga timbabwe@gmail.com
Friday 21 October 11 13:15
I saw DS & BG in Minneapolis. Brilliant! The biggest surprise was toward the end, when I heard a familiar piano intro, completely out of place. I knew that riff, but not from DS & BG. 'Cast Your Fate to the Wind'! I'd played my older sister's Vince Guaraldi single a thousand times (this was long before the Peanuts specials). Then the biggest shock: there were lyrics! Always a treat when a favourite performer covers a cherished tune. I'll need to root among my CDs and dig out Up From the Dark. I still have a dozen DS & BG singles I collected in the '80s.
Dave Stewart
Thursday 20 October 11 20:00
James, Victor wrote to me and Barbara around 1990-1991 to ask if he could feature some of our tracks in his BBC radio show. He included a cassette of his stuff which we thought was extremely funny, so we agreed. After that we met and began a friendship and collaboration which has lasted to this day - he has been very supportive of our work. Hi Stephen, yes, John Jolliffe's 'Playing With Fire' was a single I produced in 1986. I tend not to do production work but made an exception in this case as John was a friend of a friend, and also a very nice guy. Eric, I agree the Prophet 08 is a good synth, as is everything made by Dave Smith. I had high hopes for it as a replacement for my old P5, but after checking its specs I discovered it lacks a particular function I needed to re-create my old patches with 100% accuracy.
I certainly knew more than five chords when I met Mont - if I said otherwise I must have been exaggerating to make a point. During the time we worked together in Egg (circa 1969-1973), Mont (who nowadays calls himself Dirk) taught me a great deal about music - amongst other things, he introduced me to polytonality and irregular metres, techniques not commonly used by rock bands. He is a musical genius IMHO - check out his recent solo album Music From A Walled Garden (on which Barb makes a guest appearance) at his website and online store, it's great. Since the Egg days I've tried to maintain an enquiring musical mind and carry on exploring harmony and chord construction (which I guess is my speciality).
Eric stereom@gmail.com
Tuesday 18 October 11 05:17
Thanks Dave for answers. Have you gave Prophet 08 a shot as well? It's from the same Dave Smith bloke who founded Seq. Circuits, but it's still quite different from the original P5, it's more an evolution than an emulation of the classic P5. I personally own a Prophet 08 and it's pretty good. Another thing: I think I read an interview with both you and Dirk Campbell and one thing you mentioned was that when you met Mont (and Steve Hillage) you only knew how to play maybe five chords. So how did you eventually acquire such an advanced sense of harmony, both as a player and composer? It's pretty amazing how rich your chordal vocabulary really is!
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Thursday 13 October 11 02:34
Another video spotted on YouTube. What is the history of the track by John Jolliffe? It's rather good. Dave Stewart and Barbara Gaskin with John Jolliffe - Playing With Fire www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOh6rXa1xaY
James McCormack vls@zfi.org.uk
Sunday 9 October 11 08:29
Hi guys, just listening to your track 'The Sixties Never Die' from a Victor Lewis-Smith Radio 1 show from the early '90s - can you remember what year that was exactly? Any details on how you got together with VLS?
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 9 October 11 07:24
Wonder if anyone saw the clip of Gavin Harrison on the David Letterman Show. If not, here it is on YouTube:
Gavin on Letterman
Ralph rtsvm@hotmail.com
Saturday 1 October 11 15:45
Barbara, I know that this is coming from out of the blue but when I first heard the song 'Henry and James' (1994) I found myself caught up in the lyrics and taken away by the particulars of this song. I still sense that gift of that song when I hear it played even now. I guess that the mystery of music is that it catches you at a moment and then takes on a life of its own. I wish you the best and hope that you continue to share your music with all who will listen. Ralph.
Dave Stewart
Saturday 1 October 11 11:55
Hi all - thanks for your messages and nice comments. Eric, I still use my Minimoog occasionally for bass lines. My old Prophet 5 is currently not working - it was always pretty unstable and I'm not sure whether it's worth continuing to get it serviced, although I must admit I haven't found a replacement that sounds as good (I've tried all the current software and hardware emulations). Alan Gowen taught me how to program the Minimoog. I don't remember lending him my Prophet - by the time I acquired it I was in Bill Bruford's band and using the instrument constantly, so I doubt there would have been an opportunity. Knowing Alan's synth programming skills, he would have had no trouble figuring out how it worked, so it's possible he hired one for the Before A Word sessions. Best, Dave.
Eric stereom@gmail.com
Friday 30 September 11 12:30
Greetings, Mr. Dave Stewart! I'm wondering if you still own (and use at all) any of your vintage analog keys or have you got rid of them all? Also, I've read that Alan Gowen used Prophet 5 on his last album "Before A Word Is Said", which I can detect on a track or two. I would hazard a guess that you lent your own to Alan to experiment with, am I right? I'm sure he found it an interesting instrument, too bad he had so little time to work with it. Regards, Eric.
Sandy risandy thisistheatsign speakeasy.net
Tuesday 27 September 11 19:06
Dear Barb & Dave, I'm once again listening to National Health in my car, wishing we had it here in America (both the service & the band). Your recent work together is just as bright and inventive. Thanks for keeping us fans happy. Wish I could do the same for you but my work is so much more mundane, though in an odd way related (Important Medical Research [?] for the US Government). Best, Sandy.
Glenn gmarett@gmail.com
Thursday 1 September 11 04:49
Hi Barbara and Dave. Just listening to some of my old tunes: your early '80s hit 'It's My Party' remake - fantastic synth arrangement and lyrics. I was 15 when it came out and was intrigued and absolutely fascinated with the synth sounds. I especially found the Hawaiian twang towards the end immensely amusing at the time. As you might tell I love electronic synthesized rhythms and this period around the early '80s was the coming of age that still exists in most of the modern tunes of today.
Frank frank.millard@gmail.com
Wednesday 31 August 11 13:21
Ahh! Egg - now there's a thing. I didn't see Uriel but Steve would sometimes guest with Egg and play Telstar with Dave and Mont (Dirk). I've been in touch with Mont and it doesn't look like a reunion in the short term, but I can always hope. I also liked Dave's playing of 'I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside' and, of course, 'While Growing My Hair', etc., etc. Egg played in St John's Church in Redhill once with Dr Strangely Strange - an excellent gig and several times in the nearby Greyhound (Living Arts Workshop). Dem were the days - Health, Hatfield, all good. Will you Dave and Barbara be working with Steve anytime soon? Best wishes.
David davsod@sbcglobal.net
Saturday 27 August 11 14:13
When I was a kid (in the late '50s or early '60s) I would turn on my mom's radio and here the song 'Cast Your Fate To The Wind'. It must have been very popular because I heard it a lot. It was always the same version, and I loved it. It was played with trumpet or something similar... yet I can't find it anywhere on YouTube... not even the Internet. Do you have any idea what version I'm talking about ... the artist, the recording, etc. Thanks, David.
Steven Franks franks@indiana.edu
Saturday 13 August 11 21:05
Dave, do you have any idea where Amanda Parsons is now? Doubt you remember me, but if so, email and I will clarify. Best,
Steven Franks.
Phil Smee phil@waldosdesign.co.uk
Saturday 13 August 11 02:32
Hi Dave & Barb.... I just played the recording of the 1983 St Albans gig and it really is superb! What a great sound... that '60s meets '80s mix of looning guitar and electronics with Barb's beautiful clear vocals... breathtaking. Thanks again for doing the gig! Best - Phil.
Bob McKeown rmck100@hotmail.com
Monday 4 July 11 21:37
Just quickly wanted to praise your poignant, heartfelt and yet also judicious
tribute to the late, great Man of Zinc (aka Pip Pyle). I always thought the Nissen hut acoustics and miking had a lot to do with it also, but his drumming on all of Of Queues and Cures is absolutely outstanding - no doubt especially the chordal build-up section you noted. My sections to add to that would be the 5/4 guitar solo vamp in 'Dreams Wide Awake' and the guitar solo (after Blegvad's narration) in 'Squarer For Maud' - always a dream to enter an air guitar contest with that one. Phil and Pip knock the rhythm clean off its pegs on the last phrases before the glissando into the theme...
mario spagiria@libero.it
Monday 4 July 11 07:13
Hi Dave and Barb, I'm Mario from Rome. Of course I'm a great fan of your music, I own all your recordings. I want to thank you Dave for your explanation about 'As Far As Dreams Can Go'. I've always admired you for using beautiful and clever chord changes in pop music: it's not so simple to be original and still to remain very emotional at the same time: 'Dreams', and all your music, contains both the aspects. Your use of chords reminds me the work (from 1970 to 1980) of another underrated genius of pop/rock music, Tony Banks (from an unknown rock band). Sorry for my bad English and thank you once again for your music - I'm waiting for your next album! Mario.
Bob McKeown rmck100@hotmail.com
Saturday 2 July 11 04:43
Hi guys. Dave, I've been an enormous fan of yours forever, especially I have to say of that music you wrote for all those North Korean civic functions. Yep, I'm cracking my fifth decade and I'm still an unregenerate proghead. Wuzzup wit dat? Maybe only through fright, but it's possible you might recall me at the Tower Theater, Philadelphia, during Bruford's first US tour. I was the tall, dark-haired freak who shrieked at you from 30 feet away "EGG WILL BE REMEMBERED!!!" Your long-suffering expression directed at a bandmate seemed to convey "Goodness, the people in this country truly are insane, aren't they..." My fave of yours and Barb's I've heard so far is 'Waiting In The Wings'. I love the chorus. Strictly as a hobby, I write stuff. Apropos of your analysis of 'As Far As Dreams Can Go', here's a verse of mine, 8 bars of repeating chords. A single note doesn't sustain, but the top note alternates between the tonic and major 3rd, while every two chords imply some nice modal modulations: C / FM7 / C / Gm6 // Eb6 / Dm9 / DbM7 / F#7. Nice tritone dominant 7th, huh? C locrian :). This is free for you (or anybody) to make of it what you will. My synthestration is suitably Hatfield-ish (and in 15/4), but I'm sure you could do something much niftier with it. Enjoy! Bob.
Michael Fleischman prajna929@aol.com
Friday 1 July 11 12:04
Hi Dave, I just completed an electronic jazz CD which was heavily influenced by you and your work with Egg as well as the Bruford albums. I'm going to dedicate the CD to you and would love nothing more than to be able to get it into your hands for a listen. Do you have a place I can mail it to? A P.O. box perhaps? Thank you!! Sincerely, Mike.
Nigel Heath Nigel@hackenbacker.com
Sunday 12 June 11 08:27
P.S. I was 'chuffed' rather than 'chiffed' - bloody keyboard :)
Nigel Heath nigel@hackenbacker.com
Sunday 12 June 11 08:25
Hi both, I worked on the sound on the show 'Lost Belongings' back in ahem.. yeah a while ago! You used to come with the PCM-F1 to my place in Soho (Hackenbacker) and we'd coax the tunes onto 16mm mag! Anyhow, I was playing Up From The Dark this afternoon and so enjoyed it I thought I'd see if you had a website and was chiffed to find this! So thank you for making me very musically content this afternoon. Hackenbacker is still going strong - a bit bigger now though! All my very best to you. Nigel.
Mark Amos mark.amos@toast.net
Friday 27 May 11 17:59
Dave, I've been filling in the gaps of my British Prog Rock music appreciation of late, and just wanted to say thanks for all the great work you did in the '70s with Egg, H&TN, Bruford, etc. (I'll eventually catch up with your later work!) I can still remember how blown away I was the first time I heard Egg / Egg in 1971. Well enough of this blather - thank you, again! Mark.
Duncan Ross dunkyross@talktalk.net
Friday 27 May 11 14:58
Damn damn I have such a dozy head, I just wrote out a letter and managed to delete it, doh... I was saying I had always imagined it was a Polymoog doing a sample and hold chord moment leading into the last track (I think) on Feels Good To Me, also a bit where the lowpass filter oscillator on a chord slowly speeds up to a shimmer. I'm not that clued up on modern keyboards and it makes me want to check out a Polymoog again! I don't think they were so popular with players at the time. I'm sorry you guys don't have a higher public profile, you have such a lot to offer I know there's a huge audience out there who would love to hear you recorded or live. I will look forward to hearing your '80s remasters - 'The Hamburger Song' was always one of my favourites!
Dave Stewart
Friday 27 May 11 17:38
Duncan, good to hear from you. You're right, Polymoog is mentioned in passing in the album's sleeve notes, the implication being that I borrowed or hired one for the sessions. I have no memory of that, but a quick listen to the third track on the Feels Good To Me CD reveals a flutey synth pad which may well have been a Polymoog. Well remembered!
Duncan Ross dunkyross@talktalk.net
Friday 27 May 11 05:54
Hi Dave & Barbara, hope you're keeping well'n'busy. Would love to scratch up some shillings to hear your recent releases but I never did get the trick with money and I'm still trying to push me head above the water... I jump on your letters page from time to time, not looked for a while but just saw your reply about Polymoog, and I went straight away from a deep memory (I don't even have the disc now!) that you were credited with playing Polymoog on Bill Bruford's first solo LP, and sure enough Wikipedia refers to it also. I seem to recall you got some good sounds from it too!! But perhaps we were hearing a different synth? Lots of best wishes to you both
Dave Stewart
Saturday 7 May 11 19:11
Hi Stefan, thanks for your interest. The first three songs you mention are all played on Prophet 5 and Minimoog - no other synths. The only time I used a Prophet 10 was on a demo I recorded for Sequential Circuits in (I think) 1978. On 'Henry & James' I used a Yamaha DX7 for the first time. I never played Polymoog or any Oberheim synth on a recording, though I did mess about with a borrowed Polymoog for a while. Please give my best wishes to the German synth community!
Stefan S_Carter@die-optimisten.net
Saturday 7 May 11 09:25
Hi, Dave! My name is Stefan and I'm a synth collector and keyboard player from Germany. Recently me, some community people and analog synth collectors from a German synth forum were discussing what kind of equipment you used in the '80s and '90s apart from Minimoog, Prophet 10 and Prophet 5. Especially on songs like 'Leipzig', 'It's My Party', 'The World Spins So Slow' and 'Henry & James'... Could you give us some advice please? This would be greatly appreciated by some German admirers of your music... Were a Polymoog and Oberheim included?
Paul Moody moodypj@yahoo.co.uk
Monday 2 May 11 04:35
Dave - afternoon sir. I'm [ writing an ] article on The Canterbury Scene for Classic Rock. Any chance you could email me at address above about answering a couple of questions via email? Fingers crossed. Paul Moody, Classic Rock.
John Sharp johnsharp@email.com
Wednesday 20 April 11 05:21
Thanks for that, Dave. I've chanced upon a few tracks from Missing Pieces online but am ashamed to say that I've yet to order a copy - I shall rectify that immediately! Actually, I've just Googled 'The Lethargy Shuffle' and noted that it was recorded at Pathway Studios! In the same pile of material that I have been sorting through a are a number of 1" 8-track reels from sessions that I recorded with my first band at that very same venue! Big Howie Massey from Argents engineered and produced them. I have vivid recollections of "forcibly encouraging" Ken Hensley's old Hammond B3 into the less than spacious surroundings - poor Geoff Downes acquired the organ shortly afterwards, complete with war wounds from Pathway! Ah, happy days! Hope all is well with you and Barb - it's good to hear from you! Cheers, John.
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 19 April 11 18:07
Hi John, nice to hear from you again. The piece (which I wrote for National Health in the '70s) is called 'The Lethargy Shuffle'. I sequenced the opening passages (maybe two or three minutes?) on the 01/W in the nineties - that version hasn't appeared anywhere since, but there's a full-length band version on National Health's 'Missing Pieces' CD on Voiceprint.
John Sharp johnsharp@email.com
Tuesday 19 April 11 03:49
Hi Dave and Barb! Hope that you're both well. Dave, I have a question for you; I've recently been retrieving and correlating (moving from one pile to another!) various long-forgotten pieces of mine saved on a myriad of equally long-forgotten formats. In and amongst, I chanced upon a demo disc that came with my 01/W Pro. It features pieces from, amongst others, Eddie Jobson, Jan Hammer and your good self - your contribution being a catchy beat number entitled "The DS Shuffle". Did that piece ever re-surface in some other form or was it purely a one-off? I must say, I find it quite infectious (in the nicest possible way!)... Cheers, John.
Barbara Gaskin
Tuesday 1 March 11 18:39
Hi Wendy. Yes of course, it's your voice on 'Busy Doing Nothing', along with your Durrants school friends. We remember the session very well too. Your voices added magic! We released the song as a single in summer 1983 and more recently on our Broken Records - The Singles (Special Edition) CD, remastered earlier this year. Best wishes, Barbara Gaskin.
Wendy Butler (was Penry) wpenry@yahoo.com
Saturday 26 February 11 12:37
Hi Barbara and Dave. My name is Wendy and I remember when I was 11 going to a recording studio and meeting you guys and singing on your record 'Busy Doing Nothing'. The memories I have of it was a great experience. We had already previously sung on a record for our school Durrants, which was from a play we had performed. I have never actually heard the record that we did with you and wondered if it was our voices that you used on the actual record.
I remember when we were in the recording studio and seeing you guys turn up and saying to my friends with great excitement who you were. I don't think they believed me at first because you were so famous from your 'Its My Party' record. Anyway thank you for involving us on your record, the memory has stayed with me and it was a wonderful experience. Hope to hear from you. Wendy.
Monk monk.monk108@yahoo.co.uk
Thursday 24 February 11 06:31
Dear Dave, thanks for that. I'm madly, probably, trying to do the remembering by devising a mnemonic, however from what you have now written I think I'll forget the mad English notation and stick with the more 'mathematical' fractional type terminology. By the way, just watched you on YouTube, Annie Nightingale, Whistle Test gig, doing 'The Collapso' with Pip and the chaps, how wonderful and sonorous, really takes me back to my much younger days of the Hatfields too. Thanks for the music Dave!!
Dave Stewart
Thursday 24 February 11 17:00
Thanks everyone for your recent messages, much appreciated! Monk, try this:
Whole note = Semibreve
Half note = Minim
Quarter note = Crotchet
8th note = Quaver
16th note = Semiquaver
32nd note = Demisemiquaver
They are mad, aren't they... :) I wouldn't worry about trying to remember them, the American ones are much simpler. Best, D.
Monk monk.monk108@yahoo.co.uk
Thursday 24 February 11 02:23
Dear Dave, as a drummer I have decided to learn piano and because of this bought your book The Musician's Guide to Reading and Writing Music. Whilst the book is an excellent resource and is helping me to gain knowledge regarding reading the dots, (quite different dots from drum charts, obviously), I'm having a real issue with what you term amusingly mad English names for notes which I learned at school many suns ago.
This is giving me my very own moments of amusing madness, whilst reading, as I'm somehow needing to convert the Yank ones into English currency. Is there any way, other than my feeble attempt to do conversions in my head, to stop the confusion this instills, and it is very confusing when I have crotchets and quavers firmly fixed in the brain.
Johnny Klonaris davebarb@jawknee.com
Thursday 10 February 11 19:05
I recently discovered an old piece of paper with tunes listed on it. It was intended to be a pair of cassettes of music. It was dated 1987 and was apparently a list of my favorite music on CD to that point. On the list were a couple of tunes from Up From the Dark. I hadn't hear the album in way too may years. So I built myself a playlist from the paper and listened to that old favorite. I searched (not too much) and found this site and very quickly ordered Green and Blue. It arrived this week.
WOW! I was so worried it would be too much the same, or wouldn't have the feel, or even be too different. Instead, it's wonderful. That first song, 'Jupiter Rising', just made me smile - the great arrangements and Dave's tonalities were unmistakable, but updated and fresh at the same time... and Barbara's voice - as clear and beautiful as ever. I'm really looking forward to digging into this some more - there's a lot going on musically and otherwise. 'The Sweetwater Sea' in particular needs some serious listening time. Well done and thank you so much! (Now I've got to pull The Big Idea down and remember it too!) Cheers, Johnny, San Jose, California.
Derek Smith dsmith57@gmail.com
Saturday 22 January 11 05:42
Saw a drama on the telly a few months back Dave. It was just on in the background but my ears pricked up when I heard the incidental music- it was instantly recognisable as your work. I watched the credits and lo and behold I was right. I was quite chuffed with myself but really it is you of course who should be thrilled that your music has an identifiable fingerprint even to non musicians like me. Could you remind me what the programme was and if there is any chance of getting a hold of the music. Kind regards to you and Barbara. Derek Smith.
Tony Wellington here@tonywellington.com
Thursday 20 January 11 21:46
Hey Dave, great review of Bill's autobiography. Thanks from Downunder.
Rick Chafen rchafen@yahoo.com
Thursday 20 January 11 08:26
Five CD releases in the last eighteen months?! That's more like it! I've bought and enjoyed all five of them, thank you very much. Some have found their way to my monthly radio broadcast of Obscuropean Fridays. Barb's bit on Music from a Walled Garden is set for airing on 4 Feb. Nice reading about Bruford, Dave. I miss you guys. Cheers! Rick.
Dave Stewart
Friday 31 December 10 17:54
Hi everyone, thanks for your supportive messages and good wishes, much appreciated by us both. Barbara and I are happily rocking on and wish you all a happy and prosperous 2011.
Chris Coutts christophercoutts@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 29 December 10 23:45
60th birthday greetings to Dave, have a great day. Many wonderful memories of Hatfield and National Health gigs.
Marco afraid-of@spam.com
Friday 24 December 10 02:31
Yes, 'As Far As Dreams Can Go' is just brilliant, how amazing you composed it so quickly! Have always wished there was an extended version too. Wishing Dave a very happy (and auspicious) birthday next Thursday.
michael omgrown@comcast.net
Sunday 19 December 10 17:17
'As Far As Dreams Can Go' is an all time favorite!! Thanks for the 'notes'!!! Happy Christmas and a joyous New Year to you both from a long time fan.
Francis Voignier voignier@sisqtel.net
Saturday 18 December 10 13:03
Thank you for sharing! Have a fabulous Holiday! Much love, Francis.
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Saturday 18 December 10 10:14
Just spent a wonderful half-hour going through your notes on 'As Far As Dreams Can Go'. Can't wait for the next installment. It's a pity you have this morbid hatred of guitarists by insisting on using Eb chords with added 9ths and such which are OK if you're Phil Miller but most of us only have 10 fingers (not all on the same hand).
John W. Edwards john81258@aol.com
Monday 29 November 10 20:28
Hello Dave and Barbara, John Edwards from Renaissance Records here. I'd love to chat about distribution of your catalog here in the States and Canada. Just got the two new releases and find them fabulous. Email and let's set a time to chat. Cheers, John.
Marco this.is.human@speech
Monday 22 November 10 09:01
Currently investigating this archival feast in "cold" digital stereo, as my "warm" vinyl versions are finally decommissioned from active service. The booklets throw up lots of fascinating trivia: for example, although I know both tracks intimately, it never occurred to me that the closing synth line on 'It's My Party' is the 'Tenemos Roads' theme (but then the first two notes [dominant/tonic] hardly seem audible because their pitch is too low). Additionally, bountiful care and consideration has gone into the graphic design/artwork (though I'm not sure unbolded white text reads well against a backdrop of yellow flowers).
Larry Benigno polymod@optonline.net
Tuesday 16 November 10 11:56
Just wanted to add how thrilled I was to see the Prophet 5 tribute in the booklet that came with the CD. To this day the Prophet remains my favorite synth. Thanks for keeping the Prophet alive Dave!!!
Larry Benigno polymod@optonline.net
Monday 15 November 10 12:17
Just sitting here with a smile listening to the Special Edition CDs (signed, of course) which just arrived in the mail. It was an early Christmas gift to myself :-) Nice job all around.
Mr. Sandy Felton safelton_11@yahoo.com
Saturday 13 November 10 16:02
Hi. I am a long-time fan of Dave Stewart. I had lost track of his music, and some years ago was amazed to see that Stewart/Gaskin was putting out 'intelligent pop music'. I got all the main albums from 1981 on, and I like all the songs except 'It's My Party', but I'm glad it was a big seller. You really deserve whatever popularity however you got it. I ordered Green and Blue and it's outstanding. 'Walnut Tree Walk' is a classic, and 'Green & Blue', starting from about 3:30, is indescribably "out there" - it reminds me of some of his '70's music + superb vocals. Anyway, thanks for the (19 years waiting) GREAT CD.
Paul McLewee puffkins@btinternet.com
Friday 12 November 10 00:19
So pleased to see that you'd released a new album. A lot of your music contains great humour, an ingredient so often lacking in current stuff. Keep up the excellent work.
Broken Records Webmaster
Friday 5 November 10 18:22
Quite right Chick, Dave and Barbara have had a musical association since 1969 and formed a permanent partnership in 1981.
Chick lyall chicklyall@aol.com
Friday 5 November 10 11:14
As a fan of the 'Hatfields' I was surprised to see that you describe your association as beginning in 1981. Am I wrong that Barbara sang with the Northettes alongside Amanda Parsons. Some great wordless vocals on The Rotters' Club amongst other offerings. That goes back to 1975...
Marco clocks@clouds.biz
Tuesday 19 October 10 08:08
Just ordered the two new CDs - yippee, can't wait! Thanks for "keeping the momentum going" as promised. Of course, some of us will now expect an album of new material in 2011. Your nearly 20-year silence puts to shame those 4 Minutes and 33 Seconds of silence by Mr. John Cage, though you've now blown any chance of beating Jean Sibelius's final 28 years of silence.
trevor cornforth trevorsearthworks@googlemail.com
Monday 18 October 10 09:47
Hi dave, it's a long time ago now but I will always remember meeting you at Dudley Town Hall with Bill Bruford's band.I was only 15 at the time but what a gig! I've always loved listening to your keys on the Bruford stuff, also National Health which every time I listen to I always hear more. I recently got Missing Pieces, love the track 'Clocks and Clouds'. God bless Dave and all the best for the future. Kind regards, Trev.
margie margiemols@hotmail.com
Thursday 14 October 10 06:08
Hello! I am thrilled to hear about the new releases. I have loved your music from the start when I lived in Ireland (now live in Canada). Your music is beautiful and moving (and Barbara's voice... love it!) and I listen to all of it. All the best to both of you, and thank you for the music!!
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Sunday 10 October 10 12:09
Hello, Dave and Barb. Just pre-ordered both "new" discs. Searched far and wide for the originals, finally found them in London. In fact, I will arrive in London tomorrow (Monday). Fancy a pint? I'd love to toast the memory of our friend Jacquie Deegan with you.
Larry Benigno polymod@optonline.net
Friday 8 October 10 09:18
Just ordered signed copies of both! Yippee!
Sir William Glock glock@spiel.fr
Friday 8 October 10 07:15
Fantastic news about the new CDs... only recently I bemoaned the CD unavailability of that humble masterpiece 'Make Me Promises'. Just one gripe... shouldn't 'Do We See the Light of Day' have a question mark at the end? :) I hope the fat synth bass sound has been retained for the 2010 remake of 'What Becomes of the Broken Hearted'. (...and shouldn't that song title have a question mark too?)
Andi andibac(ed)web.de
Thursday 30 September 10 21:44
Ah, yes - 'Waiting In The Wings'! No wonder that I couldn't find that song. Maybe 'stand by me' was a line in the lyrics of 'Waiting In The Wings'? Thanks!!!! Greetings! (from Leipzig by the way) ;-)
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Thursday 30 September 10 21:26
Hmmm. The B-side of my copy of 'It's My Party' is 'Waiting In The Wings'. But crunchiness sounds good ♫ ☮!
Andi andibac(ed)web.de
Thursday 30 September 10 19:26
Hi there! I miss a crunchy little song which I once found on the B-side of the 'It's My Party' single. I think it was called 'Stand By Me'. Is it available somewhere? Thank you D.S. & B.G. for the wonderful musical moods in your records. Many of them are new to me. And I love Barbara's voice. Greetings from Germany, Andi.
Theremaniac enternet@entersys.net
Friday 24 September 10 20:31
Broken Records Webmaster
Saturday 18 September 10 11:15
It appears that Scott was abducted by aliens mid-message! Please read our FAQ about the Henry & James flexidisc
Scott Moore sdm.online@mac.com
Friday 17 September 10 07:40
Greetings. Many years ago, my music major friends and I pulled out a little plastic
Harry harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 16 September 10 14:26
Sorry, omitted... you truly have a beautiful sound and unique voice on the old ivorys!
Harry Howell harjazz@manx.net
Thursday 16 September 10 00:44
Dave - the treasures of aural entertainment you have left are wonderful. Whether the heady '70s man or '80's, with excursions into the horrible world of pop music, your sound, approach, compositions and essentially all contributions to this pursuit of pleasure called music (either Classical FM or the X Factor, although the latter is better described as farcical and sad). Cheers Dave.
Denny sirasacassi@yahoo.it
Tuesday 14 September 10 12:20
Hi Dave & Barb. I came across your site by accident and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It was really nice to see someone you met in a far away land many many years back who had become a famous singer and musician. Barbara, can you remember a guy named Denny, a drifting sailor from Sri Lanka you met in a Buddhist temple in Mumbai (Bombay) when you were in India? I even accompanied you to the airport when you left for England. I think it was in the seventies. When I saw your photo I at once recognized you. I and my family, we all love your music. Forgive my ignorance in British music 'cos, to this day, I never knew your songs even existed. They're so nice. For me, there's no music today to beat the good old music of the sixties and seventies. Good luck to you both and, keep up your good work!
Hervis Francisco Fantini luckyswiss777"gmail.com
Sunday 22 August 10 19:11
Thanks Dave for the books you have written. Those are very funny and educational. I'm Hervis from Argentina.
Broken Records Webmaster
Friday 20 August 10 17:12
Thanks Ross - you're not imagining it, Dave and Barbara did appear on a version of 'Strawberry Fields Forever' on Pip Pyle's solo album Seven Year Itch.
Ross RossClement@gmail.com
Friday 20 August 10 07:45
Must agree about the Leipzig comment, I was most disappointed with the Thomas Dolby version. It's OK, but the Stewart/Gaskin version is so much better. I've got this memory that I've heard a Stewart/Gaskin version of 'Strawberry Fields Forever', but can't find it in my collection. Did I imagine this? Finally, does anyone else think that the singer for this band sounds amazingly like Babs: www.myspace.com/maya29band
Elia eliuz1995@hotmail.it
Saturday 14 August 10 05:52
Hi, Dave. I'm your fan. I'm an Italian 15-year-old, so sorry for my bad English, the worst in the world! :) I play keyboard and I love prog-rock and Canterbury-style. I've listened all of your albums with National Health and I like them, specially the long track Dreams Wide Awake. Have you got some archives, sheet music, videos or anything else of this period? And what about Hatfield And The North or Bill Bruford Band? ;) Can you contact me if you' ve got anything special or important? Thanks. ;) Bye.
Gaint Land Crab NoMore@Spamming.net
Friday 6 August 10 09:07
30 years after its release, I've only just heard Thomas Dolby's original version of 'Leipzig' on Spotify. Your version knocks spots off it! Also, 'Make Me Promises' is one of THE most beautiful songs I've EVER heard, fantastically arranged, and touchingly sung by Barbara's pure-toned voice. If you ever do a Dave & Barb's Greatest Works album, this song NEEDS to be on it - a ballad masterpiece!!!
Patrick patrick@fastmail.co.uk
Tuesday 3 August 10 15:49
Dave/Barb, just wanted to say hi, in case you read through these messages. A touch of nostalgia, as I remembered so many of your wonderful recordings, still moved by 'Leipzig', 'As Far As Dreams Can Go', 'Eight Miles High' and so many more. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you play again, will have to keep an eye out. Patrick. (It's been a long time... I took pic for the 'Busy Doing Nothing' sleeve.)
Moana moanare2@aol.com
Friday 30 July 10 01:47
Years ago a dear friend gave me Up From The Dark and I fell in love with your work. I listen to you often. My friend told me that you have new releases and I am eager to hear them. You are tops!!
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Tuesday 27 July 10 21:06
THERMOS ROADS?!?! I love it!!!
Wednesday 21 July 10 03:35
'Borogroves' has a typo too IIRC.
rick stewart benrab@tiscali.co.uk
Tuesday 20 July 10 05:46
Hi Dave/Barbara. On receipt of the latest Esoteric re-issue of National Health S/T CD, I settled down lager in hand to savour this remaster of what I regard as a classic album. I thought I had accidently ingested some rogue hallucinogen, when halfway through listening to the wondeful Tenemos Roads, on perusing the liner notes/titles, track 1 had become... wait for it... THERMOS ROADS!!! I now cannot, nor will I ever, be able to listen to it again without an image of a Vacuum flask flitting through my brainbockle. Did you know about this howler Dave? Best wishes, Rick Stewart.
Harry Howell harjazz@manx.net
Sunday 11 July 10 11:56
Re. comment on Bill Bruford's autobiography: Dave. A truly crystal clear observation and description of a terrific force in drums and ultimately music. Bill's contribution to everything he became involved with was not only a unique and diverse take on recordings he played or wrote for, but an inspiration and sub-concious arrow into any serious drummer's being. The enormity and contribution to real music is unquantifiable. If Lady GaGa ever needs a stand in for her wretched back line, Bill may fancy a few bob to replace his lawnmower or shears! Until that wonderful Snare tone appears again, tuned only as Bill could, bon voyage Bill.
jim estrada jandkestrada@gmail.com
Friday 9 July 10 20:41
Dave, casting aside a month-long neurosis that I'm going to sound like some sort of groupie, I have to comment on "This Wind Blows Everywhere." Some songs can boast their melodies and harmonies, some their lyrics, some their rhythms. I don't know that I have ever heard a song that has blended every facet together to paint such a poetic, emoting piece of art. I've always been partial to your slower compositions. This piece kept me motionless. The way Barbara's voice begins as a crying wind, the way those single high notes waver above the progressing chords of the chorus like some large dark bird of prey, how the percussion echoes the passing of time as the wind heartlessly waits, cold and emotionless, for its victim to resign himself...I wish I were a poet who could better express how this song makes me feel. The recurring sound of Barbara's voice at the end reconfirmed how fleeting and impotent my life really is. Helpless and defeated, the ambient, somber wails at the end of this piece moved me to tears. Thank you for touching me. This piece is amazing.
Steve Knighton knightrs1@verizon.net
Thursday 8 July 10 08:18
Dave, I was skimming thru the visitors' book looking for peoples entries commenting upon your ultra-fine books, Musician's Guide, and Inside The Music. I procured them both and find them edifying, entertaining, enjoyable, educational and elevating. One person wrote to the visitor's book stating that Inside The Music would be his favorite music reference book, and another commented on your stacked 5ths chords with ostensible amazed impression. Those books... anything I say about them will be packed with superlatives. Your two books are great. Steve Knighton.
Scott Chatfield scott@laffland.com
Monday 5 July 10 17:09
Dave-- Hi, I'm Scott Chatfield, Mike Keneally's manager, writing from San Diego. We're trying to contact you regarding two gigs for you in the UK October. You're a hard guy (at least for us) to reach, so we're resorting to this method. Would you be so kind as to email me back at the email address above? Thanks! Scott.
Michael Michael.Brown@montgomerycollege.edu
Wednesday 30 June 10 06:36
The Big Idea is still one of my favorite albums of all time! As a matter of fact, I was listening to it this morning while driving to work! Love it - and love every song. Thanks so much!
Friday 18 June 10 02:04
Dave & Barbara, even if I understand that you've given your live gig where you are strongly wanted (JAPAN), I'm disappointed that you've not registered that performance in a live DVD, could we hope about this? Pietro.
Dee donnacalif@aol.com
Monday 14 June 10 12:57
Did you ever get a cat?
Mike Dignam mike.dignam@gmail.com
Saturday 12 June 10 16:25
Hello Dave and Barbara! I hope you are both well? I'm really sorry that we lost touch all those years ago. I was young, inexperienced and embarrassed by what I'd done - so chose to run away from everyone I knew... Glad to see you still make music though. Me, I left the coma of the modern music industry years ago but I have fond memories of those long nights in the dungeon of Tapestry editing your mixes a few bars at a time!!! Would be nice to hear from you... Mike Dignam.
Lance Abair midilance@mac.com
Wednesday 2 June 10 21:25
Green & Blue! It is well worth the wait.
John W. Edwards john81258@aol.com
Tuesday 1 June 10 13:42
Hello Dave and Barbara - John Edwards from Renaissance Records in Phoenix. I would love to chat with you again about the possibilities of releasing your catalog in the U.S. and Canada again. All the best, John.
Dave Stewart
Friday 28 May 10 13:03
Hi all, thanks very much for your recent messages and kind words. Jim and Kenny, we can only keep one 'Inside The Music' article online at a time, please see our FAQ (listed on our home page) for an explanation. Unfortunately it's not practical to make previous articles available. Richard (and others), thanks for your query about the TV music performed by myself and Barbara - it was originally commissioned by Victor Lewis-Smith of ARTV for an earlier documentary about the Dankworths, then used again in the tribute 'Johnny Dankworth: The Show Went On'. We don't have any immediate plans to release it, but it would certainly be a contender if we were to put out an album of our TV music.
BILL TREEN bill@treens.co.uk
Wednesday 26 May 10 13:19
No mention of Khan anywhere! Got the Space Shanty vinyl out the other week. Saw them supporting Caraven [who we went to see as the main act!] many years ago at Ross on Wye - Khan blew them off stage in their 'Steve Miller electric piano' era.
Richard richard_cutchey@o2.co.uk
Tuesday 25 May 10 08:52
Dear Dave and Barbara, regarding the recent television programme on More 4 entitled 'Johnny Dankworth: The Show Must Go On' (broadcast 10th April 2010): at 32 minutes 35 seconds a short piece of music was played. During the home movie clip, a man on a billboard blew smoke, a woman blew a kiss and a drummer dropped a drumstick. I have been informed by the producer that this music was written and played by you specially for the programme. I find it totally enchanting. Could you kindly please let me know if it will be available commercially? Many thanks, Richard.
Simon Mahony simon@avalon.net.nz
Monday 17 May 10 07:33
Hi guys, just found your site and have started buying your albums. Thanks so much for making them available this way. I live in New Zealand and was a radio announcer here during the '80s. I came across the single of 'Locomotion' and 'Make Me Promises' during that period and have since maintained that it's the finest version of The Locomotion ever recorded (and I had to listen to lots of them :-). Sadly I could never find any of your other music at this end of the world, and I'm thrilled to finally have a chance to enjoy your other work. I just love Barbara's voice and Dave's amazing musical compositions. You guys are fantastic. Cheers, Simon.
kenny tan istyle@hotmail.com
Sunday 16 May 10 08:53
Hi Dave, I'm a big fan, your score of 'Trash Planet' changed my life, thnx for bringing Inside The Music back but I found only 'Let Me Sleep Tonight', the older is 'Walnut Tree Walk'? Can I see it too? Thnx, k.
fernando zampieri
Sunday 2 May 10 13:18
I liked very much the rewriting of you 'It's My Party'. It was loads more perfect than the original version. The clip also has a very special climate. Different and makes us travel a lot all at that party, which mixes a bit of oriental fighting. Also ... been able to Barbara brings out all your emotions to your interpretation ... very cool sound that was already well marked forever ... was the biggest surprise for me to have discovered that sound~~
jim estrada jandkestrada@gmail.com
Tuesday 27 April 10 19:38
Inside the Music Online is an absolutely wonderful part of your site. Unfortunately, I should have realized that you change the songs you discuss, and didn't get around to spending more time studying your chord progressions in Walnut Tree Walk before you started your current discussion. Are they archived at all? You are such a phenomenal composer, and there are plenty of your compositions that I am sure you detailed that I never saw.
A National Health fan no e-mail
Monday 26 April 10 11:42
It's John Greaves. Dave had left the band by then and Alan Gowen had re-joined on keyboards.
John Dashner dharmaseed@hotmail.com
Sunday 25 April 10 17:12
Hello Dave - This question has been bugging me for years. I was wondering, whose voice is it at the end of the live version of 'Phlakaton'? Is that you, or someone else in the band? Thanks, John.
mark boccaccio markboccaccio@msn.com
Wednesday 21 April 10 09:37
Dear Dave - you were kind enough to write me back when I sent a fan letter to you in the early '80s. 'The Rotters' Club' was (still is) my own personal 'Dark Side of the Moon'. Your writing and playing inspired me to chase the dream, and I went on to work in film and television as a composer. Now 30 years forward, I find myself terminally ill, and would like to send you a CD of my life's best work. I promise it isn't going to bore you, as your humor became a part of me in 1975. And it won't be an 80-minute prog-fest either. Short and sweet. You can check some of my credits at IMDB.com. My email address is Markboccaccio@msn.com or Music4morons@Gmail.com. BTW, The 'Rotters' Club' remaster is fantastic. Please write me if you can. Always a fan - Mark Boccaccio.
Marco prolationS|P|A|M@S|P|A|M|h0tmaiI|com
Wednesday 14 April 10 13:49
20 years ago (yikes … is it really that long?) Dave and Barb recorded a song called Mr. Theremin whose subject matter intrigued me to the extent that it caused me to go away and do some research on this elusive musical chap (inventor of the Theremin of course). He certainly couldn’t have suspected that his creation would only reach the masses in a whole string of 1950s sci-fi B-movies. Equally extraordinary is that Dave resisted the obvious by not including a single Theremin-like solo line on that track – everyone else would have dived in! For the curious who are in or near London this weekend (17 April 2010) there is a Theremin day at London’s South Bank Centre including some pretty unlikely billings such as: “masterclasses and demonstrations with some of the UK’s leading thereminists” and concluding with a “giant theremin improvised jam” featuring a group of 21 feminists, er … sorry, thereminists. Also, performing at 1pm is Kydia Kavina, virtuoso thereminist as seen on Dave & Barb’s very own Theremin page. I’m not connected with the organisers of this event in any way, but thought it may appeal to some of the musically enlightened and curious who already seek out Broken Records offerings. The whole theremin day is FREE to members of the public (membership still free until ID cards come along – there’s a song in that somewhere).
Duncan Parsons dsp@dsparsons.co.no-sp-am.uk
Tuesday 23 March 10 13:09
Dave, I've always been an admirer of your music, each epoch of your career has had excitement and humour, and has filled me with joy to listen to. I'm posting to say that your review of Bill's book is wonderful, as humorous, insightful and engaging as the book itself (but without quite the same wry cynicism!). To have the work publicly peer-reviewed is quite refreshing after the other reviews around (not that they are bad, but it's an outsider's view), so thank you for airing your thoughts. ATB Duncan. [Oh, in the event that you're ever short of a drummer, I'd be more than happy to oblige :-)]
Georgie's Cello (Not) StillHate@spam.com
Tuesday 23 March 10 06:02
Thanks "Webmaster" for the Bruford review link ... am definitely going to buy a copy. Nice article too - we all hope Bill will come out of retirement (if only to get back with Dave and Allan for some more genial fusion). By the way, out of all the riffs that have stubbornly stuck in my head over the years, the Walnut Tree Walk riff refused to budge for two whole days, and made me realise that I do, in fact, possess perfect pitch - amazing!!! There is a psychoacoustic reason for this: this open-ended riff hangs around the fourth/sub-dominant pitch, never resolves melodically onto an adjacent tonic chord note (the minor third in this case) and so sticks in the mind, waiting for a resolution that never comes. I also think the syncopation plays a part in it too.
Sunday 21 March 10 05:39
Thanks GC(N) - you can read Dave's comment on Bill Bruford - The Autobiography
and read his latest online music article
Dave would like to thank everyone for their kind words on these pieces!
Georgie's Cello (Not) hatespam@aol.com
Sunday 21 March 10 05:39
Three recent posts here commending Dave's review of Bill Bruford's Autobiography - yet none shares a link, so that others can read it and, just maybe, be stirred into action to purchase the book. Anyone care to share the link, would LOVE to read Dave's review. Thanks in advance, Google doesn't help much!
Richard rhook@post.harvard.edu
Saturday 20 March 10 09:40
I like your work and have enjoyed your music. I am impressed with the sheet music accompanying the playing of fine excerpts. Some of the old DX7 sounds were interesting. I had enjoyed one for 12 years. Looking forward to getting some of your music. Regards, Richard.
Rodney Mathis rembeadgc@yahoo.com
Friday 19 March 10 07:45
Hi Dave, First: Thank you for many years of great musical ideas. Admittedly, my appreciation of your work is probably narrow. I highly esteem your work with Bruford and National Health. Your playing and writing has always brought me a profound joy. Your comments on Bill's autobiography were fitting and appreciated. Bill has also been a significant imprinter in the part of my brain that registers happiness. Though I may never know either of you as a friend, you've nonetheless touched my soul, given me comfort and reassured me of my sanity. If I could only say thank you for every time I listened to Tenemos Roads, Land's End, D.S. Al Coda, Palewell Park or another of my favorites. I'm also a musician, not as young as I was when I took it up over 30 years ago. Thanks for reminding me to release myself from the pressure and enjoy the music.
Mychael Pollard taunrue20@yahoo.com
Tuesday 16 March 10 09:56
Hello Mr.Stewart! This is Mychael Pollard from the nation's capital Washington, DC. hope is all well with you and Barbara G. My question is how were you able to record the melody of Calyx backwards with Robert Wyatt singing? or was that a reverse/reverb effect? Hope to hear from you soon. Peace~ Mychael Pollard.
Matt mattmendres@hotmail.com
Tuesday 16 March 10 03:36
What a wonderful summing-up. I've tried a few times to post a reaction to the book on Bill's website forum, but could never find the words to do it justice; now, I can just point to this piece and say, "What he said."
Howard Scarr howardscarr@web.de
Monday 15 March 10 21:49
Your "Bill Bruford - The Autobiography" piece struck so many chords in me that my brain hurts. Thank you!
Paul Moore p.h.moore@btinternet.com
Monday 15 March 10 01:03
Thanks, Dave, for a very perceptive, witty and ultimately compassionate review of Bill Bruford's biography. It depressed me too to sense how for Bill music no longer 'feels good to me'. I hope he does rediscover the fun. Cheers, Paul
Eric ericpado@free.fr
Sunday 14 March 10 13:43
Hi guys, just to say hello from French Polynesia (Tahiti). I am a big fan of your delicate, intimate music and would love to be able to download your last album as mp3 file... is there any possibility to do so? Dave thanks again for your fabulous work with National Health and Bruford. You know the famous question: If you have to live on an island what music would you bring with you ? I am living on the small island of Moorea and this is definitely your music which accompagnies me everyday face to face with the ocean - thanks again. ia orana i maruuru roa .....
Gary Hodkinson gary@ropeyard.co.uk
Sunday 14 March 10 09:31
Dave - I really appreciate the time you've taken to document how you created the music for the latest album. For a fan of your music, this is truly a fascinating insight. More, please!
Enrique chronos2357@yahoo.com
Saturday 13 March 10 13:54
Hi Dave! Great review of Bruford's autobiography. You really went right into the core of the book, the uncertainty of being a musician's musician.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Saturday 13 March 10 13:51
Sooty and Sweep... Too much! ♫ ☮! . . . bye bye.
Bill Joseph Flynn hammerandbear@yahoo.com
Saturday 13 March 10 11:31
Just want to say thanks so much for your advanced and melodic music over the years. You were always able to create magic and your modern soundscapes are amazing. Have been a great fan for many years... bought Khan when it was released and the National Health album, which is a masterpiece. Love your more recent tracks too... I wish you both all good things and will continue to listen (in amazement) to your intricate and interesting arrangements.
Glyn Collins collinsglyn@live.co.uk
Wednesday 3 March 10 10:11
Dear Dave & Barbara, long time no see - I hope you're well. I've just re-bought the new version of 'Introducing The Dots' to replace a sadly mislaid original, and was shocked and saddened by the absence of the extended examples of your music which folded out at the end... since I am now attending music theory night school I must ask: are your compositions available in notated form at all? (Could be a nice little earner?). Thanks for everything over the years.
Graham Laws
Friday 26 February 10 10:57
I guess that many of us were a little disappointed that the Dankworth material didn't show up on The TLG Collection.
Frank Cairns
Thursday 25 February 10 05:30
Nice to hear DS's music/arrangements on the John Dankworth documentary the other night. Until I saw the credits I thought the 'making it in the US' piece was a lost Zawinul tune. Is it available anywhere? Also thanks for the "Joh / nee / Dank / worth, Joh / needankworthjohneedankworth" etc. Earworm.
Brian from USA mudbucker@gmail.com
Thursday 25 February 10 05:27
Been following you since the Hatfield days. Great to see you're still at it, will order the new CD straightaway. Guess you won't be touring the States any time soon!!! ;) Here in the USA the press acts like UK - music that isn't in the top 40 doesn't exist so it's always a hunting expedition for us poor colonists.
Patricio Fernandez fernandez@sterntv.de
Wednesday 17 February 10 05:49
Hi, for a German TV music show I need an old and a new photo of Stewart and Gaskin plus the holder of the photos to get the copyrights. Thank you for your help! Best, Patricio.
ian chippett ichippett@aol.com
Wednesday 20 January 10 12:23
Just did a quick Google to find out where Walnut Tree Walk was and bless my soul if it wasn't right next to Lambeth Walk! Are you trying to start a dance craze? I think we should be told.
Colin Grose colin@grose.org.uk
Sunday 17 January 10 09:33
Ahhh memories of long evenings entering Dave's scores into a Yamaha music computer in the early '80s. TLG is the first time I have heard 'When the Warcry Comes' since painstakingly entering his Keyboard music article. The distorted rendition from the Yamaha DX9 hardware from a cassette tape 'disk drive' has long since died, but the tune is instantly recognisable. Now 'Inside the Music' is back and long may it continue, however, this time around I might just be content with hitting the 'Play' button on the mp3 samples!
Larry Benigno polymod@optonline.net
Saturday 16 January 10 08:52
'Inside The Music' is back! Thank you thank you thank you! And with audio examples no less... These were always my favorite part of Keyboard Magazine. Remember the 'Henry & James' record that came with the magazine? ...and I still have the letter you wrote to me (oh, probably back in the early 1980s) hanging on the wall at my studio! Keep on writing Dave. Larry Benigno, Sonic Music.
Jed Livingstone j.livingstone@virgin.net
Saturday 16 January 10 06:16
Hi Dave, I've been a fan of Egg, Hatfields etc. for many years and have a large collection of the Canterbury Scene. I've been having a good look at websites, MySpace etc. all relating to Egg and related but I never see mentioned an LP I have which features both you and Clive Brooks along with Chris Spedding, Michael Giles, Norma Winstone and others. The LP is by Bruce Epstein & Jack Fischer entitled 'Two Faced', do you remember this record? Just curious.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 11 January 10 11:57
Happy New Year D & B and all other contributors. I for one am pretty excited that there *may* be live dates and new recordings this year. I was looking on YouTube to see if I could any videos from last year's Tokyo dates. None on on there as yet but I did find a newish posting of 'It's My Party' from Dutch TV www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3uEVEcH5BY and 'I'm In A Different World' from a 1984 TV performance beside a swimming pool. Very dangerous! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucCylXHdKYM
Nigel Harkness mylords21@hotmail.com
Saturday 9 January 10 17:55
Hello, where can I get a copy of the video for 'The Locomotion' (filmed at Paddington station)? Cannot find it anywhere, even on YouTube. Regards, Nigel.
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Thursday 7 January 10 01:09
Thought you might like to know that last Monday, for the first time since my college radio days at Kent State, I heard Hatfield and the North on the (satellite) radio. Sirius/XM played Underdub.
Luca Majer luca@lucamajer.com
Wednesday 6 January 10 10:29
For Dave: I'm Luca Majer from Milan. I heard you in Boston (summer '79) and met with you later. I used to be a music critic (and musician). After a thirty-year hiatus my book on European prog rock has been republished. And it sold well too. In Italy. You can see it at: www.lucamajer.com/en/musica/scritti/libri/la_musica_rock_progressiva_europea/default.aspx. It has several parts on you, as part of Hatfield, National Health and Bruford. I had interviewed you in Chiswick, if I remember correctly, I believe in Sept. '79 and have some shots of you back then. If you want them just send me an e-mail at the address above. Incidentally do you know anybody who might be interested in publishing the book? Frightening to say, the book is a shot of prog rock in early 1980 and since then there hasn't been much prog around - it is still a very fresh reading, especially for people of 15/25 who have grown with U2 or Britney Spears. Thanks in advance if you'll let me know. Cheers, Luca.
Dave Stewart
Friday 1 January 2010 00:00
Hello everyone, many thanks for your recent messages and good wishes! I'm glad to hear some of you enjoyed the return of 'Inside The Music' online, writing music articles is fun for me and there are more to come. At the risk of sounding like the Queen's Christmas message, 2009 has been a good year for us - we're very pleased to be releasing CD's again and grateful (as ever) for your loyalty and support. We'd like to thank you all, and wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2010. All the best from Dave & Barbara.
Rich Nageotte richnageotte@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday 30 December 09 09:54
Hi, Dave. Happy Birthday!
Ian Chippett ichippett@aol.com
Wednesday 30 December 09 07:31
Just had a quick look through the Inside The Music thing on 'Jupiter Rising'. Fascinating: just the sort of thing I like. Tonight I'll try to play the opening chords on my guitar so if I never write again, it'll be because of ruptured finger ligaments.
Domingo Gonzalez domingo.a.gonzalez@gmail.com
Sunday 27 December 09 18:54
Thanks Dave for bringing back 'Inside the Music'. I missed it ever since!!!
Brian Catanzaro brian@catrecords.us
Thursday 24 December 09 12:59
Well, well! You're still here and I'm still here. I knew that if we waited long enough you folks would come through. I will be ordering all that new stuff very soon. Merry Christmas! Brian Catanzaro, New Jersey, USA.
David Ashcraft dashcraft@wowway.com
Tuesday 15 December 09 19:03
Hello, Dave & Barb: It's been great to hear all three of your releases this year! I purchased copies of both of your books for my 15 year-old daughter who plays string bass and wants to be a music major in college (perhaps I should warn her now...). The Progressive Ears interview was great fun, and it reminded me of the Schuba's show in Chicago (was that 1989?). If you ever tour the U.S. we could book you at Schuba's or the Abbey Pub (heck, they just sold out for Van Der Graaf Generator last year!). And we would be happy to host and feed you. So all you need to do is string together a dozen or so dates and you've got the Dave/Barb U.S. Tour 2010! Happy Holidays, David.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 13 December 09 16:41
Loved the write-up on the Japanese gigs - Tokyo is such a wonderful city. However all the technical stuff is a foreign language to me. I'm all box office and dealing with cash me... so, who was the famous English keyboard player in the audience on day two? Keith Emerson?
michael omgrown@comcast.net
Saturday 12 December 09 10:24
Thanks for bringing back Inside the Music! Looking/listening forward to your new material as always...cheers!
Robert Carlberg rcarlberg@aol.com
Saturday 12 December 09 08:09
Oops forgot to mention having embedded soundclips beats the Keyboard soundsheets by about a million blue miles.
Robert Carlberg rcarlberg@aol.com
Saturday 12 December 09 08:04
Thanks for Inside The Music, I always loved the Keyboard columns (and the books) as they opened up new insights into the music I loved instinctively without knowing why. Each gives me a reason to revisit the piece under the microscope, hearing with a better understanding of how the man behind the curtain gets those great sounds to play together. Looking forward to a long far-ranging ITM-run. And of course, NEW MUSICS in 2010 woo-hoo!
David Bagsby dbagsby@kc.rr.com
Saturday 12 December 09 07:56
Thank you 97-fold for posting the Jupiter Rising theory! I love this song!!! Look forward to your return to the pen.
Graham L nospamthanks@myaddress
Wednesday 2 December 09 00:36
Hope you are both well. Thanks for the excellent recent albums. Link to Dave's PM article on the Japan gigs
here. October's newsletter states: 'Next month Dave begins a new series of free online articles which deconstruct Stewart/Gaskin's music and arrangements using text, notation and mp3 examples. Details will be given in our November 2009 newsletter and on Dave & Barbara's web page.' Looking forward to that! Best Regards, Graham L.
Steve G stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Monday 30 November 09 08:07
Hi guys - just thought I should let you know I got a track from TLG played on Three Counties Radio (Beds, Herts and Bucks) a few Sundays back... 'Give Me Just A Little More Time'. I'll get you on the radio again if it's the last thing I do!
max deste6@tele2.it
Saturday 28 November 09 04:13
Hi Barbara & Dave... I'm proud to communicate to you! I follow Dave's every musical and discographical making, since Arzachel, through Hatfield & National Health... Your Green & Blue is really and simply fantastic... I live in Genoa, Italy... hope to hear and see you here as soon as possible! Greetings from my seacountry! Max.
Gerry Rossi gerry.rossi@strath.ac.uk
Friday 27 November 09 04:56
I am recommending your Musician's Guide and Inside the Music for our new students taking our BA Applied Music course here in Glasgow. It is of great help to them and written with passion, humour and integrity. Well done! I have long been a fan of your music from the Egg days through Hatfield, National Health and your work with Bill Bruford. If you ever venture this far North we would love you to to take a masterclass with our students anytime! Best wishes, Gerry.
Course Direct, BA Applied Music, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Geoege f_xia@icnet.ne.jp
Wednesday 18 November 09 20:56
Regret I could to see in concert in Japan because too expensive. Could you provide us Live recording CD instead?
Steve steve.h.long@gmail.com
Wednesday 18 November 09 14:30
Nice site!
sandy spamnot@speakeasy.net
Tuesday 17 November 09 18:41
Dave & Barb, you do realize that the rate that you are releasing music constitutes an exponential growth rate that we, your loyal listeners, will expect to continue. Thank you.
Marco Spam_Annoying@aol.com
Saturday 7 November 09 15:23
You wait simply ages for a Stewart/Gaskin CD, and then three come at once!!! Well today my TLG came along. Prefer the old version of the XTC (nicer synth bass on the verse). Wish 'Your Majesty' had gone all loud and not stayed quiet. As ever, the Broken Records digipak and booklet are immaculately designed/produced - you guys are visual perfectionists. A little request for your next album (circa 2027?) - a new version of 'Land's End', ideally with an Allan Holdsworth guitar solo. That'll put me in heaven!
michael omgrown@comcast.net
Saturday 7 November 09 10:37
Been a huge fan since the early '70s... love Green and Blue, Hour Moon and now the TLG Collection... fantastic! Love every single note... keep up the great work.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Thursday 5 November 09 16:04
Aha! The promo copy I have gives the full title of track 1 as 'Subterranean Homesick Blues (Transylvanian Blue Suede Hooves Mix / Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin's 116th Dream). I also have yet another favourite D&B song now, in the shape of 'René and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War'. Simply lovely version. Saw Bill Bruford on Tuesday in Huddersfield doing a talk on his book and career. He uses video clips to show the highlights of his career, including one from Rock Goes To College with Dave on keyboards. Incidentally he says hi to you both.
Mike Wilkinson mikewilkinson@dsl.pipex.com
Wednesday 4 November 09 03:22
The dear old Royal Mail (still functioning up here, so far) has just dropped off my copy of TLG. Lovely stuff - am really enjoying it. Dammit, I saw Johnny Kidd and the Pirates in an Edinburgh club sometime just after the Boer War. Fountains Abbey on the cover, too - we were there a couple of months ago - what a venue for a live gig... Thanks again, you two. Lovely to see you back in circulation!
Steve stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Monday 2 November 09 10:40
The new TLG Collection CD arrived today and it doesn't disappoint. If I have any criticism it's the quality of the demos - how can I continue to make my OWN music when the quality of YOUR demos is so bloody fantastic!!!! Grrrrrr!!!! ;-) Go buy a copy, anyone who hasn't already, it is marrrrvelous (why should I believe it to be anything but though!!) OK... greedy bugger time... when's the next one gonna be due?? Dare I hope for early 2010?? Steve, MK.
Bill Golembeski amybillsetters@comcast.net
Thursday 29 October 09 17:37
Barbara: an odd request - sure I love your work. I am playing Spirogyra as I write this - but I have written a novel, The English Setter Dance - about a folk rock band playing in Wisconsin in 1974. It's just a self-published thing, but I actually have an Italian fan. Check out the book on Amazon.com. Well, the publishing company went belly up. I want to get it published again. (The only copy available through Amazon costs $999.99!) Go figure. But I want a new cover. I want a picture similar to those of your band... very casual.. very human... very rock and roll. Could I get permission to use one? My book is not a money maker. I wrote it because I couldn't stop writing it. To be fair: it turned out much better than I ever hoped. I'll send you a copy. I just want to make my little book as great as I can. So please consider my request. I know it's an odd one. I, of course, will give the appropriate credit. So thanks for your time. Sincerely, Bill Golembeski... a fan. (And I love Hatfield and the North!)
Bernhard Faaß sonic@empyreal.de
Wednesday 21 October 09 15:59
Just compliments: I love your music! Barbara's voice is so lovely and gentle, pleasing and... Dave's arrangements are clever, fulfilling... songs cute... love it... listen to them a lot. All the best, keep going.
Paul Frindle paul@pafrindle.free-online.co.uk
Friday 9 October 09 07:40
Message for Barbara primarily. Not sure if you read this stuff, but you may remember me from your days at St. Radigunds? I was the guy living down the road who donated my old piano from South Canterbury Road to you guys when I left Canterbury and went on to live in Norwich? I'm still in the music biz (for my sins), still fumble freely on the piano (when the family are out?) Music is still my language :-) Would love to get back in touch with you guys if you send me an email? I was taken straight back to those heady and creative days in Canterbury when a friend on Facebook posted a YouTube link of some of your stuff. Listening to 'Busy Doing Nothing' so encapsulates all the atmosphere of those days, it's a window into another world - and reminds me just how priceless they were. Great to see you guys are still playing - and great respect for the uniquely creative stuff you both have done :-) BTW my teenage daughters are listening to Busy Doing Nothing is complete awe and amazement! :-) Kindest regards, Paul.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Friday 2 October 09 20:03
Steffen, I believe this is the track list for the TLGC CD (although I would be happy to stand corrected if anyone begs to differ!):
1. Transylvanian Blue Suede Hooves (Subterranean Homesick Blues extended mix) (B. Dylan arr. D. Stewart)
2. René and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War (P. Simon)
3. Shakin’ All Over (2001 Rough mix) (J. Kidd)
4. Give Me Just A Little More Time (R. Dunbar / E. Wain)
5. McGroggan (1995 Remix) (D. Stewart)
6. When The Warcry Comes (D. Stewart)
7. Fear Is The Thief (D. Stewart)
8. Hold On To The Chain (D. Stewart)
9. Roads Girdle The Globe (1991 Remix) (A. Partridge)
10. Henry & James (1996 Remake) (D. Stewart)
11. The Curve Of The Earth (D. Stewart)
12. Painter Man (E. Phillips / K. Pickett)
13. Your Majesty Is Like A Cream Donut (quiet) (D. Stewart)
14. Ads Infinitum (D. Stewart)
[ Thanks Joe! DS & BG. ]
Steffen sunhill20@gmail.com
Wednesday 30 September 09 00:52
Hi! Can anyone reveal the tracklist on TLG? Would be interesting to look at.
DS Al Capone Dont-Want-Spam@aol.com
Tuesday 29 September 09 11:37
Shakin' All Over - the Stewart/Gaskin cover that makes me cringe, and hit the 'skip' button. It's a million miles from the pure bliss of Land's End, Make Me Promises, or Grey Skies. Anyway, VERY much looking forward to the TLG Collection. Over the years I've recorded off the TV the sig. tunes to TV Offal, Inside Victor L-S, 'Ads Infinitum' (both versions) ... and that recent jazz clarinettist documentary. Look forward to hearing some of this on TLGC. Always nice to hear you on television in the '90s and Noughties - it was the only evidence we had that you were still with us and creating!
John Sharp johnsharp@email.com
Tuesday 29 September 09 06:04
Hi Dave and Barb! How's it going? Just received email re. your newsletter - looking forward to receiving updates. Have spent past year promoting a folk/acoustic club at The Victoria Theatre, Halifax and have recently become involved with Dean Clough Arts/Enterprise Complex (www.deanclough.com). Would make an AMAZING venue for you guys (WONDERFUL Fazioli Grand there, too!). Send me an email or call if you're planning any UK dates in the future, I guess that I'm safe leaving my home number here (any fan of yours etc. etc...) [ number removed for security reasons ]. Cheers, John.
P.S. Drove past your old house in SW London the other week... it's still standing! Had a wonderful night, last night, with wine and friends - ended up listening to 'Of Queues and Cures' - MARVELLOUS!!!
P.P.S!!! Bill Bruford is up here in a few days at a friend's record shop in Huddersfield, Wall Of Sound; signing his book and chatting to the assembled masses. Are you still in touch? Last time I remember seeing him was at a party at Argents with, as I recall, your good selves, Edgar Froese and Pat Moraz! Ah, happy days!!!
Murray Feldman murray_feldman@telus.net
Sunday 20 September 09 08:43
Barbara. How wonderful to see about this, to see that you have made a new album and are still performing actively and touring. You look exactly the same on the picture - which I think may be in Japan. I have wondered what you have been up to - glad to see this. Good work.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Friday 18 September 09 19:10
TLG! Yes, you are the best! Thanks SO MUCH! ô ♫ ☮!
Sandy stopspam@speakeasy.net
Monday 14 September 09 19:01
Wowwee! Love 'Any Guru'! And 'Rat Circus'! And 'Shakin' All Over'! And . . . well, you get the idea . . . .
Thomas Goss thomasgoss@paradise.net.nz
Wednesday 2 September 09 18:57
To Dave (with a shout out to Barbara)- please forgive the odd way of contacting you via your Guest Book, but it's the only direct contact I could surmise from your website. I am a concert music composer, music educator, and music journalist. As a presenter for Radio New Zealand's Concert FM channel, I have been provisionally assigned to a series next year called "Composer-Of-The-Week: Pop Topic." I am being allowed to do whatever I want with six hours of airtime, so I thought I'd do it all on the Canterbury Scene.
Would you like to add any perspective to my show as one of its key figures? I'm thinking an informal e-mail Q&A perhaps, or a recorded telephone interview once we are recording to programme. I'm in touch with a few other Canterbury players, such as Richard Sinclair, who are also going to be contributing via interview. As a young working musician in the late 70's, I listened voraciously to every type of rock I could get my ears around. It was with great relief that I discovered Hatfield, Egg, and National Health as music that had some wit and intelligence, not just testosterone. If there is any way that I can return the favour now by writing something intelligent about that music and your part in it, then I'll give it my best. Regards, Thomas Goss. www.thomasgosscomposer.com
Steve stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Tuesday 1 September 09 10:05
Several months after the release of the new CD(s) I thought I just had to mention a "find" of mine a little while ago, while I was clearing stuff before we moved house. It was a flyer from Dave and Barb apologising for the delay in the new album, but promising that it would be released soon. That flyer was dated 1994!! Little did we all know that the delay was gonna be another fifteen years!!!! Mind it was worth the wait - but PLEASE don't even let it get beyond 15 MONTHS this time, eh? Also... PLEASE try and sort some UK gigs, your country needs to see you guys! Steve.
Bill bpardue@ahml.info
Thursday 27 August 09 09:06
Two things: 1) Just learned about a cool Moog history exhibit in San Diego (they'll have Keith Emerson's monster Moog, theremins, etc.): www.museumofmakingmusic.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=255&Itemid=41
2) Will the new CD be available for MP3 download at any point?
Michael Zieske mzieske@me.com
Sunday 23 August 09 08:09
A new Album by Stewart & Gaskin after all these years - it's like a dream come true!!! Both Green and Blue and Hour Moon are masterpieces. Please do us all a favour and keep on making music!!! Thank you so far...
Charlie Close charliec53@hotmail.com
Sunday 16 August 09 16:33
Dear Dave and Barbara - thank you so much for Green and Blue and Hour Moon. I've been a fan since I discovered 'Henry and James' on a Rykodisc compilation. I am especially fond of 'Walnut Tree Walk', 'Let Me Sleep Tonight', 'Shakin' All Over', and 'This Wind Blows Everywhere'. Great songs, wonderful performances, and the production values get better with every album. I signed up for your newsletter. Keep making music and see you next time. Charlie. http://charlieclose.com
jim rafferty lustformedia@hotmail.com
Thursday 6 August 09 02:02
Delighted to find that you folks are still making music; made my day.
John W. Edwards john81258@aol.com
Tuesday 4 August 09 12:57
My name is John W. Edwards and I am the president of classic rock label Renaissance Records, in existence since 1993. I am a huge Stewart/Gaskin fan. It seems more difficult these days to get your CDs in North America. I assume that you own recordings and we would like to inquire about the possibility of licensing them for North America and the Pacific Rim.
Please contact me if you are interested in discussing it further. Best regards, John.
John W. Edwards, President, Renaissance Records, 15828 N. 56th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Ph: (602) 404-0810 Fax: (602) 404-0811 www.renaissancerecordsus.com
Alan Cooper acooper@txwinet.com
Saturday 1 August 09 11:02
I bought 'The Musician's Guide to Reading and Writing Music' a little over a week ago. It is the first book I have found, in many years of looking, that explains things from an ear player's point of view. I play guitar fairly well and engage in some less-than-usual chord progressions and voicings that I have never been able to describe to anyone else, except by using one of the online reverse lookup sites - I never understood the logic of music the way you present it. I have written over 200 songs and am for the first time able to notate them on a staff (as opposed to words with chord notations). I am still struggling a little, but your book was the breakthrough I needed. Thanks and Cheers. Alan Cooper, Blanco, Texas, USA.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 27 July 09 12:43
Yesterday's Stuart Maconie Freak Zone show on BBC 6 Radio featured three tracks from his album of the week - National Health. The show is available to listen again for a week here:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0072l4x
Steven W. Brown swbrown22@hotmail.com
Friday 24 July 09 23:25
NEW CD IS FAB! Welcome back! Peace, Steven
Saturday 18 July 09 03:53
Thanks Walter - we get a lot of queries about this track so have added some info about it on our
FAQ page.
Walter White waltowhite@earthlink.net
Friday 17 July 09 23:01
DUH! I looked around and found it! 'Henry and James', I am looking forward to getting it in the post and the other disc from you soon also. FANTASTIC!
Walter White waltowhite@earthlink.net
Friday 17 July 09 22:45
I know this has to sound a bit silly, but I became a huge fan of yours when they placed a plastic disc in Keyboard mag of a tune you and Barbara did, I tried to find it and failed, I looked while I was in Europe during the '80s and finally gave up and tonight something just hit me: to google your name and I found this. For the life of me I do not know the tune's name any more, is there any chance you know what I am talking about and where can I get it? Have always loved your work, hope I get a chance to hear this tune again, Ciao, Walter.
Mike Alexander aka Sonicfrog mike@sonicfrog.net
Tuesday 14 July 09 17:16
OMG. I'm so happy you've delivered another album. My roommate in college was a keyboard player. He introduced me to 'Henry and James' floppy from Keyboard magazine. From then on, I was hooked. I find both 'As Far As Dreams Can Go' and 'Golden Rain' to be among the most perfect songs I've ever heard. I even learned the keyboard / bass riff 3:07 into AFADWG when I was learning to play bass back in the day. Thank you both for producing such fine music, and adding to the soundtrack of my life.
P.S. I kindly have a request - could you speed things up a bit, and not wait another decade to give us a new album.
Phil Phil@somwhere.de
Tuesday 14 July 09 04:53
'National Health continued the noble tradition, established by Dave's earlier band Egg, of playing compositions of inordinate length and complexity. This went down OK with the group's small band of supporters, but badly with the British record companies, who were preparing to welcome Punk as the next big thing. As a result, National Health languished in the wilderness for 2 years before making their debut album 'National Health' (1977), followed by 'Of Queues & Cures' (1978), but were finally forced to disband in 1979 due to lack of public interest.' WELL, IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I WAS UP FRONT! And would be again!
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Saturday 4 July 09 17:27
Dave, Thanks for the Live Concerts page with the wonderful concert reviews. I close my eyes and I am there. Well sort of anyway. PLEASE consider making the TLG Commemorative CD available to the masses. Please. Just... please. Thanks.
Frank ohyesyoudlikethat@aol.com
Thursday 2 July 09 08:32
Now that I've had time to digest G&B (being a grown-up but not necessarily a pop music fan) I think it's wonderful. Highlight is 'Let Me Sleep Tonight' which could be a jazz standard. Also Dave's great bass playing (who'da thunk?), and Barbara singing the word 'soft' is the most lovely sound on the record. Great (intentional?) symmetry in the track listing also: a real album of work. Thanks for letting me be your listener.
David Snyder davidfsnyder@yahoo.com
Saturday 13 June 09 19:37
Either a duet or a duel: Eric McWhirter and Oliver Messaien.
Tex texaco_van_der_aarse@yahoo.com
Saturday 13 June 09 17:09
I recently managed to acquire 'Neil's Heavy Concept Album' by Nigel Planer (in character as the eponymous 'Neil' from The Young Ones) on CD and I'm giving it a right thrashing in my car driving to work. (Those that might not know, Dave played various instruments on the album and he also produced it and Barbara sang on it.) Despite the temptation to write it off as a 'joke' album hurriedly clapped together to capitalise on the Young Ones fad, it actually holds together quite well even after 20+ years. My favourites are the faux-prog-pomp-heavy metal 'Lentil Nightmare' (featuring a sterling performance by Stephen Fry as a horror narrator) and a cover of Caravan's 'Golf Girl' (with a cameo from fellow Comic Strip alumni Dawn French). Other songs are a covers of Tomorrow's 'My White Bicycle', Pink Floyd's 'The Gnome', Donovan's 'Hurdy Gurdy Man', The Incredible String Band's 'A Cellular Song' and Traffic's 'Hole In My Shoe'. Musically, the songs are lushly produced (which Neil complains as having 'much too much technology') and include obligatory '60s tropes such as flutes and Beatles riffs in keeping with Neil's hippie ideals. I loved the album when it first came out and having re-discovered it, love it again... Wow! I wanted to thank you for helping make the album but, I ended up reviewing it. That being the case: 5/5.
Dave Stewart
Friday 12 June 09 16:59
Hi all, thanks very much for your kind messages, it's great to hear from you. In response to some of your recent questions and suggestions we've added new FAQ and Live Concerts sections (including a review of our March 2009 Japanese gigs) to our home page, I hope you find some useful info there. Barbara and I are both well and planning our next release! All the best from both of us.
Jeff Craddock jeffcraddock@fsmail.net
Thursday 11 June 09 12:45
Well - you say you are in it for the long haul - I remember as a 17 year-old going to see Egg supporting the Groundhogs at Birmingham Town Hall - and 40 odd years later, I'm still here !! Waited a long time for Green and Blue - but what amazing songs. I still just love what you do.
Andrea Tolin weirdbear@mac.com
Wednesday 10 June 09 12:45
Hi Dave, last week I was in London and on Tuesday, while doing some shopping in Denmark Street I think (I'm quite sure) you passed me by, stopped to look at one window and walked away. It was my first and probably last chance to be so close to one of my few "idols"; I didn't want to bother, too old for this, but I now regret not having the courage to tell you a big Thank You for the incredible emotions you gave me through many, many records during my last 30 years, starting from Bruford and National Health bands and then all the rest (books included) So, again, a very big Thank You from a real "fanatic" from Italy. Ciao, Andrea.
Tom glynnt54@gmail.com
Monday 8 June 09 18:22
Well now, how will I begin, more importantly, how will I end without so much as a hint of boredom? I will make this as brief as possible. Recently retired from the army after thirty years. Went back to my mother's house for the first time in as many years with time on my hands. Used that time to dig up old memories in old boxes and trunks. Found many articles that brought back those memories; far too many to record here. The best recollections however, were those of the musical type; the LP collection I had once spent most of my young life acquiring. That sir, is where you come in. As I recall, while all of my friends at that time were digging into the mainstream vibes of the day, I always seemed to be looking over the fence for something a bit different, a bit daring; music that pushed the envelope and wandered. I found what I was looking for with the likes of Caravan, Soft Machine, Gong, Gilgamesh, Hatfield and the North, National Health, Delivery, Camel, Happy the Man, Henry Cow, Slapp Happy and Zappa. It was nice to see those old LP's again. Not only that, I have tried over the past ten years to convert to a CD collection. The postman arrived today with Phil's 'Cutting Both Ways' and I expect shortly the arrival of Robert Wyatt's "Matching Mole" collection. More are on the way.
Mr. Stewart, this is the only chance I have ever had, and more than likely will ever have, to thank you for your extraordinary talent and contributions to my enjoyment of music. When people ask me who my favorite keyboard player is, I answer, "Well, it's an even race between George Duke and Dave Stewart". The funny part is that they never heard of George Duke and they didn't know Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics played the ivories. I don't let on, it's more fun that way. Thank you sir, for a lifetime of enjoyment. The only problem... when I check Amazon for your catalog, I get Eurythmics. We gotta do something about that! My best to you and Barbara.
I see no need to turn back the clock, other than to hear great music made in a past time and place. But I do hope some time soon that young, like-minded individuals will take the opportunity and the challenge to push that envelope once again. Tom Glynn. Sergeant Major (Retired). glynnt54@gmail.com
andrew info@bizzare.nl
Monday 8 June 09 16:40
Green and Blue - fantastic, amazing, wonderful. Thanks for music.
Dave Hart dave.hart@nfcb.me.uk
Sunday 7 June 09 04:08
I just discovered 'Inside the Music'. What a great book - at last I'm beginning to understand chords! But you must have long fingers Dave - two pairs of 5ths?! From a guitarist who does a little bit of keyboard.
Steve steve@cedarmusic.co.uk
Tuesday 2 June 09 10:06
I seem to remember a single some time ago which was a bit folksy with a gorgeous oboe obligato counterpoint line - can't remember what it was called or find any kind of reference to it on the cd listing. Could be that I am just going senile of course - can anyone help? Cheers, Steve.
brianfsteffensen brianfsteffensen@yahoo.ca
Monday 18 May 09 14:06
'Down By The Sweetwater Sea' ...Brilliant!! My fave track so far. By the way The Sweetwater Seas are The Great Lakes (take it from someone who live by one: L.Ontario) and I'm thinking that the lyrics are some original take on an Algonquin myth (but I could be wrong). On the bonus CD: 'Shakin' All Over' is another incredibly clever cover version (almost equalling 'Walking The Dog') and the sheep oh... the sheep! Love it!
GL nospam.thanks@myaddress
Sunday 17 May 09 23:41
Has anybody managed to find an online review (in English) of the Tokyo concert(s)? GL.
David Bagsby dcb@sunflower.com
Sunday 17 May 09 06:11
Green & Blue = BLISS!
Chris Nagorka cnagorka@webtv.net
Friday 15 May 09 20:11
I was visiting Tokyo last week when I found Green and Blue at the Tower Records in Shibuya... I was actually looking for Spin, the only one I don't have. But I was stunned to see a 2009 copyright date on the CD! Terrific music as usual. Too bad I didn't time the visit to see the concerts!
Simon spamsucks@pondwater.com
Wednesday 13 May 09 10:42
Hi folks, still enjoying Green and Blue but I'd also like to mention that I've now started receiving spam that is a direct result of my e-mail address appearing on your page. I know this is how the "correspondent" got my address because "she" refers to it. In this day and age, I'd seriously suggest that next time the Visitors Book is revised, you remove the request for an e-mail address. My own fault too, of course, for not just giving a fake address - asking for trouble really.
On a happier note, the album gets better with each repeated listen. Simon.
P.S. Oh by the way - which one's Green?
Raanan Chelled raanan78@gmail.com
Tuesday 12 May 09 07:26
Hi Dave, my name is Raanan Chelled and I am a writer. I am currently in the process of writing a book about the best 100 obscured rock bands around the world from the years 68-76. The outstanding Arzachel with their sole briliant album has been selected to be one of these 100 entries. I cannot stress enough how great and ahead of its time that album is in my opinion. So, I was wondering if I could trouble you with a few questions regarding the old days. If you'll kindly agree, you can contact me at my email. All the best, Ra'anan.
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Thursday 7 May 09 19:25
No way! Let me guess... Their research into the matter went as far as seeing the name "Dave Stewart" and jumping to the conclusion that Dave and Barb are an offshoot of "Your Rythmics"! Perhaps we should remind them that THIS Dave can actually... um... nevermind. THIS Dave took that comment off the home page about a decade ago now! But is WAS pretty funny!
brian brianfsteffensen@yahoo.ca
Thursday 7 May 09 08:26
This my last word on this topic. Progressive Archive seem to have rejected my request to have our favourite band added to their list, because (get this) they're too much like the Eurythmics. I give up!!!
Oliver oliver@upcbroadband.com
Tuesday 5 May 09 08:56
Hi Dave & Barbara, thanks for the album but please, PLEASE play it live to your diehard fans in Europe - Japan's no good to us! Last time I saw you was 1996 at QEH, London. Time to return. Keep up the great work!
brian brian.steffensen@dpcdsb.org
Sunday 3 May 09 19:53
And on a similar but strangely different note, I am trying to get Progarchives to include Stewart and Gaskin on their database. With this wonderful new album out, I though it was about time the band was included on the web site. What is 'Pop Music for Adults' if not a form of Progressive Rock. Certainly IMHO 'New Jerusalem' is one of the greatest Prog. Rock tracks of all time (if you don't agree with me, then see me after school behind the bicycle sheds and we'll sort it out!!) With S&G's albums available for serious analysis, we can all have a blissful time writing and reading hysterically witty reviews that tell of our great love and appreciation for our favourite band's music. If you agree please go to http://www.progarchives.com/ and lobby for the dynamic duo to be added to the archive. I mean Jakko was added 3 months ago and Khan, Egg, Hatfield and the North, Spyrogyra and National Health are already there, so now its Stewart & Gaskin's time surely. Thank You.
brian brian.steffensen@dpcdsb.org
Sunday 3 May 09 19:42
Will 'There Is No Reward' EVER be released in a form that can be heard (other this crackly old B-side that I possess)? With the release of the 'Henry and James' Flexidisc version on the latest CD, it appears the final Holy Grail of Dave Stewart material is this wonderful piece of music. Maybe it could be put on the next album. Which, according to my calculations should be released around 2027 when I'm (oh heck!) 74 years old!!
Nick Utteridge www.nicholas@utteridge.orangehome.co.uk
Wednesday 29 April 09 13:37
Hi Dave - I would like to add a gig to your Egg Chronology of which I have the original contract and receipt signed by yourself for the princely sum of £40.00 from the Van Dyke Club, Exmouth Road, Plymouth on 17/9/71. Regards Nick.
Mike Wilkinson mikewilkinson@dsl.pipex.com
Monday 27 April 09 02:47
Well, really, what can I say? There is truth and light in the world after all. Thank you, guys, thank you. Wonderful stuff. (And whaddya mean, PATIENT???!!)
Charles Platt plattland@gmail.com
Saturday 18 April 09 12:54
Well I'm not sure why it took *quite* so long to create this new music but I'm very glad I lived long enough to hear it! Shakin' All Over has to be one of the most cheerfully eccentric pieces since The Collapso and is worth the price alone. Thanks for following through and releasing this diversity of good music.
Donnie Hobson, & Maribeth donalhobson@rocketmail.com
Monday 13 April 09 13:04
Hi, can't wait to get your CD. Donnie actually put out a CD in 1993, if you guys want I'll get a copy and send it or if you want the only way to get it is on Amazon uk, it's called Peaking in Babylon by Laughing Sam's Dice, and we actually only have one copy any more. As soon as I can I (Maribeth) plan to get ahold of some more copies. We'd love to hear what you think of it. I haven't heard your latest yet, but there isn't one thing that you guys do that we don't Love and hold dear in our hearts. You know that you both influence the both of us. Donnie (aka Dik Fear) will love it if you get this message!! Thanks, and Love Donnie and Maribeth.
Mike Hansen michaelcarlhansen@gmail.com
Saturday 11 April 09 08:32
Dave, Your 1999 book 'Inside the Music' has been an important reference for my music. While I enjoy playing and listening to most every style of music lately I have been playing more "metal" using alternate tunings. (I'm a 57 year-olds whose mp3 player contains Paco de Lucia, Nelson Riddle, Patsy Cline, Queensryche, Stevie Wonder, SRV, Hendrix, Jeff Wayne and Linkin Park to name just a few) This has opened my world to a mind-boggling number of alternate tunings in styles as diverse as classical and folk music. I'd like to hear your opinion on alternate tunings.
Raymond Peck rpeck@rpeck.com
Wednesday 8 April 09 12:22
I simply can't remember the last time I felt such excitement at CDs arriving in the post. You've made at least one person out here very, very happy. And I can finally stop fretting about not knowing which box my Henry and James flexidisc is in! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Oh, and, um. . . how about a performance or three in the US?
Tom Dolan tom@sparklefluff.com
Tuesday 7 April 09 15:53
Oooooooooooooooooooh the anticipation!!!!! Come on Royal Mail, you need to get this to me before I go away for Easter!
Ed Cahall tonaleashop@yahoo.com
Tuesday 7 April 09 15:27
Got the new discs in the mail yesterday - wonderful to hear from you again! And thanks for taking the time to autograph. I hope you know how much better you have made the world with your music. Ed in Arizona.
sergio ama.sergio@gmail.com
Monday 6 April 09 20:06
At the risk of repeating myself, I would like to thank the loyal Barbara and Dave who have provided 'our' music over the years. GRAZIE!
tony tony.clarke@centruytel.com
Monday 6 April 09 19:39
Green and Blue sounds great so far. Thanks for the music.
strawb bamboogrove@hotmail.co.uk
Sunday 5 April 09 13:48
Well it took nearly 20 years for me to discover that you had released proper albums, and moments for me to buy them and love them deeply and true! Seriously, Spin and The Big Idea are gorgeous, especially Dave's originals! And as soon as some cheques clear this week, I'll be buying the new one and its bonus CD. But... can you put the 12" version of I'm In A Different World up on the Mp3s. It's the only vinyl song i haven't got on CD and it's my favourite! Back soon, with cash, so please save me a signed CD or two!! Bless and long time love from Strawb of www.bamboogrove.co.uk and I'd so love for you to hear my songs therein! You've both been quite an influence don't choo know. Many thanks.
fdsfdf dfsdf@gdffde.com
Sunday 5 April 09 10:28
Fantastic, thank you.
Donnie Hobson donalhobson@rocketmail.com
Sunday 5 April 09 02:18
WOW!!! Hi you two, this is Maribeth from Maribeth and Donnie Hobson, we met at Bob Style's house in Capitola a LONG time ago, and we still absolutely LOVE you guys!!! Please e us back or call us or something, I'm so excited to be able to leave a message for you to say congratulations and hello. Donnie would just love to hear from you. We're in Minnesota now in St. Cloud, jes living. We have a 22 year old son and have been married for 23 years come June. Much Love and Peace and Flowers! Maribeth and Donnie.
Paul Shearing paul@sds-online.co.uk
Sunday 5 April 09 01:22
Thanks for the new CDs. Too much to take in at short notice but initial impressions are that Green and Blue is an absolute knockout album. Thanks for sticking with it and taking such care with the production - worth it in the end! These CDs are best appreciated on headphones because there is so much going on. IMHO superb, un-uterably exciting and haunting. There simply isn't anything like this anywhere else - woohoo! One happy bunny. Any chance of a UK gig?
Tim Buckley timbuck2@blueyonder.co.uk
Saturday 4 April 09 20:28
I've never left a message on an artist's site. I've never used the word perfect to describe music before. First time for evrything. Thanks. Good luck. Lots of love to you both.
Robert Carlberg rcarlberg@aol.com
Saturday 4 April 09 20:23
Just received Green and Blue and Hour Moon in the post, thanks guys! Not disappointed, they're wonderful additions to your oeuvre of intelligent pop music. Nice to see some longer tracks allowing everybody to stretch out and cut loose! Barbara's voice just gets better with age, wonderfully subtle and complex and she's still one of the best singers on the planet. Love live DS&BG!
Ross-c RossClement@gmail.com
Saturday 4 April 09 20:08
Green and Blue is definitely prog! Imagine the album sung with an early 70s Peter Gabriel voice and it would make a great lost Genesis album. Apart from an anomalous lack of guitars. I'd guess that's why the more pop Shakin' all over is on the EP, and Good Morning Good Morning (with its time signature irregularities) is. Enjoying the album. Oh, but when is the next one due? ONLY JOKING :)
paul Overton paulanddeborah@leeoverton.freeserve.co.uk
Saturday 4 April 09 17:20
Hi D & B, been having a bt of a sort-out of the 12" and played some of your old singles - Different World still does it. Great to see you're still at it! Love from Somerset. P.
Pete HateSpam@davebarbFan.com
Friday 3 April 09 21:09
Album arrived today - yipee!!! I forgot to order the mini album CD with it (drat and double drat). Too much to praise, so instead only two gripes ... there's a touch of déjà-vu about 'Jupiter Rising' (cf. Deep Underground) and Bed of Leaves (cf. Golden Rain). 'Blue and Green' (the track) just gets better and better from start to finish, rather like 'Grey Skies' did.
In contrast to 'Big Idea' & 'Spin' this album doesn't seem as musically testosterone-fuelled as I'd hoped for after a 17-year hiatus, but most tracks will bloom on revisits for sure. Thanks for being in this business for the "long haul". Now... to order that 5-track CD.
Theo Pywowarczuk theo392@msn.com
Friday 3 April 09 10:44
With 18 years of pent-up expectation, I wasn't sure how to approach the CD. Looking at it seemed fruitless, but putting it in a CD player was a good move. Without reviewing it in detail (I've now heard them both three times in the past 12 hours), it's not as instantly hook-laden as you might expect, but some of the songs are astonishingly beautiful, and 'Shaking All Over' SHOULD have been on the main CD - it's the sort of fun and clever pop you both excel at, but nobody makes anymore (apart from you, obviously). I genuinely hope more people get to hear these songs - I want people to feel as happy as I do now :-)
Renaud Manuel manuel.renaud642@orange.fr
Friday 3 April 09 08:20
Bonjour!Just a little question : Is there any way to find a complete score of "Tenemos Roads"? Thank you. Have a nice weekend. Manu.
Ross-c RossClement@gmail.com
Thursday 2 April 09 16:59
Mine only got posted today. C'mon Royal Mail!
mustafaster mustafaster@hotmail.com
Thursday 2 April 09 11:46
New album just arrived. Wonderful stuff, stereo's shakin' all over! Thanks guys.
Simon simon@inglewoo.dircon.co.uk
Wednesday 1 April 09 17:24
I believe Dave and Barb can Bring Out The Bun in all of us...
Steve stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 1 April 09 16:32
That's two happy bunnies in one day (me and Simon, see below...)... how many more bunnies can we make joyous before the day is out?!!! Have just finished a second playing of both - and boy, what a joy! "Rat Circus" and "The Sweetwater Sea" are the ones that have leapt at me as highlights in these first two plays. PLEASE "Make Me Promises" (or at least one promise) to play some gigs in London ... or at least anywhere in the UK, Dave and Barb?! Your country needs you! Steve.
Paul Moore p.h.moore@btinternet.com
Wednesday 1 April 09 14:42
Green and Blue arrived this morning, and is making my PC bounce up and down with glee: there's melody, fizzy pop, soul, humour, lucious keyboards, heart-wrenching chord progressions, madcap sound clips and gurus of many hues - Green and Blue - lots to enjoy! Thanks Dave & Barbara.
Simon simon@inglewoo.dircon.co.uk
Wednesday 1 April 09 14:02
Green And Blue popped through the letterbox a little over an hour ago. Just played it through for the first time ... ahh, that's the stuff. Beautifully textured, clever, fun, full of ideas and ingenious melodies - very nice indeed. I can tell I'm going to be playing this a lot. Got Hour Moon playing as I write and yes, Shakin' All Over is a blast.
Good luck with those Japan gigs - I really hope you can manage a gig in London some time soon (and preferably another album before too long ...?). One strange thing: I played GaB on my computer, and Windows Media Player displayed all the song titles etc in Japanese... huh?! Anyway, many thanks from One Happy Bunny.
Steve stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 1 April 09 13:01
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... What can I say. It's playing as I type, and BOY this is one happy bunny playing it. It's been WELL worthy of the wait. I was gonna comment on a few tracks here, but I will leave that til others have had the chance to hear the latest masterpiece. Although I will say.... track one on 'Hour Moon' had the wife and I both laughing and crying in awe. Well done you guys!! Can I hope for more to appear soon (and before another 18 years, ie 2027!!!?). A very happy Steve.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 29 March 09 23:53
Hi Dave & Barb. Hope you got back okay from Tokyo. Stuart Maconie mentioned you both on his 6Music programme today as he featured The Rotters Club as his album of the week. I gave him details of your new CD last weekend and he said he would love to have you on in the studio for a future show. This is his email address for us all to request tracks from Green and Blue when it is released - stuart.6music@bbc.co.uk
Theo Pywowarczuk theo392@msn.com
Saturday 28 March 09 12:38
Almost as tardy as Peter Gabriel! Thankfully its now ready for public consumption: I've been playing your entire output in readiness, and, because I haven't played them for a while, I'd forgotten both how wonderful the songs are, and how well produced and recorded they are! Makes such a change from the compressed nonsense being released today - I'm sure that the new one will live up to my (exceptionally high) expectations :-) Hopefully you'll tour somewhere in Europe...
Piero krampz@mailzone.com
Friday 27 March 09 12:58
Dave and Barbara, I'm really sad that you will perform only in JAPAN; I immagine that you have many and many fans there... but please could you plan a registration of your gig and make it available on DVD? Let us know....
Steve stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 25 March 09 19:55
..just two more days (plus whatever added for postage) and it'll be here - and I for one cannae wait!! I found a letter from Dave the other day, and in it he told me that he was just mixing down the new album, but that he didn't know when it would be released... that letter was sent to me in 1994 (I bet then that he didn't expect it to take 15 more years!!?).
I'm sure it'll be fantastic and worth the l-o-n-g wait, right guys!?! Steve.
Raymond Benson admin@raymondbenson.com
Wednesday 25 March 09 02:42
So great to hear that a new STEWART/GASKIN CD is available (and a bonus EP to boot)! Thank you, Dave & Barbara!
Ross-c RossClement@gmail.com
Tuesday 24 March 09 11:57
PS: Just in case it wasn't clear from my last message, I am very happy that there is finally a new album, and have ordered it already. I should have waited for the surprise to fade a bit before posting.
Ross-c RossClement@gmail.com
Tuesday 24 March 09 07:39
Holy mother of pearl, a new album!!! My jaw dropped so much it smashed a hole in the floor. I dropped into the site for the first time in ages with a mental smirk thinking "bet there will still be a new album 'sometime'" but there it is.
Wil wil.overton@dial.pipex.com
Saturday 21 March 09 10:28
Blimey! I had to look twice, just in case it was a cruel internet trick. Just pre-ordered and I'm really looking forward to it. Shame I can't make it to Japan for the gigs but it's my son's 6th birthday party today and that sort of takes precedence. I'm sure you'll understand :)
Joe Biela joe.biela@wowway.com
Saturday 14 March 09 19:13
STOP PRESS - New Album finally released!
STOP PRESS - New Album finally released!
STOP PRESS - New Album finally released!
YES! - Something new to Spin since Spin!
Don't wait, order yours today!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Dave and Barbara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Han han@vandegraaf.be
Saturday 14 March 09 16:33
Great news, a new album! I cannot wait to hear it finally :))
Larry Benigno polymod@optonline.net
Sunday 4 January 09 17:40
Just a note to wish the both of you a healthy and prosperous New Year!!! Best, Larry Benigno (Sonic Music)
Adrian adrian_sutton@talk21.com
Tuesday 16 December 08 20:17
Is 'There Is No Reward' going to be released on CD/MP3? It's the only track from the singles not available.
Andy andy.mawson@gmail.com
Saturday 6 December 08 05:02
I hope the posts on this site refer to 2008 and not the mid '90s. Dudes -- what have you been doing? We are sitting here waiting. We've been waiting for nearly 15 years. Patiently. When are we going to get another album?
Jacques jacques@jacques.com
Wednesday 19 November 08 19:48
Hi Barbara & Dave - Today I remembered an old song from Judee Sill 'Jesus was a crossmaker' and I looked it up on You Tube. There are versions on just an acoustic guitar, but do you know / remember the orchestral one? (I believe it was produced by Graham Nash.)If there's one song that deserves the love and attention like you guys are used to giving pop music from the past it is this gem...
Allan Ayers alan.ayers@live.co.uk
Wednesday 12 November 08 11:20
Hi BG. Interested to see your site, reminded me of old canterbury art school days. Note you may have bumped into old friends Anthony Moore and Peter Blegvad - haven't seen them since the eighties. I'm going to check out your recent music. Allan Ayers
Mike mjackman@quickclic.net
Saturday 8 November 08 22:48
Do you know where I could get a MP3 version of "I'm in a Different World"
Wil wil.overton@dial.pipex.com
Sunday 2 November 08 16:07
New album next year? Holy cow, I must be dreaming. Might be nice to pen a couple of words for the site frontpage, though. We are interested, y'know :)
Wednesday 29 October 08 05:23
I recall a beautiful version of Cast Your Fate To The Wind by blonde female vocalist on Juke Box Jury in the 1960s who was she, she sounded a bit like Jackie Trent.
Glyn Collins collinsglyn@hotmail.com
Monday 27 October 08 16:11
Dear Dave and Barbara, long time no see. I got married in Kyrgyzstan nearly 3 years ago, and now we have a beautiful daughter! I hope you're well, and enrich us with more music soon. Yours, Glyn Collins.
Steve G stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Saturday 25 October 08 17:45
Er..... pinch me.... I've just been reading here that the new album will be out next year (2009)... I've not seen mention of it anywhere before, can someone say where this was detailed please, I wanna know that I haven't just died and am seeing the world through the light I'm now passing through... Can't wait! The sons of Spin will be late teenagers by now! Steve.
Duncan Holding duncan.holding@btinternet.com
Wednesday 22 October 08 23:09
Your version of Leipzig is quite simply one of the finest records ever.
Geof noaddress@dontwantspam.net
Saturday 18 October 08 18:47
This seems like an appropriate place to mention: the great Levi Stubbs, lead singer of the Four Tops, passed away yesterday (10/17/08) at age 72. He'd been afflicted with among other things, cancer and a stroke. Levi Stubbs' tears indeed...r.i.p.
Trevor Cornforth
Thursday 16 October 08 11:48
Hi Dave, you probably won't remember me! I had the pleasure of meeting you back in 1980 at Dudley Town Hall with the Bruford band - I was 15 at the time and this was one of first gigs I had seen! I am now at the grand age of 44 and still can remember the opening tune 'Hells Bells' Hope your keeping well Dave? Godbless and thanks for inspiring me to be a musician myself.
Sherine shermeldre@gmail.com
Saturday 11 October 08 11:29
I'm a South African, married to a Dutchman. Some 40 years ago at Primary School, our Music Teacher at school taught us "On Wings of Song". This song plays around in my mind and I would so much like to teach it to my children. Every time, I begin then I cannot continue. I've checked on the internet, but just have no luck finding the words to the song. Somehow, there seem to be so many different versions and was wondering whether your version because you are British was the same as mine since most of these versions are American. Mine went something like this:
My mind in fancy wanders
In woods and fields of stream
I see the birds and the blossoms
That showers in April spring
The starlings they scold and they chattered
The bluebells bound to the breeze
The wind is softly singing
A message to the trees
The wind is softly singing
A message to the trees
At night when the wind is sleeping
And bright shines the moon above
There I become stuck, then I cannot continue sing it any further. It's pretty frustrating and I hope that you would be able to help me. Yours Sincerely, Sherine Drenth.
RandyK rmkstat@hotmail.com
Thursday 2 October 08 00:38
Dave, I am about your age and purchased Khan's 'Space Shanty' at Hegwisch Records in Chicago when the album was released. Everything on it is 10/10 except the vocals are about 8/10. I love the entire album, with Stargazers being my favorite cut. I really enjoy the marimba intro and Hillage's guitar in the last 40 seconds is great; his coming-in reminds me of John Coltrane. Sorry to be so late with my compliments. Randy K.
Marco dontwant@spamsent.co.uk
Saturday 27 September 08 23:39
If the 2009 gigs don't call in on London (last saw you at the QEH, courtesy of Victor Lewis-Smith's London Standard plug) would be great if you can upload snippets to YouTube or your site. Currently rediscovering tapes of "REM" in Strasbourg and Begneux :-) Once thought I'd never get to hear this band, being a kid at the time!
TONY WHEATLEY tonywheatley@talktalk.net
Monday 22 September 08 23:34
Hi Dave & Barbara - fantastic news (if its true) that the new album will be out next year and a few gigs are planned in Japan. Please, please try and play a gig or two in the UK if at all possible - anywhere will do!
Vince vincentl10@comcast.net
Thursday 18 September 08 05:20
My first exposure to Dave and Barbara was a soundsheet in Keyboard Magazine. It was a new version of Henry And James with a different intro. Any chance on that version being released for sale in the iTunes era where albums are not required?
John Cheltenham john_glos@hotmail.com
Thursday 18 September 08 00:20
Hiya Barbara and Dave.
Did not know you weren't the other Dave Stewart!
Just saw your song It's my party on tv!
Have it on my IPOD already! Good memories of it as a 14 yr old!!
Shame you haven't played together since 1996. I'd definitely come and see you.
Take care
George Myers skywatchaz@q.com
Sunday 7 September 08 18:21
Dear Dave and Barbara, Love your music!!! I have been listening to Dave since he was played on Bill Bruford's recordings!!! I am a classically/Jazz trained Pianist! I am now planning on buying a Tama Starclassic Performer Drum Kit like Bill Bruford has for $7,956.78! I first have to sale my Classic Motocross bike collection! If interested in helping me attain my goal please contact me at skywatchaz@q.com warm regards: George H.Myers
Glenn beatlenut8@yahoo.com
Sunday 7 September 08 09:43
Thanx for that Joe.
Joe Biela joebiela@ix.netcom.com
Sunday 7 September 08 05:29
Er, I mean... Amanda Parsons on the 'What Becomes of The Broken Hearted' vid.
Joe Biela joebiela@ix.netcom.com
Sunday 7 September 08 05:21
Glenn... that's Amanda Parson's on the 'What Becomes of The Broken Hearted' vid.
Vipper VIPk@rakimasuta.jp
Wednesday 3 September 08 12:45
Big Suprise!
Glenn beatlenut8@yahoo.com
Wednesday 3 September 08 11:14
Is this Barbara singing backups and Keys on 'Whats becomes of the brokenhearted'?
BJ nospam.thanks
Tuesday 2 September 08 08:05
How has this news broken ? There's nothing on the website or Myspace. Great news if true of course, but ...
Dan d.lawrie@bresnan.net
Tuesday 2 September 08 04:57
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Tom May tmay102436@aol.com
Tuesday 2 September 08 00:26
Just a quick note of WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just heard that a new Stewart & Gaskin album will be released in 2009! Someone pinch me to make sure I'm not dreaming.
I'm a hardcore progressive rock/jazz fan, so the pop rock idiom is not my usual enjoyment - but you guys define the genre and make it a bit of a challenge. I even dance when I listen to your music (don't tell anyone LOL!)
Thanks for giving a bunch of us something to look forward to!
julius j saroka wreck_d2001@yahoo.com
Monday 1 September 08 20:06
dear Dave & Barb;
just heard about the tour in Japan and the (finally) forthcoming new album....if there is anything i can do to help precipitate an appearance by you here in northeastern ohio, please advise me post-haste. with all my love and best wishes for health and happinss to you both - your fan & friend Julius!
sa smalltown.agonist@yahoo.com
Monday 1 September 08 16:53
I've just heard of the upcoming Japanese live dates AND new album in 2009!... fantastic news... go down a storm in Japan, Dave & Barb - hey!
Dave Kelly scarecrow23649@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday 13 August 08 13:21
Hello Dave. Do everyone a favour ,get the boys together , and play next years Supersonic festival in Birmingham .I went in July and it is ready and waiting for Egg !!
Kristin Hall spoot@media.mit.edu
Tuesday 5 August 08 14:15
Trying again - message got truncated. Shelby Flint is the 60s vocalist who had the one-hit wonder with "Cast Your Fate To The Wind" (lyrics by Carel Weber). Thanks for the chords!
Kristin Hall Spoot@media.mit.edu
Tuesday 5 August 08 14:13
Hi, Dave & Barbara-
Thanks for the chords to
Pete Fortune peteF@dumgal.gov.uk
Tuesday 5 August 08 13:42
There is a very quirky - almost rap - version of "Share It" by a band called Disposable Man on You Tube. It's worth a listen
Steve Recchia lightsquadron@msn.com
Friday 25 July 08 17:42
I have been listening to the Singles cd over and over again. Wonderful recording. I have the other cds somewhere, but I don't have any live recordings. Please sell some to me.
PhantomTramp writermusic_AT_yahoo.com
Friday 11 July 08 18:45
Was listening to "Desert Girl" by Planet X and somehow (!?!?!?) remembered that I had the Spin CD in my collection. I then pulled out the 3 CDs that I have of yours and played them back to back.
Gawd, I miss those days. Please make more.
The Tramp
PhantomTramp writermusic@yahoo.com
Friday 11 July 08 18:43
Was listening to "Desert Girl" by Planet X and somehow (!?!?!?) remembered that I had the Spin CD in my collection. I then pulled out the 3 CDs that I have of yours and played them back to back.
Gawd, I miss those days. Please make more.
The Tramp
Peter Fitton peter@fittonmusic.com
Wednesday 2 July 08 17:24
Dave and Barbara
I have added a link to your excellent website on mine:
Hope you dont mind
Thanks and regards, Peter
Àngel Maeztu i Coso revistamaeztu@yahoo.com
Friday 27 June 08 23:17
To Dave Stewart (concerning Lindsay Cooper)
Hi, how are things?
I hope all is well with you and yours. My name is Àngel Maeztu. I'm a movie critic and music journalist from Barcelona (Spain).
I write to you because me and some friends have started working on a little project of ours: the first issue of a cultural printed magazine in Spanish and Catalan, which we hope will be out early next year.
Our idea is that this issue will feature an article about Lindsay Cooper's amazing musical career. Would you be so kind to help us, answering some questions, sending us some pictures, etc.? We would like this feature to make justice to her talent and spirit, and any collaboration will be received with open arms and a big thank you.
Thanks so much for reading this lines, and all the best.
Àngel Maeztu i Coso
Chris Marshall christof@rhythmshop.com
Wednesday 25 June 08 12:53
Very long time no see/hear/buy cd...hope you're both well...just
wanted to say as I only ever ranted on about Clocks and Clouds...today
just heard Your Lucky Start...it's sheer unrealised gorgeousness...
Dave Owen dave@dowen27.freeserve.co.uk
Tuesday 24 June 08 23:14
I'm not sure if this is any help, but "Cast your Fate to the wind" was covered in the 60's by a group called We Five who had a female singer.
Stepan Chernov kammerton@mail.ru
Friday 20 June 08 19:11
Hello Mr Stewart.
I don't know which keys you use, but this sound blast my brain!
National Health: Tenemos Roads - 3:26, Clocks and Clouds - 5:30
Hatfield and the North: Rifferama - 1:50, Let's Eat (Real Soon) - 1:10
Please tell me...what is keys???
....nonphysical sound and your play-technics....
barry revell barry@breachviewinterious,co.uk
Friday 20 June 08 15:45
how are you dave barry from the SOUTHSIDERS
Dan Lawrie d.lawrie@bresnan.net
Saturday 7 June 08 01:11
My semi-annual post to the board. Where's the new album??? Just got done spinning "Rotter's Club" this evening and "Mumps" still kicks my ass. I can't thank you enough! Hope all is well.
Rob Karp saber4x@yahoo.com
Thursday 5 June 08 14:06
Back in the 80's i was in england andmy friends in Tampa requested I buy D & B stuff for them
They were D& B fanatics and stopped listening to other music It was Bert Prestridge and Robert Wegmann
Frankeec frank@cairns6301.freeserve.co.uk
Tuesday 20 May 08 15:35
Interesting discussion on http://talk.guardian.co.uk/WebX?7@344.U95xbaxkHz1@.776083bc/6 at the moment regarding the Northettes.
pete bone dathne.bone@ntlworld.com
Saturday 17 May 08 20:07
I happened to see John Etheridge in concert in a church in Beeston a couple of weeks ago, and a series of Googles afterwards led me to Egg. I saw Egg at the Brum town hall in April 1970, supporting the then little-known Black Sabbath and was, frankly, "blown away." Then, being at Kent University from 72 to 76 meant I came across various combinations of musicians linked to the "Canterbury Sound," and one day I managed to come by a cassette tape-recording of "A Visit to Newport Hospital," which remains one of those tunes you just keep going back to. Years pass, then the Etheridge concert, the Googles and Burning Shed, which leads me to buy "Copious Notes" and "The Metronomic Society." Enjoyed them both immensely, though a bit disappointed that "Newport Hospital" wasn't on the CD.
This is all a roundabout way of saying "thank you for the music," and recognising how good it is to have a tool like the internet which can help you rediscover gems you thought you had lost forever.
Hope you and all your friends and collaborators are well, thriving and continue to do marvellous things.
Ruben Ryan
Saturday 17 May 08 10:09
affordable car insurance car insurance for females [URL=http://car-insurance-for-females.weebly.com]car insurance for females[/URL]
andy agustard@hotmail.com
Wednesday 23 April 08 01:11
Hi Dave and Barb, we met at the weekend! was an absolute pleasure and a surprise! please drop me a mail as emma and i have news for you! hope your tone wheels are well oiled ;)
Dave Kelly scarecrow23649@hotmail.co.uk
Sunday 20 April 08 11:00
I saw Egg at the Cavern club in Liverpool in 1970.They were so different than anything that I had ever heard before. Next I trawled the shops and eventually bought a copy of The Polite Force , which I still have today.The fact that the music is still relevant speaks volumes.Dave Stewart is so creative and has never receives the plaudits that he deserves. Here`s to some live appearences.
Jose Escobar joseescobar2005@yahoo.com
Wednesday 16 April 08 02:17
Stwerat is one of my favorites musicians. He is a great composer. I known him through National Health.
gary reikidon@gotadsl.co.uk
Friday 11 April 08 18:07
hi dave and barbara i have been a fan for a long time now came to see dave when he was in bruford a great band its wonderful to find you are both still doing stuff cant wait for new songs
love gary macnicol from doncaster
Charlie Kilgour CKilgour@aol.com
Monday 7 April 08 23:49
I've been a fan of Dave Stewart since Egg days. I saw Hatfield and the North, and National Health (twice) at Dundee Uni., where I got the Hatfields to sign the programme.
Still a big fan. The Stewart Gaskin catalogue contains some of the most beautiful songs I've heard. Thank you both.
Richard richwil@supanet.com
Monday 7 April 08 18:08
dear old psychedelic UKC, i were there in '73... :)
how about some old time pictures?
bill wegjr2@comcast.net
Monday 7 April 08 02:53
I have had a warm spot for your wonderful music since I was a kid. Wondering when we can expect another Stewart/Gaskin album? Its been too long.
Dave Bercaw davebercaw@gmail.com
Friday 21 March 08 12:37
Just turned 40 in Jan. and am listening to Spirogyra for the first time--Great stuff. Will look into your other work, Barbara. Best Wishes, glad we're both still here!
Eze Adanne eze@aol.com
Tuesday 18 March 08 08:54
very nice keep it up
Jay vontay@hotmail.com
Wednesday 12 March 08 12:10
Dear Dave and Barbera,
Hope your both well, I just had my letter returned to me today from when I sent it in February 2007! (No longer at this address!) Please can you contact me either via email or on 07958 514411,01902 566979 Thanks,
Best Regards
Tuesday 11 March 08 09:54
Wahey, this means at least that these comments are getting read.
andrewreed andrewreed961@btinternet.com
Monday 10 March 08 23:32
dear dave and barbara, thanks for your reply. my numbers are:
01473 230428 and 07788 789492. it would be good to hear from
andrewreed andrewreed961@btinternet.com
Saturday 8 March 08 11:22
dear dave and barbara,
sorry to contact you this way, but the letter I sent 18 months
ago was returned today as moved. I hope you are well. I wrote to
tell you that david and john both died in autumn 06. maybe like
me you hadnt been in contact with them as things could be difficult, but I thought you would like to know if you didnt
already. best wishes, andrew reed.
Alexander guitariii3@yahoo.ca
Friday 7 March 08 23:50
Hello Dave,
I just bought your book yesterday, "Reading and Writing Music", and I find the humurous way you teach refreshing. I will keep your book for many years to share with others as they learn to compose in more creative ways.
Im a beginner guitarist, and I was wondering if you have any tips on how I should go about learning jazz guitar; i.e. chords, soloing, theorie, classes, private lessons... Anything would help.
I started playing guitar about four years ago and up until last summer I was playing mostly folk style guitar, simple songs that I enjoy. Then I met a friend who showed me a little bit of jazz theory, and now Im hooked.
Thanks for the great book Dave!
Malcolm Hobbs malcolm_hobbs@hotmail.com
Sunday 2 March 08 12:43
Great site. It shows how music distribution is changing, with the artists now getting more of the money the fans pay - good!
One suggestion, though. With download albums how about including scans of the album covers so downloaders (like me) can re-create the album properly, instead of hvaing to nick the small JPEG from the listings page (sorry if I've infringed any copyright, but I've paid good money for the download album and I'm not going to have a purely text listing for the album cover).
(Having said that, there are probably good images of the album cover elsewhere and it's just that I haven't found them - yet! I'd rather stay legal, though.)
Maurizio buraccio@email.it
Friday 29 February 08 14:39
Hi Dave, I have been listening to the new Egg archive CD.
I think I'm addicted to your playing style and keybouard sound from the Egg/Hatfield era; it's so unique and original/inventive.
I love all parts including the more psychedelic/improvised soloes.
You were doing live the same stuff DJs and techno people are doing now with a PC + in the studio 40 years ago and I think it is amazing.
Phil Jones philj44@ntlworld.com
Friday 29 February 08 09:59
I completely agree with the previous post.
Jeff cantprintit@nospamplease.net
Thursday 28 February 08 19:17
I seriously suspect the ridiculously overdue 'new' album has long been abandoned and Dave just doesn't want to announce it after all the time and fans' patience. It would take literally 2-3 minutes for him to simply post an update as to the status, but as with 99.9% of the polite and patient questions posed here, pleas go unreplied to. They have time and motivation to post a 2008 News update announcing we can buy downloads of the old stuff most of us own, but can't include in that same update, one single sentence about the new album which was supposedly entering the 'mixing stages' back in 2003...very frustrating for all the die-hard faithful fans who come here month-after-month, year-after-year waiting for any info, but no one can be bothered to simply say, "Thanks for your patience, here's what's up...".
It would be nice to know why we, the fans who love and support the artist by purchasing their music, can't get a simple answer to the question: what happened to the new album?
Emily Jeal emily.jeal@bbc.co.uk
Monday 18 February 08 15:48
Dear Dave,
RE: Rock Britannia
We’re currently planning an ambitious, feature-length film for the BBC about the emergence of a serious rock culture in Britain post 1967. We’ll be looking in particular at the early 70s when rock music abandoned the singles charts altogether and started to incorporate different musical forms, complex composition and virtuoso playing – experimenting with ideas, lyrics, unusual instrumentation and new recording techniques.
We also want to look at and how those ambitions and experiments have survived more simple-minded musical fashions such as Punk, and where that music now finds itself. Four decades of British rock music history.
Your own work, and the work of bands such as Egg and Hatfield and the North, are obviously crucial to this story. We therefore sincerely hope that you might consider appearing in this film.
We’ve tentatively named it Rock Britannia, mainly because we’re trying to avoid the dreaded ‘Progressive’ tag (too general to have any real meaning) and because the department has, in the past, made a number of films and series under this banner (Jazz Britannia, Folk Britannia and Pop Britannia). However, the music we want to discuss does seem to have developed more effectively and successfully in Britain than anywhere else, so the ‘Britannia’ idea seems appropriate.
Chris Rodley the director has made a number of films for the Music Department, including Johnny Cash: the Last Great American; Jazz Britannia; Factory: Manchester from Joy Division to Happy Mondays and – most recently – The Pink Floyd Story: Which One’s Pink? If you’d like to view DVD copies of any of these, please do let me know.
Our shooting period is Monday 18th February to Friday 7th March (3 weeks). If you are interested in contributing, and the dates seem like they might work for you (we can make them work, if not), it would be great to hear from you. Please contact Chris Rodley on 44 208 225 8946 / chris.rodley@bbc.co.uk or Emily Jeal on 44 208 624 9265 / Emily.jeal@bbc.co.uk.
Best wishes,
Emily Jeal
Graham Laws withheld@nospam.thanks
Monday 11 February 08 10:15
It was good to hear Dave and Barb's music on the Johnny Dankworth/Cleo Laine documentary repeated last week on BBC4. There was a tantalising excerpt from an instrumental piece at about the 46 minute mark, plus of course the hilarious take on Dankworth's "Tomorrow's World" theme with the silly lyrics over the final credits. I guess the "new CD" must a very low priority these days.
Still, thanks for the inspiration.
Robert Carlberg rcarlberg@aol.com
Wednesday 30 January 08 23:00
Hey, when might we look forward to some new Dave&Barb music? It's been too damn long!
Tim ddgarius@hotmail.com
Sunday 27 January 08 06:45
Love all your music, first exposed to you via Neil's lp, the name escapes me now...damn I'm an old hippy as well.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Saturday 26 January 08 00:40
This weekend The Independent is giving away two 10-track CDs celebrating 30 years of Stiff Records, the original and (arguably) the best indie record label.
Volume 1 is free in The Independent on Saturday 26 January. Volume 2 is free in The Independent on Sunday 27 January.
Dave and Barbara's hit record It's My Party will be included on Volume 1 - get your copy now!
drew young drewyoung@blueyonder.co.uk
Monday 21 January 08 21:44
Been a fan of yours over the years. You are a genius on the keyboards. Are you still playing live? If so, where can I see you?
Bill bpardue@ahml.info
Thursday 17 January 08 21:24
Given Dave & Barb's interest in the Theremin, I thought folks would be interested in this video of the german duo Cluster with a guest Theremin player. Wait until the end to see her best work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srrQ7jLjb24
So, Dave. Barb. Anything? Anything? At least let us know what you think of the Theremin playing!
Steve Good stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Sunday 13 January 08 23:56
Oh no, we're into another year...
17 months since my last entry here, and a mahoosive 59 months (so just short of five years) since my first entry which I wrote in the hope that new D&B material would soon materialise...
PLEASE tell me tht there is gonna be something new from you guys in 2008 - great as it is to hear all the archive Egg, Uriel and HATN stuff, but ... WE ALL WANT TO HEAR WHAT'S FOLLOWING the incredible "SPIN" (and I hope it'll arrive before CD as a format becomes even more outdated ?!).
Chris Williams k8_fan@yahoo.com
Wednesday 9 January 08 06:03
4 years since the last
ian chippett ichippett@aol.com
Monday 7 January 08 18:20
Yes but could you make it slightly more fun to dance to?
Marco dontlikespam@hotmail.co.uk
Monday 7 January 08 11:56
James Joyce’s final novel, Finnegans Wake, took 17 years to compose. Karl Marx's masterpiece, Das Kapital, took 18 years. We are thus expecting great things of your next release Dave ... "Your finest hour is yet to come".
Glyn gb@biggabush.co.uk
Saturday 29 December 07 19:31
thanks so much for the Metronomical Society plus Copious Notes - great to hear how Egg sounded live and fascinating to read all the historical stuff. when's the reunion tour?
Mat Harding hardingmat@hotmail.com
Monday 24 December 07 18:05
Dave I've discovered your playing with Bruford, what a pity I wasn't out of nappies when you guys were playing that amazing music - where can I see you play in the UK? Thanks. Mat.
Dan Lawrie d.lawrie@bresnan.net
Wednesday 19 December 07 02:15
While it's nice to hear your contributions on albums by the likes of Gavin and Jakko, it would sure be swell to hear some new material from you and Barb. It's only been 16 years or so...
Very nice to have the "new" Egg releases. They sound very much better than the old bootlegs on the Highland label and are a welcome addition.
Hope all is well and Merry Christmas to you both.
Steve Rothkopf steverothkopf@yahoo.co.uk
Monday 10 December 07 10:28
Hey Barb,
Every once in a while, some of the elderly geezers who used to work at Sweeney's meet up. Oz, Tony, and I all shuffle in and squint at each other, and even though we can't any longer remember very much, we can all still agree on one thing: you were (probably still are, for that matter) the hottest chick ever to peer into a pizza oven.
Hope you're well.
Cédric Pardieu cedric12081981@yahoo.fr
Sunday 9 December 07 03:15
I remember hearing "Up from the Dark" CD at my parents' and it is still there! I remember also of "The Locomotion", taken from the vynile, which was recorded and played at 9.5cm/s into a 90min-both side-wheel, it sounded strong and powered!
Thanks Dave and Barbara to continue keeping me, somewhere, sometimes, "in a different world".
Joe Biela joebiela@ix.netcom.com
Friday 7 December 07 04:51
...Or go straight to the source: www.burningshed.com
Joe Biela joebiela@ix.netcom.com
Friday 7 December 07 04:45
...And coming soon:
Egg - The Metronomical Society (CD) 29.99 USD
Uriel - Arzachel Collectors Edition (CD) 29.99 USD
Egg (Archive) - Copious Notes (Companion Booklet) 21.99 USD
For more info, visit:
Monday 3 December 07 17:26
Testing . . .
dave innage@blueyonder.co.uk
Thursday 29 November 07 21:17
for anyone interested, and particularly the chap that asked about egg radio sessions, here's a link to an italian / brazilian canterbury fan site that has egg bootlegs to download
and links for the files
Live at Colchester '72 (partes 1 e 2): http://www.mediafire.com/?c1wkniixx51
Chalk Farm: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jy4yu14rmt
BBC Sessions (partes 1 e 2): http://www.mediafire.com/?9dwe1xvmbmx
Wolverhampton (partes 1 e 2): http://www.mediafire.com/?dllzb9wxatd
Who would have believed it after all these years - god I love the internet ! Enjoy !
Diana Mae Pelty Dianamae_pelty@yahoo.com.ph
Tuesday 20 November 07 02:54
I found it interesting.
I have found an informative site: http://aboutthiscom.blogspot.com
David Budgen davebudgen@hotmail
Saturday 17 November 07 01:14
Just a quick message to David to say how helpful I found your first book. I wanted music lessons, on any instrument really, when I was a kid but unfortunately it was not to be so I bought myself a guitar when I was fifteen and worked it out for myself and have played in bands ever since. I found your book in the local library about ten years ago and it helped slot a lot of stuff into place, give names to things and pointed out things that I knew but hadn't realised. Thanks.
Phil Nash silkpurse@blueyonder.co.uk
Tuesday 13 November 07 17:59
Ah. Remember "Henry & James" from Victor-Lewis Smith's Radio York Show. Brilliant track. Some new material would be good.
Eric epotruch@yahoo.com
Friday 9 November 07 00:43
Such a huge Dave fan. Have been listening to Nat Health Complete for weeks on end.
Please tell me that there are charts for this stuff. I would love to play the Bryden 2-Step live with my friend.
wrinkled weasel magicged@(no spam)hotmail.com
Wednesday 7 November 07 12:33
Dear Barbara. Oh please reconsider doing Spirogyra again, even just for the odd gig or two. I know Martin wants you to.
Wil wil.overton@dial.pipex.com
Monday 5 November 07 11:39
Ah, my yearly quick look at Dave and Barbara's guest page. Lots more interesting entries - check, absolutely no news on any new music - double check :(
See you next year!
Pete Jones petersjones@btinternet.com
Friday 2 November 07 22:41
Hello...just wondering of you are doing any UK gigs in the foreseeable future. Thanks
Pete Jones
P S Johansen psj@globalnet.co.uk
Thursday 25 October 07 21:41
Don't give up yet.
There are still people out there prepared to purchase product.
Robert Carlberg rcarlberg@aol.com
Thursday 25 October 07 20:02
[quote][b]James Dutton jd@motionrecords.com[/b] wrote:
Does anyone know anything about the 1971 Egg radio session that included "There's No Business Like Show Business"? I think it was on Sounds Of The Seventies rather than a specific John Peel session (it certainly doesn't appear in the new Peel Sessions book). I remember hearing it at the time (I was 15).[/quote]
There's a grotty old bootleg which includes "Enneagram" (7:48) and "There's No Business Like Show Business/Underdub" (10:07). It's listed as "Sounds of the '70s, 3/13/72".
joe dmnance@hotmail.com
Friday 12 October 07 18:10
Keep recording. I have listened to your music for over 20 years!
Michael Geoffrey lordofthehymns@yahoo.com
Wednesday 10 October 07 11:07
Slightly disturbed male here - still waiting for your new album! Do you have a studio in Cornwall or have you fallen off the edge of the earth? I sincerely hope not!
James Dutton jd@motionrecords.com
Wednesday 3 October 07 11:15
Does anyone know anything about the 1971 Egg radio session that included "There's No Business Like Show Business"? I think it was on Sounds Of The Seventies rather than a specific John Peel session (it certainly doesn't appear in the new Peel Sessions book). I remember hearing it at the time (I was 15).
I also saw Hatfield & The North at the Gulbenkien Theatre, Kent University around 1973 or 1974. That was a great gig. Does anyone know if there are any recordings of the show?
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Wednesday 5 September 07 21:52
In addition to Dave and Barbara's MySpace page, I have also created one for Spirogyra http://www.myspace.com/spiggly
This story just in:
"Sanctuary Records' UK recorded music business is to be closed as it focuses on its more profitable management arm.
The decision was made by the firm's new owner Universal, which bought Sanctuary last month for £44.5m."
This was of course home to Spirogyra's Canterbury Tale CD CD set released in 2005. Universal is home to a certain Vice President Max Hole (I think) one-time friend and producer of all the early Spirogyra material!
dong jian nong dongjiannongdream-3@hotmail.com
Saturday 18 August 07 18:48
New online address: dongjiannongdream@qq.com Password:dongjiannong
email: dongjiannongdream-3@hotmail.com
From Dream researcher DONG JIAN NONG
--- How many blockage in the human cerebrum? 1..2..3...4.Narrow: Just for the
their families.., thus preserved has been limited, has the price, the smallest
advantage, lost unlimited, priceless, without borders inspiration ...!
Following invalid:
2007.Aug.18. Beijing
Bill bpardue@ahml.info
Friday 17 August 07 05:18
Sorry to be pushy, but is there ANY progress towards a new release? It's getting to be a bit legendary. Up there with Peter Gabriel's absence before "Up" and GnR's "Chinese Democracy" (though I wouldn't care to own that)! Just listened to "Cloths of Heaven" again and just was hoping there might be some light at the end of the tunnel for something new.--Bill
Denis Dujardin- Flanders (Belgium) dujardin@pandora.be
Thursday 16 August 07 08:19
"to attract a tiny audience of slightly disturbed males."
Yippie . Just found out how disturbed I am.
Still being amazed by the upmost quality of the Hatfield, Health, Bruford and Egg-tracks.
Allways liked this kind of humour, but it leaves a kind of bitterness though.
I'm not a nostalgic, getting wild about the loads of good contemporary stuff, but never dare to be ashamed about complexity Dave, in this world of overwhelming gadgettism and on the-spot-consumentarism.
Philly phil.black@t-online.de
Thursday 16 August 07 07:17
Yes Ian, I'll give you that. More like Yes.
ian chippett ichippett@aol.com
Wednesday 15 August 07 23:43
More like a Yes album, I'd say.
Philly phil.black@t-online.de
Wednesday 15 August 07 11:30
Dong, it looks like a track-listing from a new Hatfield album.
DONG JIAN NONG dongjiannongdream-1@mail.com
Wednesday 15 August 07 09:05
Update Dream-Web, from researcher: DONG JIAN NONG
Online Address:
Password : 123456
email: dongjiannongdream-1@mail.com
----The person cause of death is what?
----Detecting oneself whether have aging (life vitality) - method
----In motion the life energy
----Emails to my family
Following Canceled:
2007.Aug.14. Beijing
Tob tobwood@gmail.com
Wednesday 8 August 07 23:26
I am currently mentoring some synth heads. One recently complained about transcription duties and I told him to seek out Dave Stewart's solution to transcribing 'Tangerine Dream' tunes. He said "Dave Stewart from the Eurythmics?"
"No!" I shouted, "The biographer of McWhirter!!!"
"Who's McWhirter?"
And I dropped a Leslie cabinet on his foot. So I promised I'd look up McWhirter on this new fangled world web business and showed him the scar. (Back in 80 or 81 I was in Inverness for a camanachd tournement. I was in the beer tent on my 8th or 9th pint when who should walk in but McWhirter himself! I was star struck, but managed to strike up a conversation during the Kingussie v. Lochcarron game. Too much beer prompted my suggestion that perhaps Vox Humana wasn't the best stop for the solo in his version of "Pretty Vacant" [from "McWhirter Puts Punk In Its Place", 1979, out of print]. McWhirter disagreed, demonstrating the extent of his disagreement with a spare caman about my head and shoulders, thereby teaching me the most valuble lesson I have ever learned: Never piss off a Scotsman.
Ben Williams benwhome@tiscali.co.uk
Thursday 2 August 07 17:12
Hello Dave,
Mindlessley optimistic, I know, but do you offer tuition?
Failing that, any viruoso keyboardists here who would be willing to tutor me?
Many thanks,
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 23 July 07 23:59
There is a 13 minute 50 seconds video of Hatfield And The North at the Rainbow Theatre on this blog. You can download it but need to have both files to de-compress it from a RAR file.
Martin Hellawell martin.hellawell@onetel.net
Friday 20 July 07 10:05
Just was suddenly thinking - what ever happened to EGG. Found your site. I must be one of the few people who has an EGG LP and 45s of the Blunstone and Gaskin singles. Hope you are well and still making music, I still think I will be absorbed was an amazing experience to listen to.
Francois Lemire flemire@wpi.edu
Wednesday 18 July 07 03:49
I happened to see your question about Cast Your Fate to the Wind and remembered the information below. Did you know that the James Gang also incorporated this song in a medley with Bolero as well? The song was called "The Bomber" and it was true to the groups rock and roll persona, but I've always loved how they weaved the other songs in with it - Joe Walsh was a genius, like him or not... Franc
Cast Your Fate To the Wind
Words by Carel Werber, Music by Vince Guaraldi
AS AN INTRUMENTAL by the Vince Guaraldi Trio, it peaked at # 22 in 1963
Competing version by Martin Denny didnt make the Top 100.
Vocal versions released later by Steve Alaimo (# 89 in 1965) and by Shelby Flint
(# 61 in 1965).
A month of nights, a year of days
Octobers drifting into Mays
You set your sail when the tide comes in
And you cast your fate to the wind
You shift your course along the breeze
Won't sail up wind on memories
The empty sky is your best friend
And you just cast your fate to the wind
That time has such a way of changing a man throughout the years
And now you're rearranging your life through all your tears
Alone, alone
There never was, there couldn't be
A place in time for men to be
Who'd drink the dark and laugh at day
And let their wildest dreams blow away
So now you're old, you're wise, you're smart
You're just a man with half a heart
You wonder how it might have been
Had you not cast your fate to the wind
Saturday 14 July 07 20:34
NOW I'M 50 BUT FROM MY 17 I HAD BEEN A GREAT FAN OF YOUR MUSIC,TODAY (SATURDAY AFTERNOON)listening to yuor national health records i was moved to know about you after allthese years hoping you are well and in good health i would like to hear that directly from you (excuse my english,i live in Venezuela a spanish speaking country)
my best regards,and waiting notice about you and your art.
Dr Daniel lustgarten
philly phil.black@somewhere.de
Tuesday 10 July 07 07:11
Hi, Hattitude was released. go here
Rob Benbow postmaster@richardbenbow1.plus.com
Monday 9 July 07 20:53
I read somewhere, prior to Pip's passing that there was a new Hatfield CD to be released (with new chewns). Any truth in that or has it all been a dream.
Christopher Steller chris.steller@elfa.com.au
Friday 6 July 07 00:39
Hello Dave & Barbara, I just got my 12 y.o. daughter, Megan, into listening to 3 of your CDs that I've owned for years, and she absolutely loves them. So, thanks for your great music from 2 generations of Stellers.
Keep it up (or get on with it)
dave graham davegraham100@tiscali.co.uk
Tuesday 26 June 07 14:22
Dear Dave and Barbara
I wonder if i could ask you for some help--my late uncle was Bryson Graham and a former friend of yours from various projects as i understand vaguely--i wonder if i could ask you --what actually did he work on with you-do you have any nice anecdotes-i am trying to chronicle his career for my own interest and would be grateful for any reply.
kind regards
David graham
Simon Leefe simon.leefe@virgin.net
Sunday 24 June 07 17:33
Only 29 years late, but a huge "thankyou" for the outstanding "Of queues and cures" which remains the best album in my collection.
Yours, a slightly disturbed male.
Eric Kearns eakearns@cox.net
Wednesday 20 June 07 19:46
Hello Dave!
I was listening to the "Hattitude" disc here at work and got quite excited because it's such a badass collection of gooness that I cant stand it!! You guys made some mighty sweet music and I always cherish the notes every time I spin it.
Andra Larson kateso_rates@hotmail.com
Saturday 16 June 07 16:58
Dear Dave & Barb, Strolling through memory lane last night via the internet and came upon the news that Pip died last August. It made me sad. Dave, as you said in the obituary - he was a raver. He had a delightful gluttony for life. I remembered a song he would sing to me that goes like this:"Sit on my face pretty girl! Sit on my face!If you don't sit on my face I'll sit on your face!" Then I laughed in remembering. Hope all is well with you both. Been over 30 years! Love to hear from you. Andra.
antony ashbrooke antony906@btinternet.com
Thursday 14 June 07 07:44
trying to locate musicion from 70 year error called jeff row-tull
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Wednesday 30 May 07 21:39
I always knew it was a great achievement for you to have a #1 single in the charts...especially for 4 weeks in 1981. I have just looked at a list of the number 1 singles for that year and see you were in very good company.
The 2 singles at #1 before you were Soft Cell - Tainted Love (2 weeks) and Adam and the Ants - Prince Charming (4 weeks). The 2 singles at #1 after you were The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (1 week) and Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure (2 weeks).
steve whelk7@aol.com
Monday 28 May 07 16:11
Hello, the sample was cool."Cast your fate" was recorded many times in the 60s. A group called the "We Five"did a great cover, but it's hard to find. They had a big US hit in 1965 with "you were on my mind." The lead vocalist was Beverly Bivens. This might be the version you were looking for...Thanks for the sample, Good luck...:)
Ryan (15 years old, Nottingham) whistle_test@hotmail.co.uk
Sunday 27 May 07 19:52
thanks for the niography of dave stewart. SOOOOO inspired of his work in the seventies!!! LOVE EGG!!!! you are truly amazing Dave!!
andrew read roophoto@iplay.net.au
Wednesday 23 May 07 12:05
Warm good morning from Vanuatu i wonder if you would have any idea of a discography for all your items pressed in Australia and New Zealand.
huge thank you from here
Russ Horton mraircheck@yahoo.com
Saturday 19 May 07 11:26
Hello There!
We always link to the artists we play on our programs..plus we pay a royalty fee to be legal.
We recently linked to your site when we played Its My Party!
Please help us in our fight to keep our dreams alive..internet radio is a vibrant part of radio today..we "could" be the beginning of what truly is "free" radio for the people
Please sign the petition at this site first.
Join us on our messageboard..I hope you get some hits for your site from ours..every little bit helps..just letting you know we remember and we too are keeping your memories alive!
This is our Trivia Website..we run 4 nostalgia and rock radio stations with a huge variety from worldwide music charts..we have 2 messageboards..one lifestyle and Russ's Radio and Records..Mr Aircheck Radio..and Rock Radio Scrapbook.
Visit our messageboard and join in..don't worry its free!
If you have any or know of any music you think we should be playing send us an MP3..we are hear to serve the artists on internet radio.
Russ Horton
Top 40 Timeline
International Jukebox
Promotions/Air Talent
Michael Clare mykelc@earthlink.net
Wednesday 9 May 07 00:05
HI Dave and Barb -
Time seems good now for my occasional popping in here.
Tried to ring when I was in London in October, but # gotten from Mr. Ashcraft didn't work.
Love and Aloha
tetsuya nakatani vinyljapan@par.odn.ne.jp
Saturday 5 May 07 08:10
Dear Barbara,
Hello, I'm Tetsuya Nakatani, the owner of Vinyl Japan. We have 3 record shops and a record label based in Tokyo. We have also promoted live in Japan for mainly British artists/bands.
We are planning to call some British female singers such as Frankie Armstrong, Jacqui McShee etc and organize concert in Tokyo st a small venue in Tokyo this autumn. Would you sing (no band) or sing back with Dave Stewart for our concert in Tokyo? It's really grateful if you sing Spirogyra's songs mainly. Of course, we owe your expenses (flight tickets, hotels, domestic transport costs) and please come to Japan like sightseeing. There are so many fans who want to see you more than 20 years ago. please reply me if you are interestedin as soon as possible.
Look forward to hearing from you very soon.
All the best
Vinyl Japan
ray sanders sanderstracey2@aol.com
Thursday 3 May 07 21:07
As a "slightly disturbed young male" who thoroughly enjoyed incredibly overlong and overintricate instrumental passages in the early 70`s, may I point out that my kids must be equally strange. Noughties teenagers seem to quite like stuff like "Mumps" and are sharing and spreading it around quite readily. Time for a re-re -release?
andy hope andy@greenroadshow.co.uk
Thursday 3 May 07 09:05
Hi Dave and Barbara - We are putting on a festival in Wales (near Usk)in August (17th -19th) and I was wondering if you two would like to come along as our guests. It's a small affair, 1500 folks max and we have some great bands, a cabaret dome, wonderful organic food and drinks , a funky bar in a barn and of course the world famous Croissant Neuf Solar powered Venue (Glastonbury's longest running venue). Everything on site is run by renewable energy and the site in a beautiful valley next to a massive undisturbed Iron Age hill fort.
You can see more on www.partyneuf.co.uk
I am sure you are super busy all the time (doesn't life seem to be like that as you get older - more to do , less time to do it) - so this may be the perfect place to let go some of that executive stress !!!
Kindest regards
Andy Hope
Ross Clement RossClement@gmail.com
Monday 30 April 07 12:54
Does anyone else think that it might be a good idea to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information act to Dave 'n Barb to tell us the release date of "the new album".
sharon daniels jac231@gmail.com
Friday 27 April 07 04:18
Hey dave,
just came across this web site...well i grew on your music 30 years ago (egg nh etc) still found this music so elaborate complex and advanced compared to nowadays anti music, and i can see here many folks that miss these days as me...hope to hear you again it is never late,keep making great music!
Joe Biela joebiela@ix.netcom.com
Thursday 26 April 07 03:24
Bravo Stephen Green for establshing the DS&BG MySpace Music page! Excellent!
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Monday 23 April 07 16:11
It's official! Please join if you have a MySpace page of your own and spread the message and the music.
tetsuya nakatani vinyl japan@par.odn.ne.jp
Monday 23 April 07 10:30
Dear Barbara,
Hello, I'm Tetsuya Nakatani, thte owner of Vinyl Japan. We have 3 record shops ans a record label based in Tokyo. We have also worked as a concert promoter.
We are planning to invite British female folk singers such as Frankie Armstrong and Jacqui McShee (Pentangle) and organize concerts at a small venue in this Autumn. Would you come to Japan/Tokyo and singing alone or perform backed with only a musician (Dave Stewart)? It's really grateful if you'd sing Spirogyra's song mainly. We owe your expenses (flight tickets, hotels, domestic transport costs) and please come to Japan like tourist. There are many fans more than 20 years ago and waiting for your coming to Japan. So please reply us if you are interested in our suggestion.
Look forward to hearing from you very soon.
All the best
Vinyl Japan
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Sunday 22 April 07 13:13
Tried writing and calling, to no avail. Dave and Barbara, hope you are ok. Met Stuart Maconie and gave him a CD for his show on Radio 6. He said he would be interested in having you as a guest on his Sunday Freak Zone slot. Contact him here stuart.6music@bbc.co.uk
Also, can I get your permission to put together a MySpace Music page for you and include tracks from your releases. There are already pages for Spirogyra and Hatfield and the North on there and would help to promote your music. I would prefer to have your blessing and show links to your website and where to buy your CDs; past, present and future.
Saturday 21 April 07 22:01
Andrea tolo63@mac.com
Wednesday 18 April 07 11:13
Hi Dave,
I believe the Dave Stewart mentioned in the new Porcupine Tree album "Fear of a Blank Planet", doing all the string arrangements it's you. If so, congrats, good work !
alessandro alieno@inorbit.com
Tuesday 17 April 07 16:57
just to say that the invitation for you to come and play in Venice next fall is still valid ... we actually heard your (virtual) wonderful piano parts on Jakko's rendition of KC "ISLAND" last November (togethere with Mel Collins) ... but i'm really still hoping to have you here live on stage at MusicaContinua.
Thanks again for your attention
ps: Hattitude and Hatwise Choice are (obviously) excellent!
Joe Biela joebiela@ix.netcom.com
Saturday 14 April 07 04:44
It won't truly be a 13 year wait, will it?
john t johntrev@nw.com.au
Thursday 12 April 07 12:27
Could you retrieve this for me
Ken Nordlie krnmjkr@aol.com
Tuesday 21 May 02 05:35
NDH - For info on Bev Bivens, look back for Rick Shiner, Friday 4 May 01 02:14
I was always curious myself when I ran across this posting. Good luck!
Basjoe basjoe99-serifATyahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 11 April 07 11:06
After the relative successes of Hattitude and Hatwise Choice, consideration must surely be given to a similar treatment of the National Health musical archives. There's the John Peel session with "Collapso" and "Legend", plus I'm sure many other quality live recordings - what about that QEH gig with the wind quartet - surely that was recorded !
I also see from Jakko's blog that good recordings of the short-lived Rapid Eye Movement still exist. If you are not going to originate any new compositions (a great shame) then at least release the old material !
DEVOGHEL JEAN jean.devoghel@telenet.be
Sunday 8 April 07 11:21
Oh please Dave revive National Health or maybe even HATFIELD.
Perhaps Barbara can take the vocals ?
Simon Anderson
Wednesday 4 April 07 18:45
Finally tracked down a copy of the National Health "Missing Pieces" CD - great stuff and pause for thought too. Consider: even setting aside the Hatfield/Gilgamesh connections, the 1976 line-up also saw Steve Hillage, then very much a rising guitar star and fresh from helping steer Gong to their peak, playing alongside Bill Bruford, who by then was pretty well established as a star drummer with a CV including Yes and King Crimson. Time was, that would have been considered a supergroup and a half - yet this line-up never even got as far as recording a debut album. I guess the wind really was changing - or maybe they were just too damn musical for their own good. The Stewart/Gaskin "bonus" rather tickles the palate too - just to show I'm not totally stuck in the past! Love to invest in a bit more of that in time - not that there seems to be a lot available at the moment, hint hint.
By the way: "Life On Mars" - any theories? (Non-UK readers please ignore...)
chris buz_lightyear2000@yahoo.com
Wednesday 4 April 07 13:16
Just discovered that the wonderful vocalist in Spirogyra is the very same person who sang It's Your Party on TOTP...one of my all-time favourite video performances!Sent me scampering to my VHS player.Wow, how could I have missed the connection these past few years.
Barbara, the Englishness in your voice[as opposed to the sound-like-American style of many others]is up there with Viv Mcauliffe and Judy Dyble... not to mention the male pioneers of the English voice, Syd and Roger of the Floyd.
Good luck with everything you do and thanks to, Dave, for selecting the members of your team so well.
davebarb rule ok !
Timo Carlier carlier74@msn.com
Sunday 1 April 07 11:26
I am reading your book "Inside the Music"with interest. I came to this site hoping to find recordings of your examples in the book. It might be a good idea to have them up here, especially for those of us whose note reading skills aren't that good.
Tom Blair road742@aol.com
Monday 26 March 07 04:02
Can you help me out? I am an old Rock & Roller. Here's my site: tomroadblair.com
I am trying to locate a drummer named Michael who played with a band called Penthouse. (Back in the early 80's) I think they were from Minneapolis, but came to Fargo North Dakota and played a couple times. (Michael is part Native American)
Let me know if this rings a bell to you, or you know someone who might know him.
jay acesounds@hotmail.com
Wednesday 21 March 07 10:36
Hello Dave and Barbera, I previously requested if you could contact me via email but have had no response as of yet! Please please can you get in touch with me or if anyone can advise me on how to contact this elusive duo please let me know?! Thank you so much!
Jay. (Midlands,England)
David pjandthomas@hotmail.com
Thursday 8 March 07 08:32
Wrong forum maybe, but I have a copy of the Ayres Rock Visitors Book July 1973 and I want to know where the rest of them went!
Mick mickan_98@yhoo.com
Sunday 4 March 07 05:15
Still enjoying your "Brokenhearted" version 25 years on. Checkout "cdbaby.com" and distribute there for the USA. Thanks for the music.
Philly phil.something@somewhere.de
Saturday 3 March 07 17:15
Hi Dave, really enjoying your Hatscapades on Hattitude at the moment. Wonderful stuff.
Quin quin@uwclub.net
Thursday 1 March 07 20:24
Big national healh fan and disturbed malegood luck with the cat
Steven W. Brown swbrown22@hotmail.com
Tuesday 13 February 07 04:36
Dave & Barb, greetings from the deep south, USA! Great to hear the newest Hatfield CD, "Hatitude" and the two of you on the new Phil Miller - In Cahoots CD. You may have heard this before, but we're ready for more Stewart & Gaskin. peace, Steven
Steve Elliott steve@olympicradio.co.uk
Tuesday 6 February 07 23:11
Hi Dave and Barbara. You may remember me pestering you for voicovers several years ago! Well things have come a long way since then, as the latest website will show (www.olympicradio.co.uk). We've just played Leipzig too!! If you have any new material, I'm still up for playing it in our shows, so do get in touch. Best regards, Steve.
Anil Sahal a.sahal@sheffield.ac.uk
Monday 5 February 07 10:46
Dave, I'm just re-reading your two excellent books on the mechanics of music. You've suceeded in demystifying music theory and demonstrating that it really can open new sonic worlds to those who dare jump in! Your sense of humour, sprinkled liberally throughout these works, goes a long was to making music theory approachable.
Thank you so much and I hope you write another book on music theory one day!
Dave Stewart dave@calcdn.net
Monday 22 January 07 22:32
Just another dave stewart checking out the web. I have a portable stage that I use to put on concerts for "Relay for life" and was looking up music and just happened to come across your site, I too have been in music most my life and also born in the 50's in december! wow. oh well enjoyed your site now I have to run ouw a see if I can get some of your music! take care.
Lynn lynn.kitty@gmail.com
Thursday 18 January 07 06:33
I used to has a GREAT 45 from the 1960's One side was THE LILY and the flip was CAST YOUR FATE TO THE WIND. The artist was Shelby Flint. It was awesome. I did manage to find an MP3 of CAST.... I bet this was the artist you heard. Enjoyed your site, many thanks.
Jim Wilkas jimmididr@aol.com
Monday 15 January 07 16:02
Hi all... I don't know why I believe there was another couple pages from the Keyboard Magazine Dec. 1985 issue with manuscript for the BEGINNING of the Soundpage version of 'Henry & James'. I think for some reason that long ago, I entered it into my sequencer. I could be mistaken. Anyone out there recall this manuscript? Am I delusional?....Jim
Brian Kamp brian011879@msn.com
Friday 12 January 07 15:35
Hi Mr. Stewart,
I'm a huge fan of you and Alan Gowen, and have so far nearly everything you've played on from Arzachel through National Health and everything Alan played on. I have both of your wonderful music-teaching books and love them to bits! All the Best,
jay acesounds@hotmail.com
Friday 12 January 07 11:06
To Dave Stewart and Barbera Gaskin, - Please can you contact me via email on a issue that i need to discuss with you as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Jay.(Midlands, England)
Simon Anderson simon@inglewoo.dircon.co.uk
Sunday 31 December 06 13:30
Hi folks,
Just wondering if anyone can confirm to me that the National Health "Missing Pieces" CD is still available? It's a bit unclear how up to date this site is, but if it's still in stock I'd love to get hold of it.
Very saddened to learn of Pip Pyle's death a few months back. I caught him and the Hatfields at the Borderline not too long ago, and he was playing beautifully. We could do with a few more like him...
adamu umansky adamumansky@yahoo.com
Monday 25 December 06 19:32
perhaps this is the wrong forum, and if so, i apologize, but i would like you to know, mr. stewart, that hatfield and national health (above all, Complete, Disc 1) freed me from my failing pursuit to find music that made its own rules and kept up with my mind. you are an impecable musician and collaborator -- all of that spacey, yet complexly ordered confusion (including bruford's one of a kind and feels good to me ) is the sonic equivalent of NOW, aptly described in the lyrics of the last track on feels good to me. Now, being the nexus of all that is, is the ultimate. to create music (or any art, for that matter) that transmits the feeling of that seeming paradox which is timelessness - the absence of boundary and distinction, is the HIGHEST art a human can create. and i am grateful. please feel free to accept at least partial credit.
Jim Fletcher jfletch@bellsouth.net
Sunday 24 December 06 17:45
Re the vocal of "Cast Your Fate to the Wind", I went through the same search - then found it on an old album : WeFive's "You Were on my Mind". The vocalist is Beverly Bivins. It's a great cover.
Peter Johansen psj@globalnet.co.uk
Saturday 23 December 06 21:12
Hattitude is indeed a wonderful CD , as was Hatwise Choice. It was great to see Hatfield and the North at the Borderline earlier this year, though there was obviously something missing. Now that Pip is no longer with us, the chance of a full reunion with some new material has gone.
The Hatfield link-up with Burning Shed is a good way to get new CDs out to the audience that is still out there, but the Broken List gives the impression that DS/BG material is only available in USA & Japan. And live gigs may not be your bag, but nothing in the last 10 years?!
Best of luck with future projects.
Derek Palmer magdp777@yahoo.com
Sunday 17 December 06 01:15
Hello David and Barbara. Love you both very dearly, 'tho we've never met. At age 18, I heard Egg one day at a friend's house in 77 (stoned out of my mind, of course) and it led to Gong, Soft Machine, Camel, PFM, National Health, Van der Graff etc. Quite astonished to find I liked the somewhat less progressive stuff that followed with Barbara. A lovely circumstance. I'm a musician/TV writer that's most appreciative.
Derek Palmer/Los Angeles
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Saturday 16 December 06 23:58
Let me be the first to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all fans of the music of Dave & Barbara.
Altogether now..."all I want for Christmas is a new CD..."
Alex alex dot zadeh at gmail dot com (spam protection)
Wednesday 13 December 06 02:47
Hi Dave,
I have both your books and am on holiday at the moment enjoying reading "Inside the Music." I've noticed a couple of things that seem strange to me and I would appreciate some clarification.
1. On P17 you say that the minor version of a pentatonic scale is just the same as the major version but transposed up a minor 3rd. However:
The intervals on a major pentatonic: T T min3 T min3
Intervals on a minor pentatonic: min3 T T m3 T
The minor would seem (to me) to be transposed *down* a min 3rd, not up. Am I mistaken here?
2. On P30 you say: "All three triadic elements of A minor (root-A, minor 2nd-C and 5th-E..."
Surely that should read "minor *3rd*-C"?
Thanks for clearing these matters up.
Philly phil.black@t-online.de
Monday 11 December 06 11:43
Hi Dave, Hattitude is brilliant. Thankyou.
Aymeric Leroy calyx@club-internet.fr
Wednesday 6 December 06 11:24
Well, this was cut after one sentence, so here it is again...
For those wishing to hear new performances by Dave Stewart, do check out Jakko Jakszyk's brand new album, and particularly Dave's performances of the second CD which consists of covers - some classic Canterbury keyboards on a version of Soft Machine's "As Long As He Lies Perfectly Still" (also featuring Hugh Hopper and ex-Egg drummer Clive Brooks), exquisite acoustic piano on King Crimson's "Islands" (featuring ex-Crims Mel Collins and Ian Wallace), and miscellaneous keyboards on two Henry Cow pieces, "Nirvana For Mice" and "Nine Funerals Of The Citizen King". If you liked Dave's playing on Pip Pyle's solo album "Seven Year Itch", this is another rare opportunity to hear Dave (sort of) return to his 1970s style. More info at www.jakko.com
Aymeric Leroy calyx@club-internet.fr
Wednesday 6 December 06 11:23
For those wishing to hear new performances by Dave Stewart, do check out Jakko Jakszyk's brand new album, and particularly Dave's performances of the second CD which consists of covers - some classic Canterbury keyboards on a version of Soft Machine's
Graham Laws basjoe99-bbc@yahoo.co.uk
Saturday 2 December 06 11:42
On the subject of sheet music, can I get a copy of The Bryden 2-step ? I have the sheet music to some of your other compositions in the appendix of Introducing The Dots, but Bryden is a notable omission. (i've very much enjoyed both your books Dave, and the "Chords and Chord Voicings" section of "Inside the music" has led to some very useful insights)
I hope you will find a way to dedicate at least a part of the "new album" to this denser style of instrumental writing, which I must say has stood the test of time very well.
I drop by this website/visitors book about once a month to see if anything has changed. No doubt you are a very busy session musician and journalist these days, but I hope you find the time and energy to complete "the new album" in a reasonable timeframe.
adrian hales adelic86@gmail.com
Friday 1 December 06 13:54
i'm an organist and i am really fond of the band Egg, is there any notation available or any way i can have some copies of the music notation if available?? espically of the song 'i will be absorbed??
i'd be very gratefull as there doesn't seem to be any progressive material around.
Rosie Richardrose@cableone.net
Friday 1 December 06 00:53
Shelby Flint also sang 'Cast Your Fate To The Wind' in 1966.
Keigwyn colingrose@charter.net
Thursday 30 November 06 16:06
Quote :" Our album is still an ongoing project - I know that sounds a bit far-fetched after all this time, but we will finish it, and when it is finished, rest assured that you'll hear about it. Personally, I'd like to mark the occasion with some kind of live event, which, apart from anything else, seems a good way for groups to bypass most of the current woes of the music industry."
Well that was April 1st 2003, I've been coming back from time to time checking for this noteworthy occasion to arrive, but as yet nothing. Is there any relevance in the fact you sent this on April 1st Dave? :)
Joerg Reinicke propylaen2001@yahoo.de
Tuesday 28 November 06 15:40
Hi Dave!
There is one Dave Stewart credited playing synthesizers on two tracks of the last City Boy album "It's Personal" which was recorded in 1981. I have recently discussed this on the City Boy discussion forum on http://forum.cityboy.org.
Since nobody could say it for sure, I'd like to ask you directly to confirm whether it was you playing on that record or not.
BTW, that said album was never released on CD!
Wrinkled Weasel magicged(NOSPAM)@hotmail.com
Monday 27 November 06 19:59
Spyrogyra were wonderful. I did a review of the band on my blog
Thank you for the music.
Nancy Kontouri info@smusic.gr
Thursday 23 November 06 16:50
Hellooooo..Thereeeee.....:)) we are Karidakiss Georgios &Nancy Kontouri from Greece..and we have a music tv show in Greece....wich is at (Stv and Holiday in greece satellite tv and at one cable free channel called NOVA ) ..Please send us any visual material you may have ...videos and news and infos and bios and marry new year...etc....::)))))) at the address below..
Att Karidakiss Georgios
Kaisarias 16
17122 Nea Smyrni
Tel +30 2109358573
Mob +30 6937524200
ps: we love to get some old videos and stuff ....and some stuff that we may not have in Greece...
and of course you must give us a signed permission to broadcast them in a form that we will send you..if you want...:)))
Thank youuuuuu..:)) And The Best for you all...
Karidakiss Georgios
Nancy Kontouri
We have a band called Ouzo the band ...can you help us to distribute our cds there..?/ www.ouzotheband.com
Phil phil.black@t-online.de
Tuesday 21 November 06 08:37
Hi, all of the Egg albums are out on CD.
Allan Roberts tooloudman@yahoo.co.uk
Monday 20 November 06 12:09
See previous message - I just got the email wrong ! Too excited.
Allan Roberts looloudman@yahoo,co.uk
Monday 20 November 06 12:07
Fond memories of seeing Egg in a pub in Redhill (The Greyhound ?), Surrey, and also somewhere in Croydon on a fairly regular basis. Had the first album ...... where has that gone I wonder. Anyone out there that remembers those days ?
Anyone tracked down suppliers of the Egg material on CD ?
david juliuson dpj8620@dcccd.edu
Tuesday 14 November 06 17:27
the Big Idea CD was one of my favz. but, someone kept it. Stil have SPIN. Hope to find *B.I*.oneday. Was in a music buss. class in Austin, Peter Butcher told class he had delivered an award to dave S. and B.G.Beleive he was rep. for RYKO.I was the only one that knew who he was speaking of.Made his day. He always called me "little shit" I took as a "Britishcomplament" Glad i found this site. Can not get info 'bout Dave S. Folks in America juzt don't know a good seal(Horn,Honk!) band when they hear it. Thanx dj
Mauro buraccio@email.it
Tuesday 14 November 06 00:07
Hello everyone, I just got the news from Burningshed about the release in December of the Hatfields archive recordings Volume 2 'Hattitude' and I just can't wait to listen to this CD.
Hatwise Choice soon became one of my favourite albums of all times, the band really sounded amazing in a live dimension.
And Dave, thanks again for that 'Dave's intro'. I think it's brilliant and I just can't get it out of my head, a short solo but there seems to be so much in it and also I love the way the solo continues in the next track.
ok sorry I just thought to let you know this.
bruce valencia wyomingcowpoke@msn.com
Sunday 12 November 06 16:50
Hi guys ,
bruce valencia wyomingcowpoke@msn.com
Sunday 12 November 06 16:47
Dave Maurer lectrolink@aol.com
Saturday 4 November 06 08:06
The first (and only!) time I heard Dave & Barbara was on a "soundpage" torn from a December 1985 Keyboard magazine. Then I got wind of this site through an article about said soundpage on the website itotd.com. I am still waiting for their big 'breakout' moment I know is coming, and a new album as well. You ought to come to Los Angeles and perform. There are a lot of people here who would enjoy.
Doug simonsout@yahoo.co.uk
Friday 27 October 06 21:33
Hi 2.1 and all.
Rock goes to College yeh the music is just I remember it.
eduardo rubio henrycow73@hotmail.com
Monday 23 October 06 07:57
PIP PYLE es uno de los mejores baterista de la historia del JAZZ-ROCK-CANTERBURY MUSIC ,solo comparable con bateristas de la talla de Robert wyatt,chris cutler,christian vander,guigou chenevier,john marshall,jack de johnette,tony williams,elvin jones.
PIP PYLE increible manera de tocar los platillos,una dinamica,una soltura,una rapidez,una calidad en su forma de ejecutar nunca antes vista en el mundo de la bateria.
eduardo rubio henrycow73@hotmail.com
Monday 23 October 06 07:47
UNO de los mejores keyboards players with:Alan gowen,jan hammer,robin lumley,joe zawinul,mike ratledge,herbie hancocx,keith jarrett,chick corea.
Aymeric Leroy calyx@club-internet.fr
Wednesday 11 October 06 08:23
I felt I had to step in at this point to help with the request below. "Starlight On Seaweed" was performed (its only performance as far as I know, as Mont Campbell, its composer, left immediately after that gig) at an outdoor festival in Louveciennes (near Versailles, itself near Paris) in France in June 1976.
The opening track of the Pantin concert in 1977 is introduced by Dave as something like "Polder Starshine". It seems to consist of what material from the original arrangement of "The Bryden 2-Step" was left out of the final version. This does include the Alan Gowen-penned chord sequence later recycled by Dave in "Hell's Bells" (thus the Stewart-Gowen credit).
Maybe Dave would like to confirm the story, and the title ("Polder Starshine", did I get it right ?).
Steffen Kjaer Staugaard solbakken20@privat.dk
Tuesday 10 October 06 22:23
....sorry - the chordsequence I refer to is the one used
in Hell's Bells on "One of A Kind" where the guitarsolo
comes in.....I just had a closer listen...
Steffen Kjaer Staugaard solbakken20@privat.dk
Tuesday 10 October 06 22:17
Hi Dave !
I just got the Bruford DVD ”Rock Goes To College” and enjoyed the concert very much – watching in great quality after having spent many years watching a 17th generation VHS copy of the concert…which again led me to take a listen to National Health “Missing Pieces”….where I stuck on the track “Starlight On Seaweed” – regarding your comments on the song having been performed rarely with NH – once at a outdoor French gig……which eventually might be the 20th nov. 1977 at the Fête de la Jeunesse du P.S, Hippodrome, Paris – seeing I found an old BASF cassette that I got many years ago from a friend with some of that particular concert on. The first track – which I think might be “Starlight” – it's difficult to hear Phil announcing the track due to the quality of the tape – surprised me. So I had to compare with the one on “Missing Pieces” – but the two pieces seems to be very different – or am I wrong. The track on “Missing Pieces” is a beautifully slow-like thing where the track on the concert from 1977 is more up-tempo. What struck me was that there about 3 minutes in the live-concert track was a quieter part where the chords/chord-sequence played reminded me very much of the chord-sequence used on “Five G” from “One of A Kind” (the chordsequence played at 01:20 where Holdsworth is playing solo). Am I totally wrong there Dave – or can you confirm/add something to my discoveries. Btw – I'm still waiting desperate for some new stuff from you and Barbara – it's been a long time since the last album. Kind Regards Steffen.
Dave again
Sunday 8 October 06 12:30
Last link below should be http://calyx.club.fr/mus/pyle_pip.html.
Dave Stewart
Sunday 8 October 06 12:24
Thanks everyone for your kind messages of condolence about Pip Pyle. The funeral (in Harlow, Essex on September 19th) was a sad and tearful occasion, but it was a beautiful sunny day and Pip's family and friends gave him a fantastic send-off, with moving and funny speeches (including some impromptu one-liners) delivered by his children, his sister Mary and numerous mates and colleagues. Pip would have approved of the music playing as his coffin was brought in - the 'Foetal Fanfare Fandango' from his solo album 'Seven Year Itch', a daft, luching brass band tune described by Pip as "a funereal 9/4 march rhythm designed to make the pallbearers fall over". Thankfully none of them actually did, but as they carried him in (once again, Pip successfully managing to avoid the load-in) you could sense Pip's spirit urging some blackly comic event to happen. It's a good job he wasn't around to stage-manage the occasion, as I don't think our nerves could have coped with an exploding coffin.
At the end of the ceremony (which was 100% non-religious), the curtains were drawn and the 'audience' spontaneously rose up and gave him a standing ovation, richly deserved for the intense, overflowing energy and love he put into his life and music. He was a unique individual who had a big effect on the lives of all who knew him, and we'll miss him terribly.
Messages of condolence can be posted in the guestbook at Pip's site www.pippyle.com. I've written a personal obituary for him at www.hatfieldandthenorth.co.uk ('R.I.P. Pip Pyle'), and Aymeric Leroy's well-researched resumé of his astonishingly prolific career can be seen at http://calyx.club.fr/index.html.
phil pfelelip@voila.fr
Saturday 7 October 06 21:15
Hi, this is just to say a few words about Pip Pyle. The first and last time I ever spoke to him was at the bar of a club he was about to play with Phil Miller's In Cahoots in my hometown Marseille. I was the typical shy silly fan and asked him how long his solo album was going to be (7 year itch) he smiled and he replied : "about that long" with his hands showing the size of a cd. Thanks for the joke Pip and thanks for all the music. RIP PIP
Thursday 28 September 06
There is the 'Hatfield and the North Live 1990' TV show, which is a reunion concert without Dave Stewart. I have a copy of some obscure Japanese TV stuff of Hatfield from the good ole days but the quality is very poor.
les creighton
Wednesday 27 September 06 08:37
Marcel is correct, Alan's guitar seems to come through the mix better when played at higher volume, although he's more audible when he switches to the Gibson anyway. Does anyone know of any other DVDs of Bruford or the Hatfields or any of the related musicians ? I'm sure I read of a Hatfield DVD once, but can find no trace on Amazon etc.
marcel hendrix
Saturday 23 September 06 17:59
In answer to Les Creighton - why isn't it in stereo, and why is it so short :-) Alan's guitar is not very loud, but when I turn up the volume the balance is VERY nice, so maybe it was done on purpose. Marcel.
les creighton
Thursday 21 September 06 13:30
Just received my copy of the 'Rock Goes To College' DVD by Bruford. Nice to have this with, of course, Dave on keyboards. Annette Peacock looks splendid, but could have been in better voice I felt. Any comments from other recipients
Tuesday 19 September 06 21:37
Dear Dave and Barb, very sad to hear about Pip. I met Pip twice at Phil's house and saw him playing with In Cahoots at the Vortex a few times in the '90s. You created unique, beautiful crafty music together. Way ahead of its time, very inspired, powerful, poetic and daring. It makes you prick up your ears and you always find new things in it each time you listen to it. 'Hatwise Choice' confirmed that you were even more creative live! Very unusual class, not a nanosecond of wasted music (or wasted time!) That is what I call four musicians in a state of grace. Oh by the way Dave, thanks for that
'Dave's intro' I think it's great.
Heather Lazzeri
Tuesday 19 September 06
Hi, I worked in Sweeney Todd's in Canterbury in the early 80's and remember 'Red Roll On' gigging there (Claire the drummer and Germaine - Chris's girlfriend). I remember when the single got to No. 1. we were all listening in the pizza kitchen upstairs and cheered when it got there. The customers waiting for their pizzas downstairs didn't know what had happened! Am now living in Austria - and loving it!
Scott Savin
Tuesday 19 September 06
I've been following Dave Stewart's career since the Egg days and I'm a great admirer of his work. My question is this: Dave, have you retired? I see that this website hasn't been updated in three years and I haven't heard anything about you at all. What's going on? If you have retired perhaps you could let us know. I hope you haven't of course - you're only 56 and I'm sure there's life in the old dog yet! Scott (RL).
Phil Smith igorstravinsky@wi.rr.com
Friday 8 September 06 05:18
Shocked tonight to read of Pip Pyle's passing... I saw him play a few times (in Nottingham and London) and I still have never heard a drummer so adept at slowly building the background to a solo section from the quietly intense to the utterly raucous (in 'Mumps', my favorite example, but also in many other H&TN and NH songs as well.) R.I.P. Pip. 'Phlakaton' will be on my CD player tonight.
Lee Gaskins lgaskins@optonline.net
Monday 4 September 06 16:55
It was extemely sad as well as shocking to hear about the passing of Pip. We talked at the Progressive Legends Showcase in July, he was a wonderful man as well as a talented composer/drummer. His memory and work will continue to shine.
In regards to Dave and Barbara, thanks for all the great music! If you would ever would like to grant an Q/A-interview via email on my music site, please contact me... and I can help spread the word on what you're doing. Thanks, Lee.
P.S. By the way - my wife's name is Barbara Gaskins - quite close. Cheers.
Stephen Green stackridge@hotmail.com
Saturday 2 September 06 14:08
R.I.P. Pip. So sudden, so young and so sad. Your music lives on and we will treasure it.
chris wangro wangro@graceland.net
Thursday 31 August 06 17:22
Dave - Don't know if you'd remember me without a tad of prompting, but I was on the road with you when the band was National Health and the base was Hank's place in Masslauis. Much water under many bridges... Our mutual pal C. Cutler sent me a note to tell me of Sir Pip's passing. Sad sad sad. Shocking and sad. Just saw Pip in NYC at the really-great-fun-even-though-you-were-missed Hatfield show. He was in great form, and was no doubt feeling the love in that rooom. I think thats how I'll remember him, that and in some bar in France on some grey winter morning and he introduced me to the concept of ordering a beer, a brandy & a coffee for breakfast. Very Pip, and still very alive for me decades later. The man was, as you all know way better than I, a rather magical and wonderful fellow. Don't know if you two were still even close, but I'm betting you were, and so I wanted to send word of condolence, of support from a vast and extended family created by the beauty and the strength of the music, and the generosity of heart behind it. Peace,love... W.
Chick Lyall chicklyall@aol.com
Wednesday 30 August 06 22:13
Very sad to hear of the death of Pip Pyle. It got me checking out my old 'Rotter's Club' album. It still sounds as great today as it did back then. Pip's drumming was great on it. Thanks to you also, Dave and Barbara for the great music which played a big part in inspiring me to become a musician myself. Very best, Chick Lyall.
Lorraine Carson lorraine@mullanyscoaches.com
Wednesday 30 August 06 12:46
Hi Dave & Barbara, I was one of the children from Durrants School who sang on 'Busy Doing Nothing'. I couldn't believe it when I came across your site and listened to the song. I am sure it was filmed, anyway of getting hold of the video? I was eleven at the time and I am thirty eight now! Thanks. Lorraine. x
Masahiko Miyazaki mashvox(a)almond.ocn.ne.jp
Tuesday 29 August 06 22:40
Hi Dave and Barbara, I'm in shock to hear that Pip Pyle died on 28th 2AM. So sad, so bad news this year. Elton and Pip.
R.I.P. Pip!
Tony tonyr@wheatleyt.fsnet.co.uk
Monday 28 August 06 22:27
Hi Dave & Barbara - I'm a huge fan and sorry we have not heard from you for so long. I last saw you at the QEH and a few days before that at the gig rehearsal at Nomis Studios - have been waiting for the next CD with 'Shaking All Over' ever since. But that is not the main reason I am now writing, I have just heard this evening that Pip Pyle died last night in a hotel in Paris after a Hatfields gig in Amsterdam. What tragic news, I treasure so much all the fantastic music that Dave & Pip made together over the years with Hatfields, Health etc. I was overjoyed when Hatfields reformed and managed to see them twice with Pip (sadly without Mr Stewart on keyboards) but now Pip is gone forever, what a tragic loss and he was only 56 years old.
miguel muzquiz miguel muzquiz@hotmail.com
Saturday 26 August 06 22:20
Maybe you guys could put out a live album, while we're waiting... Miguel.
Dan Ostergren dostergr@psdschools.org
Friday 25 August 06 21:37
Hey Phil - No, I have the correct 'Stewart'! It's Ms. Gaskin's voice that does me in though, I must say - hence the comment re. Imogen Heap. D.O.
Philly phil.black@t-online.de
Friday 25 August 06 09:02
Hi, I do believe that you have the wrong Dave Stewart. This is keyboardist's Dave Stewart website not the Eurythmics bloke. regards Phil.
Daniel Ostergren dostergr@psdschools.org
Thursday 24 August 06 20:15
Hey - I've been a fan for years, and with the rise of Imogen Heap, I can't help but say that it is upon your shoulders that she now stands. I've remastered a number of your tunes (using 24-bit etc. techniques) and will forward them to you c/o Broken Records at my earliest convenience. I hope you enjoy them. I would be happy to master any additional material you may have forthcoming. Thanks, D.O.
walt wetaught @aol.com
Sunday 20 August 06 00:10
I have loved Hatfield and the North and National Health for many years. A selfish request: I hope that the two Hatfield studio recordings will be remastered and rereleased sometime before our sun explodes. Current technologies for mastering analog material have progressed greatly, it is past time for these wonderful recordings to have the benefit of 24-bit, DSD, whatever technical software you may desire to remaster these recordings. Many fans around the world will welcome a newly mastered version of Rotter's Club and Hatfield and the North. Thank you for reading my rant.
Jim Cook jcook7@socal.rr.com
Saturday 19 August 06 07:25
I saw a question you had about a female singer that sang 'Cast Your Fate to the Wind' in the 1960s. You may have had some others write on this by now, but a group called We Five, with Bev Bivens as the lead singer, had this on their album in 1965. They had a hit song that year called 'You Were On My Mind'.
Steve Good stevestringbender@yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 16 August 06 16:02
Well... I last wrote here back in February 2003 saying I hoped that I'd live to hear 'Son of Spin' or whatever it would be called... so here I am, 42 months on, just a few short months from retiring from working in London and, hey, STILL no sign! Hearing Dave's signature music for the 'light entertainment' documentary on the BBC last weekend made me wonder what's 'appening, and looking here again I see... er... very little. I hope it ain't been shelved guys? I'll start chucking my Zimmer frame about if it has... Regards all, Steve.
ade hegney adehegney2002@yahoo.com
Tuesday 8 August 06 22:28
My Dear Dave, I write to you to let you know how big an impact you had on my pubescent years... and again now as I am downsizing and re-evaluating my life... I am listening to 'The Rotters' Club' and will move on to Steve Hillage's 'Fish Rising' once the acid takes effect!! I have not heard any of your recent stuff but what you have done is enough for me ... love you Ade xxx.
Beat Felix Lang info@jukeboxclubschweiz.ch
Tuesday 8 August 06 13:15
Hi Dave and Barbara, I am a great fan of your music since 1981. Haven't you made more albums like Spin recently? Do you play in a new band? Same style like before? What about some little sound-samples? Hope to hear from you soon. Beat regards, Beat. (A typical Swiss male name... )
Ole Kristian Malmedal omalmedal@yahoo.no
Monday 7 August 06 03:15
Good evening! I am a young chap from Norway trying to make it as a musician. I am a particulary big fan of Arzachel, Egg and Hatfield and the North. I simply love your ability to write complex jazz-rock/fusion without going over the top. Anyway: I am have been spending the last few weeks trying to play your parts from your huge epic, 'Mumps'. I was just wondering if you have made a score out of it in one of your books. Some of the parts are simply too difficult to catch by ear. It would be a great help. You're an inspiration! Ole Kristian.
Alan Terrill alanterrill@tiscali.co.uk
Friday 4 August 06 23:19
The DVD of Bruford with Dave Stewart is now available - details here: www.brufordrockgoestocollege.co.uk.
tony troiakirk@yahoo.co.uk
Thursday 3 August 06 15:28
'It's My Party', the finest pop song ever made. Simple, thank you.
Dave Johnson
Sunday 16 July 06 20:42
Regarding an old thread: A.P. Bailey asked who recorded a male vocal version of 'Cast Your Fate to the Wind'. Mel Tormé had a release of that tune about 1963 or '64. I bought a 45 rpm recording, thinking it was the Guaraldi version I'd heard on radio. The vocal startled me, but I liked it. 'Twas the first I'd heard of Mel Tormé. Bev Biven's version with We Five is beautiful.
Marcus Savino
Monday 10 July 06 06:05
Hello Mr. Stewart, I feel compelled to write this note since I have listened to 'The Civil Surface' at least 50 times in the last six months and it never gets old to me. Egg is undoubtedly my favorite band on earth right now and I find continued inspiration from the audaciousness of the compositions and the virtuosity of the performances. Being a 20-something musician in Los Angeles, I come across many different types of music, many prog bands and noise bands, etc.
There is nothing out there quite like Egg; you guys were way ahead of your time.
It is unfortunate that more people don't know about Egg and how special that band was but I try my best to spread to word. I am sure all of the Egg fans out there would LOVE to see an official 'band approved' box set that contained all of the studio records (re-mastered of course) as well as some of the live recordings that are only currently available in low-quality bootlegs. There are many bootlegs of all of the Egg stuff out there, I would gladly pay for official releases. :)
Thanks for your contributions to those great Egg records as well as Hatfield, National Health, Khan, Bruford, etc. Love it
all! Also, how does one drop Dirk Campbell a note? All the best, Marcus Savino.
Rodd Matsui
Sunday 9 July 06 04:31
I first heard Dave Stewart's work at my high school in Los Angeles (a million years ago) when a friend gave me a tape with 'There Is No Reward' on it. Great stuff! Then some time later I got a Ryko sampler that had the track 'Henry and James', and I put two and two together, figuring it had to be the same Dave Stewart because of the style of the keyboards. Only now the synth was accompanied by the most beautiful voice! Ever since then, I have kept some of your music handy to improve the mood during really difficult jobs. It is a remarkable combination, and the music continues to impress people I play it for. A few moments ago a thought came to mind... "It's been years and years... they must have a website up somewhere..." So I thought I would write a little something to express my thanks. Thanks!
mark staniforth
Thursday 6 July 06 18:33
I've been listening to your (plural) beautiful music for over 15 years now - it is a consistent source of inspiration - thank and god/godess bless! (Surviving musician, Banff, Alberta, Canada.)
Tuesday 4 July 06 20:49
Hi Dave & Barb, I've got all the S&G releases (that I know of), but have nothing else that you've done. Could you recommend anything of your other music for me to listen to? While I like intelligent pop music, I do also like more adventurous music. Provided it's easily available and not a £100 box set, I promise to buy anything personally recommended by Dave or Barb.
mariko taumi
Wednesday 28 June 06
Hi! I'm the daughter of Takeshi Taumi here in the Philippines. As far as I know you're one of the wedding sponsors when they got married way back 1985. I'm looking for my relatives there. Hope can help me. Thanks! Waiting for your reply.
Stephen Green
Wednesday 21 June 06
According to your front page you have been working together since 1981. So when do the 25th anniversary celebrations begin? How about they coincide with you releasing some new material - full public release or internet-only for fans, I don't care. I just want to hear more of your music.
Saturday 17 June 06
I'm sure this has been asked a hundred times, but i just found your site and don't have time to check all the archives. Please give an update on Beverly Bivens. A quick bio would be great. Thank you.
Dan Lawrie d.lawrie@bresnan.net
Wednesday 14 June 06 04:48
Okay, Dave. It's been 15 years since 'Spin', my patience is wearing thin! Please give an update on any new material. Meanwhile, I've run across a few Stewart/Gaskin live recordings as well as recordings of your Rapid Eye Movement project with Jakko Jakszyk. Too bad you never got to give that any serious studio time, but it's nice to fill that hole in my collection that I never knew existed. Hope all is well and that I can give you my money soon for something new! Dan.
stefania travail2002@tiscali.it
Thursday 8 June 06 20:54
Salve. I heard 'Make Me Promises' 18 years ago - I loved this song but it is impossible to have. Ciao con affetto.
Gonzalo Sanchez procustesruler@yahoo.es
Monday 5 June 06 21:22
Dear Dave and Barbara, I came across your site accidentally while trying to find anything about 'Cast Your Fate to the Wind'. I remember the melody dearly from my childhood. Recalling, it was a pianist(whom I saw on television quite a few times) I heard it in England. After, I heard the Sandpipers' vocal version. Could that be the female vocalist you speak about? My question is: who was the pianist?
Marco dontwant@anyspam.com
Monday 5 June 06 00:41
Dave, has the 'new' album been aborted? I think the world should be told. Even Annette Peacock hasn't been silent for this long!
Massimo deste6@tele2.it
Wednesday 31 May 06 16:13
Hi Dave ... never heard a harmonically and technically complete keyboardist like you ... from Egg till Stewart/Gaskin (I missed!... Hi Barbara!!) through Hatfield, National Health and the Bruford Band! I feel quite like a hole without news or records from you! Are you recording anything for us all fans? Remember... we are so many and we miss you... also from my country, Italy!! I'm waiting... sure,you'll be back soon! CIAO! Massimo.
Paul Stump paulstump@hotmail.com
Monday 29 May 06 21:34
Hi Dave and Barbara. Dave, you may remember (although if you have any sense you won't) that I interviewed you for my prog rock book back in 96 - ten years ago! Some YMCA place near the old Virgin Recs HQ in London. Have been having on a serious Stewart jag of late, tons of Bruford, Health, Egg etc. Got an email from Bill who I'm still in touch with and would love to know if you are well and when the next product will appear. Bill also says that the 'Rock Goes To College' session will shortly be out officially on Winterfold although there are still obstacles to overcome. Is this so? Am still journalising so if you've anything I can turn into an article for the nationals lemme know! Best, Paul Stump.
Monday 29 May 06 04:58
Hello Dave-
I've been listening since the Egg days, have and love it all from Khan to Bruford and in between. You may remember my 'well-dressed band' Dr. Octopus from a fan letter many years back; anyway, I now play guitar in a weekender band Zen Fishcamp, check us out on soundclick or myspace or our own site. I'm looking for a general-purpose keyboard to use with the band and wondered if you could point me in some good directons for choices for the novice. Thanks so much. Bill.
Saturday 20 May 06
I was supposed to go to a gig at the Builders' Club in Huddersfield in the 1970's but missed the train and the gig altogether, consequently I had to buy the Egg album, 'The Polite Force'. I've worn it out. Can't find a replacement. I may sue. Au revoir.
Chris Elliott
Tuesday 16 May 06 13:17
OK, so the female vocal on 'Cast Your Fate To The Wind' from the early 1960s was indeed Shelby Flint. I have found an album on Amazon called 'Buried Treasure: Lost Gems From Deep in the '60s Vaults' which includes the said track, along with another (apparently more popular) track by Shelby called 'Angel on my Shoulder'.
Chris Elliott
Tuesday 16 May 06 11:35
This is a good place to be! Found it while looking for Amanda Parsons! Does anyone know what or where the lady with the gorgeous voice is now? Chris.
Stephen Green
Thursday 11 May 06 22:02
Don't like ringing to see how you both are. Come on here and give us an update on your general well-being, report on your recording and how things are in general. I'm still spreading the word but a new CD would help (hint). In the world of electrickery and t'internet how about a sample or snippet of your new musings for us to hear? Plenty of blogs where you can post something to whet our appetites and promote your wares to the world. Your time has come.
Jeremy Whiting
Wednesday 10 May 06
My first Stewart/Gaskin single was 'Siamese Cat Song', which I purchased in March 1983 after hearing it on the radio. After purchasing the next single 'Busy Doing Nothing' I thought that I would have to obtain the first three singles on Broken Records. 'What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted' and 'It's My Party' (my copy is a Dutch copy with a purple label) weren't too hard to find, but 'Johnny Rocco' was. After I purchased the next two singles ('Leipzig' and 'I'm In A Different World'), I eventually found a copy of 'Johnny Rocco' on a market stall in Norwich on sale for 95p, ending a search which took the best part of a year. I have since purchased 'The Locomotion', 'Hatfield And The North' LP, 'As Far As Dreams Can Go', 'The Big Idea', 'Spin', and 'Neil's Heavy Concept Album' (I know that you were on that).
andy hope
Monday 8 May 06 23:38
Hi again - I am definitely your biggest fan and would love you to come and play in our CROISSANT NEUF tent at Glasto 07 - (now 1000 capacity and rising) check us out www.solarvenue.co.uk. If you are serial greenies why not check us out at the Green Roadshow - we are in London quite a lot this year - see the website for details www.greenroadshow.co.uk. Respect, Andy.
rob fardell
Friday 28 April 06 18:50
Hi guys, looking to broaden my conections I came across your site... let me
say I have loved your writing for years Dave, the Bruford stuff is amazing and I
love your style/chops/changes! I also have your collaborative albums with
Barbara. Many thanks, Rob Fardell.
an italian hatfriend
Thursday 27 April 06 15:54
I was at the recent gig of Hatfield and the North here in Rome. Even if it
has been told that you prepared the keyboard sounds for Alex Maguire, everybody
in the audience strongly missed your presence, and also the 'wonderful
Northettes'. Good luck.
Sunday 23 April 06 06:45
been playing 'Up From The Dark' for my 15-year old. He digs it. We drive around
town singing 'Leipzig' and 'Busy Doing Nothing'. Just thought you'd like to
barry revell
Friday 21 April 06
Shock from the past? This is your old friend Barry from The
Southsiders group. Hope that you're well and would love to hear from you.
Regards, Barry Revell (singer).
Wednesday 19 April 06 14:39
Following another journey into your music (or sort of) I discover an
extraordinary (early?) version of Bruford's 'Back To The Beginning' as seen
performed live on OGWT (with Neil Murray on bass!). This special version had an
extraordinary short-but-great organ-driven solo in the very first bars. Do you
remember why it was cut off from the official and definitive release? I think
that it could have been another killer organ track (in the 'Dreams Wide Awake'
introductory solo vein) and another great pleasure for us to listen to on and on
again! Still waiting for your new music. Ciao! Alessandro.
marcel hendrix
Monday 17 April 06 17:18
than continuing to compose long, complex instrumental pieces which only ever
seemed to attract a tiny audience of slightly disturbed males..." "...launched
Dave on an unplanned new career as a perpetrator of intelligent pop music." I
was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Any side-projects I can check out? A
slightly disturbed male.
Dave Stewart
Friday 7 April 06 09:07
Hi Kirk, thanks for that. I can see you've been paying attention! The 'D13'
name was intentional; the 'D' note in the bass makes it a 'D'-type chord, and
the 'C' and 'B' above are the 7th and the 6th, elements which you would find in
a jazz thirteenth (albeit with the B positioned an octave higher). However, with
hindsight I was probably wrong to call it a type of D13 - 'C major 7 over D
bass' would be more appropriate. Hope that helps! All the best, Dave Stewart.
Kirk Elser
Tuesday 4 April 06 21:34
Hello Dave. I have reecently read your " Reading and Writing Music", and
found it very helpful, informative, and enjoyable; however,I have one bitty
issue. On page 59, you draw a chord and tell us it could be seen as a type of
'D13' chord. I've calculated and recalculated and have come to think, did you
perhaps mean 'E13'? If not, please show me the error of my ways.
Joe Biela
Monday 3 April 06 04:49
Really miss you guys. 'Spin' was the best 'pop' music I had heard in years.
But, how you say... 'crikey!', that was A DECADE AND A HALF AGO!!! Have always
(well, for about 30 years anyway!) enjoyed your books, mag columns, CD/record
liner notes, National Health, Hatfield, Egg, Bruford, et al. Hope all is well,
and that glorious music in the works is to be made available to us all soon
Anthony Kounalis
Friday 17 March 06
When I was younger a friend of mine was a DJ here in America
for a pop/gothic club and he introduced me to your song 'Make Me Promises'. When
we split ways, I never thought I would know who performed it. I am renewing my
wedding vows in October and to be honest, that song is stuck in my head some 20
years later and I would like to play it for my wife as a wedding march. Can you
please help me purchase a copy of that song? I am really desperate. Thank you
for your time, Anthony M. Kounalis.
Sinai Levi
Wednesday 15 March 06 14:10
Hi Dave, I Just wanted to say
thanks for National Health. I love the music and I loved reading your brief
history of the band on 'National Health Complete'. Sinai, Israel.
Fred Trafton
Monday 6 March 06 19:02
Dave, well, I'm updating your entries on the fabulous Gibraltar Encyclopedia
of Progressive Rock, but there's nothing really new to report on the
Stewart-Gaskin front. So when do we get to hear more 'Adult Pop' from
Stewart-Gaskin? Are you still recording these days at all? The last thing I know
of is some "guest" contributions on Pip Pyle's solo album, but that's been ...
what ... 8 years ago now?
Hope to hear from you, and hope all is well.
For what it's worth, you've always been one of my favorite keyboardists, from
the early days of Egg (and with Steve Hillage in Khan and especially on Fish
Rising!) all the way to Up From the Dark. I must admit I never quite got into
The Big Idea ... maybe I should try it again sometime. I also loved your
Keyboard Magazine article series! I was really sad to see that go away. But,
Gads, that's been a while ago now too, eh? Regards, Fred Trafton (Editor,
Gibraltar Encyclopedia of Progressive Rock).
Wednesday 1 March 06 17:16
'Inside the Music' - fascinating stuff - unlocking my learning piano Czerny
bound imagination. But what are these dreaded "sleazy jazz cliches"? Started
listenin to oldies - Art Tatum, Teddy Wilson, Bud Powell - can't hear anything
sleazy or cliched - what else should I listen to? - be delighted to have your
comments. Best regards.
andrew read
Sunday 26 February 06
Warm good evening from new zealand I wonder where I could find
a discography for all your items pressed in australia and new zealand. Huge
thank you from here. Andrew :)
Saturday 25 February 06 23:05
Hello Dave, time to make a new Hatfield or National Health CD!!! I am
playing now 30 years the same records... Regards, Johan de Zwart (Maassluis,
Marc Capel Nadal (Planeta Imaginario)
Saturday 25 February 06
Hello my friend. My name is Marc Capel - I live in Barcelona,
and I play keyboards (piano, Hammond L100, Fender Rhodes, Yamaha CS60 (analog
synth) and Korg N5 (digital synth). I play in the band Planeta Imaginario (jazz
progressive). The style of my band is similar to Hatfield and the North and
National Health, and other Canterbury Sound bands (Gong, Soft Machine, Nucleus,
etc.) I enjoy your keyboard style. I like to put distortion on my Hammond, but I
don't know what kind of distortion you usually used in Khan, National Health and
Hatfield. Can you tell me what distortion you used? Thanks for your attention, I
await your message. Goodbye, see you!!
Tuesday 21 February 06
Hey Barbara, Dave & fans, needless to say I'm a big fan
ever since the Bruford days. Years ago Keyboard Magazine included flexidisc
records accompaniing the interview. What I'm looking for: a good copy of the
'Henry & James' track. As I can remember it was a rougher version sounding
very, very good (awesome DX7 bass!!!)Could anybody help me out??? Unfortunately
I lost the disk. Keep busy making music! Others will be busy doing nothing in
the meantime!! Regards to you all, Ton.
Friday 17 February 06
Hi... post scriptum... I have a copy of that Lesley Gore number
you guys did... a gift from a young chum of mine Kim :o) (I used to listen to
the original on Radio Caroline - remember that ol' pirate ship?) Anyhow I
remember seeing you "waiting in the wings" at the Octagon in Bolton and wanna
say don't "cry", carry on enjoying your "party" 'cos you deserve to as you have
given a lot of fine music over the years :o) So "thank you for the music"...
Friday 17 February 06
Hi, this one is for Barb: just been listening to 'Burn the
Bridges'... some really folky vocals there, well sung :0)... you probably won't
remember me (I am not the alien on your webbie photo) but a long time chum of
Martin's... had a grand little reunion with him and Brenda (his sister) recently
and he is very much alive and kicking still if not in the best of health.
Anyhow, got several e-mails from him recently and he is back in India someplace
taking an ayurvedic health cure or the like. Musicwise he tells me he is working
on a new compilation of old Spirogyra stuff he is hoping to put out under the
title of Arkives..! He is still teamed up with Mark Francis recordingwise
(probably you know that already). All the best Babara and regards to Dave, wish
you success with your musical ventures. Bye ...Steve :o)
Jim Spiri
Monday 30 January 06 22:49
Howdy: Thank you so much for writing that book 'Inside the Music'! The part
about the problem with 'balancing donuts' was huge for me. All the theory books
I try to wade through do that, I needed some tasty examples of opening the
voicings to get rolling. I've been 'playing' hand and kit drums for years, but
always avoided 'notes' cuz my ear is so bad. Right after getting a keyboard and
your book, I started trying the chord voicings and it was great. Sounded like
music, not donuts. Like the C major7/9/#4 on page 43. My hands are too small to
play it as written (much less the #11 below), but you'd 'empowered' me to shift
the 'donuts', so I put the 3rd in my left hand and my right thumb on the 2nd,
and moved my fingers sequentially. And the result (just that chord) is now on my
website (www.thetoggle.com - the 'song' is 'Mantis').
The bit about
gamelan at the end of the book also piqued my interest (there was a gamelan
ensemble at one of the many universities I dropped out of, and I'd liked it),
but I couldn't do anything with it on my keyboard. Last year I e-Bayed a used
Roland HandSonic, which microtunes easily and has some gamelan presets, now I'm
doing 'psychedelic gamelan music' - I just discovered a 'just' slendro tuning,
and am trying a tempered pentatonic scale (all 240 cent intervals). I can
microtune some 'soft synths' and have some 'real' gong-chimes and metallophones
and am making more 'instruments' from trash cans and stuff. And it's all your
fault! How about another book? Fondly, Jim Spiri (aka Death Row Tull).
Scott Bazinet
Wednesday 25 January 06
What can i say that hasnt been said already. You guys are
Stephen Green
Sunday 15 January 06
Is the Visitors' Book working again? I am just listening to
National Health on the Stuart Maconie BBC 6 Music show. 2 weeks ago he did a 22
minute segment on Spirogyra. See
www.bbc.co.uk/6music/shows/freakzone/index.shtml for details and how to listen
to this week's show again over the next 7 days. There is more interest out there
- just think what a difference a new CD would make!?! Keep writing to Stuart and
ask for D&B in the studio for a chat. P.S. I have the forementioned 22
minute segment as a WAV and MP3 file.
Trevor A Smith
Saturday 14 January 06 13:52
Hi Dave and Barb, just to say that I have long admired the work you both did
in the '70s. It's still great stuff and deserves re-issue. I am often surprised
at the number of younger people who have heard of you and others from the era of
prog rock etc. and try to point them in the right direction for info and CD's.
God bless you both and much good luck in your future projects.
bo johnsson
Thursday 12 January 06
Hi folks ! I was just scanning the net to see if you'd come up
with something lately. Although things so far could last a lifetime, it would be
more than nice if you did. Whatever you do nowadays I hope you're alive'n
kickin'. Many thanks for true honest music! YFE, Bosse.
Saturday 7 January 06
I am a great '70s fan of yours. I have a wish of a reunion
maybe - 'National Health'. It will be like a breath of fresh air to music
listeners. I really hope my wish will come true. You are indeed great people.
Cheers, Yoav.
Sandy Stewart
Sunday 4
December 05 19:57
Hi Dave & Barbara, I've been a fan since the
Bruford days. Your music is fabulous and I eagerly await the new CD. Till then,
some of your fans might want to check out Amy X Neuburg. They should take a look
Amy's website at http://www.isproductions.com/amy/. I think anyone liking
D&B's music ought to like hers: pop, with an eccentric, electronic twist.
And Amy's voice, like Barbara's, is beautiful. Good luck and good cheer, Sandy.
emma Pearson
Monday 28 November 05
Hello there. I'm a student at Barnsley College and I'm in my
final year of a Music Technology degree. Fred Baker, who teaches at the college,
suggested that I contact Dave. Would it be possible to interview you for my
dissertation? I'm looking at the relationship between technology and Progressive
Rock and the effect this had on pop music history! It will have to be via e-mail
unless you are going to be anywhere near Barnsley in the next few months? Please
let me know what you think...if this is possible? Emma Pearson.
Wednesday 23 November 05
Wait a minute, Barbara was singing in the Northettes before
Stephen Green
Wednesday 23 November 05
In the absence of much needed D&B music can I mention a new
release on Sanctuary Records soon of a double CD of a Spirogyra anthology 'A
Canterbury Tale' The website says a release date of 12th December but Amazon say
earlier. Fans of Barbara's unique voice may like to hear how she started.
Chris Tookey
Tuesday 22 November 05
Just a brief message to say that, of all the songs I play on my
Ipod (downloaded from my CD collection), your songs occupy 5 of the top 20. I
look forward greatly to your releasing more songs. Your previous albums were 10
to 15 years ahead of their time, and I'm a huge fan. I'm borrowing several of
your ideas for arranging a musical I've just written - they do say imitation is
the sincerest part of flattery.
Chris Tookey
Phil Smith
Sunday 20 November 05
My second attempt to leave a message here... I'm trying to find
out the identity of a rap tune I heard recently which sampled a song by Egg. Any
ideas out there? (Or maybe it was used without permission?!)
Steve Knighton
Monday 14 November 05 14:43
Dave, I would have to turn my apartment upside down to find your postal
address and write to you so you would write back to me like you always have when
I sent you a letter. You sent me a hand-written two page treatise on the music
theory subject of metric modulation. I thought if I had anything decent to
contribute to the Visitors Book it would be something a keyboard player once
said to me. It was "Music is the best friend maker you ever have." Also, Rick
Wakeman responded to something I said about you in an e-mail to his website - he
said, in effect "Dave is a good player." Steve Knighton.
Thursday 10 November 05
I haven't given up hope, and in the mean time there are some
nice Hatfieldy keyboards on the Robert Wyatt Live at Drury Lane 1974 CD courtesy
of Dave.
les creighton
Wednesday 9 November 05 14:10
Nothing in the visitors' book for a long time. Have we all given up hope of
the new album ??
slightlydisturbedmale-paisleydave cdrmtn@gwi.net
4 September 05 00:24
Hi kids, still waiting for that new CD. I just
received my new copy of 'Hatwise Choice' and enjoyed reading the commentary. The
disc has some good moments. Recently finished Jonathan Coe's 'Closed Circle' and
have been reading about the BBC TV version of 'The Rotters' Club'. . . am
curious to see it. Sad that the music for the film did not include you cats. For
me, that seemed an integral aspect of the background in the lives of some of the
main characters. Oh well, at least Bachman Turner Overdrive was represented!
(Whoop-dee-doo.) Cheers, Paisley Dave.
Monday 29 August 05 19:47
Hello! I have been a big admirer of Barb and her lovely vocals since the
days of Spirogyra. I also have D & B's 'As Far As Dreams Can Go' CD. Thank
you Barb, so much for bringing sublime enjoyment to my ears and heart over the
Sunday 24 July 05
'Spin' and 'The Big Idea' are probably the two best albums of
all time. Just finished listening to them again. Fantastic! After all those
Tuesday 19 July 05 11:40
Hi Dave & Barbara, I just had the opportunity to listen to Neil's 1984
'Heavy Concept Album' and I have to say that it's a really wonderful work. It's
funny and hilarious but it's wonderfully produced and especially some of Dave's
arrangements are simply extraordinary. I've always been a fan of his
arrangements but 'Golf Girl' (Caravan's well known song), 'Hurdy Gurdy Man
Finale' (Steve Hillage's version quotation is superb!) & Sex Pistols' 'God
Save the Queen' Barbara's backing vocals are astonishing. Beatles tape-loops
arrangements intrusions are extraordinary too. Please ... give us more
pop-for-grown-ups... we still need it in these terrible times ! Thanks,
Dennis Laforce
Sunday 10 July 05 15:43
Hello Mr. Stewart. I just bought a copy of the 2-CD 'National Health
Complete' set, so I had to see if you had a web site so I could tell you what a
wonderful collection of music it is. I love all the compositions, there is just
so much to hear. I am on my second time through it while writing this note to
you. Lately I have been researching the old Canterbury bands of the seventies
and I am happy to see that so much of the material is available on CD. What a
cool period of music that was!! Second to none in rock history, no doubt. All
the music that you and your friends recorded during that period was fantastic.
Sooo creative, I love it. You never know what you might hear, lots of suprises,
cool changes, and most of all, wonderfully expert musicianship. All of you
should have an honoured place in the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame in my opinion.
Just wanted to let you know. Thanks, Dennis Laforce.
Ken Egbert
Friday 8 July 05
Warmest regards from this side of the Pond, Dave and Barbara,
hope that you and all your loved ones are safe. Having been an old Who fan in a
previous life I have hung my Union Jack in my window and it's staying there for
the time being. Hope all else is well too, of course.
Masahiko Miyazaki
Thursday 7 July 05 16:17
Are you safe now? I was shocked to hear the news from LONDON today. I hope
you are safe.
Jimm Hickey
Friday 1 July 05 15:59
Hi Dave, I just found your site a moment ago and enjoyed reading through all
the different pages. All the best, JH.
Tuesday 21 June 05 12:37
Joan is right, and a nice package it is too.
joan carles
Monday 20 June 05 21:37
Nick, you can find 'D.S. Al Coda' in the 'National Health Complete' double
CD, along with the first and second albums and a thick booklet. I last saw it
here: http://waysidemusic.com
Thursday 16 June 05 23:12
Just heard 'D.S. Al Coda' on an old cassette a friend of mine was tossing
out. Even a dried-up old tape of some 20+ year-old music is better than most of
what's coming out today in the U.S. ... boy, did it send me back!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! PLEASE tell me this can be found on CD somewhere - I can't
find it anywhere on the net. Hopefully someone is in the process of re-issuing
this fun stuff. It would be a shame to let music like this just disappear off
the planet. Any help on its status or where I can find it in CD form?
A P Bailey
Wednesday 13 April 05 07:24
Saw your question about an old version of 'Cast Your Fate To The Wind'. The
vocal version with a female singer (Bev Bivens) was done by We Five out of San
Francisco in the early 60's. The tougher question, that I still haven't found an
answer to, is who did the male vocal version at about the same time? It seems to
be lost to the ozone. Anyone have a clue?
Sunday 10 April 05 05:05
Dave, how's work on the new (OLD) CD? I am wearing out (if it were possible)
'Up From The Dark', 'Big Idea' & 'Spin'. I am a piano player from way back.
I continue to work on my technique, playing the 'Henry & James' Keyboard
Magazine soundpage transcription from the 80's. (One would think someone trying
would either have given up or mastered the beast by now.) Barbara's beauty and
vocals are truly angelic and heavenly. Please tell her so, just in case she's
forgotten. Your chops and inversions are something I have truly coveted and
desired to play well. I have been attempting to make them sound as natural and
as similiar to your playing, for some time. There are some great songs from the
60's and 70's you have remodeled for the futuristic masses, reinventing and
making them interesting for people who would find them boring in their original
format. I expect you to redo some great songs from the 80's & 90's, in a way
that makes those newer tired songs even better. By the way, thank you,
indirectly, for turning me on to Yeats. Enough already. When will the new CD be
done? Loren.
Andre Jutel
Tuesday 5 April 05 16:45
Hi Dave & Barbara, just spotted this on the web and thought I would say
hello. It is scary to think that I came and interviewed you both back in 1992 (I
was called Jon Johnson back then!!) for my jazz show. I hope you are both
keeping well and would love to hear of any gigs you might be doing. My best
wishes to you both. Andre.
Pierre-Yves de loreilhe pydeloreilhe@yahoo.fr
Thursday 24 March 05 09:22
Hello Dave, Remember me? No...?
Guess something... National Health in Nice, south of France, back in '77/78! I
organised the event in this overcrowded theather... Happy to see that you still
alive and well! PY.
Tuesday 22 March 05 14:26
Was listening to Dirk Campbell's solo work this a.m. and reading the
interview between himself & DS in the booklet. It inspired me to come to
this site to see what's up. Have always loved the music put out by these folks!
Saw & chatted briefly with Dave in Austin, Texas years ago when he was
playing with Bruford at the Armadillo World HQ (R.I.P.). Always look forward to
hearing the dulcet tones of Barbara's voice.
Ross CLement
Friday 18 March 05 10:54
Hi everyone. I notice that the Wikipedia article on Dave is quite short:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Stewart_%28musician%29 - I thought I'd mention
that here in case someone who knows more about Dave's whole career than I do
would go and update it a bit. BTW: Interesting to see great musicians such as
Mike Keneally posting here. It says a lot about artists when other highly
credible artists are fans. Cheers, Ross-c.
Atsushi ONO
Friday 18 March 05 07:41
Hello Dave & Barbara. Do you hear the Zombies' new live CD? They played
'What Becomes of Broken Hearted' in that CD, intro and keyboard solo part are
re-arranged by Rod Argent, like Dave played in 80's. Rod's play is very nice!
Still waiting your new album far from London. Truly.
Steve Lewis
Thursday 17 March 05 17:20
Hello Les! You can buy 'Hatwise Choice' direct from the Hatfield online shop
at www.burningshed.com.
les creighton
Thursday 17 March 05 15:04
Hello fellow fans. As an occasional visitor to this site, I somehow seem to
have missed out on details/availability of Hatwise Choice. Help!!?
Tuesday 15 March 05 18:32
Hello Dave and Barbara, I was very impressed with the National Health
archival gems 'Missing Pieces' and 'Playtime' and now 'Hatwise Choice' by
Hatfield and the North demonstrates a live aspect of this much loved band that I
was not aware of. The CD has the most inventive and inspired music that I've
heard in a long time, probably since the National Health archival releases.
Peter Quinnell (again)
theflowermachine@yahoo.com (still, one hour later)
Tuesday 15 March 05 00:23
Any plans for Broken Records to
release the back catalogue of Eric McWhirter's Home Organ compositions? It is
criminal that an uninformed public and lack of sales should have any bearing on
the availablility of these (one assumes) vital contributions to the pantheon of
modern electronic noise. Maybe you could add some mp3's to that wonderfully
even-handed interview? Thanks in advance.
Freddy Haeck
Wednesday 9 March 05
Dear Artists, I’m a collector of autographs of politicians,
sportsmen, artists, and authors from around the world (I have more than 1,000
authentic autographs). I got a lot of names from my daughter Ineke who is a
school teacher. By using this email, I would ask you, if you would be so kind to
send me an autograph of you. I will be very delighted to own your signatures in
my personal collection of autographs. Anyway, thank you very much, and may God
bless you and your family. With warm greetings from Belgium, and of course I
wish you all the best in your career. Freddy Haeck, Oostmolenstraat 153, 9880
Aalter, Belgium.
James Wilkas
Wednesday 9 March 05 15:50
Hi all... I would like to know if there is anyone out there with a copy of
the notation for the soundpage example of step-sequencing of 'Henry and James'
that appeared in the December 1985(?) issue of Keyboard Magazine. Please excuse
the run-on sentence. Thanks in advance! Jim.
Gi-tae Kim
Tuesday 8 March 05 16:24
Dear Barbara, I am Kim Gi-tae and I am a General Manager of M2U Records,
www.m2urec.com. M2U Records is a special music label for reissue from '70s Art
rock and Folk rock. At now, I am looking for B&C Records and copyright owner
of Spirogyra because I have interest in Spirogyra reissue with Mini-LP cover.
Please let me know if you have some information. All the best, Gi-tae, M2U
Monday 7 March 05
D&B, this forthcoming album of yours, which is now several
years in the making, has got to be THE most eagerly awaited album I can think
of, even more so than Yes's follow-up to 90125. I'm expecting some truly
Earth-shattering songs/instrumentals (New Jerusalem must be a mere jingle by
Eddie Mulder
Sunday 6 March 05 13:08
Dear Dave Stewart and Barbara Gaskin, though I sent a message before about
your fine keyboard playing on Steve Hillage's Fish Rising it was only a while
ago that I discovered (through a friend) the Hatfield and the North material.
What can I say except that I hope that the music from that era never will be
forgotten. Same for the Khan-cd that I bought last week. Thanks for inspiring me
once again. Regards, Eddie Mulder.
Friday 4 March 05 16:42
Hello, amazing thing that I never forgot this beautiful record 'Bells, Boots
and Shambles', neither Barbara's name, I love your voice. Anyway I wish you well
and you were my phantasies of girl (one of them), bye Alexandre.
Stephen Green
Tuesday 1 March 05 17:03
How's the new music coming along? Can't wait.
Tuesday 1 March 05 08:45
Mary Ann, find what you are looking for here:
Broken Records Webmaster
Monday 28 February 05
In answer to Mary Ann below - sorry, we don't have a track
called 'Emily's Eyes' in our catalogue and don't know who recorded it. We are
based in the UK - try another web search for 'Emily's Eyes' and maybe you'll
find a current US company who list the track / CD. Best wishes, Broken
Peter Bognar
Friday 25 February 05 23:01
Dave, I've missed your music and column in Keyboard with your great sense of
humour. You've got to update your website so we know what you've been up to
musically! Pete.
Mary Ann
Friday 25 February 05 22:09
I don't know if this is the right place. I did a search for 'Broken Records'
because I am trying to locate information about a CD. The label was Broken
Records so here I am. I am searching for information about 'Emily's Eyes'. The
address is somewhere in Laguna Beach, California. I have had this CD for years
and I once tried to listen to it. There was a vignette that came on and
immediately I had to stop listening. I was in tears. I have thought about
listening to it many times but have never had the courage. Today God gave me
that courage. It was a healing experience. Do you know anything about this
Friday 25 February
05 10:42
Hallo Dave, I'm glad to see you are still involved in
intelligent music - I still play some of the old Hatfield stuff - Steve Fellowes
(now managing Gomez) gave me a copy of 'Clocks and Clouds'. I still remember you
playing it on your piano at home. Sorry to hark back to S.J. days. Max
Rhys B. Cartwright-Jones af265@seorf.ohiou.edu
Tuesday 22 February 05 17:04
I am happy to have found your
site. I loved The Big Idea and have never found anything else quite like it. I
still listen to it regularly! Thanks!! Rhys B.
George Wallace
Sunday 20 February 05 22:11
Dear Dave & Barb, what a kick to have reached you! This is my first time
visiting... I'm just starting to get into this 'Google' thing, but anyway here
you are!!! Thank you both for all the wonderful, powerful, uncompromising,
socially conscious music you've been putting out over the years. Your lyrics,
music and distinctive production values continue to be a source of inspiration
to me and my own work as writer and producer. In fact there's a track I'm
working on right now which has some of that cool 16th note harmonic
'percolating' which I loved in 'Grey Skies' and 'Mr. Theremin'. Really nice
work, you two, may the world soon hear more of what you've been up to.
number of years ago (around 1992 I guess) I got to see you guys perform at a
hole-in-the-wall little club in Philadelphia PA, I believe it was the North Star
Bar. I was about 8 feet away from the stage. LOVED the extended arrangement to
the 'You are my friend' song, cant remember the name... anyway, I will never
forget that show, it remains one of the finest concert experiences I've ever
had. Keep up the good work! As you have so eloquently put it: 'Let music rest in
the hands of those who care... ' Sincerely, George Wallace, AirBorn Music,
Juneau, Alaska, USA.
Robert Masters
Friday 18 February 05 19:02
Hi Dave, I've been searching of a way to get in touch - and now hopefully
I've suceeded. I don't know if you remember me, but when you came to L.A. over
twenty years ago (to play at the Roxy with Bill Bruford), you called Enactron
Studios (where I worked). I guess you were calling to invite a friend to your
show. I was the only one in the studio (Emmylou et al were out) - and
immediately recognized you as the wonderful talent from Hatfield etc. You were
surprised that a person working at a country and western studio even knew who
you were, and invited me to the show. You got me reserved seating at the Roxy
and I showed up every night (four, I think) to watch you play. I still have the
reserved seating sign! Anyhow, I now live on Maui, and have been involved with
media production. Over the years, we've used some of my favorite bands tunes on
my windsurfing videos (Steve Vai, Eddie Jobson, UK, King Crimson, to name a
few), but have always lamented that we've never been able to work with you. I'm
working on new ambient media projects
(http://homepage.mac.com/mastercommunication/iMovieTheater26.html) and would
love it if you'd get in touch so I could tell you what's going on. If you e-mail
me, I'll give you my contact info. Mahalo to you and Barbara from Robert
Steve Knighton
Monday 14 February 05 14:47
I hope this message is pertinent. A few days ago I sent an e-letter to Rick
Wakeman in which I mentioned Dave Stewart. In Rick's reply to me he said "He's a
good player" of Dave. I'm happy that Dave is still with his same girlfriend
Barbara Gaskin. I know that's one of most important things to him, and his old
Minimoog too. I hope Rick doesn't mind me posting this, but he told me he's 55
years old and that his girlfriend is 30. That's appropriate for Rick. I hope
he'll hold on to her. It's nice to have someone in your life. Steve Knighton
Gene Godfrey
Sunday 13 February 05
Just a P.S. so you'll know who I am...
www.angelfire.com/music2/classicfm I'm featuring "Hatwise Choice" on the show
this Friday (2.18.05) for those who'd like a glimpse. (6-10pm Eastern). Been
doing the show for 25 years... left commercial radio to do this right! Reaching
deep into multi-genres, including new music. Dave's music is there in many
forms. Cheers!
Gene Godfrey
Saturday 12 February 05
Hi Dave, Just received Hatwise! I'd love to have you on the
show to discuss and feature it. A phoner's fine. I'll be speaking with Richard
again, as well. I'll really be behind this disc! All the best, Gene Godfrey,
'Classic FM' (in the states).
les creighton
Thursday 10 February 05 14:56
the last episode of The Rotters' Club has come and gone on BBC TV, with a
further sighting of the LP cover, but alas, still no music. Makes the wait for
the new album a bit more intense.
Big Sandy, Scotland
Thursday 10 February 05
Discovered this site by chance. Nice to see that you're still
alive and kicking and making music. Saw National Health in Edinburgh many, many
years ago and thought the group was brilliant. I still play the albums (vinyl,
of course). You were such an influence on me that myself and other friends
formed a group playing similar music. Needless to say, two left to get married
and the rest buggered off to form a group playing 'heavy metal covers'. Best of
luck with your future projects.
Paul Moore
Thursday 3 February 05
Great in the same week that we receive a new Hatfields release
to hear a mention of Hatfield and the North on BBC2, and last night we even saw
a (mockup or genuine?) copy of 'The Rotters' Club' LP! It's a crime that they
haven't played any of the music. Some things from the '70s haven't lost their
power to move... Thanks for the music, Dave!
les creighton
Thursday 3 February 05 12:29
UK contributors may have seen a TV 3-part series currently running called
'The Rotters' Club' in which a Hatfield and the North fan gives his dying
girlfriend his favourite album ('The Rotters' Club'). Unfortunately, no music
featured as yet!
David Long
Wednesday 2 February 05
You, Dave, kindly sent my brother Stephen Long of Floating
Earth a copy of Hatwise Choice yesterday, which he has sent onto me here in
Suffolk and I am thrilled with it. The sleeve notes too are a complete joy, and
I very much hope it does well for you. Many, many thanks and all the best to you
both for 2005. DL
Wednesday 2 February 05
Hello Dave and Barbara, just a quick thanks for all the aural
pleasure you have given me over the years that has just been rekindled with the
release of the 'Hatwise Choice' album. I have always been absolutely mesmerised
by your keyboards and generated sounds on the Hatfield albums, in fact, I am not
sure which one of the two is my favourite all-time album. Many thanks for these
albums that never tire my ears.
I personally find it a great shame that
you are not doing the reunion gig but I am sure you have your valid reasons. I
will be travelling over to England for that gig nevertheless. Just a little
episode out of my life: My best friend in the UK went out to get me 'The
Rotters' Club' when it first appeared on CD a long time ago and he bought if for
me in Virgin in London, when he was leaving the store he (coincidence?) bumped
into you and promptly asked you to sign it for his friend in Germany, at which
you laughed and said something to the effect of, yeah, they all say that! Do you
remember? Anyway the CD is now well worn out and in need of replacing but the
cover is still immaculate and a point in my life (and my mate's) that is still a
talking point today. Errrr, so I guess there will be no Northettes either at the
gig huh? Thank you for the music.
Chris Marshall
Wednesday 2 February 05
Well lordy lordy Miss Claudie, an OLD correspondent here Mister
Stewart (und Barb) - remember those endless requests for a Clox'n'clouds
cassette (which I still clutch lovingly at times)? - just a quickie to say:
rather overjoyed with the Hatwise Hats cd. Darn it, you missed out the Peel
Donut recording (possibly HATN's finest hour) but what the heck, it's all
gorgeous. Takes me back to the Light Programme, 'Sing Something Simple' and That
Sunday Bath (if it was a good month). Please help out with a Hatwise 2: The
Umpire Strikes Back. Trust you two are fine and dandy and that a new D & B
LP will arrive Before Long. Love and hugs C.
Peter Oljelund
Tuesday 1 February 05
Hello! Thank you for everything you have done! When do you
release your next CD? Greetings from Peter Oljelund, Sweden and www.oljelund.net
Dave Dangerous
Tuesday 1 February 05
I was searching Ebay and for a laugh, I decided to put in my
stage name, Dave Dangerous. I was suprized that a 45 RPM came up with the title
'Dangerous Dave' I immediately started biddig on it and lost it when it went to
40.00 - I did, however, purchase the CD 'We Were A Happy Crew' and I am hooked.
It was amazing. I have always loved Dave Stewart, too. So I am going to buy a CD
from you. Welcome to my musical world Barbara and welcome back Dave... Dave
Dave Stewart
Wednesday 19 January 05
Hi Alessandro, thanks for the invitation - we'll contact you
shortly! Broken Records have been having problems with postal deliveries
recently, so apologies to anyone who had their mail returned. Hopefully the
delivery problem will be sorted out soon.
Wednesday 19 January 05 14:51
Hi there, needless to say I'm a long time fan of your work (Egg, Hatfield
& the North, Bruford, Stewart/Gaskin . . . ). Forgive me if I ask you if you
would like to come and play in Italy for a special event just nearby Venice in
the next future (let's say within 2005). . . it could be really GREAT!!! for all
your fans down here (and I know that there are quite a lot). Cheers and take
care, Alessandro.
Dave Stewart
Monday 17 January 05 23:12
Hi Hasse, no, I won't be playing at the Mean Fiddler gig on March 18th 2005
- Alex Maguire (keyboards) will be joining Pip Pyle, Phil Miller and Richard
Sinclair that night to play a set of Hatfield & The North's music. (I
believe Richard's and Phil's bands will also be appearing.) I'm on good terms
with the other three musicians and am proud of the music we made over thirty
years ago, but I'm not interested in band reunions. I wish the chaps well and
hope they, you and everyone who shows up has a good time!
Monday 17 January 05
Hi. What about March 18 at the Mean Fiddler - will you be
taking part? Myself I will be coming over from Stockholm to enjoy myself.
Rob Govier
Thursday 13 January 05
'Afters' was the soundtrack of my first meaningful year at Uni.
almost a quarter a century ago, where, apart from pushing the boundaries of my
independence, making some life-long friends and meeting my future partner, not a
lot happened... I've just rediscovered Hatfield and The North. Superb stuff,
Dave and Barb (plus others). Thank you.
Sean Urquhart
Friday 7 January 05 04:24
Your music has truly touched my life in ways you can't fully imagine; as a
writer I often use music to accompany my arduous and often hair-tearing writing
sessions, and invariably it's yours. Thank you.
Frank Cairns
Thursday 6 January 05
I just found the reissued Egg album(en) in Glasgow and snapped
it up. It's a fine reminder of the young Egg. I saw them at Green's
Playhouse/Apollo around '71/'72 which made a huge impression on me. Who was Egg
supporting that night? I forget. What a great drummer Clive Brooks is. Where is
he now? Thanks for years of wonderful, witty, warm music (give us some more!).
Hope 2005 is a jolly good time for Dave and Barbara.
Wednesday 5 January 05
Happy New Year to Dave, Barb and all at Broken Records (well
okay, both of you) ... thanks for all the amazing music, and amazing production
values. I see your new year posting went out at 5am, so was it a late night in
the studio working on the final final mixdown of the new album? We live in hope
that THIS is the year of the your magnum opus!
Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin
Saturday 1
January 05 03:03
Happy New Year to everyone, thanks for all the
messages! Dave and Barbara.
les creighton
Thursday 30 December 04 11:46
Happy new year to all Dave & Barbara fans. Let's hope the new album
won't be too long appearing!! In the meantime, there are a number of albums
available from Phil Miller, Richard Sinclair, Pip Pyle et al which are a
Wednesday 29 December 04 21:24
Happy Birthday! For Dave Stewart, one of the most talented musicians who
ever walked on planet Earth... P.S. Maybe you could find some time to write me
an e-mail, I have some questions to you connected with Egg and Arzachel (that
would be for my site and your Polish fans) ;)
Mike Keneally
Tuesday 28 December 04
What a pleasure to find this site... I'm a
guitarist/keyboardist/composer who played with Zappa in the late 80s and have
been beavering away for years making solo albums few people hear --- it's a
pleasure for me to acknowledge how much of an influence the writing and playing
of Dave Stewart were on me during my formative years and how incredibly well his
work from the '70s holds up for me, and how chillingly beautiful the
Stewart/Gaskin music is (the fade out of 'It's My Party' never fails to bring a
chill to the spine and a tear to the eye) --- I just wanted to mutter a humble
"thank you." I will always be awed by the inventiveness, good humor and sheer
inspiration on display in the music of these wonderful artists.
Sunday 26 December 04
Well I said I'd check back in 2004, but knowing your previous
record (many of them of a delight) I thought I'd wait till near the B' side. Sod
all! I demand evidence of creative forces at work, pictures of feverish brows,
and slumped bodies late into the night over mixing desks, with twiddling and
knob twirlage in action, or humorous quotes of disputes between egotistical
guitar mashers and highly sensitive artistes' (drummers) on which chord should
follow a Cm'sus9. Any chance of even a clip of a new tune? to be posted on the
site to see us through this audio wasteland. Yours loyally but infrequently,
Steve Reynolds xx
Saturday 25 December 04
Another Christmas morning and still no present from Dave and
Barbara, sigh... (Happy Christmas!)
Masahiko Miyazaki
Friday 24 December 04
Merry Christmas Dave and Barbara! I wish you will come again to
Japan next year. Of course, I wish you will bring your new album with you then!
I support you all the time from Japan.
jeff wraight
Thursday 23 December 04
Was a follower of Egg from beginning. Wore out my copies of the
two Deram albums years ago. Nice to see them reissued, and to hear the music
with clarity again. One thing still mysifies me - from the word go, I thought
the first two titles on 'Polite Force' were accidentally (on purpose?) reversed.
No change on the new issue. Any comments??? Best wishes and hope this music
picks up some new followers. Jeff Wraight.
James rogopag
at operamail.com
Saturday 18 December 04 06:30
I'm very glad to have found this website (I'm an old fan of the Ryko
titles). It would be nice if the vinyl page stated the titles of all of the
Ellis Maytham
Thursday 16 December 04
Hi, I found the two Hatfield and the North albums on CD in Cape
Town South Africa.I am blessed to have these two wonderful albums. Ellis Maytham
from ellismaytham@yahoo.com
Frank Cairns
Sunday 12 December 04
Great to hear of the new/old Hatfield record. My order is in
(signed copy - what an old teenager I am!). There must be lots of this stuff
around. Release it all!
Gary Hill
Saturday 11 December 04
I am attempting to get in touch with Dave Stewart and Steve
Hillage in regards to a book that I am working on. Could someone please get me
in touch with either (or both) of them? Thank you. Gary Hill, Music Street
Mervyn Ward
Friday 10 December 04
The Royal Mail have just returned my attempt to turn a RYKO
cassette of The Big Idea into CD. I'll try again. The effort is well worthwhile.
Deep Underground and Jerusalem always hit the mark. Merv.
Adrian Britton
Tuesday 7 December 04
What about a nice Christmas present for all of us who either
have gaps in our music collections (tut, tut), or who'd like to replace their
vinyl and re-release all your albums please? Some new music would be great as
Dave Stewart
Thursday 25 November 04
(See message below) Now there's a very welcome blast from the
past! For the benefit of other visitors, Tony Marshall is a brilliant
keyboardist / composer who worked with Chris Cutler and myself in the early '70s
in The Ottawa Company (a large scale occasional musical ensemble devised by
Chris). Tony wrote and performed one particularly mad piece called
'Idiosynchromesh', the complexity of which made even me and Chris
Thanks for getting in touch, Tony, glad to hear your son's
carrying on the musical tradition! I think we can probably factor in a bit of
parental pride here, but if he really is a better player than you, he must be a
very fine musician indeed.
Tony Marshall
Wednesday 24 November 04
Dave and Barbara, I recall with great pleasure the days of The
Ottawa Company. It was such a generous-spirited ambience with such a varied
repertoire - and a great laugh, too. There were always more-than-competent
musicians willing to take on the most convoluted pieces - even mine. I remember
vividly at one concert trying to keep going on my trusty Hohner Pianet (called
'Little Forteforte' as opposed to 'Grand Pianoforte' by Fred Frith)(and
beautifully decorated by Dave S. and Amanda Parsons for me as a surprise) after
it was accidentally doused with water from a kettle, I think it was, suspended
over the stage, during some kind of impromptu Tarzan act by another Ottawa
member (whose identity has mercifully been deleted from my memory). Playing a
wet keyboard is rather tricky! I also recall taking part in a four-keyboard
piece (one of yours, perhaps?) where the keyboards played repeated figures in
different irregular time signatures - maybe 7/8, 9/8, 13/8 and 15/8 - that way
the piece would have concluded after one complete cycle of maybe 12,285 beats -
no, that can't be right . . . Doing 'It Must Be A Camel' was pretty cool too.
Thanks for all the encouragement, inspiration and fun.
Moving on a
couple of centuries . . . I haven't done a great deal of music of late, but by
way of compensation, my son John has already exceeded anything I ever did. I
bequeathed him my Juno 6 and drum machine, and he's never looked back. He now
has three record deals! And one day, perhaps, the rest will be history. I loved
'It's My Party', 'Broken-Hearted' and the B-sides. And the Egg albums still
delight and surprise me. Keep going. Pop music needs you.
Stephen Green
Tuesday 23 November 04
Talking of rarities . . . 'What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted'
by Dave and Colin Blunstone. I remember listening to the B-side (There is No
Reward?) just to hear Barbara's contribution at the end. Is that available on CD
anywhere? "Now available - the new D & B recording in time for Christmas!"
Well I can dream . . .
Mervyn Ward
Wednesday 17 November 04
A friend recently brought www.eclecticdiscs.com to my attention
and now I'm converting some classic (and almost worn out) plastic to CD. I've
been a mega fan since seeing Egg at Warrington supporting Kevin Ayres (inc. Mike
Oldfield, Lol Coxhill, & Dave Bedford etc). Now I've just taken delivery of
'Egg', 'The Polite Force' & 'Space Shanty' CD's. Life is good, and the
music's even better! Merv.
Tuesday 16 November 04 13:24
Back again, only two days after posting. I just can't believe how f***ing
great "It's My Party" is. Seriously, I've played it (and "What Becomes...")
about twenty times each over the last two days and every time I listen I hear
something different. So many exceptional moments: the industrial sounds; the
sudden screeching noise before the first verse; the electronic(?) drum fills
panning between the speakers; the trippy middle bit that reminds me a bit of
"Hole In My Shoe" (I mean that as a compliment, even if it does kinda make me
think of Neil from the Young Ones going "I climbed on the back of a giant
anchovy...heavy!" LOL); the wedding bells...and best of all, one of the most
perfect moments of pop music ever: that little gasp Barbara takes before the
final run of choruses. Wow!!!!
Sorry if I'm seeming to go a little
over-the-top but I'm a musician myself, currently struggling to complete some
songs. Hearing "Party" and "Broken Hearted" these last couple of days has just
given me so much inspiration you would not believe. This is exactly how pop
music should sound: the dynamic is PERFECT with the alternating elements of
darkness and light; the combination of breathy female sexiness and cold
industrial electronics; the radically different but still affectionate and
loving remake of an old song. And above all the fact that over three verses,
three choruses and a middle eight you feel like you've gone on an epic journey.
It never repeats itself, every verse and chorus is slightly different from the
one before it. Do you have any idea how satisfying it is for a listener to feel
like they've gone somewhere listening to a tune? I can't think of many pop songs
that cover the ground "It's My Party" covers in three minutes.
>From a
technical standpoint I'm absolutely awestruck at how you did all this back in
'81. How the hell you managed to get all the synths and drum machines slowing
down and speeding up, the warmth of the pads, the intense, weird sounds...man I
ain't worthy!!!
Come back and show the world how good pop music can and
should be.
I also like bands like Sparks, OMD, Soft Cell, Kraftwerk,
Depeche Mode etc, and these two tunes are easily on a par with the best of that
lot. Well I better get back to my own music now, thanks for the inspiration!
Sunday 14 November 04 17:53
Hey, I just picked up an old '80s compilation from a charity shop and heard
'What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted' for the first time. Wow! I really like what
you did to this tune, I can't stop playing it, it's a really inspiring version
for me cos I love electronic versions of Motown songs and this is one of the
best I've ever heard. Of course I also love 'It's My Party' but I kinda took it
for granted cos it was a massive hit in my childhood, probably the first ever
pop song I was ever aware of. Listening to it again yesterday (for the first
time in about ten years) I'm totally astonished at just how well put together it
is, especially the way it makes you wait and wait and wait, teasing you all the
way till the big climax at the end when the beat comes in. The scraping sounds
are kinda proto-industrial, very very ahead-of-its-time. A sensational
production. 10 out of 10!
Just wanna say you guys rock! I've only heard
these two singles but I'm glad to find out you're still in the business and
definitely want to check out more of your music. You're much better than that
other Dave Stewart that's for sure!!! Keep up the good work... Ad.
Saturday 13 November 04
Hi Barbara, I remember u from the 1960's / early 1970's - I'm
Martin's brother - how u doing?
Friday 5 November 04
Bruford's album 'One of a Kind' is still one of the great
instrumental discs of all time. It features Stewart, Holdsworth and Berlin.
Stewart & Gaskin is sheer bliss... thanks.
Mark Crawford
Thursday 4 November 04
Henry and James are two characters from Thomas Dolby's song
'Leipzig', which Dave & Barbara covered. Some time later, Dave Stewart wrote
a new song about the characters! No connection with Thomas the Tank Engine,
though there is a reference to a railway station in the song's first verse.
Ross Clement
clemenr at nospam dot wmin dot ac dot uk
Wednesday 3
November 04 17:44
Hi. Can anyone tell me if the song 'Henry and
James' was inspired by the Thomas the Tank Engine stories? Thanks in
anticipation, Ross-c.
Dan Lawrie
Wednesday 27 October 04
Besides the two Egg and the Khan albums, now I see a Hatfields
compilation in the works: www.hatfieldandthenorth.co.uk . Life is good...
Brian catanzaro
Sunday 17 October 04
Hi Dave, Barb and fellow visitors. Just checking in to see if
there's any news. Hope you are considering reprinting old S&G material and
making it available again. I am imagining 'The Locomotion' to be a really lush
rocker. And there are a few other leftover singles tracks - there may be some
folks who do not know of the existence of an extended mix of 'Subterranean
Homesick Blues' that appears to have been promo-only. Ryko sent me one when I
asked them for a bio. I suspect there are enough S&G "rarities" to make a
full album. Peace. Brian C.
Sunday 17 October 04 13:46
Hi Dave. Further to an earlier Email, any video footage of anything? Egg,
Hatfield, National Health, Bruford, even Rapid Eye Movement?? Also more recent
concerts. Any new material coming out soon?
Jim Wilkas
Saturday 16 October 04 15:07
I recently re-acquired 'Up From The Dark' which is one of my favorite
recordings, but I had lost my tape since I moved. Now, I can enjoy it all over
again... thank you both for creating such a masterpiece that I have loved for
Dave, I recall a recording of 'Henry and James' with examples of step
time sequencing in an '80s issue of Keyboard magazine, which I have long lost.
It contained some really cool sequenced sections that aren't used in the album
version. Is there any way I can get that? I actually was disappointed to find
that it wasn't going to be part of the final release. I can still hear it in my
head! I would LOVE to have that missing portion again!
Monday 11 October 04 09:24
Hey! Fab biogs! Can't think why I didnt get around to having a look before!
Definitely want to hear Mr Theremin!
Saturday 9 October 04 18:58
Hi Dave, is there any video material available from the great days of Egg? I
would love to see some. Thanx.
paul stanford
Friday 8 October 04 22:54
'What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted' - I don't like versions of original
pieces, however your creation of the above-named stands at the same rating ...
10 ... well done.
Friday 8 October 04 06:46
'Henry and James'! I need a copy of it. I first heard it on a Keyboard
magazine sound page from 1985 or 1986. How random to type the tune in the search
engine and stumble upon the source. I was 14 then... now I play in a band w/
singer Jason Mraz. Thanks for the great music! Eric.
Dave Caulfield
Tuesday 5 October 04
Hi Dave and Barbara, long time no see (or talk). Gis a mail
sometime and let me know how you both are. Dave Caulfield.
Steve Knighton
Sunday 3 October 04 23:05
I had to go for a few years without having the Internet but just today got
it set up again. Dave, if you read this, thanks for your last letter that you
mailed to me in which you said "The music spirit may go to sleep from time to
time but never dies!" I believe it. You said you still have your old Minimoog
and deign it a great instrument. Steve Knighton.
Ken In America
Sunday 3 October 04
A very enthusiastic audience member, OK, fan. Always have
enjoyed your unconventional, but always musical, approach. What's the likelihood
of your getting together a small group to play some weird prog-jazz in the
states, in some carefully-selected cities? "I'd walk a million miles..." Good
health, and keep it up.
Neil McKenna
Saturday 2 October 04
Many thanks for the site. I needed info on Dave Stewart and got
a lot more besides. Thanks again. Neil.
Eric McWhirter c/o Ma
MacIntosh's Internet Cafe, Arbroath
Friday 1 October 04
I can say categorically I will not be appearing on Dave Stewart
& Barbara Gaskin's new album as I am far too busy with my own solo project,
'The Boring Side Of The Moon', the first concept album ever to be played
entirely on multitracked home organs.
les creighton
Friday 1 October 04 11:02
Regarding Phil's recommendation for Stereolab, I heard a few tracks which
were awful, but maybe worth another listen? I quite like Thomas Dolby as pretty
near to Dave & Barb's stuff.
Ross Clement clemenr at wmin dot
ac dot uk
Wednesday 29 September 04 11:41
Will Eric McWhirter be contributing to the new album? Cheers, Ross-c.
Stuart Booth
Tuesday 28 September 04
Dave - this is you, yeah? Remember me? And our struggles
against the company re. your book 'Introducing The Dots'? S.
Monday 27 September 04
I did it! I finally managed to find all of the Stewart/Gaskin
material. It took me months of search on the web various selling sites. With 'Up
>From The Dark', 'The Singles' and the three later CD's, I think I've got
everything. I've even got the 'Leipzig' Japanese EP with extended versions! Oh
no, what about that Colin Blunstone track? Where can I get that on CD? One last
thing: Are you aware of Stereolab? They're the closest I've found to the
Northettes. Anyone agree?
Mike Wilkinson
Friday 24 September 04
It's about time for the Annual Indication (that D&B are
still with us). Over a year since the last one. I am really quite a patient wee
chap - have just waited 8 years for the latest Blue Nile - but you guys are
something else! Hope all is well, regards from an old Highland Rocker.
Kevin McClure
Thursday 23 September 04
I came to Egg in the mid-'70s via Hatfield & the North,
Caravan, Soft Machine etc, as I searched for a different identity and my own
musical taste, as opposed to the music that was dictated by my older friends who
were into white male rock of various kinds. I got hold of 'Egg', Khan's 'Space
Shanty' and 'Civil Surface' on LP at the time but I have never owned a copy of
'The Polite Force' so it will be the biggest treat for me. That whole so-called
'Canterbury Scene' or avant-garde scene as we used to quaintly call it was, and
still is, a source of huge enjoyment to me. When National Health reformed for
the Alan Gowen's album and tour I went to both the Edinburgh shows at Queen's
Hall, they still rank amongst my favourite live music experiences 20 years on.
Monday 20 September 04 20:34
Dave, a friend of mine discovered Hatfield and the North on a trip to
England in 1974. That led us to Henry Cow, Soft Machine, Egg, etc. At the time,
getting a copy of 'Space Shanty' was the holy quest. We did everything we could
to turn the New York City high school music scene on to you guys and then again
at Bard College. A good friend from Bard even flew to England and interviewed
you! Over the years I have met Fred Frith, Daevid Allen, Richard Sinclair and
Peter Blegvad, among others. Had Chris Cutler as a (cranky) houseguest. The
"Cantebury School" is still my favorite music. It is now 2004 and I am listening
to 'Up From the Dark' and decided to "google" you and Ms Gaskin. Very nice site
and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to say hello after all this time.
Wednesday 15 September 04
Ignore my query below re. 'Blue Skies'. A bit of a senior
moment. The track was by John Dummer and Helen April. Oops. Sorry if I wasted
anyone's time.
Kevin Morrissey
Saturday 11 September 04
Hello to you both. Thank you, Dave, for some of the best
keyboard work I've ever heard (on 'One of a Kind' and 'Gradually Going
Tornado'). Now (after visiting your website) I know: a) where David Torn came up
with "Egg Learns to Walk"; b) why the original version of Earthworks came up
with a cover of "Downtown" -- imitation is the most sincere form of flattery,
isn't it? -- and c) why the second version of Earthworks wrote "The Emperor's
New Clothes." Hope to acquire some of your material w/Ms. Gaskin; thanks for
several decades of integrity. Sincerely, Kevin Morrissey.
Saturday 4 September 04 12:45
Well, The New Album still exists in mythology, aeons ago we read The Promise
Of the Coming and behold! The Wizards Of the Broken Records are still Mixing The
Grail! Well, anyhow, listened to 'Spin' few days back and just thought about it
- again. Pip Pyle's '7 Year Itch' is great too. Hooplah! Jaakko.
Stephen Green
Friday 3 September 04
Reply to Russ: If you want to buy original vinyl you need to
try a collector's shop or eBay. Be prepared for high prices. Some of the
European releases may be cheaper. There were some vinyl re-issues in S.Korea on
Si Wan Records. See if you can find them from the sources mentioned above or
direct from the company.
Tony Neel
Monday 30 August 04 04:26
'Levi Stubbs' Tears', a chilling classic as interpreted by the dynamic duo.
More music please, we are all anxious for something good in the vast wasteland
of today's music. Sincerely, Tony.
Ralph Pointon
Sunday 29 August 04 20:10
Emily, maybe you're thinking of 'Grey Skies' - it's on Dave & Barbara's
CD 'The Big Idea'. (See the 'CD's and Mail Order' link on their home page.)
Don't think the duo ever recorded anything called Blue Skies!
Sunday 29 August 04
I've been trying to get hold of a (whistling-based!) version of
the old song `Blue Skies', which I thought was by Dave Stewart and Barbara
Gaskin. Have I imagined this? If not, does anyone know whether it's on CD at
all? Thanks.
Geof in California
Friday 27 August 04
EGG alert! The first two EGG albums are being reissued on
remastered CDs in September in the UK on the Eclectic label. The first one will
include both sides of the non-LP single and an expanded version of another track
as well. KHAN's 'Space Shanty' is also being reissued.
Ross Clement
Tuesday 24 August 04 14:20
Howard Brain, can we hear more 'inside' information about the undoubted more
colourful than we know history of Dave'n'Barb? Thanks in anticipation.
les creighton hazles
Wednesday 18 August 04 14:44
Dave & Barbara, I've got all your available recordings, and am a long term
fan from the days of the Hatfields, Egg etc. Any plans for further
Howard Brain
Monday 16 August 04
Hello Barb - Hello Dave. It's been a long time since I've seen
you (Chipping Norton Theatre c. 8-15 yrs. ago?). Barb - remember me finding your
sister's ****CENSORED**** on the platform of Charlbury station one night? - I'm
sure she's more careful these days . . . Dave Crombie and I are still working
together, though we are unsure why. I am living in Crackington Haven in North
Cornwall - lots of fresh air to enjoy with my Collie dog Nellie. Dave - spoke to
Bill Bruford a few weeks ago, mentioned that great double bill at The Venue in
Victoria with your lot and Brand X. What's Jeff Berlin up to? - last I heard
he'd found a bible in a hedge . . . I did that too, decided to go Buddhist
instead. Back to you Barb - my mate Chris wants a photo of you (it needn't
include Dave but don't tell him), so can you send one to turq@onetel.com. I
would quite understand if you chose to decline . . . Call me if you're in
Cornwall, and so inclined. All the very best to you both, Howard.
Monday 16 August 04 19:45
Hola Dave and Barbara. For a long time I have not known anything of you. Now
thanks to Internet I return to discover your music. I hope that very soon a new
album. Spanish fan.
Louise Cripps
Monday 16 August 04 18:04
Hi Barbara. Hope you'll remember me from Rutherford! I was the one from
Mexico who brought back the goodies! Just wanted to congratulate you on your
musical success. I live in Spain now and present a country music program on
local radio (among other things like subbing a magazine and doing translations)
to maintain a non-9-to-5 lifestyle. I'm still in touch with many people from
those days. We meet up - contact me if you would like to relive some memories!
Louise Cripps W3W3
Pete Gaskin
Friday 13 August 04 17:14
Just surfed in having entered my name on the address bar. Lol. Hello from
the UK.
Ross Clement
Thursday 12 August 04 10:30
Hi. Just curious if D&B were influenced by Akiko Yano in the early days.
The Siamese Cat Song could be a Yano track from about 1980. IMHO Yano is often
unfairly categorised as a "Japanese Kate Bush", which is unfair as AY had
established her style in the mid-70s before KB was known. It would be cool if AY
had influenced a western act. Looking forward to a new album.
ronald honeywell
Thursday 12 August 04
Cool site, keep up the great performances!
Russ Thomson
Saturday 7 August 04
I have loved Barbara's voice since those early Spirogyra and
Hatfield days . . . ! Anyone who has not listened to 'St. Radigunds' should find
a way to do so. On this subject, my 30 year old vinyl versions are dying after
constant play. I would love to buy original vinyl. . . any ideas???
John Hudson
Friday 30 July 04 16:59
Female vocalist who sang 'Cast Your Fate to the Wind'? I would like to know
also. Who was Shelby Flint? Could it have been her? Apparently she did it at
some point.
Ned Garrett
Tuesday 27 July 04 00:09
Regarding Beverly Bivens, doesn't she live in Berkeley or Oakland? I know
her son Joshi (jazz saxophone player) went to Berkeley High School. I think I
read somewhere that she no longer performs. Sure wish I could heard her sing
live back in the day, but I was only 7 when the We Five released their first
album. Oh well.
Kazuyo Wada
Saturday 24 July 04
Dear Mr. Stewart & Ms. Gaskin, Hello. I am a Japanese fan
who has been listening to Hatfield's music for 20 years. In 1986, when I visited
England for the first time, I was asked to purchase the single 'It's My Party by
my friend. Although I didn't know Stewart & Gaskin at that time, but I was
really astonished the duo has once belonged to Hatfields! From that time, I got
interested in your music and went to a concert of 1991 in Japan. For my memory,
I would like to know a setlist and tour members at that time, if you remember.
Now, I am a webmaster of historical web site of 'Live in Japan' of all kinds of
rock 'n roll music.
the data is available, I would like to introduce the details and review to other
Japanese fans. Best Regards, Kazuyo Wada.
John Free
Saturday 17 July 04 05:48
Browsing through a $5 'specials' bin in a CD shop in outback New South
Wales, Australia, I came across a copy of 'The Big Idea'. I remembered with
great fondness the singles from the Eighties (I still have two on vinyl - 'Busy
Doing Nothing' and 'Locomotion'), so I bought it. What a delightful album it is,
one which, I'm sure, will become a firm favourite with repeated playings. Glad
to see the duo is still in business. Barbara has one of the best voices on
record and is on a par with Sam Brown and Linda Thompson. (PS, I love the steal
from 'Drive My Car' at the end of 'My Scene'.)
Dave C.
Wednesday 14 July 04
Since this site has a lot of information about old bands; does
anyone know what ever happened to Beverly Bivens of the group We 5? She had a
great voice that I loved. I always wondered if she recorded any more songs and
what happened to her. Please send any comments to my email at
weatherman194@hotmail.com. Thanks . . . Dave C.
Louise Cripps
Monday 12 July 04 21:10
Hi Barbara - a blast from the past, pleasant, I hope! W3W3 Rutherford, and
product from Mexico might ring a bell. I am now a country music dj in Spain and
it would be fun to catch up. Congratulations on your success! Louise
Asaba Owerri
Thursday 8 July 04 10:19
love this page. It looks really nice. Keep it up.
Wednesday 7 July 04 01:46
Hi Dave and Barbara. I am an audio/Midi teacher at a large vocational
program here in Texas, USA. I play tracks from the 'Up From The Dark' disk as
examples of the multi-layered British sound, although the infuence is now pretty
ubiquitous these days. Also, I also show vocal overdubbing (stacking,
collapsing) with 'Lenina Crowe'. Hearing Barb's vocals on L.C. STILL gives me
chills, and after a beer, makes me misty. 'Inside The Music' is always a good
re-read, even though I have a music degree - and am supposed to know that info!
Have a good day, and I am looking forward to the new disk. With head and heart
together in thanks, Ladd.
Mark Cawthra
Friday 2 July 04 14:14
Hey Dave . . . remember some kid asking to audition for National Health in
about 1976? That was me! Did I really believe I could replace Bill Bruford, and
moreover do Pip Pyle out of a job? Guess I did! As I recall you invited me to
meet up, didn't make it over on that occasion, but never mind . . . about four
years later I was drumming in Cardiacs instead, almost as good a gig . . . I
would have loved to play on 'Tenemos Roads', tho . . . love to you both xxx
Tuesday 22 June 04 04:26
Hi Dave & Barb - it was in the olden days (20th century circa, 1980s) in
Malaysia (Asia) when there was only one English station and one particular DJ
played 'It's My Party' and I manage to record it on tape (mono, no less!). It
wasn't till 1995 that I manage to track down the 'Selected Tracks' CD (StiffCD
24) . . . which was a small miracle in my standard mundane life. Finally heard
more of your brilliant music Dave, and Barb's 'melancholic' vocals. I love your
version of Thomas Dolby's 'Leipzig'. Truly cool blissful CD for hot, humid
afternoons here in a tropical country (sweating as I am typing this). I am
working with some people and music companies. I will try to get them to license
your music , heehee. Look fwd to your 'new' album soon. xxx
Jonathan Murrell
Saturday 19 June 04
Found this web site while trying to rediscover some of the
music from my teenage years. Just wanted to add that 'One Of A Kind' by Bruford
is still my favorite album of all time! Jonathan Murrell.
Terry Young
Friday 18 June 04 16:50
Hi Kerry, you got the wrong piano player! I mentioned this to Dave and he
says he didn't work on the movie. Nice thought though . . .
Kerry McCoy
Friday 18 June 04 15:52
Dear Dave, I've been led to believe that you provided the piano
accompaniment to Sting on the tune Angel Eyes, from the 'Leaving Las Vegas'
soundtrack. Assuming, of course, that my information is correct, I'd very much
like to communicate with you about your harmonic approach/concept. The use of
sparse, three-note (frequently non primary-tone) chords and use of voice-leading
is interesting and beatiful. Warmest regards, Kerry McCoy.
Jim Gardner
Tuesday 8 June 04 10:03
Hello Dave and Barbara. I'm working on an arrangement of '(Big) John Wayne
...' for an octet of acoustic instruments. It'll be performed on June 27 in
Auckland. I'd love to do some others (Mumps? The Collapso?) and wondered whether
it would be possible to purchase copies of your scores in some way. Please drop
me an e-mail if this is of any interest. Cheers, Jim.
Glen Stegner
Tuesday 8 June 04 02:15
This is in reply to a previous post from Hugh Barton about what keys Dave
used on Bruford's 'One Of A Kind'. On the 1979 BBC 'Rock Goes To College'
broadcast, Dave is using a Rev2 Prophet V, along with a Minimoog, Hammond L122
organ, and Yamaha CP-70 Electric Grand. The pulsing effect on 'Sahara Of Snow'
is the Prophet, and on the thick chord pads on 'Forever Until Sunday' Dave's
using one hand on the Hammond and the other on the Prophet, blending both sounds
together. It's a fantastic performance! Great work Dave!
Eddie Mulder
Saturday 5 June 04 20:17
Dear Dave Stewart, though I'm quite aware of the chart hits you had together
with Barbara Gaskin, you're much more in my memories as the organ player on
Steve Hillage's Fish Rising, which I still consider to be one of my all time
favourite albums. Though musical taste might change through time, I still like
the freeform and freespirited style of that era and the music connected with it.
Thought I'd just had to let you know. ATB. Greetings from Eddie Mulder, Holland.
Sunday 23 May 04 18:07
Sitting in a pub in Manchester with two colleagues (Callum, Scot, living in
Manchester; Dominique, French, living in France; me, English, living in France)
and we discovered that we had all three been Egg fans all those years ago.
Gobsmacked by the coincidence, I thought I'd check Dave ("The greatest ever
keyboards player" - Callum) up on the web, and there you are. Great to see
you're still busy creating. Great site, too. Cheers, Pete.
Brian Catanzaro
Wednesday 19 May 04
A while back I asked if anyone knew of any Ondes Martenot
dealers or manufacturers. Only 2 people replied, with the same question. After
an extensive websearch, it appears that the instrument, like others of its era,
is no longer manufactured. The theremin is alive and well and available in many
forms - see Thereminworld.com. Clavioline.com services some old synths - they
specialize in the Clavioline, an instrument designed to be more of an emulator
than an electric organ. The search also yielded no availability for the
Ondioline, another classic sound. Like the Martenot, the Ondioline became
popular in radio and TV for a while. Lampmusic.co.uk, a recording studio, has a
Martenot in house, for client use! The closest thing to the Martenot is said to
be a brand new synth being produced by a small French conpany called eowave.com.
That is called the Persephone. The site that may have been the last vestige of
production information, swamp@merriweb.com.au/ondes, is mysteriously
unavailable. If anyone has any other info, please drop me a line. Note that my
email address will be changing, as I am completing a master's degree and losing
the Montclair service, within the next 30 days.
Dave and Barb, keep at
it! Just keep at it and it will get done! Brian C.
Dan Lawrie
Wednesday 12 May 04 04:49
Hey guys . . . 'Spin' came out in 1991. Can we have a new CD soon? Pretty
please? You can count on my financial contribution. Dan.
Deagan Gaskin
Wednesday 28 April 04
Hello Barbara. My name is Deagan Gaskin. I live in the US, but
in some crazy way we are related. I am a desendent of the Catharine Gaskin
Family. She is an author from england. I to am a musician. And would love to
chat with you some time just to pick your brains for ideas and to learn a little
more about the music industry. Take care and God bless you and your music.
Deagan Gaskin.
Fred Effen
Friday 9 April 04 21:26
Hi Maurizio, Chris Cutler instigated The Ottawa Company, and writes about it
at www.ccutler.com/bands/group01.shtml . I don't think the music was improvised!
Best wishes, Fred Effen.
Thursday 8 April 04 23:15
Dear Dave and Barbara, I would be very interested to receive information or
what you can tell me about the idea around the huge improvisation music project
Ottawa Company from the '70s in which you were directly involved in. Maurizio -
Isle of Elba - Italy.
Monday 5 April 04 23:44
regards to your page http://www.davebarb.com/dsbgfeat.html, the original
vocal version of "Cast Your Fate To The Wind" was performed by Shelby Flint. You
can buy the album, if interested, at
frank matson
Thursday 25 March 04
Hi Dave, how are the Gigantic Land Crabs getting on? Remember
Ryde Castle Hotel? Used to go there with Uncle Cyril. There was a room with
walls covered with antique guns and swords brought back from exotic foreign
countries by Colonel Blimp (it's a blimp, Frank!). And the Ivy, man; the way it
hung down those walls! Then I would cross the road to the beach and paddle in
the sandy water, but there were no sign of any Gigantic Land Crabs there! Frank
Matson (alias Doctor Frederico Snarker).
Steven W. Brown
Thursday 25 March 04 18:06
Barb & Dave, make a record, already!!! Peace, swb.
shaun hunt
Thursday 18 March 04 20:48
Reform National Health!!! And Bruford for that matter.. two of my favorite
Wednesday 17 March 04 05:40
Hey Dave & Barbara, I am a big fan of your contributions to the
Canterbury bands such as Egg, Hatfield & The North, Khan & the amazing
National Health. You are a great musician! Both you two are great! Have a good
day! :)
Tuesday 16 March 04 01:03
Hi there, just been listening to 'It's My Party' - not heard it in years and
outta curiousity typed 'B. Gaskin' in the search engine. Yes I got the 7", plus
'What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted' with Colin Bluntstone, that song still
haunts me some 23 years on. 1981 was the best year for music, Adam Ant, Godley
& Creme, Human League, and your tracks... long before POP IDOL and related
tripe... cheers for the tracks.
Saturday 6 March 04 10:17
Hello Barbara and Dave! You are my favorite artists (I'm a musician). Please
come back! We've been missing your extraordinary music so much! :-) Will you
come to play here in France someday? We're waiting for this. Actually, the first
concert I ever saw was Bruford with Dave. Thanks for all this fantastic music.
Best Wishes! Philippe.
Maartin Allcock
Friday 5 March 04 01:53
Dave, thank you so much for the musical education you gave freely to me when I
was a young lad, and thanks for being my mate then too. Miss you. Please get in
touch. Maart xxx
Friday 20 February 04
I'm probably answering this question about 15 years too late.
However, there are masses of versions of Cast Your Fate To The Wind, and I think
the female version you are referring to is by Shelby Flint. The first vocal
version was done by Steve Alaimo, which I've yet to hear. I think the most
outstanding versions are by Quincy Jones & David Axelrod, though I have to
admit I haven't heard the DS&BG version yet.
Tuesday 10 February 04 23:30
I picked up a book in the library called 'Inside the Music' and found its
approach very informative and the author with a great sense of humour. Turned it
over to see who was the author and got a surprise... Blimey.. Dave Stewart! Your
book is just the thing for a fumbling embryo guitar twanger such as
P.S. I love the music of Hatfield & North, National Health, the
Bill Bruford albums etc. etc. etc. Back to your book now.
humberto manduley
Tuesday 10 February 04
Hello, Dave and Barbara... maybe you keep some memories of me,
that guy living in Cuba who wrote sometime. Well, please, I had write something
about your work, recently published on El Caiman Barbudo, here in Cuba... so, if
you have some free time, please, click to
and there you can read about
yourself, from my point of view. Thank you very much for your music. My best
wishes from Havana, Cuba. Humberto.
Grzegorz Wójcik (Arzachelek) arzachel@go2.pl
Tuesday 10 February 04 15:34
Hello Dave! I hope you can read
it... I'm Grzegorz, I live in Poland and I'm 16 years old, I grew up listening
to classic rock bands like Black Sabbath or Pink Floyd, one day (I was 10 at
that time ;)) I read article in Polish rock magazine about unknown progressive
rock from 60's and 70's, soonly I became true 'prog buff' and I started
collecting all these strangely-named albums: Aardvark, Arcadium, Arzachel,
Writing On The Wall, Egg, Khan.
Arzachel is the greatest rock album ever
made. True underground British psychedelia, these 6 tracks excite me every time
I hear it. 'Garden Of Earthly Delights' take 2 minutes only and is simply great,
Hillage's entertaining guitar solo and your great organ sound in the background.
'Azathoth' is some peoples' favourite psychedelic track ever. Some baroque
sounds and that incredible middle part full of genial organ noises, somebody
said that it reminds the climate of purgatory. 'Queen St. Gang' - another
classic, you has the true talent of playing easy and entertaining solos, simple
and beautiful tune. 'Leg' with its blues influences is true classic, the end of
the song that psychedelic trip reminds me a bit the atmosphere of second side of
the LP. 'Clean Innocent Fun' - cool! I read somewhere that your Hammond work in
that song reminds a bit sound of chainsaw ;] lond middle-part shows true and
unique musical skills of all musicians, I'm really impressed when I hear this
track. 'Metempsychosis' - I guess you had a lot of fun recording this one, you
probably don't even expect that you have recorded (IMO) the best rock
improvisation ever! Some bluesy roots, all the psychedelic-cosmic and noisy solo
really kills, whole track is dominated by your stunning organ work and Steve's
great guitar parts.. I guess you'll laugh when you'll read it, but Arzachel's
only album is not only my favourite rock album, lots of my friends say it is
among the greatest records ever. Dave thank you for the great music, you're part
of rock history and my favourite organ player... and that is no
Sorry for my English. Greetings to all fans of the best
music! Grzegorz
antonio benigni
Wednesday 4 February 04
It's a long time since I hear something new from you and I'd
love that. I'd like to contact you to have some informations. please write if
you can...
Guy Manning
Saturday 31 January 04 18:49
Hi Dave/Barbara, about time for another D&B CD..good! Just picked up the
Spirogyra CDs and am enjoying them too! Lot of talk about possible Hatfields BBC
sessions/live work..any chance? Plus it you'd like to pass on the secret on how
to get that special Canterbury 'Stewart' organ sound (on my old VK-7 or a
virtual B4)..I'd be very grateful!!! In the meantime, just great to know you are
both still out there making music.
Ken Egbert
Monday 26 January 04
How do, Dave and Barbara, and a belated happy Christmas and new
year. Here's an outrage with which all DB fans should be familiar so that we can
avoid it assiduously: current American teen yawns Hilary and Haylie Duff just
recorded a take of the 'Siamese Cat Song' (originally from the Disney movie LADY
AND THE TRAMP, as we know) for a Disney compilation album. I've heard it, fellow
auditors. It's puerile and unimaginative, the arrangement sub-Pro Tools. Maybe
even sub-Cubase. Avoid it at all costs! What is it about 17-year-olds making
fools of themselves? Must have been the money. Can't have been artistic merit.
Well, fellow fans, pull out your copy of D&B's version again and forget I
mentioned it. Please.
Have had TONE CLUSTERS Magazine up on blocks due to
poor health (not any longer, thankfully) and am reassembling a staff. A
newsletter has been coming out every two or three months, and we do nod in on
Canterbury and related topics; any Dave and Barb aficionados who are interested
can e-mail our Webmaster at toneclusters@earthlink.net. Looking forward to the
new CD when it's out. Best to all and sundry.
Pete Fortune
Thursday 22 January 04
Hello Captain Sensible! You played a gig in Dumfries recently,
in which my hairy young mate Rik almost left you without yer fee!! Was just
before the Wickerman Festival in SW Scotland. Interested in what you have to say
about Egg albums. Don't you think Hatfields and NH stuff more durable? Egg a bit
over-sincere and pretentious? Pete Fortune
erling andersen
Wednesday 21 January 04 13:51
Hallo folks. We are some people in north Norway that never stopped hoping
for a new progressive album. A reunion of Hatfield, Bruford, Khan etc. Is there
hope???? Erling
Wednesday 21 January 04 11:43
Dave, Barbara .... THANKS !
Stephen Green
Sunday 18 January 04
In Concert: Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin with special
guest Captain Sensible! That would be a gig worth seeing. Even the Nice reformed
last year so how about some gigs from Dave & Barb, in whatever format. How
about the Canterbury Fayre in August? Good music seems to be making a comeback
captain sensible
Saturday 10 January 04 01:29
I've played in the Damned since the mid 70's... punk rock was a new broom
that swept a lot of ridiculous rock excess like Genesis, Yes and that old bore
Clapton into the dustbin where it belonged. But funnily enough, my old punk
chums Arturo Lurker and Mark P from Sniffing Glue... along with my good self
often end up singing 'A Visit To Newport Hospital' at the top of our voices
after a couple of beers such is our love for that marvellously eccentric ditty.
I honestly think it's not overstating things to say that the 3 Egg albums are
the equivalent to any great classical music that exists... Rachmaninov,
Sibelius, etc, and deserve to be elevated in popularity to the same lofty
heights. Maybe in years to come... ?
We've had Brian Wilson and ensemble
performing 'Pet Sounds' in its entirety and recently Arthur Lee did the same
kinda thing with his stupendous back catalogue. Is it too much to think that
maybe Dave and co. will reform EGG and play some of that incredible material
again in these dark and dreary days of Pop Idol and the like? Just a thought.
Anyway - thanks Dave for the years of pleasure these records have given me. We
nearly worked together once but my manager botched it. Oh well... all the best -
Captain Sensible. (officialdamned.com)
marco antonucci, roma
Thursday 8 January 04 23:37
last... tonight there was a little revival at home, playing Caravan's 'In The
Land Of Grey and Pink' and Hatfield & the North. What a "nostalgia"! the
music brought me directly back to the years of high school, happy and carefree
life, marvellous '70. That keeps on living in the magic of the music you made.
Ciao, Marco
Larry Benigno
Friday 2 January 04 20:54
Hi Dave and Barbara... happy new year and health to the both of you. Dave: I
still have a letter which you wrote to me back on May 19, 1987 regarding a
Bruford concert at 'Toads Place' in New Haven Ct. I had fought an arsenal of
people for a table in front of your keyboard setup... and lived to tell the
tale!!! Cheers, Larry B.
Hugh Barton
Thursday 1 January 04 01:20
I know. It's like asking a woman her age. But I have to know - Dave, which
keyboards were used on the "One Of A Kind" record you made with Bruford? After
all this time it's still compelling and highly listenable. Specifically, what
are those huge chords in 'Forever Until Sunday', and that amazing pulsing synth
in the middle of 'The Sahara Of Snow Part 1'? I'm guessing it was a Rev one or
two Prophet 5. I've searched the net for photos of those sessions, and have only
come across photos with organ, Polymoog and upright piano. And any plans for a
tour with Barbara in the States in 2004? Please let me know. Respectfully, Hugh
Thilo Rex
Saturday 27 December 03 21:12
Hello, Barbara & Dave! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2004 to both
of you. Wish you lots of success and lots of good feelings and much air to
breathe... Thilo.
Michael Stelljes
Saturday 27 December 03
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Dave and
Stephen Green
Friday 26 December 03
Merry Christmas to you and your fans, eagerly awaiting a
belated present in 2004.
Thursday 25 December 03
A Happy Christmas to Dave and Barbara!
Monday 22 December 03 15:07
Hi Dave and Barb - I wrote you a letter years ago - remember the guy from
the island of Elba in Italy? you are both welcome to come and visit - plenty of
room for one of the most daring musicians ever. A big hi to Phil and Pip! Maybe
they remember meeting me at Phil's place after a gig by In Cahoots at the
Vortex. Any chance of having National Health reunited for a tour? On Elba maybe?
It could be the chance to finally perform the Collapso the right way, eh! Ciao
for now - keep in touch.
paisley dave
Sunday 21 December 03 00:05
Hi kids, glad that you are still busy. I'm the creep who yelled out 'Lobster
In Cleavage Probe' at a show of yours at Johnny D's in Boston (actually
Somerville) a number of years ago, that provoked a dirty look from dave.....
Please allow me to apologise for this insensitive and regressive act so long
after the fact...... I truly enjoyed the show and your duo recordings... I was
browsing the bookstore looking for a novel and came across Jonathan Coe's
'Rotters' Club' and was naturally intrigued.... not a bad little coming of age
type bit of writing. It was an interesting slice of Brit history,... as I'm a
yank, it was interesting to get some flavour of the times.... I was in high
school in the late seventies and not particularly interested in the British or
any political situation.... I was some kind of a freak who listened to import
vinyl... go figure. Since being briefly immersed in this book I've been on a jag
of mining those old records and the National Health tunes have got such staying
power, as do just about anything that you put your touch on.... thank you so
much for your unique musical perspective. Cheers, Dave.
Stephen Green
Thursday 18 December 03
They have the 'Bells, Boots and Shambles' LP on eBay
occasionally but it is rather expensive! Have you got the CD re-issue?
Mikael Åkerfeldt
Thursday 18 December 03 10:21
Hello! Anyone has a original UK copy of the Spirogyra 'Bells, Boots and
shambles' for sale? I'm paying good, good money!! Get in touch! Cheers, Mike
Kurt Stevens
Wednesday 17 December 03
Hi Onye, I too have Dave's book. The diagram on page 22 shows a
12/8 bar consisting of three dotted quarter notes and a dotted quarter note
rest. A dot adds 50% to a note's rhythmic value. (This is explained on page 20!)
Hope this helps. Best wishes, Kurt.
Monday 15 December 03 04:14
Hi Dave! My friend Moe just recently purchased your book 'The Musicians'
Guide To Reading & Writing Music' at Barnes & Nobles. It has plenty of
valuable information in it. I'm pretty new to the world of music. I have some
questions about pg.22. On line 18, it says "So in a bar of 12/8, we might see:
...." Well, in the bar it shows quarter notes, but the time signature indicates
that it should be eighth notes. Can you please help me to understand it?! Thank
Steve Brown
Thursday 11 December 03
Hi Barbara, you may not remember me (an old friend of
Spirogyra's Martin) - I did meet you once or twice after concerts. It was
interesting to read your discography and biography. I have your 'It's My Party'
single (I remember the Lesley Gore original, it was a good bouncy number). Just
thought I would let you know I am still in touch with Martin via e-m's, he is
telling me he is still recording with Mark Francis (you remember him). Martin is
at present in Thailand. You aint half globetrotters you lot!! Good fortune with
your music Barbara, all the best for Christmas and New Year. Steve ;~)
Alan Strawbridge
Friday 5 December 03
Hello Dave and Barbara. Not quite sure whether you will read
this, as visitors' books tend to be mostly self-serving mechanisms for anally
retentive fans (me included). Anyhow, I'm in a band in Weymouth called 'Gothic
Chicken' doing Psych/Prog/Lounge covers - our keyboard player uses an old
Hammond C3 - and we do a cover of 'Seven Is A Jolly Good Time'. We'll eventually
get around to learning 'A Visit To Newport Hospital' too. I just wondered if you
or anyone else had seen a band covering 'EGG' tunes. I am a huge fan of EGG and
HATFIELD and have been since my teens so it's nice to be able to play your music
in pubs to unsuspecting punters. Cheers, Alan.
Don Alexander
Thursday 4 December 03
Hello from North Carolina! Just a (somewhat belated?) thank-you
note from another 'disturbed male' who has for years (like countless others, I
guess) been dragging around the 'floppy' version of Henry and James. A wonderful
composition - that playfully syncopated counterpoint puts its hooks in you and
just won't let go. Never heard anything else quite like it... The floppy intro,
however, is absolutely great - I'll miss it on CD! Thanks to eBay, I'm now the
proud owner of Up From the Dark; several other CDs from the catalog will also be
arriving soon. (Better late than never ;-) Am looking forward to hearing 'Cast
Your Fate', although I've got grave reservations about a 'Louie, Louie'
merger... (Strange bedfellows, indeed.) Grew up with the James Gang's
instrumental version of the former; it's a lovely song... Of course (now that I
think of it) they mixed it with "The Closet Queen" - so it's not the first time
"Fate" has been medley-ized in rather traumatic fashion... in any case, best
regards to Barbara and Dave; hope the approaching holiday season finds you
healthy, happy, and creating. Don.
Wyatt Moss-Wellington
Thursday 4 December 03 03:49
Dave Stewart, when are you going to write your memoirs? Surely it's about
time. After reading your impressive ramblings to National Health "Complete" and
recently those "Missing Pieces", I realised that it is your obligation to keep
those words running, somewhat like the obligation belongs to others of us to
write poetry or plays. I suppose there is the juggling of so many merits to
partake in, especially what with making more music, which is probably paramount
to those who would be interested in purchasing any such literature (including
this humble bod). Nonetheless I urge you to find the time, despite market
demand, to hit into those memoirs. Come on, y'all, help me out here and we'll
get a lobby happening!
Tom Maloney
Thursday 27 November 03
Hi guys, sorry I don't know who the female singer was who did
Cast Your Fate to the Wind. If you do find out, please let me know. I remember a
movie back around 1972 that had this song in it. I don't remember much about the
movie except that during this song there were all these balloons floating up
into the sky. Do you happen to know what the name of the movie was, or if the
song was written for that movie? Thanks a lot, Tom.
Michael Willis
Monday 17 November 03
Well, it's certainly refreshing to see y'all are still at it.
I, relegated to the wilds of Los Angeles, CA and a bit of a stick in the mud,
self-absorbed (etc.) guitarist, have not exactly kept up with your activities.
But somehow I did get the vinyl of the Siamese Cat thing, Busy Doing Nothing,
The Emperor's New Guitar, and perhaps another or two. Great stuff that. And, I
did see Dave and the Bruford band at The Roxy Theater on Sunset Blvd. about a
million years ago. (I saw Weather Report the week before if that's any
indication). I still, occasionally, get a load of The Civil Surface, one of my
all time favorite auditory outrages. And Hatfield as well although I've lost my
records and only have snippets on cassette. Again, glad to see you're still at
it. I remain, Michael Willis
Jochen Blumenthal
Monday 17 November 03 17:18
Hello, pics of Barbara Gaskin are rare. Why? If you invert the
"barbaliena.jpg" on the DS/BG homepage you have a truecolor one, maybe from 1981
to 1985. Can`t wait for new music.
Dave Sydow
Sunday 16 November 03 13:12
Hi Dave and Barbara, I bought Up From the Dark when it came out, still love
it, and I'm glad I found this web site, glad because I finally saw a picture of
the face behind that voice (Barb's). Barb, how did you get involved as far as
recording with Jane Wiedlin?
Stephen Green
Saturday 15 November 03
New news in November 2003! Excellent. Does anyone know if the
Victor Lewis-Smith radio shows were ever made available commercially? I know
Dave & Barbara appeared in voice and in music on each show but the songs
were not performed live. The humour was typical Victor but slightly toned down,
I remember. Must dig out the tapes... Your public awaits with bated breath for
new music.
Monday 10 November 03
Me again. I must sound like a FAN now! Just wondering if
anybody remembers when Up From The Dark was about a UK Hi-Fi mag quite
championed Dave and Barbara for a bit. If I remember right it was Hi-Fi Sounds
(or something like that) and they did get an interview. Anyone remember? My copy
has long gone to the great recycle bin in the sky (or should that be round the
back of Sainsburys?) Wil.
Wil Overton
Sunday 9 November 03
Been a few years since I passed by here and lo and behold - an
update! Finally got Spin from Ebay which is a cracking listen and brightens up
many a dreary drive to work. Something new would be most welcome. I've still to
find Neil's Heavy Concept Album on CD, though. Thanks again and although I'm
loathe to say anything is my 'favourite' something Dave's sounds are the only
keyboards I know that can raise the hairs on the back of my neck so you must be
doing something right (that or I'm just a bit odd). Best stop there before it
all becomes a bit gushing. Wil.
Friday 7 November 03 13:39
Hello Dave and Barbara. I'm glad to see the UPDATE on your site now. I hope
your new album coming soon and also your coming back to Japan to perform live
shows again.
Tor Lindberg
Saturday 1 November 03 03:18
Hi! I was wondering how you achieved that wonderful distorted organ sound of
yours. Can you give me a hint on registrations on the Hammond (I assume that's
what you use - I seem to hear the Hammond Chorus somewhere in there) and what
kind of distortion used. Have very fond memories of that sound from the Rotters
Club-record. Regards, Tor!
Thursday 30 October 03 12:41
Wednesday 29 October 03
Hi Dave! I wish know if you are the Dave Stewart that composed
"Car horns, violin and orchestra Concert" for the Rover Car, played on the
violin by Vanessa-Mae, and, if the answer is yes, where could I get that music.
Please, please, please, answer my question:-) I'm the webmaster of "Vanessa-Mae
en español" (www.vanessa-mae.com.ar) and I need to know the piece. Thank you
very much!!!
shlomo polonsky
Sunday 26 October 03 00:48
After becoming religious I quit much of the music I've listened to before.
but GERM PATROL, HATFIELD AND THE HEALTH, BRUFORD are still fresh. Whatta great
Pete Fortune
Saturday 25 October 03
Ye Gods. I am finding an affinity with many views expressed on
Friday night TV show Grumpy Old Men. Fair enough. But is it possible to be
comfortable with the mantle of grumpy old man and still be a Canterbury freak?
There's the potential here for a huge philosophical discussion, taking on board
- among other things - why so many Canterbury fiends felt/feel just that little
bit more knowing and sage-like than others. Or is that just a load of shite?
Pete Fortune
julius j saroka
Thursday 23 October 03
Hello dave & barb; had the pleasure of corresponding with
you a while back but regrettably have fallen out of touch (life is what happens
when you're making other plans). Also had the good fortune to see you live way
back when (Hello, Cleveland!). Really looking forward to the new album whenever
it happens to happen... hopefully sooner rather than later! All the best wishes
for heath & happiness.
Pete Fortune
Wednesday 22 October 03
Marco - Alchemists of Sound - please post more details of what
it was. TV programme? Featuring Dave's music, and if so, the music of which era?
Incidentally, living in Dumfries, I feel justified in boasting that Queen of the
South are currently top of Scottish Division One! This is like a dream wide
awake. Pete Fortune
Harrison Gaskin
Tuesday 21 October 03
I am a second grade student named Harrison Gaskin and I want to
know if we are related. This is my school project. I live in Atlanta Georgia and
I cheer for the Yellow Jackets. My Grandfather is originally from Brooklyn NY
and is Irish. Could you please e-mail me back.
Monday 20 October 03
Dave, glad to see fresh evidence of your continued creativity
on last night's "Alchemists of Sound" TV programme. Very much looking forward to
a larger helping of your sound alchemy in the near future.
Loris Lorini
Sunday 19 October 03 01:21
I'm looking forward the release of your new cd. Your music (since Hatfield
& the North and National Health) leaves one with the will of making music
too. Thanks.
Phil Rapps
Sunday 12 October 03 12:46
I'm desperately trying to find a BACKING TRACK for Busy Doing Nothing......I
need it for a chorus number in a panto. Have searched the net, but no luck.
Ideally studio musicians, but a last resort would be Midi files. Any
Domingo A Gonzalez
Tuesday 16 September 03
Hello Dave, I've just finished reading "Inside the Music",
excellent work. Will you ever go back to writing in Keyboard magazine? Those
guys don't want to please their readers if they don't beg you back. Thanks for
decades of outstanding music and uncompromised sense of humor.
Saturday 13 September
03 04:12
Hello D&B - keep working, its no good lying round in bed
all day, reading the papers, and philosphising. You have many fans with ears
that need filling with Cm7's, B#'s and E's, so I will check back next year on
progress, see you in 2004! Best Wishes, audio ardent (bit like radio rentals but
Paul Truster
Friday 12 September 03 02:30
Re: "Cast Your Fate To the Wind" (vocal version): the singer was Shelby
Flint, & a CD of her work (including this track) is available from
Pete Fortune
Thursday 11 September
03 15:22
As Billy Pilgrim's mum said in Slaughterhouse Five, "How
come I got so old?" Never mind. The old tunes are the best ones.
Dan Lawrie
Monday 1 September 03 01:40
Ummm... it's September 2003... can we update the site now? I need your new
CD yesterday. PLEASE tell me it's finished! Oh hell, I'll just go put on "Up
>From the Dark" again... Dan
Peter Surname
Wednesday 27 August 03 15:35
Hellooooo! I am in the middle of reading Dave's second book, and at the back
(okay I cheated) it says that there are some sounds available to go with the
book. I would love to know how I can obtain these sounds, as I think it would
make a lot more sense to me! Thanking you in advance! Peter x
David Simon
Wednesday 27 August 03
Hello Dave and Barb, for some reason I thought you never
released a vinyl album. I recently found the Japanese version of the first
"Singles" album on vinyl (in mint mint condition too) in Sydney Oz.What a find!
(Was the second singles album released on vinyl?) The shop owner went' "Oh yeah,
the bloke from the Eurythmics, right?" Don't worry - I sorted him out! Is the
single 'What Becomes Of The Broken HHearted' ever going to be available again?
Regards, David
Monday 25 August 03
to barbara... hi barbara, we've been contacted by universal
music germany to work on a reissue of the spirogyra/brain LP's. repertoire
records reissued most of them, but universal is going to release their own
versions. would you be so kind to contact be me to discuss these plans? best,
Wednesday 20 August 03 04:25
Dave - Just been listening to your opening Hammond organ fuzz solo(s) on
'Dreams Wide Awake' The best (of many) that you have performed??..I think, quite
possibly so! Tanks for the Memoirs.
Andy Hope
Monday 11 August 03
Hi Dave and Barbara - I just heard 'Mumps' for the first time
in 20 years and it was stunning. I was sitting with my two teenage boys who both
play guitar/drums etc. and they couldn't believe that there could be so much in
a piece of music! Thank you! Oh by the way, I run the Croissant Neuf venue at
the Glastonbury Festival every year - we are the world's only Wind and Solar
powered venue and have a superb sound and lighting rig run entirely by the Sun
(and 3 tons of solar charged batteries at night). I would love you to come and
play a set for us next year at Glasto - we are not the world's largest venue (
700 folks tops) but we would love you to come and perform - any chance at all???
We also run the Green Roadshow (www.greenroadshow.co.uk) which is a touring
eco-centre run solely on power from the wind and sun. Thanks again for helping
my spirit soar. Andy Hope.
Sunday 10 August 03
So what's the answer to the Beverly Bivens mystery? Can't find.
Pete Fortune
Friday 1 August 03 22:05
Thanks Memory Man. That gig that night - I was still young and daft enough
to have 'heroes' in an almost iconic sense. Dave Stewart fitted that bill. He
said "hello" to me in the bar pre-gig. I walked away, lest my illusions be
shattered! Am I becoming an anorak? Sitting here sharing anecdotes which only I
(subjectively) am capable of seeing/reading. Not expressing myself too well . .
. guess I must be . . .
carlo celuque
Thursday 31 July 03 15:35
Hi Dave, I like very much your Quartal Harmony and would like to know if
there is a place where we can find your articles about it. SYNTHerely, Carlo.
Thursday 31 July 03 10:53
John Horler is a brilliant jazz pianist with whom Jimmy Hastings had a duo.
Pete Fortune
Tuesday 29 July 03 18:51
National Health reformed and toured at the time of the release of DS AL
Coda, the tribute album to Alan Gowen. I was at the gig in Queens Hall,
Edinburgh. Support duo was Hastings/Horler. Hastings was Pye Hastings' brother
Jimmy, but who was/is Horler? I can't even remember what instrument he played.
Anyone able to help? Thanks
Saturday 26 July 03 01:34
1983 I listened BFBS-Radio in germany, hearing a song from Dave & Barbara. I
never found out which song it was, but it was not "Leipzig", "It's my party", or
"Rich for a day" (wich I own on vinyl). If someone can help to find out I would
be glad to buy the record, after reading here what is was. 20 years is a long
time, but maybe there was something with "Hamburg....."
Tuesday 22 July 03 13:20
Help! A number of years ago, I bought an issue of Keyboard magazine which
had a free flexidisc with the song, 'Henry and James' on it. I've played it a
lot on my phonograph, and it has begun to wear out (the record that is, not the
phonograph). It looks like the CD that song is on is no longer available. Can I
get it anyplace? I also remember that version of 'Henry and James' had an extra
special introduction stuck on the beginning. Is this version of the song
available anyplace? Thank you!
Pete Fortune
Tuesday 8 July 03 12:53
It must be thirty years now since I first heard The Hatfields, and even
longer than that with Egg. Loads of music from the seventies sounds terrible (to
these ears at any rate) but The Hatfields have got even better with time. The
sort of band that almost makes a fellowship of other enthusiasts. I know Dave
and Barbara have kind of turned their back on the Hatfield type stuff now, but I
simply wanted to place on record my huge admiration and grateful grateful thanks
for the music they created. I hope I've some years left in me, but I'm toying
with the idea of having It Didn't Matter Anyway played at my final going away
party! Don't know why . . . life DOES matter, but it so beautiful a piece of
music, and I guess it's the . .. meet again some other day . . . Thanks Dave,
Barbara et al
Gene Godfrey
Wednesday 2 July 03 01:12
Hello, Gene Godfrey here from "Classic FM" in the states. I realize this is
only a message board. I am looking to set up a phoner with Dave to discuss his
career and new music as well. I'll add music after. Can anyone point me in the
right direction? I haven't really read all the posts to this page but some are
really interesting. The best to you all!
Gene Godfrey, Host/Producer of
"Classic FM"
Ian Chippett
Saturday 28 June 03 10:11
For the benefit of visitors, Pip Pyle is getting married next week over here
in France. If anyone wants to send him and his future missus their
congratulations I'll gladly forward them. Cheers!
Andrew tyler
Friday 27 June 03 21:11
You have probably figured by now that Shelby Flint was the singer on the
recording of "Cast Your Fate To The Wind" you remember. You can get the
recording through Amazon.
I ended up on your web page via the National Health
'Complete' CD, which is a real nostalgia trip for me. Thanks for your albeit
unwitting contributions to some of the bright spots in my formative years! Best
Thursday 26 June 03 19:08
Hi there, you may have already about our campaign, Make Music Live, but just
in case you haven't, it is a campaign to raise money for research into all kinds
of arthritis. Gordon Giltrap is fronting the campaign as musicians are
particularly vulnerable to losing their livelihoods if they develop arthritis in
their hands. Over 12000 childen each year are diagnosed as well as 9 million
adults being affected.
Web link is www.arc.org.uk/help_us/mmlive.htm - Kind
regards, Eve.
Wednesday 25 June 03 13:16
Dear Dave and Barbara, Still waiting for your new songs from far East. I
will update your articles of Japanese Magazines and more.
Tuesday 17 June 03 00:29
I write from mexico. ARZACHEL its a excellent psyco album. Bye. long live
James mrhorn48@hotmail.com
Sunday 15 June 03 20:23
Just surfing the net while listening
to 'One of A Kind' from your time with Bruford and I thought of you, so I looked
you up. 'Henry and James' was a song I remember getting for free out of Keyboard
Magazine on "mini-vinyl 5" disc many years ago, you could say it seems like a
lifetime ago, and I loved it and found it the most charming little ditty. I now
wish I still had that copy when I play my Bruford collection. God only knows
where I lost it in all these years since.
I feel the solo on 'Travels With
Myself' is brilliantly phrased and is my favorite Dave Stewart moment. I'd swear
there's even an brief moment where you quote 'Henry and James' in the pop-funk
phrasing in your 'Travels' solo, even though this predates the Stewart-Gaskin
song by many years. Stay Well.
Saturday 14 June 03 19:28
Hi, I'm Boon from Drop Out Records, not the one mentioned on your website
though, hehe. I just started my punk label about 6 months ago and noticed that
there is another 'Drop Out Records' somewhere in Europe and have finally found
someone that may actually be able to help find out if this company still exists,
and any other relevant info (I don't want to change my company name hehe) so if
you could help me out, just email me jonboon19@hotmail.com. Thanks!
angie mellowman86@yahoo.com
Monday 9 June 03 14:50
Hi, I really like It's My Party even
though I was 6 months old when that song came out, I love it.
Alan St John
Saturday 7 June 03 12:02
Not the first time I've visited but nice to look at the site again. Anyone
know anything about the Martin Cockerham discs coming out soon?
brian catanzaro
Friday 6 June 03
Can anyone tell me where i can get more information about the
Ondes Martinot? is it still manufactured/ available for purchase and where can i
get brochures about it or addresses of the manufacturer or dealers in the usa?
Saturday 31 May 03 16:21
Hi Dave, Barbara, just stop by to say hello. My name is Carlos. I'm a
Canterbury music fan from Argentina. Believe or not, there are a lot of fans of
your music here, and your work is always appreciated. Thanks for being "alive
and well", making such wonderful music. Best regards from Buenos Aires.
Martinj Wickers
Wednesday 28 May 03
Being a really sad old fart, I recognised that it is twenty
five years ago to the day 28th May 1978 that I saw National Health support Steve
Hillage at the Lyceum in London. I'd seen you the year before at the Queen
Elizabeth Hall too. Sorry, but I still love the music of N. Health and Hatfields
- stuck in a mid 1970's timewarp! Thanks Dave for the wonderful music (and the
books too!)
Thursday 22 May 03 15:21
Hello Dave and Barbara, Richard and Heather thought you might be able to
answer my question of whatever happened to the Northettes? Barbara
notwithstanding, of course. Also, I have been considering doing a tribute site
in honor of the late Peter Bardens, did you know him? Thanks.
Domingo A Gonzàlez
Sunday 18 May 03 13:02
Hello Dave, God I miss the complex instrumental pieces...by now you should
know I am one of those slightly disturbed males, so I`ll better be going.
Tim Sanderson
Thursday 15 May 03 16:29
Brilliant site, thanks for putting it together, I'd been looking for info on
Spirogyra for a long time, only having BB+S in my collection, but vaguely
remembering 'Old Boot Wine' - so thanks very much! What happened to Martin
Cockerham? Did he go on to other bands? Tim.
Wednesday 14 May 03 06:31
An answer - sort of - to the Beverly Bivens (of the We Five)
Below is a link to the obit for Fred Marshall, her ex and a musical
inventor and jazz musician. He also played with Vince Guaraldi which may shed
some light on who wrote the lyrics for "Cast your fate to the wind".
Bev is
listed as his "partner of many years" and apparently was alive and living in
Berkeley, Calif. as of November 2001.
Maybe someone in that area can find out
if she is still alive and (hopefully) still singing.
The web address is
Monday 12 May 03 17:51
I have enjoyed your books so much that I am using them as texts for a
college level Music Theory class for non majors. I have a question for you about
something written on page 26 of Inside the Music. You talk about "Perfect
2nds"... Is there such a thing? I thought that seconds could not be perfect
intervals. Where am I mistaken? Please explain.
Thanks, John
michael hill
Monday 12 May 03 06:11
Hi, I'd just like to say I've been enjoying your music a long time. I'm a
volunteer announcer at the local PBS station - I don't always make it, but I
still do try to get some of your stuff on the air: Levi Stubbs' Tears / Grey
Skies. Keep up the good work. Is there anything recent I should know about?
Thanks for listening
Charlie Skelton
Wednesday 7 May 03 18:44
Hello Dave and Barb. I was wondering if you'd like to be interviewed for a
weekly email newsletter that I help run... The newsletter is called The Friday
Thing (the homepage is www.thefridaything.co.uk - which should tell you a bit
more about who we are and what we do). Hope to hear from you, and wishing you
all the best with the album, Charlie Skelton (Creative Director, The Friday
brian catanzaro
Monday 5 May 03
i haven't checked your site in a couple of years. i finally got
my own computer a few months ago. the university now requires one for study.
amazed to see that the "new" album has never come out! glad because i didn't
miss much. have fond memories of listening to your three ryko albums many many
times. can you not get ryko to release the next one? only because trying to get
usa money to you sans credit cards is difficult, but i will look into it again.
maybe things have become easier. awaiting your announcement.
Thursday 1 May 03
Does anyone have the words to the Song Locomotion? Please this
is very important. Ta, Mark
joan carles borillo
Thursday 24 April 03 20:57
Nice to hear from people who care. I love this site too.
Monday 21 April 03 20:07
Blue and jazz to organ, improvisation
Mike Wilkinson
Saturday 19 April 03 07:10
One elderly Scottish hooligan is delighted to hear that all is not lost. A
new Dave & Barb album is something to look forward to indeed, along with the
remains of my pension fund and a proper set of teeth. Just hope that the live
gig, if it happens, will be in a venue that will accommodate my zimmer.
Chris Williams
Friday 18 April 03 02:19
Since the album is not yet ready, please consider making it available in one
of the 5.1 channel formats - DTS, SACD or DVD-Audio. Of the three, DTS is
probably be best choice, if only because most anyone who owns any sort of "home
theater" system already has the ability to hear it. Also, DTS is independent of
any particular record company (Sony is behind SACD), and is more likely to
promote your music.
If the upcoming record is anything like your past work,
it's going to be very well recorded, and a 5.1 channel mix is going to be the
best way to present it.
Monday 14 April 03
just wondered what happened to little ronnie and tommie?
stephen richmond
Wednesday 9 April 03
love all your music:-) please bring us some more soon!!!
Stephen Green
Tuesday 8 April 03 23:32
D&B...good to see you are still with us and getting closer to release
date. Can I use your site to promote The Classic Rock
I am sure they will be glad to host
your live gig (in Rotherham), stock your CDs or interview you for their glossy
magazine. There is a growing number of venues around the country that promote
real music and musicians, young and, er, experienced, like yourselves.
New bands like Mostly Autumn and Karnataka have built a steady following
through CDs, gigs and DVDs. These have both been heavily promoted by the Society
along with old stalwarts like Rod Argent, Focus, the Strawbs and (society
president) Rick Wakeman. Your music will be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday 2 April 03
Blimey! Happened upon all these goings on thanks to the
randomness of the internet, and was instantly transported back to some anonymous
part of London, a rehearsal studio with egg boxes stuck to the wall, National
Health turning time and space inside out with the mind bending convolutions of
Tenemos Roads and me, aged about 10, sitting on the floor amidst a sea of
cables, eating chips and listening to Pip Pyle belch. Happy days...
in touch when you have mo, Dave – I run a magazine now, so I could, like, write
something or something. You know. About your stuff. And that.
Tuesday 1 April 03 20:00
I'm sure I speak for everyone who visits these pages when I say THANK-YOU
DAVE! for the message board update. Hope it isn't an April Fool's joke! Ha-ha!
For those asking about the EGG CDs, they were in fact reissued. I have a UK
edition of the first CD from 1992, catalog # Deram 844 168-2, remastered and
including both sides of the rare single, "Seven Is a Jolly Good Time"/"You Are
All Princes." Liner notes are by Polydor staffer John Tracy. The copy I have of
The Polite Force is Japanese from 1991 Deram POCD-1844, but I believe it also
came out in Europe the following year. My edition of The Civil Surface is also
Japanese VJD-5026 and came out in 1989. While these are all out-of-print
currently, they do show up on sites such as www.gemm.com and eBay. Ironically,
the Japanese edition of the 1st CD—which I don't think includes the bonus
cuts—is on eBay right now but ends in about five hours. The point is, until they
get a re-reissue, they're out there but you have to search and be willing to
pay. Good luck!
Dave Stewart
Tuesday 1 April 03 11:19
Despite signs to the contrary, our Web site has not been abandoned - we've
been intending to update it for a while, but had a few technical problems. The
site was originally designed by our friends Andy Reynolds and Phil Chapman
(collectively known as Creative Pitch), but it's a bit impractical for them to
continue to maintain it. We're now working on an update, so please watch this
space. (No, it won't take ten years.)
Barbara and I do read your
messages, and are very glad, and touched, to know that you're all still
interested in us. Our album is still an ongoing project - I know that sounds a
bit far-fetched after all this time, but we will finish it, and when it is
finished, rest assured that you'll hear about it. Personally, I'd like to mark
the occasion with some kind of live event, which, apart from anything else,
seems a good way for groups to bypass most of the current woes of the music
I don't have time to individually respond to questions, but
here are a few answers to recent queries:
1. Yes, I would like to publish
a collection of my Keyboard articles in book form, and will do so if I can find
a like-minded publisher.
2. I never played with Mike Ratledge, though I
greatly admire him as a musician.
3. "Why are all the 'Egg' albums not
available?" It's nothing to do with me, the 'Egg' and 'The Polite Force' albums
are controlled by Decca Records. Apparently they do intend to release them on CD
at some point, but God knows when. 'The Civil Surface' was recorded for Virgin
Records, who have done a far better job of keeping '70s albums in
4. To Giovanni - yes, we are still alive, and you're quite right,
we are aliens.
Monday 31 March 03 14:49
Has anyone considered the possibility that this site may well be abandoned,
although the message board continues to function (but with virtually no replies
to any questions or comments from Dave, Barb or any webmaster)? Aside from the
last News posting being just short of two years ago in June 2001, an e-mail I
just sent to to the website producer Creative Pitch came back as a bad address,
not a good sign. It would certainly explain why this site appears to have not
been maintained in so long, but it still wouldn't explain what happened to the
new album, supposedly in the "mixing stages" according to that June 2001 News
Just a thought...
alex matson
Monday 31 March 03 06:43
Dear Dave,
I wanted to say a long overdue thank you for a lovely letter
you once wrote me which actually has had quite an effect on my musical growth.
Back in 1988, I wrote you c/o Keyboard mag asking for advice on what sort of
education to pursue in college, among other things. You took the time to write
me back a detailed reply advising me to avoid college if my aim was to be an
original. I believe you quoted Frank Zappa - "Go to the library and educate
yourself if you've got the guts." I was thrilled and touched by your response,
not to mention impressed by your fine penmanship!
I followed your advice and,
though my technique is something I still struggle with, I don't sound like any
other keyboard players that I know of. Often when I play on the same bill with
other bands that have smokin' jazz-funk Rhodes-organ-and-Nord guys, I notice how
much alike they sound and your words come back to me. Anyway, after six years on
the road touring with a band that did not allow for much stretching out, I'm
woodshedding at home, busting out the old records and now discovering your
website. And books! Which I intend to order online as soon as I send
Strange to think what might have become of me had I not been fortunate
enough to be turned on to all the good stuff when I was a teenager. Hope you and
yours are happy and safe. Sincerely, Alex Matson
P.S.To this day I have not
found more gorgeous synth pads on record than your (Prophet?) pads on One of a
Kind. I had access to a Prophet 5 for a while, but I suspect there must have
been a bit of Trident magic added as it was a bit lacking. (Of course I realize
your voicings played a large part.) Your chords under Allan's solo on Fainting
In Coils especially... well they affect me like The Great Gate of
(Chicago Symphony, not ELP please...)
Daevid Little
Saturday 29 March 03
Dave, is anyone lashing together the Keyboard Magazine columns
you enthralled us with. As I can barely find middle C, I only lucked onto your
articles sporadically and now have injured my leg kicking my backside for my
fol-de-rol-dilly-dah-day, as it were[z]. Forever socking 'em in the jaw, Daevid
Thursday 27 March 03 22:29
Hello! Are you alive?What's the news? Dave and Barbara are Aliens!
François GRAPARD
Monday 17 March 03 12:15
Hi Dave,
Why not release a new CD by EGG either of live recordings or
from BBC tapes (I know there is some good stuff...).
By the way, did you ever
play with Mike RATLEDGE ?
Hope everything is OK. Lots of love to Barbara.
Till soon.
Jorgen Angel angel@inet.uni2.dk
Monday 17 March 03 10:45
Just want to tell you I have
uploaded one of my old photos of
click on the
thumbnail to see a bigger version.
Tuesday 11 March 03
I love this site
Kevin McClure
Monday 10 March 03 14:04
Why are all the Egg albums not available? I find it puzling that they are
not. Also Khan's 'Space Shanties', I do not know if it has been out on CD in UK
but I have not seen it. The only Egg CD I have is 'The Civil Surface', I have an
original vinyl copy of "Egg" but I have never owned a copy of 'The Polite
Force'. Caravan have recently had all their classic albums remastered and
re-released so why not Egg? All three could do with similar treatment. Even the
CD I do have is packaged very poorly. This excellent stage in the great Dave
Stewart's musical history deserves better.
simon barlow
Sunday 9 March 03 15:11
Thank you for the music, for giving it to me!
Jim Reynolds
Thursday 27 February 03 03:16
Best wishes from Idaho for a happy, productive, and prosperous 2003! I'd
rather have you working on your new release than deliver a witty reply, so keep
on working and I hope to see you at the cash register!
Tuesday 25 February 03
I think Hannah may be right, and the female vocalist of "Cast
your fate to the wind" is actually Shelby Flint. Just for your info, there is a
rock version of this song by James Gang in the "Rides again" LP. Curiously
enough, in the US version of this LP Walsh & co. play Ravel's Bolero
I follow your work since the Hatfield days (through National Health
and Bruford), and am the lucky owner of a copy also of UP FROM THE DARK. Now I'm
about to go back and discover EGG! Sorry, now I've got to go: I'm too busy doing
nothing. Greetings from Rome.
A big fan
Saturday 15 February 03
Hi, I am a big fan since the day I heard "It's my party". A
long time ago I bought a CD Single. "The locomotion" - I list the contents
1. The locomotion - extended version
Part I - The great train
Part II - The aftermath
2. Make me promises
MDS-1 P&C 1988
Midi Inc (Japan)
I am not sure if these tracks are the same as on other
CD like "selected tracks".
S&G music make my day... I hope one day
they will get together again to give the world more of their fantastic music.
Barbara's voice again and again relaxes me and makes me happy.
Steve Good
Thursday 6 February 03 22:58
Hi Dave and Barb
Well, it's been a long time since I wrote to you
last, and indeed heard back from you too! Needless to say, like many others on
this board I am patiently awaiting the "Son Of Spin", and hope that 2003 will
bring it to us (I know though that all good things are worth waiting for, and
this is gonna be a corker... I just hope I live to hear it ;-0).
I first
came across you (Dave), when we both played on the same bill at The Queen's
Silver Jubilee at Chiswick Park, London, in 1977 (wow, we've passed another of
Her Madge's jubilee's since then!), and remember seeing your (National Health)
soundcheck run-through there a couple of days before, and was absolutely blown
away, and have been ever since; also saw the QEH gig a month or so later, when
you were short of time for an encore. Reminiscing is sadly a thing of the
Anyway, take care, and hope to hear from you soon .. preferably
with news of the new album!??
Kind regards, Steve
Thursday 6 February 03 10:14
george mandrin
Tuesday 4 February 03 19:15
I've been a fan since 1980. I saw back then w/ Bruford at "My Fathers Place"
in Roslyn, New York. I was a teenager then.
Cheers, Good luck and Best
sabina eva gaskin
Saturday 1 February 03
Hello, sorry but i have never hurd from you'r music.
name is sabina eva gaskin from amsterdam,Holland.
Maybe we are related,mij
fathers name is david ivor gaskin and his father's name is herman gaskin they
are both from british-guyana(south-amerika).bey bey and keep good.sabina.
Betty K.
Wednesday 29 January 03
Great Website, spent a half hour here!! Betty K.
Wednesday 29 January 03 14:34
dear both,
The Cast Your Fate to the Wind female vocalist was I
Shelby Flint. I too loved her vocal of this music which evokes hot
summer days and sea breezes. As you say Sounds Orchesteral did it, but the
pleasure of the female singer to the words is immeasurable
Monday 20 January 03
Finally, I found the artist for the song I was searching: Your
Lucky Star. I'd love that song and would like to get "Selected Tracks" on cd. I
hate to send cash in the mail. Do you accept international money orders?
Take care.
Robert A. Janke
Thursday 16 January 03 01:15
I would love to be put on your mailing list to be informed on the release of
your latest CD. Your arrangements, melodies, harmonies and rhythms are ear candy
to this composers sensibilities. thank you . RJ
Mark Porter
Tuesday 14 January 03 19:25
Love your music but haven't heard it for some time. I'm interested in
purchasing The Big Idea. Is a cd copy still available through mail as outlined
at your site? Mark Porter Tuesday 14 January 2003 Austin Texas
Christoph Stupp
Tuesday 14 January 03
Hi, my wife Gaby and I have been fans of your music
your first CD and we are waiting and waiting and waiting for the new
one which Dave promised to be released about a century ago in the Keyboard
Dear Dave: I have been following your career since the first chord
progression I have heard of you (Forever until sunday).
I am very glad to be
able to say THANK YOU for your music!!!
You have been one of the major
influences in my own keyboard playing and music.
Love and respect from
Christph Stupp
jony band
Thursday 9 January 03 22:04
I remember the day i heard bruford's one of a kind, in terms of music and
mind a very simple words: the best music that i ever listen. 24 YEARS later, i
just cry of happines when i put this music and stay drinking a cachaça(very
popular and insane kind of alcohol of Brasil, my poor and amazing country. Dave,
you are a monster of keybord and musicality. Bruford was in Brasil, in 2002 and
i feel sorrow because Allan Holdsworth, J.Berlin and you Dave, was not here.
Sorry, i don't want be emocional, but i'm latino and the brit people are
cold.(or not?). God bless you Dave and bring to you all the good things that a
fantastic musician like you deserve. (my english is ugly).
Jim Detrick
Monday 6 January 03 18:08
Stewart/Gaskin are the ultimate sadists. Great music - then no word, no
releases, and previous recordings that are bloody difficult to buy. Is there a
God? I am beginning to lose faith. Jim
Loren Larson
Thursday 2 January 03 17:08
Dave, Barb: Big fan of the "Cloths of Heaven", "Subterranean Homesick
Blues", "Star Blind", and both versions of "Henry & James" ( Released
version on "Up from the Dark" and the Keyboard Magazine Flexidisc).
So when
is the new release coming out? It's 2003 already. We need our Gaskin and Stewart
fix. On a personal note; I bought "Spin" in Jacksonville, Florida in 1992. The
guy at the record store was trying to convince me that it was the Dave Stewart
of Eurhythmics fame. "It's him" he told me, and "Annie Lennox is doing another
one of her things here, with the "Gaskin" name change, just like the Elvis
get-up at the grammys". Yeah sure, and artists Prince and the rock band Kiss
never got any chicks.
So, where is it already? Last we heard, it was in the
mixing stage, and this was around 2001. Give us a tease, would you?
Masahiko Miyazaki
Wednesday 1 January 03 02:19
A happy new year! I hope we could see you again in Japan this year. Please
finish and release your new album!!
Thank you Dave and Barbara, Gav and
Pierre-Emile Bertona
Monday 30 December 02 22:57
With a little bit of delay : Happy Birthday Dave !
No news from you since
Jennifer Duggan
Friday 27 December 02
Hey Dave and Barb!
Many seasonal blessings to you...:) I
hope you'll recall our short aquaintance...we met in L.A., 11yrs ago I think? I
was Andrew's girlfriend at the time, we spent quite a bit of time hanging
together considering how short your time was there!
Anyway, last night I
heard that Joe Strummer died, which saddened me...but also got me to thinking
about all the music I used to listen to long ago on tape that I haven't replaced
on CD. I then went into my old boxes and realised I have a huge treasure trove
of fabulous music...including yours! I still have a copy of Spin, I also managed
to find The Big Idea secondhand about 5yrs ago and snapped it up! I've played
them both to death, and have had an even greater appreciation of both of your
talents ever since. I just want to thank you both for your contribution to my
aural happiness. Andy too, because without him I never would have been exposed
to the wonder that is S/G...;)
Please drop me a line anytime, but
especially when the next album comes out, I'd love to purchase a copy! Happy
Birthday Dave, and many more prolific years to come for you both...:D
Keep Safe...
Blessed Be,
Masato Yatagai
Friday 27 December 02 08:43
It's been so long since I wrote to you last. I still treasure the photo you
sent me via airmail many years ago - Dave, Barbara and Tommy - your beloved cat.
I moved a couple of times and my address has not been updated,I guess. Wishing
you my best for the coming year 2003.
Steven Dupler
Monday 16 December 02
Hi, Dave. Hi, Barb. This is your old pal Steve Dupler here --
Not sure where you're living these days. Plus, I've lost your numbers. It's been
too long, and I would like to talk with you both.. Contact me at
sdupler@duplergroup.com, or call me -- my home number is the same -- and leave
me a message.
Monday 16 December 02 03:41
Hello Gang:
Got a question for you. In the early 1970's there was a
film called "Say Goodbye" about animals. There is a female singer singing the
title song "Say Goodbye". Can you please tell me who that singer is? My guess is
Shelby Flint. Anybody know? It was narrated by Rod Mckuen. Thanks.
piet thomas
Wednesday 11 December 02
I'm waiting such a long time to hear something from you
A big S/G fan of the beginning ('70).
Best regards,
Wednesday 11 December
02 02:57
just luv the music
Wednesday 11 December 02 01:28
Just wanted to tell Dave how absolutely brilliant your arragement of
"Strawberry Fields..." is on Pip's CD. Those out-of-tune horns! Astonishing!
What ARE they? Well worth the wait for a S/G Beatles cover.
Entarius Esqualle
Tuesday 10 December 02 19:23
When will all you people leave them alone? When they're reaqdy you will
know. They will rise in the east as the sun. The din of their coming will deafen
all who hear. No mre will you ask for more.
enrico chiarioni
Wednesday 4 December 02 22:21
hi! after 25 years, more or less your music is also my preferite for your
sound and for the unique kind of the voice of Barbara. i saw a wonderful consert
of National Healt, in Rome at "mattatoio" maybe in 1978-79, where Pip Pyle come
on stage on a wheel seat, take 4and the band start with "dreams wide awake" and
stop afther 2 hours of special music and sound!!! I still remeber!
sorry for
my wrong english, but i will tank you for the emotion that your music give me
tank you, enrico
Monday 2 December 02
I hope that you do a tour in Italy.I have all the
records of your wonderful works with Bill Bruford.We don't have in Italy updates
records of you and Barbara,so can you do something? thanks for all of your
Best Regards
Mark Graham
Sunday 24 November 02 07:19
Hi Dave & Barb,
During the 80's you recorded some remarkable
material in a series of sessions at the now defunct Spaceward Studios (and I
made the tea!). I am currently compiling a retrospective website for Spaceward
Studios and am wtiting to ask if you'd care to contribute any recollections,
stories or photos from those times for the site :)
If you (or anyone) are
interested, please see http://www.spacewardstudios.ukf.net
My thanks to
you both for some wonderful music and memorable times!
Best wishes for
the future.
Mark Graham
(erstwhile gopher & studio
miguel angel deza
Wednesday 20 November 02
thanks a lot for living both of you, you made me happy with
your music when you were in National Health or Hatfield and The North
Neil Blackwell neil b at
i d x .com.au (no spaces)
Tuesday 19 November 02
Hi there. I am trying to find/rebuild a copy of an instrumental
compilation album from the 80s called "Horizons". I haven't been able to find
much info on the web, but I believe that you were responsible for a track called
"when the war cry comes".
There were a couple of tracks on that album
which I really loved, and I think that "when the war cry comes" might have been
one of them.
Any chance of an mp3 clip so that I can see whether it is
the track I am thinking of, and if so, where I might be able to get hold of a
copy of the track?
Many thanks in advance,
Sunday 17 November 02 17:58
ive read all of this stuff about Bev Bivens on this website, but i want
proof that she is alive. Does anyone have actual CONTACT information about her?
and if she is alive how come she doesnt come out of hiding and prove all of the
rumors wrong? These "rumors" have been flying around since the mid to late 1960s
according to a friend of mine. If she is still alive, I want proof!
Thursday 7 November 02
I respect STEWART&GASKIN. Iwould like to add your HOME PAGE
to my LINKS. Is ot OK, or not OK?
This is my HOME
PAGE. Please listen my music.
Stephen Green
Wednesday 6 November 02
They say "no news is good news".
I say "bollocks"
Jamie Pastman
Monday 28 October 02 10:37
Many years ago ('83, I think) we met in Chicago: I was the
embarrasingly awestruck keyboardist whose band opened for Bruford at the Park
West. Made a fool of myself with alarming frequency (a tortured 22 year old
attempt at nonchalance)as I tried to talk to you in the dressing room after the
show. You might remember -- I played the "Fainting In Coils" intro during the
sound check, and you thoughtfully corrected a note in my left hand. The kind of
thing I'm sure you've forgotten, but was the shining highlight of my life at
that point...
How do I say this? I'm lucky to be one of the busiest
keyboardists in Chicago (I think I've averaged 340 dates a year for the last ten
years), but there were so many years before that when I worked once, maybe twice
a month. What sustained me (and yes, corrupted me) was the love/view of music
you and your Hatfield/Egg/Health mates incubated in my musical heart. Don't know
whether to thank you or curse you -- not to many wedding band leaders relate to
the sudden appearance of fuzz organ during "Dancing Queen", but I wear your
influence, sir, proudly on my sleeve.
You might smile knowing that, on the
northwest side of Chicago, there is a community of tough, 40 something
blue-collar working guys, plumbers, plasterers, who know not every lyric by Ted
Nugent, not by Bob Seger, but by..."Hatfield and The North". They haunt
underground shops searching for "Fish Rising." They still argue whether Jeff
Berlin is a bit swell-headed. They truly love your music, and their enthusiam
has waned little in 25 years.
Neither has mine. Thanks
Han van de Graaf
Tuesday 22 October 02 23:55
Can we, without further delay, finally order/buy the new album???
Murray Hopper
Monday 14 October 02 23:02
To Barbara
I came upon this web site via my son downloading It's My Party
and when I saw the name Barbara Gaskin it seemed familar .Afganistan being very
much in the news at the time an old travel memory involving a young injured
Afgan girl on a bus from Bandi Amir to Bamiyan came rushing back to me thru the
years.I wonder what happened to that girl who's father refused to come to
Bamiyan for medical attention.Do you remember her?
Anyways I just thought I'd
send a note to a travelling friend and wish you all the best.
And all the
best to the people of Afganistan. God knows they need all the help they can get
right now.
Monday 14 October 02
Greatings from Finland!
WWW is
sometimes (quite often, in fact) a real thing: a few weeks ago I found a friend
in England, which I had lost contact with in the early eighties, and now I
bumped into Canterbury rock sites like this one. Hatfield & the North was my
favourite band in the seventies. I then listened to a heap of prog bands and
artists, and favourites were Genesis (with Gabriel), Gentle Giant, King Crimson,
Gong, Tangerine Dream, Mike Oldfield, Jade Warrior. And then I had/have records
by Soft Machine, Matching Mole, Isotope, Henry Cow, Coxhill/Miller, Caravan in
my shelf. But the Canterbury bands Hatfield & the North, Egg, Gilgamesh,
National Health (which I saw live here in Turku, Finland once) had a special
place in my word. “Rotters Club” was an important guest on my turntable, and
when I took my school exams (before going to university), I had this ritual
every exam morning (6 mornings): I woke up, put “Rotters Club” on and took a
musical trip, only connected to ground through my head phones, before getting
out of bed. (Need not say, that I managed quite well in my exams.) Anyway,
Hatfield & the North were just great. They had humour, intelligence,
noncence – and in some places, when the singing started: I got tears in my inner
eyes ( there were all these complex feelings, which could not be coloured with
verbalism… I sometimes felt like coming home, in a way). Thank you for the
music! I’m alive!
susan brighouse
Wednesday 9 October 02
Hello Dave and Barbara
Dave I have just been delving
into your book 'Reading and Writing Music' because I want to understand more
about the composition of music and how I can compose a simple beautiful rock
number unique to me. So thank you for the simply beautifully written but
informative book. I might just have a go at composing on my piano accordion with
an ambition to play in a rock band!
And I must now listen to some of
your music having read up on it. Great to see people survive in the ephemeral
music world of rock and pop. I am delighted to see the one hit wonder, John
Otway claw his way back into the charts. [By the way are you the Dave Stewart
who knows John Warburton?]
thanks for the inspiration
David Roberts
Saturday 5 October 02
Is this of interest to anyone? I've recently discovered that
I've got some "Egg" radio sessions on (mono) reel-to-reel from circa 1971. It
includes a bizarre version of "There's No Business Like Show Business" &
plenty more good stuff. Trouble is, I don't quite know what to do with it, or
how I can transfer it to some more sensible format since the old 4-track tape
recorder that plays it has no output except the speaker! As you can guess, I'm
no technical whizzkid! Any ideas? Contact me via email, if you want.
Thursday 3 October 02 17:26
Dave, I am wondering about the song "(Son of) There's No Place Like
Homerton" from "Hatfield and the North". Is there any connection there with
Homerton College in Cambridge? I attended a summer program there in 1989 and
loved the place. Please send me a quick note to let me know.
Thanks, Todd
Monday 23 September 02
"It's my party" is not the best - "Lucky Star" is!
Erm - I
know you're busy, but any chance of updating the homepage, or at least taking
the 15-month old "news in brief" off?
Thursday 19 September 02
Hi, any chance of a new album before George W blows up the
bloody planet?
Monday 16 September 02 17:12
"It's my party" is the best!
Jeremy Rose
Tuesday 10 September 02 04:59
I've been in love with Barbara's liquid voice for 20 years now, and "Make Me
Promises" still breaks my heart. That song was the closest we came to having an
"our song" when we got married - even if it is about a rotten liar. We saw you
in Minneapolis in 1991, and if you ever come out to central USA again we'll be
in the audience.
Carlo Celuque
Thursday 5 September 02
I would like to have more information about Dave Stewart
harmony in fourth or fifth.
Is there a place I can find it? Midi
Carlo Celuque
chris welwood
Tuesday 3 September 02 04:51
I hitched on the Massachusets Turnpike in the middle of the winter in the
freezing rain from Boston to Hartford to see National Health's second show of
the USA at Trinity College.The first was in Boston and was so awesome I had to
go again. Some friends and I got a ride in the back of some pick up truck for a
two hour freeze ass ride. Alan was on keyboards and played two mini moogs and a
electric piano. He "arpegiated" between both moogs and made it sound
polyphonic!! I wish the music scene would change.
P.S. saw
you Dave with Bill about three times(different tours). Those were magic times
and you help to enrich and shape my life.
P.P.S. Phil Miller solo albums are
the best!!!
Mervyn Ward
Sunday 1 September 02
Still the best music I've ever heard. Looking forward to the
new album.
Janet Fenner
Saturday 31 August 02 18:36
When will the singles CD be re-released?
Janet Fenner
Saturday 31 August 02 18:35
Would like to know when The Singles CD is being redone
James Detrick
Wednesday 28 August 02 16:30
Dave/Barb - Very depressed here on the recent dirth of great fusion music
like I use to dig in High School (Nat. Health, Bruford, RTF, Zawinul, etc.) I am
totally burned out (after a zillion rides)on Tribal Tech and the Henderson clan
vector. Any remedies? Or did it all peak "back in the day"? Jim
Martin Wickers
Tuesday 20 August 02
Having been a huge fan of Hatfields/National Health/Bruford for
over 25 years, I just wanted to say - Thank You!
It is 25 years since I first
saw you as part of N Health at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on 31 July 1977 - a
fantastic concert! I remember the encore (Underdub) was played in the
If there are any other "sad old gits" (my wife's words) who live
anywhere near Eastbourne and who want to discuss the finer points of the
Canterbury Music scene, please email me.
Jim Baxter
Thursday 8 August 02
Thanks so much for your lively and informative
reading/writing music book! I just read it online courtesy of Net Library. It
made sense to me in a way no other music notation book has. I'm not ready to
write music yet but I am ready to venture beyond reading guitar tablature,
thanks to your peerless pedagogy! Thanks again,
Jim Baxter
Jorn Barger
Tuesday 6 August 02
All my CDs are in storage, but I just saw the words "The
Big..." and got a strong longing for those healing sounds-- can we get a newer
hint than that 'June 2001' on the homepage?
Thilo Rex
Thursday 1 August 02 10:04
hello, barbara & dave !
this is t. rex again. sorry for the long
silence but i was leaving my old company (stardust) in anger and needed some
time to decide what i wanted to do (i'm sure you understand from your own
career, that a creative process can take quite some time).
i was
wondering what you are up to ... i'm starting to be part of a movie production
team (mostly british people) and we will start work on our first project already
this year in romania.
keep in touch !
thilo rex
Dan Lawrie
Sunday 28 July 02 00:03
How did it take me so long to find this site? Glad to see that you guys are
working on a new CD. Geez, it's been a decade since "Spin"...well, if it works
for Kate Bush, I guess you can get away with it too. But your fans are getting
grey waiting! Please, oh please!
Nice to hear from another of the
Northettes, Ann Rosenthal, and that she is doing well!
Thank you, thank
you, thank you both.
ronald spang
Saturday 27 July 02 19:16
cast your fate to the wind female singer was shelby flint. she also sang
angel on my shoulder
Fran McHugh
Friday 26 July 02 17:32
I too have been searching for the elusive "Cast Your Fate" rendition
remembered from the '60s with the haunting female vocal.
Have you had any
success in locating that track?
Toby Hart Dyke
Saturday 20 July 02 03:13
You want a copy of Spin? Umm... you get it from here! try this
will be revealed...
Thursday 18 July 02 15:34
Hi, I first heard Barabra & Dave's - Spin - many years ago when I lived
in Maastricht, Holland. For a long time afterwards I searched in vain for a copy
of the record/tape but was told it was out of print. Does anyone know where I
could get a copy of it? There is a song I love that I want sung at my wedding on
September 6th this year! Many thanks, Sharon
Mark C. Deren mcd@wanadoo.nl
Wednesday 17 July 02 19:25
Hi Dave, U da man! I play your
music often in my radio program here in Holland. I hope to interview you one day
and feature your fine keyboard playing. Bill Bruford was recently a guest on my
show. Thanks for all of the fine tuneage over the years.
If you get a dull
moment run to: http://www.angelfire.com/pa/progholland/
Monday 15 July 02 18:41
believe that the singer you are looking for is Shelby Flint. A female folk
singer in the 60's, better known for "Angel on My Shoulder".
Tim Black
Friday 12 July 02 14:28
Big fan of National Health for years. Queues and Cures was exactly
the right length for driving from Edinburgh to Paisley on the M8 where my
girlfriend now wife lived ( not on the M8 , in Paisley ). Therefore I refer to
this album as the Paisley music.
I discovered your site when searching
for Steve Hillage. I am nowsitting in Bahrain on holiday trying to find the
original Arabic Music which was the basis for The Fire Inside on the Open
I heard it in a supermarket here when I lived here some years ago.
If you can be of some help with Atrist title eytc I would be
Ken (Q)
Friday 12 July 02 11:56
Although I am a long-time fan of Egg, I am actually writing to say "you have
GOT to get Mont Campbell's 'Music from a Round Tower'." It is nothing at all
like Egg or Khan or NH or etc.,
but it is a brilliant piece of work,
masterminded, of course, by
the good Mr Stewart himself. Minimalist, ethnic,
peaceful - different ... get it!
Sunday 7 July 02 12:23
I have just bought a turntable after 25 years of CDs and tapes only. It has
been such a pleasure to listen to my old Hatfield, Henry Cow, Slapp Happy etc
discs. Good to see there are so many appreciative people still around.
Randy Doak
Tuesday 2 July 02 23:01
a long-time Hatfield/National Health/Bruford fan. Looking forward to checking
out Barbara and Dave's stuff. Here in Seattle there is something of a prog
renaissance in the works this summer. The Progman Festival will be featuing the
bands of Pip Pyle, Phil Miller and Richard Sinlair among many others. It's a
shame Dave and Barbara won't be present to play their version of Her Majesty is
Like a Cream Donut. Best regards
michelangelo lucco
Saturday 29 June 02 01:09
believe it or not, as an old Canterbury Sound-folk rock fan, and logically a
Egg-Hatfield-National-Spyro-Northettes fan I'm delighted to have landed to this
site I didn't even suppose to exist! I play (terribly) keys and I have many
Keyboards issues with plenty of brilliant Dave's writings.
Once upon a time,
in 1982, with my group Spriggan I recorded home a song called Treason with many
Canterbury influences, myself singing à-la-Richard Sinclair, the rest of the
group singing falsetto à-la- Parsons / Rosenthal / Gaskin fashion, and I played
an awful filtered synt solo resembling Dave's ones. Trust in me, if Dave would
listen to me he'll probably kill me, but those were the days. Sorry mumps...
Mark Bee
Tuesday 25 June 02 21:06
Wow! A site! I heard "Walking the Dog" on community station WEFT Champaign,
Il, and later when I joined up I made sure to play SPIN stuff religiously. I'd
say I've broadcasted everything on the album 3 times by now! And now I find out
I have to go out and find more albums! AAARGGHHH!!! =)))))) An astute listener
informed me of their ongoing lack of Eurythmics personnel, and that's when I
remembered my old Keyboard mags... A happy history all around. Just beautiful
stuff, can't say enuff.
Tuesday 25 June 02 02:37
Have loved you guys for years!! First heard "Its my Party" on an old episode
of "The Young Ones", then later heard "Walk The Dog" on the college radio
station in Atlanta, Ga, USA. Barbara, you have the voice of an angel and Dave,
you rock!!!! I have The Big Idea (a triumph!!), Up >From The Dark (a MUST
have for all Dave & Barbara Fans), and Spin (The Best yet!!!!) and listen to
all 3 on a regular basis. All my best to you both (if you ever read this, I
would love to hear from ya!!!!). Salut from the USA!!!!!!
Monday 24 June 02 20:08
am here nigaa i will wit for you in my county .Lagos of Nigeria.Thanks .
Ann Rosenthal
Wednesday 19 June 02
Have just found this site by chance. Would love to hear from
you both. Where are you based, how have you spent the last xx years, who are you
still in contact with from our old Egg/Hatfield/Ottawa/Henry Cow/London Road
I live in rural Shropshire, work as a Business Analyst, keep chickens,
am both a qualified gardener and management consultant (confused?) and am
passionate about hill walking and climbing mountains. Love Annie
Friday 7 June 02 23:03
'Cast Your Fate' is one my favorites. I have been trying to find a vocal
version of it for months. I have about ten diffierent instrumental versions but
still no vocal. I found a version by Johnny Rivers but it would not download and
it has not reappeared.
jon james
Friday 7 June 02 08:53
taken delivery of Dave's two books on music - special price on a brace from
Highly recommended by an illiterate like myself - but I'm hoping my
daughter will benefit. Plenty of things to leap up from comfy sofa and try and
who knows, I might be 'reading' by the end of summer - it's not often too late!
Whitstable, 2002
Wednesday 5 June 02 06:17
Hello everyone, I'd like to say thanks to Dave for his unique fuzzed out
Hammond playing (the solo in Dreams Wide Awake always has me apologising to the
curtain but not to the horrible computer alarm clock... ) and life has taken an
upward curve since I bought Space Shanty. Also love "Gnat Prong" on Hugh's
"Hopper-Tunity Box" album. D.S. al Coda is BRILLIANT, especially Flanagan's
People / Toad of Toad Hall and though Dave does not play on this one "Two
Rainbows Daily" is just what I get when listening to this one. Alan Gowen is
alive and well in my heart.....
Steve Pogson
Tuesday 4 June 02
As the proud owner of all your albums I was only
thinking the other night - wouldn't it be nice to hear something new from Dave
& Barbara. How's the new album coming on? In these days of pulp pop (was it
ever thus?) we need an injection of intelligence. Anyway enough of the soft
soap, just to say you have a fan here waiting to spend his spondulicks.
the best, Steve
Marco Livio
Thursday 23 May 02 06:37
Quando mai verrete in Italia o in Svizzera?
Ken Nordlie
Tuesday 21 May 02 05:35
- For info on Bev Bivens, look back for Rick Shiner, Friday 4 May 01 02:14
was always curious myself when I ran across this posting. Good luck!
Dean Manix
Tuesday 21 May 02 02:55
Aloha, I just added Henry and James to my collection. I would like to know
the year you first released the single. I've looked everywhere and learned a lot
except for this date. A short reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and
I'll look for you should you happen to play in San Diego.
Aloha Dean
stefano peppoloni
Sunday 19 May 02 17:47
How long time will be waiting for Your new CD?w
Thursday 16 May 02 18:01
Anyone know what happened to Beverly Bivens, lead vocalist of We Five? She's
probably only known for her 1965 hit, "You Were On My Mind", but I think she had
the most wonderful voice, ever.
Tuesday 23 April 02 20:20
Bob Meyrick
Tuesday 23 April 02
Hi there, I got here via the wonderfully convoluted route of
Gary Husband's site to Mark King's to Jakko's to here! I can only agree with
Derek Smith - please hurry up with the new album, the last Broken
Records-related product I bought was the National Health 'Missing Pieces' album
and Mont (Dirk) Campbell's 'Music from a Round Tower'. Both are fine pieces of
work and they brightened up an otherwise grey winter day when they arrived on my
doorstep a few years ago.
Live appearances would be nice too... I think the
last time I saw Mr. Stewart tickling the ivories/plastics was with Rapid Eye
Movement at the Phoenix Arts Centre in Leicester in April 1981. Over 20 years
ago... gulp!
Derek Smith
Sunday 21 April 02
Right,I,m going to get really heavy! I've just been listening
to "The Big Idea" again.Wonderful stuff! What made me angry though was when I
looked at the date that this was released--1990! Come off it,12 sodding years to
produce an album.We,ve all waited long enough Dave. It's getting
laughable.Without getting too personal it is pretty disrespecful to all your
fans not to have the site updated to explain yourself.A wee message on here
would help.After getting all that off my chest can I beg you again to give us
some music. Regards to you and Barbara
craig mcleish
Tuesday 26 March 02 23:23
Loved all your stuff with Bruford and Hatfield etc - particularly One Of A
Kind - total masterpiece. Would be interested in any latest stuff too, please do some gigs in the UK.
Thursday 21 March 02 16:35
fan of Hatfield, Egg, National Health - great music.
joanne brooks
Tuesday 19 March 02
hi dave and barbara, just want to say l love the record you
did, that was its my party,l still got the single of it trying to see if l can
get it on cd.
michael joyce
Friday 15 March 02 22:42
Hello, I am so pleased I found this site. I've been trying to search out
your music for years. I hope I do not have to wait too long for THE SINGLES to
be re-released again, as I really wanted to get a copy of WAITING IN THE WINGS.
Please could you let me know if and when it will become available. I also would
be interested in what you are doing currently. Any info would be much
appreciated. Thanks Micky Joyce.
Monday 11 March 02
Isn't the Net a wunnerful thang? Only last night did I have a
conversation with a friend of mine in which he drew attention to the
pre-existence of Sprirogyra, not to be confusing them with the other lot whose
album was on the other side of a Camel recording which I'd lent him. He promptly
played me a Spirogyra track, and then showed me a note in a record-collectors
catalogue which said something like "see also Caravan"....which didn't enlighten
us much, if at all. And now, thanks to your MOST informative website, all is
Coincidentally, he also played me the "Neil" single of Golf Girl
last night (which I felt was an exceptionally good rendition) and when I
enquired as to who was playing the musik on said recording, he was (very
unusually, for him) unable to tell me. Anybody git any ideas? Thanks
P.S. V.sad about Bardens, eh?
Cheryl Reynolds
Saturday 9 March 02 06:00
I like your version of "Amelia" better than any other artist's -- including
Joni Mitchell's!
Thursday 7 March 02
Hi there, Dave & Barbara, long time no see
(Home)Made my first CD - many thanks to you (a long time
Amelia Lee-Uff
Thursday 7 March 02 16:52
Hi, browsing the internet I came across your site and the mention of Dave
Stewart (Sam Lee-Uff). I am a Lee-Uff and there are not many of us to say the
least !! A rare breed in fact!! Could you please let me know if Dave is in fact
a Lee-Uff or what the reference to Sam Lee-Uff is. I would be very grateful if
you would take a moment to let me know as I understood that there were no other
Lee-Uffs in the world other than immediate family. Thank you very much for your
time. Amelia
Goaitsen van der Vliet
Tuesday 5 March 02 09:47
Barbara and friends, Hope you're doing well these days. It's been a long time.
Since an old friend sent me the 'Burn The Bridges' CD, my interest in Spirogyra
was regained. After many years I listened again to the three LP's I had since
1973 and I was surprised by its timeless quality ('St. Radigunds', 'Old Boot
Wine' and 'Bells, Boots & Shambles'). Hopefully I do not bother with the
following questions.
What happened to all of that beautiful material for
the fourth Spirogyra LP that never was released? Was it ever recorded in a
studio? Or, is there a good live recording available? If so, will that finally
be released too? To my humble opinion that new material was far better than most
of the the 1971 demo stuff.
As a real fan I saw Spirogyra play live
twice in the Netherlands (Groningen 7 March 1974 and Arnhem one or a few days
later). At least 40 minutes of those gigs were superb, brand new material. In
fact there were three very long, new songs: one that lasted for more than twenty
minutes about a sailor, a ten minutes piece about water flowing, and a third one
about breaking waves. Does someone out there remember?
Finally: when and
where was the last Spirogira gig?
I hope someone can answer these
questions. I'm really looking forward to that (now fifth) Spirogyra album!
Goaitsen van der Vliet, goaitsen@home.nl
Monday 4 March 02 22:24
Dave, your books are excellent but please go easy on us guitarists. We don't
Friday 1 March 02 18:49
hughie green(ish)e
Tuesday 26 February 02
Q:What's brown and sticky?
A:A stick..
Mary Reese-Rork
Tuesday 26 February 02
Dave, it's good to see you still doing what you love - and that
you are still performing with a good friend. It's been over twenty years ...
keep well and happy.
Tony Accurso
Sunday 24 February 02
The 'Dreams Wide Awake' organ solo remains the best organ solo
don hayward
Sunday 24 February 02 04:04
Hey - I think you guys must be trying to tie Steely Dan for length of time
between releases. Well I still love you guys - whatever the hell you're up
Douglas Conant
Thursday 21 February 02
Dear Dave, I am a 50 year-old erstwhile guitar player who
abandoned lessons in the Mel Bay method at about 14 years of age as soon as I
knew enough to start copping Clapton licks. Years later, (around 21 years of
age) I realized I didn't know as much as I needed in order to continue to grow
musically. Alas, another career intervened, but, I have recently returned to
music as a serious avocation due to music coming to mind and a desire to at
least write it down. That's where you, and The Musician's Guide to Reading and
Writing Music come in. You are a natural teacher, and your writing is uncanny in
communicating to people like me, who have ideas, but skipped the training
necessary to communicate or record them. The book is very helpful and
encouraging. Apart from buying your book, I'd like to thank you for making this
approach to reading and writing music available. Regards, Doug Conant.
Jerry Patton
Tuesday 19 February 02
Cast your Fate to the Wind - the female vocal was done by the
Sandpipers (AM Records).
Graham Nash
Tuesday 12 February 02 05:14
No more am I giving away my copies of The Big Eyed Deer and Spin. I keep
meeting guys in the music business who have never heard of DS + BG. So I end up
giving them my copies of The Big Idea and Spin and then I have to go hunt down
replacement copies. These are getting more and more difficult to find here in
the USA. Last time, I had to wait for 5 weeks before a copy of Spin appeared on
EBay. I wish somenone over here would take responsibility for good distribution
of DS + BG. Here I Go Again, Graham.
Mark Adams
Thursday 7 February 02
Great site for a great couple. Any chance of 'Broken-Hearted'
and 'It's My Party' appearing on the same CD in my lifetime???
Brian Evans
Wednesday 6 February 02
'They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano' - does anyone
remember that track from one of the early Egg albums? I remember buying both
Egg and The Polite Force from a sale in the local Woolworths. What a
pleasant suprise. This was probably one of the best buys of my life! I remember
going to see Egg at St Georges Hall in Liverpool at a later date. I continued
to be rhythmically amused and enlightened by Dave and Bill Bruford on Bill's
solo albums. Brian.
Tuesday 5 February 02
Hello, just a few words to say thanks for all your music since
Hatfield to most recent works. I didn't realise before hearing you how a "rock
band" could be so inventive and melodic...
Horse Majeure
Saturday 2 February 02
Dave and Barbara, thank you for all your great music! Keep on
keepin' on!
Susan Kellstrom
Sunday 27 January 02
Hi, love you guys since '86. Put out the next CD - the world
needs you guys. BTW, Shelby Flint is the name of the woman who sang 'Cast Your
Fate to the Wind.' Used to have a single but you know how those things go...
Thanks for all the fine tunes! SK
steve mitchell
Wednesday 23 January 02 20:45
I'd like to get in touch with John Marshall, who was (is?) a partner (?) in
Broken Records. If anyone has contact info, please mail me. Thanks, Steve.
Monday 21 January 02
Hello! Can't quite tell if any music is available to purchase.
I was lucky to find this site. The only song I've ever heard was 'I'm in a
Different World' - I fortunately have it on a tape of Valentines Day music
played on the air by WHFS in 1983. I guard this tape with my life and would
really love to have a CD. Please e-mail me if there is any production available.
Best Regards, Chris from Virginia USA.
Thomas Krautstein thomas@krautstein
Sunday 20 January 02 15:52
Hallo, I'm a big fan of all your records. I love also Dave`s keyboard stuff
on all Bruford Records. (When will you play with Allan Holdsworth in Germany ?
;) ) I hope there will be a new CD soon (Big Idea-style?) A happy new year and
bye. Thomas.
toni & sibilla spartarossi@katamail
Thursday 17 January 02 17:45
The music of Dave Stewart (Arzachel, Egg, Hatfield, Health...) is SOVRACCARICA and SUBLIME!
Masahiko Miyazaki mashvox@nifty.ne.jp
Tuesday 15 January 02 10:11
Happy new year Dave and Barbara. Now, we have the latest KEYBOARD Magazine in Japan that includes your last September live in Japan contents, interview and
photos. It is over 4 pages. I was glad to find it. Conversation told me that they would send it to you before. If you didn't receive it, please tell me so. I'll send it soon.
Roy Hilbinger arhil@aiconnect.com
Monday 14 January 02 01:27
Hi Dave & Barb! I was a fanatical reader of your column in Keyboard, Dave, and your approach to music theory kept me both informed and rolling on the
floor cackling like an idiot! I've since managed to come across copies of The Big Idea and Spin (Hey, Tower Records really does carry EVERYTHING!) and have
enormously enjoyed the music. Question - Do I HAVE TO send a postcard to England to get on the mailing list? Can't you just grab my email address from this
entry? I've been doing e-mail so long I've forgotten the way to the Post Office!
Kergillian roland_of_gilliad@hotmail.com
Saturday 12 January 02 20:18
The Big Idea is one of my all time favorite CDs! I bought it right when it first came out, and I still listen to it regularly! Thanks!
Luca Miti lucamiti@hotmail.com
Thursday 10 January 02 11:54
Composer, performer and improviser, I'm always searchin' for scores (in particular graphic and aleathory) for theremin; new pieces welcomed! If you can help me, please contact me soon!
Murray Feldman murray_feldman@telus.net
Wednesday 9 January 02 06:26
Dear Barbara, I am glad to see you are fine and still making music. I have often wondered where you are (I thought England) and how you are. I am living in Canada in Vancouver (can you believe it? I couldn't when I came back here), practicing homeopathy and running a homeopathic college here. Still go to India very regularly. Also go to England. My daughter is in her last year at University of Leeds. It would be great to hear from you and possibly see you again sometime on one of my visits to England. I was surfing the web one day and your name popped into my head and I put your name in and easily found you. Answer if you get the time. Warm warm regards and much love. Murray.
Casey Van Tieghem cvt105@msn.com
Thursday 3 January 02 06:45
I've been a fan of Egg since way back in 2000!
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